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Neurochem Res

DOI 10.1007/s11064-017-2239-3


A Mesiotemporal Lobe Epilepsy Mouse Model

Duveau Venceslas1 · Roucard Corinne1 

Received: 27 December 2016 / Revised: 16 March 2017 / Accepted: 16 March 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

Abstract  Among the different forms of epilepsies, mesi- MTLE Semiology

otemporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is one of the most com-
mon and represents the main pharmaco-resistant form of The classical clinical history of MTLE patients is stereo-
epilepsy. There is therefore an urgent need to better under- typic and can be divided into three main phases [2].
stand this form of epilepsy to develop better anti-epileptic First, an initial precipitating injury occurs in most of the
drugs. Many rodent models are mimicking some aspects of cases in early childhood within the first 2 or 3 years of life
the human temporal lobe epilepsy but only few are address- [5] but also in some cases in adulthood. These injuries are
ing most of the human mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy. In this often prolonged convulsive febrile seizures or status epi-
article, we describe the main characteristics of a mouse of lepticus (SE) happening during the early childhood, but as
model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. This model is gen- well head trauma, intracerebral infection, or ischemia epi-
erated by a single injection of kainic acid into the dorsal sodes [2, 6] in adulthood.
hippocampus which reproduces most of the morphologi- Second, this initial event is then followed by a latent
cal and electrophysiological features of human MTLE in phase lasting several years. This period is also known as
a mouse. This model may help to better understand mesial the epileptogenesis phase, i.e. the process by which the
temporal lobe epilepsy and the development of new thera- brain becomes epileptic. During this phase, a sequence of
peutic drugs. events occur leading to the appearance of the first sponta-
neous seizures.
Keywords  Mouse models · Epileptic discharges · Kainic Third, the appearance of spontaneous recurrent seizures
acid · Hippocampus is the indicator of the chronic phase of the disease, which
starts usually in adolescence or early adulthood. Mesio-
temporal recurrent seizures remain stereotyped along the
Introduction patients’ life with no aggravation with age [2, 4].

Mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) represents one of the

most common form of focal epilepsies [1]. In this type of Histological Alterations
focal epilepsy, seizures arise from the temporal lobe and
are accompanied by mild clinical signs [2–4]. This form of Histological analysis of the resected tissue from MTLE
epilepsy represents as well the most common form of phar- patients shows a typical pathophysiology. The most well-
macoresistant epilepsy [2]. known is the cell death of pyramidal cells of the Cornu
ammoni (CA) CA1, CA3 and hilus also known as hip-
pocampal sclerosis (HS) [7] (Fig.  1a, b) as well as a loss
* Duveau Venceslas of a subpopulation of GABAergic interneurons (those
containing somatostatin and neuropeptide Y) [8]. This HS
SynapCell SAS, Bâtiment Biopolis, 5 Avenue du Grand is recognized as the most commonly encountered patho-
Sablon, 38700 La Tronche, France logical substrate of refractory temporal lobe seizures [2, 9].

Neurochem Res

Fig. 1  Histopathological alterations observed in the hippocampus [11]). c and d Contralateral and ipsilateral hippocampi in the MTLE
of MTLE patients and MTLE mouse. a Control hippocampus where mouse model. Similarly, to the human sample a cell death is observed
all the different fields of the hippocampus can be seen. b Epileptic in the CA3 and CA1 along with a dispersion of the granule cell layer.
hippocampus, cell loss in the CA1 and CA3 is observed as well as a DG dentate gyrus, CA1 Cornu Ammonis 1, CA3 Cornu Ammonis 3.
dispersion of the granule cell layer (adapted from Houser C. 1990 adapted from [24]

Other discrete lesions can also be observed in the amygdala mossy fibers are found to sprout into the inner molecular
and parahippocampal gyrus. Associated to this cell death layer (supragranular zone of the DG) of epileptic patients
an astrogliosis is observed in the epileptic focus [10]. In with HS [11, 13–15]. Mossy fibers establish new synaptic
addition to the HS, another specific histological feature is connections with granule cell bodies and dendrites, which
observed in 45–75% of MTLE patients: the dispersion of forms recurrent excitatory circuits. The amount of mossy
the granule cells of the dentate gyrus also named the gran- fiber sprouting appears to correlate with histories of initial
ule cell dispersion (GCD) [11, 12]. The dentate gyrus in events [13], seizure frequency [15], and with severity of
normal condition is composed of two well defined layers neuronal loss in the hilus [11].
of granule cells tightly packed together. In the epileptic
hippocampus, the boundaries of the dentate gyrus’s layers
are more difficult to define and the overall dentate gyrus is Electroencephalographic (EEG) Data
enlarged. The shape of the granule cells changes as well,
they increase in size and display an elongated, bipolar shape On scalp EEG, the interictal EEG hallmark of MTLE is
with processes extending vertically within the molecular typically the occurrence of unilateral spikes and spike-
layer [11, 12]. Along with the HS and GCD a remodeling and-waves over the anterior-mesial-temporal region.
of the hippocampus is observed. In a normal hippocam- These EEG abnormalities can occur in isolation or
pus, mossy cells provide glutamatergic inputs to the inner grouped in short interictal epileptiform discharges [2]
molecular layer of the DG. In the epileptic hippocampus (Fig. 2). Interictal EEG abnormalities usually occur ipsi-
with HS, the loss of hilar neurons leads to a deafferentation laterally to the side of spontaneous seizure onset and HS
of the granule cell dendrites in the inner molecular layer. [4]. However, similar abnormalities can also be recorded
The surviving neurons (granule cells and some inhibitory independently from both mesial temporal areas, even
neurons) sprout axon collaterals and re-innervate empty though spontaneous seizures usually are generated from
synaptic sites, with functional connections, giving rise to only one side [2, 4]. Intracerebral electrodes and ste-
abnormal hippocampal circuitry. Excitatory granule cell reoEEG (SEEG) recordings reveal numerous interictal

Neurochem Res

Fig. 2  Hippocampal epileptic
discharges recorded in human
(a) and in the MTLE mouse
model (b) # Courtesy of O.
David (Grenoble Institut des
Neurosciences), L. Minotti and
P. Kahane (CHU Grenoble)

spikes that are predominantly recorded in mesial struc- treatment is the surgery. Indeed, MTLE is a so-called
tures, mainly in the hippocampus [16]. Spikes sometimes “surgical remediable syndrome” however candidates for
group to give rise to long pseudo-rhythmic discharges. such a surgery are few and this technique remains inva-
Depth EEG recordings or stereo-EEG (SEEG) reveal sive and with risks.
that the scalp EEG changes are preceded by long peri-
ods of ictal discharges in the mesial temporal structures,
often associated with the aura. Ictal changes on the scalp
EEG are usually not observed until after there is sufficient Modelling MTLE in Animals: What is Critical?
propagation to produce impairment of consciousness and
other observable clinical features of the complex partial In a recent survey performed by the team of Antoine
seizure. Globally, two different patterns of temporal lobe Depaulis, the opinion of 83 neurologists, with clinical
seizure onset are frequently recorded in SEEG: one con- expertise in epilepsy, from 33 different European coun-
sists of focal “hypersynchronous” and slow discharge of tries about the features of MTLE that are critical to be
rhythmic spikes whereas the other pattern begins with seen in an animal model was collected [18]. The most rel-
regional low-voltage fast activity [2, 8]. The “hyper- evant features in a MTLE model for clinicians are:
synchronous” discharge arises in the hippocampus and
is subsequently followed by the development of a high- • The recurrence of focal seizures with mild behav-
frequency low-amplitude discharge [3]. This discharge is ioural manifestations
followed by rhythmic spikes or slow waves, which pro- • The same brain structures involved
gressively give rise to an activity of increasing amplitude, • The same histopathology
and decreasing frequency. The initial “hypersynchronous”
discharges are usually restricted to the hippocampus and It is also important to note that the EEG pattern, the
adjacent structures, and either have no clinical correlate existence of a latent period and a similar pharmacology
or correspond to auras. Transition to the high-frequency were as well mentioned as critical.
low-voltage ictal discharge appears concomitantly with
the spread of the seizure, which subsequently results in
clinical manifestations. Ictal electrical discharges com-
monly spread to the ipsilateral neocortical region and can The MTLE Mouse Model
propagate to the contralateral mesio-temporal lobe, con-
comitantly with impairment of consciousness [2]. On the The MTLE mouse model is generated by the unilateral
contrary, the low-voltage fast activity onset is more com- injection of a single low dose (1 nmole) of kainic acid
monly seen from the neocortex [2, 3, 17]. (KA) into the dorsal hippocampus of adult mice [19]. In
Despite the development of many antiepileptic drugs the MTLE syndrome, depth EEG recording is mandatory
(AEDs) over the last decades, still 30% of the epileptic to record focal seizures; mice are also implanted with a
patients does not respond to AEDs. Among these pharma- bipolar electrode into the ipsilateral hippocampus at the
coresistant patients a large majority suffers from tempo- proximity of the injection site [20, 21].
ral lobe epilepsy. One alternative to the pharmacological Similarly, to the human condition, the intrahippocam-
pal injection of KA leads to three consecutives phases:

Neurochem Res

The Status Epilepticus (The Initial Event) First, the hippocampal theta oscillation is replaced by a low-
voltage background during the first days after KA injection.
The intrahippocampal injection of 1 nmole of KA leads Second, sporadic hippocampal spikes are observed which
to a focal SE that starts upon awakening from anesthesia progressively become organized in short hippocampal dis-
and lasts for up to 20–22 h [20, 22]. Animals display dur- charges. These hippocampal discharges increased in spikes
ing this phase asymmetric mild chronic movements of the and in duration to finally formed hippocampal paroxysmal
forelimbs, clonic deviations of the head, rotations, and/or discharge (HPD). These discharges remain localized to the
immobilization [20, 21]. EEG recording of the SE shows epileptic (ipsilateral) hippocampus, no paroxystic activity
seizure activity consisting of regular, continuous or sub is observed in the cerebral cortex [20, 21, 23].
continuous spikes, polyspikes and spike-and-wave con-
comitant to this characteristic behavior in both the ipsi and
contralateral hippocampi [22]. Generalized discharges of The Recurrent Phase and EEG Characteristics
spikes and polyspikes associated with generalized clonic
seizures of the forelimbs can be observed in some cases By the end of the epileptogenesis phase, animals dis-
[20]. play spontaneous recurrent seizures and enter the chronic
phase of the epilepsy. Hippocampal paroxysmal discharges
(HPD) consist of slow rhythmic high-voltage sharp waves,
The Latent Period or Epileptogenesis Phase followed by a higher frequency and lower-amplitude dis-
charge of spikes and poly-spikes without any paroxysmal
The SE is followed by a 2–3 week period during which the activity on the cortical derivation (Fig. 3). In rare cases sec-
activity of the injected hippocampus changes with time ondarily generalized seizures occur [20, 23, 24] (Fig. 2).
[20]. Once the HPD are established, HPD remain similar
Daily EEG recordings during this period revealed EEG during the rest of the life of the animals (up to 6 months)
patterns evolving rapidly in the ipsilateral hippocampus. (Table  1) with a similar pattern as seen at the end of the

Fig. 3  Electroencephalographic recordings from NaCl injected— injected mice, the signal displays a series of spontaneous hippocam-
(left) and kainate—(KA, right) injected hippocampi in freely mov- pal paroxysmal discharges (HPDs) 28 days after the surgery. Adapted
ing C57Bl6/j mice. 28 days after NaCl injection, hippocampal LFP from [24]
recording did not show any epileptic activities whereas in the KA

Table 1  Evolution of the W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10

number of HPD in the MTLE
mouse model from 3 to 10 Nb of 39.3 ± 3.3 37.1 ± 3.4 37.8 ± 2.8 37.6 ± 1.3 40.7 ± 2.3 37 ± 3.9 40.3 ± 2.5 34.7 ± 4.8
weeks post-KA injection, the HPDs
number of HPD remains stable /h ± SEM
over the 8 weeks post-KA
N 9 14 9 8 8 8 8 6

Neurochem Res

epileptogenesis phase. HPD occur during the state of quiet 2 decades, several other stains have been used. In all the
wakefulness with an average frequency of 40 HPD per hour strains studied, the three phases have been observed as well
[24–26]. as the occurrence of HPD and morphological alterations
During the recurrent phase, animals show mild behav- [10]. Differences have however been observed regarding
ioural changes, such as behavioural arrest with mild head the gender of the mice used. Twele and et al. recently com-
nodding concomitantly with HPD in compliance with the pared the impact of the gender in different strains on the
clinicians’ requirement to model MTLE. Because these development of the MTLE model. They found a clear dif-
behaviour changes are difficult to discriminate, hippocam- ference between males and females. In fact, in all the three
pal EEG recording is mandatory in this model [20]. A strains females did not show neither a latent period nor hip-
similar observation has been made for MTLE patients pocampal paroxysmal discharges, suggesting a sex differ-
where behavioural changes are mild and EEG recording is ence in generating the MTLE mouse model [31].
required to observed epileptic discharges [2].

Pharmacology of HPD in the MTLE Mouse Model

Histopathological Features
In a recent study, we investigated the effect of acute injec-
Histological analysis of the epileptic hippocampus of the tion of nine antiepileptic drugs on the occurrence of HPD.
MTLE mouse model shows a typical cell loss in the CA1 In line with previous studies [20, 26], we identified three
and CA3 pyramidal cell layer as well as in the hilus and categories of AEDs [24]:
GABAergic interneurons. The rest of the hippocampus,
i.e. CA2, granule cells of the dentate gyrus do not appear 1. AEDs showing effects at high doses but associated
affected. Similarly the contralateral side remains intact in with gross motor impairments and/or effects on fre-
this model [19, 21]. Along with the cell death a strong reac- quency bands. We indeed found that acute injection
tive astrogliosis is observed mostly in the lesioned areas of valproate, carbamazepine and lamotrigine can sig-
[10, 27] (Fig. 1c, d). nificantly decrease the occurrence of HPD in a dose-
The death of these cells occurs rapidly after the KA dependent manner; however, we use higher doses than
injection and remains localized to the dorsal hippocampus the ones used in other animal models of epilepsy. At
(1.5  mm from the injection site). In contrast, granule cell these doses animals displayed behavioural alteration
dispersion is a slow and dynamic process. An enlargement such as drowsiness and reduced locomotion. A quanti-
of the GCL is only seen in the ipsilateral hippocampus as tative EEG analysis shows as well a modification of the
soon as 4 days post-KA injection and up to 23 weeks post- interictal EEG power.
KA injection the GCL has completely filled the space left 2. AEDs with significant effect on HPD at relatively high
by the pyramidal cells of the Ammon’s horn [19, 21]. Dis- doses with minor effect on both the behaviour and
persed granule cells display a fusiform shape with a hyper- the frequency bands. In this group, we identify leveti-
trophy of the somata, nucleus and proximal dendrites [23, racetam and pregabalin. Acute injection of high doses
28, 29]. Another neuroplasticity alteration is observed, the of these two drugs is necessary to significantly reduce
mossy fiber sprouting. As observed in MTLE patients, a the occurrence of HPD but no obvious modifications
remodeling of the hippocampal circuits is also observed of the animals’ behavior or the interictal EEG power
in the MTLE mouse. In the KA-injected animals, mossy spectra are observed.
fibers form connexions with the GCL, in the supragranu- 3. AEDs showing a significant suppression of HPDs at
lar layer of the DG and also in the infrapyramidal stratum low doses. In this group fall tiagabine, vigabatrin, diaz-
oriens [21, 30]. epam and phenobarbital. All these drugs significantly
reduce the occurrence of HPD at similar doses used in
other epilepsy rodent models and do not show behavio-
Impact of Strain and Gender ral or qEEG alterations.

The MTLE mouse model has been established in several The suppressive effect of diazepam was somewhat
mouse strains. Originally, established in the C57Bl/6 mice expected as this compound and benzodiazepines in general
by Suzuki, the intrahippocampal injection of kainic acid suppress seizures in almost all animal models. For exam-
has been in several other strains [19]. Following this prin- ple, in amygdala or hippocampal-kindled rats, discharges
ceps article about the model, several following studies have were suppressed by similar doses of diazepam used in the
used the Swiss mice with a similar success in obtaining the present study, with limited sedative effects [32]. The large-
main characteristics of the model [20, 27]. Over the last spectrum efficacy of benzodiazepines is also well known

Neurochem Res

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