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Kalinaw Flower Plant

(Nelumbo serenitatem)

The island province of Palawan is known for its white sand beaches and beautiful rock
formations as well as various flora species that are only found in the said area. Recently, I conducted a
research study along with my team of fellow researchers to investigate the endemic flora of Palawan.
This study led to the discovery of the new plant species which is locally called “Kalinaw”. Kalinaw
(Nelumbo serenitatem) came from the family of lotuses, hence, its physical features resemble the
characteristics of the aforementioned plant. Since it is related to lotus, it also has the characteristics of
a lotus wherein the Kalinaw plant relies on sunlight in order to live, similar to lotuses. Kalinaw
normally appears to be pinkish-white in color with small and pointed green leaves, along with a
brown lower layer that serves as its roots. Despite that, this plant does not grow on water unlike a
lotus, but it grows on sand instead wherein its roots are attached to the sand.
Locals stated that this flower is able to withstand the tropical rainforest climate of Palawan.
This is due to its characteristic to adapt in both warm and rainy weathers. Kalinaw’s lifespan lasts
from one to two months. This flower plant mostly blooms in big numbers every Summer season,
ranging from March to June. In normal months, it is expected that only around hundreds may bloom.
One of the main causes of the plant’s death is due to excessive water since it blooms near the sea.
When wild waves hit the seashore, where most kalinaws inhabit, this would drown the plant, causing
distress, which will lead to its death. Another reason is due to animals and sea creatures that feed on
the said plant due to its sweet nectar.
This flower plant is extremely useful to locals because this plant actually contains medicinal
benefits, therefore, they refer to this plant as “Flower of Life”. Pregnant women use the nectar of
kalinaw to make a tea to ensure the safety of their unborn child since it is believed that kalinaw extract
is healthy to drink during pregnancy, ensuring a safe delivery during childbirth. Aside from that,
kalinaw also helps in treating wounds since the flower can be used as poultices which can be applied
directly to the affected area. According to the research study, it is proven that kalinaw can also be used
to make cough syrups because it contains medicinal properties that can cure coughs. Kalinaw’s flower
is also used in creating decorations for houses since many locals believe that it attracts good luck to
those who put it in front of their doors. It is indeed without a doubt that Kalinaw is an amazing plant
due to its origin and characteristics as well as its benefits to the people in Palawan, may it be for
decorative or medicinal purposes.

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