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Flunruan &esource Polices & Guidsllnes llAtt*ndancc and Leave

$*sue $.1*: St I t-lllTS/H R/pRCITOCGLlO04 I I V*rsi*n 403 LOt

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Hurnan Resource Polices & Guidelines ll Attendance and Leave

tssue No: SllL-IHTSIHRIPROTOCOL/004 ll Version 2021.01


Going forward with the neu,r and interesting autcmating systems, being introduced keeping
the long terffi interest of organization and team in mind.

This will help in the long term growth of the organizaticn and easy the system of operations
for the entire team.

lnitially, some of us may find, these new systems slightly disconcerting, however as \Me get
accustorned to them, we will find them to be exceptionaliy helpful and rewarding.

The One amsngst these is the system of recording Attendance through Biometrie Systen:!

Effective frorn itth January 2021.,.

* All attendance will be captured through Biometrie System through Face or Finger
.{" From 4th january 2021 till 31st January 2021, HRD shall effectively do the
needed handholding with the team for their queries of punching attendance on a
regular basis. However, Feb'21, onwards the system shall take aver.


o These are sorne important features of the system; do read the point below carefully:

o The attendance system works on the basis of "First lN -- Last OUT". This means

* The First time you come into the office and punch in, it records it as: THE TIMI YOU


t The second time you punch in, it records it as: Tl-lE TIME YOU HAVE LEFT THE WORK

a Missed Punching should be reported on same day to Attendance SPOC and in

Att*ndance Group to avoid any deductions. lf not informed on sam* day, that day will
be marked as Absent, per System.

I tfgoing outside for official purpose and not expected to return back during working hours, th*n in that
case employee is required to Punch Out before leaving and notify in Attendance Group for early
leaving for Official work. If employee come back during working hours then it is compulsory to mark
Out Punch again before leaving for the day.

Ali policies and guidelines are subject to ehange without prior notice and are not binding on the
organization" Any change whatsoever shall be deemed as an arnendment and shall supersede ail existing
information for that policy/guideline.

Human Resource Polices & Guidelines ll Attendance and Leave

lssue No: SllL-IHTS/HR/PROTOCOL/004 ll Version 2021.01

f 1tt

Wcrking Hours

Office timings are throughout the year. All Team Members are expected to
reach offiee by sharp 9.00 AM with minimum hours of duty per day [includes 45 minutes of
lunch breakl.

Depending on the job requirements ancl special circumstances, there may be need of working
for more th*n prescribed hours a day which shall be "on will' basis as per work requirement
per the completion cf assigned work/ exigency.

Employees are encouraged to devote quality time in working hours.


1. *[i:ii iii-i$, flexibility is given on daily basis but 9.L0 is not the time of office and
right of an employee.

2. ln addition to Ten minutes flexibility, are given in a month as short

leave for exigency or any reason. Any team member caming late or leaving early for
more than Six times in a month shall laose % day leave from 7th instance onwards'

3 Under exceptional circumstancas a team mernber can opt {or flexi time
in a month till 9.3$am only, pravided as iong as they are at work for minimum I hours
for that day. Less working hours on that day will be entertaining hourly deductions.
*Six hours Conditions-

* Si, haurs relaxation can be only availed once in day not twice"
* Availing relaxation in morning should be notified in attendance grCIilp. Though, Early
leaving from office will require approval of reporting head in written, otherwise will
be treated as absent
* lt cannot be cambined with Campensatory Off of Holi, Diwali etc early official
I lt cannot be cornbined wit* half day leave.
* Calculation will be in hours. [xtra consumed minutes shall be deducted as Next hour'

Except above there will be no Graee period as such and after consumption of above facility non
completion *f I hcurs per day shall result to deductions without notificaticnsl follow-ups.
please note that flexible work sehedule is a facility given by the cornpanyto meet staffing
needs, to avoid unnecessary deductions of our Team rnemhers and make them feel
comfartahle to plan their duty flexibly within established limits. ?herefane, klndly do not
- misuse it!

Page 3
AIi p*licies and guidelines are subject to change without prior notice and are not binding on the
organization. Any change whatsoever shall be deemed as an amendment and shall supersede all existing
information for that policy/guideline.

and Leave
Human Resourte Polices & Guidelines ll Attendance
lssue No: Slll-lHTS/HRIPROTOCCIL/S04 ll
version 2021'01

gllotted Paid Le,FveS,pe( tnqnlh
i. witf,i,Probation Period- l Leave per month
b. After Probation Period- 2 Leaves
per month
c. For Workers- 1 daY Per ffionth
in sarne month with salary'
Benefits- lf not consumed it will be encashed
same month.

2. Sapatted Holidqvt
year including Sundays'
f f e izetted Holidayi will be declared in each

3_, teayqg CategqrleE

Leaves, he is required to notify and submit

a. Allotted Leaves--lf an employee takes allotted
whatsApp in Attendance firoup'
written information to HR and Reporting Head, through
leaves, approval of Reporting head is
b. More then allotted Leaves; For more than allotted
of concerned person who will handle
required on Leave Application Form with the signature
More than allotted leaves will be
working in absence,'with Final approval of Management'
person shail not be entitled for any salary for the
considered as reave without pay. tn which
time period of unallotted Leaves'
leaves which are not availed brl the
c. Earned leaves-These are the encashment of allotted
as Earned Leaves' These leaves can be
employee for a particular month, will be considered
Earned leaves are calculated and encashed an
enchased in the same mOnth but not later on.
the basis of Gross salarY"

ifi written to both' Reporting Head and

All "unplannedlunfortunate" leaves shoulci be informed
HRD through whatsapp group on or before
9.30 AM. lnformation after 9'3GAM irrespective of
shafi be marked as Absent with full day sala.ry
any reaEon shafi not be csnsidered and that day

4. l&aVLClrype;lf any Sunday ar Holiday are coming in-between the period of your leaves
give* and shali be treated as Leave and
then, benefit of Sunday and other holidays shall not be
deducted from the salarY'

Manager and HR before

e. Absenteeism-ln case a person does not inform the Reporting to
g.30arn or if Heporting heads fails to inform abaut his departnrental employee's leave
HR before 9.30am, the day shall be cgnsidered as absenteeism,

Page 4
prior notice and are not binding on the
All policies and guidelines are subject to ehange without
shall be deemeel as an amendment and shall supersede all existing
organization. Any ehange whatsoever
information for that policy/guideline'

and Leave
Human Resouree Polices & Guidetines ll Attendance
Version 2021'01
lssue No; SllL-l HTS/HRlpRSTOC$LlS04 I I

3 days remains absent from office

6. AbSCOnding-lf any employee for more than continuouE
as absconding' ln that case reporting head
without intimation then situation shall be considered
be given to him through HRD with cc to his/her
is required to inform HRD and Nctice will per
duty hack within defined days/period as
for written explanation. lf not responded or ;oined of
issued Notice, suitable action shall be taken
at sole discretion of the Management and in case

d n
if not in Group
f*plsBifggt WhatsApp to HR or SlVlS,
conversation shall be entertained and accepted
Note- No verbaltelephonic

LeavelLatg.pom.iqqiqli$?tion c.ut otf lime i[ Mqnq:irys


Permission/ APProvats

For late coming wrltten lnformation is required in Attendance Group'

is required in written' otherwise' it will
For early leaving from Office, Report!ng Head approval
be marked as Absent'

by the Reporting
permission sn 6ate. Pass is required to fill by the candidate and to be approved
Head and HR.
* No emplayee shall be permitted to directiy visit
frorn home for officialworking'
to HR timely"
Reporting Head or by Management and should be informed
personal work'
e lf form is not submitted then it will be considered as

a) Req*ired to droP a message in written directly to their Reporting Heads'
b) Reporting Heads are comp letelyresponsibletogiveLeavelnformationoftheirTeam
from their
members to HRD, if theY have received information timely
Official WhatsApp Group
c) Reporting Heads ar"e required to drop a message on Company's
for their leaves for the inforni ation of HR and Management.

Page 5
prior notice and are not binding on the
Ali policies and guidelines are subject to change without all existing
as an amendrnent and shall supersede
organization. Any change whatsoever shall be deemed
infcrmation for that policy/guideline'
I r-r Ni{r'r HAN DI CRADFT$

and Leave
Human Resqurce Poliees & Guidelines ll Attendance
lssue No: SllL'IHTS/HRIPRCITOCOL/004 lt Version

1. First responrsibility lies with Reporting H*ads far
their departnrental Team mernber's
punctuality and for aliotted/unallotted
disciplinarY iss ues such as lrregularities and un
leaves aPProvals'
2" Final approval of Managing Director, if leaves
are more than allotted leaves; only after
approval of Reporting f,"als and HR by mentioning person responsible in his/her
applications from Repcrting heads
absence to avoid work suffer. Unapproved Leave
of senior Authorities'
shall not be ent*rtained by HRD for further approvals

1. One Paid Leave ilor emPloYees i n Probation)- No Deduction

2. Two paid leaves (For ernPloYees after Probation) - No. deduction'
3. Absenteeism (On Permissibie days without information)*Penalty
of Rs'100/day

employe*s & Rs. 25/day for workers, with Full day Salary'
day shall be paid extra on the basis
4. Earned leaves (lf not availed Permissible Leaves) -Fer

5. Half day Leave Beductions- If hours consurned rnore than 6 hours in a month days for
5. Leave without pay- Deduction of Full day salary for no. of unallotted leaves/
which employees has not been in office'

"Proqedure fsr planned leaves-unallotted"

More than permitted leaves in a month require prior approval
of Reporting Managers
approval then employee
and Managing Director before going on Leaves' if not taken
shall he marked as absent with penalty of Rs. 1-00
per day with full day salary
by concerned employee,
2. All leaves applications should be filled at least a week before
person in hislher
get it signed/approved by Reporting head by defining the responsible
absence to handle work responsibilities'
3, Signed and approved leave applications to be suhmitted to HRD only, prior a week"
4. Signed leave applications of a week will be forwarded by HR to MD's Secretary for
for timely approval'
approval. urgent leaves (if any) shall be forwarded separately
5. Team members are required to check the approval of subn'litted Leave applications
before going on leaves from HR'
6. All Reporting ManagerslDepartment heads are required to check the reason of

provlde his/her decision wlthin same day of submitted application by the
7. l_ate suhmission of Leave applications and approvals due
to gaps of any ccncerned
person shall not b* accepted and that day will be c*nsidered as Absenteeism'
and do follow-ups
, Therefore, employees are requested to self-expedite this activlty
Page 6
are not binding on the
All policies and guidelines are subject to change without prior notice and
and shall supersede all existing
organization. Any change whatsoever shall be deemeci as an amendment
!nformation for that policy/guideline'

Human Resource Polices & Guidelines ll Attendance and Leave

lssue No: Slll-lHTS/HR/pROTOC0L/S04 ll Versisn 2021.01

B. Signed applications from fteporting Managers, HRD and Management shall only make
the Tearn member eligible tc proceed for Leaves.
g. lf a team member is outside office/on official duty and has to take leave, she/he must
inform by SMS/email to both Reporting Managers and HR and fill the leave applications
within 2 working days once he joins back the duty'
1,0. tn case HR does not receive duly filled leave application, pre-approved by the HOD from
concerned team member, withln two working days once joins duty, HR reserve the
right to mark absent as per the policy. ln such cases, responsibility of managing leave
approval lies with team member anly.
1"1,. Team Members and Reporting Managers are advised to
plan/approve leaves in
advance whenever possible considering their and their Team member's plans in same
departnnent, work commitments and making sure that the irnpact of their leaves are
minimal. lf not, Team members and Line Manager are squarely responsibie for all work

"U.nqlan nedlU nfortu nate Lea.Yes "

Frccess of leaves submission shall be the same as mentioned above which he/she needs
to be submitted imrnediately on the day of joining duty ot" till the end of same month,
Late applications I delays shall not be followsd up by HR department and shall be
treated as Absenteeism if not submitted timely'

1. Onus lies oR Reporting heads fsr Disciplinary issues, lrregularities,

Unpunctuality and Work Discipline of their subsrdinates/ Team members"
Z. l;llritten Notificationl Alerts for disciplinary issues initially will be required by
Team leaders to maintain the professional decorum of the Company and they will he
questionatile first for the issues of respective department and for their actions.
g. Team leaders will have Full authority to approve/ disapprove the leave
applications, Late comings, Early lcaving of their Subardinates.
4. Written c*mmunication/ Mails needs to be saved for future questioning from
fteporting l-leads.

SPOC for Attenda*ce and Leaves-

Asst. Manager-Statutary {E-mail-} ll Ext- ?18

For $ll

Sr. Ma uman

M*naging Dire
All policies and guidelines are su ect to change without prior notice and are not binding on the
organization. Any change whatsoever shail be deemed as an amendment and shail supersede all existing
information for that poiicy/guideline.

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