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Writing task 1 – CAM 13 – Test 2

The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented
accomodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The given chart illustrates the proportion of families owning and renting habitation
in England and Wales in a period of 83 years starting fromin 1918.
Overall, It it is apparent from the information supplied that the rate of families
lived in their own accommodation increased, while that of families in rented
residence decreased during the period showned. OverallNotably, in the middle of
the survey duration (in 1971), the proportion of two groups mentioned above were
In 1918, 76% families in England and Wales lived in rented
accomodationaccommodation, accounting for the highest rate of the period. The
percentage of this group decreased from 75% to 68% in 1939, before keeping
stable in the next forteen years. After that, there was a steady decrease in
proportion of this group by more than a haft from 1953 to 2001. Then, this number
slightly increased again in ten final years from 31% to 36%.
Constrastingly, the rate of households lived in their own habitation increased from
24% in 1918 to its peak of (69%) in 2001. There was also a small change in the
trend of this group’s data in ten final years with the a decrease from 69% to 64%.

Điểm: 6.5

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