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Module 1: Osteology
 Spinous process
 Transverse process
 Acromial end
 Sternal end
 Acromion process
 Coracoid Process
 Glenoid cavity
 Neck
 3 Angles and 3 borders
 Supra and Infraglenoid tubercles
 Suprascapular notch
 Subscapular fossa
 Spine
 Supraspinous fossa
 Infraspinous fossa
 Head
 Anatomical neck
 Surgical neck
 Greater tubercle
 Lesser tubercle
 Intertubercular sulcus (also called bicipital groove)
 Deltoid tuberosity
 Radial groove
 Medial and lateral epicondyles
 Medial and lateral supracondylar ridges
 Capitulum
 Trochlea
 Radial fossa
 Coronoid fossa
 Olecranon fossa.
 Head
 Neck
 Tuberosity
 Styloid process of radius
 Interosseous border
 Dorsal tubercle
 Olecranon process
 Coronoid process
 Trochlear notch
 Radial notch
 Ulnar tuberosity
 Styloid process of ulna
 Interosseous border
8 carpal bones:
 Scaphoid
 Lunate
 Triquetrum
 Pisiform
 Trapezium
 Trapezoid
 Capitate
 Hamate
Bone of the hand:
 Metacarpal
 Proximal and distal phalanges

Module 2: Intro to Joints none

Module 3: Muscles of Shoulder

 Thoracolumbar
 Trapezius
 Latissimus dorsi
 Deltoid
 Levator Scapulae
 Rhomboid Major
 Rhomboid Minor
 Supraspinatus
 Infraspinatus
 Teres Minor
 Teres Major
 Triangular
 Quadrangular
 Subdeltoid (subacromial)
 Suprascapular (superior transverse scapular)

Module 4: Muscles of Arm

 Clavipectoral
 Brachial fascia
 Lateral Intermuscular septum of the arm
 Medial Intermuscular septum of the arm
 Bicipital Aponeurosis

 Pectoralis Major
 Pectoral Minor
 Subclavius
 Serratus Anterior
 Subscapularis
 Biceps brachii
 Long head of the biceps brachii
 Short head of the biceps brachii
 Coracobrachialis
 Brachialis
 Triceps brachii
 Long head of the triceps brachii
 Lateral head of the triceps brachii
 Medial head of the triceps brachii
 Cubital
Space and Triangle:
 Axilla
 Deltopectoral Triangle

Module 5: Muscles of Forearm

Fascia and Retinacula:
 Antebrachial fascia
 Flexor retinaculum
 Palmar aponeurosis
 Interosseous membrane
 Extensor retinaculum
Muscles: anterior compartment
 Pronator teres
 Flexor carpi radialis
 Palmaris longus
 Flexor carpi ulnaris
 Flexor digitorum superficialis
 Flexor pollicis longus
 Flexor digitorum profundus
 Pronator quadratus

Muscles : posterior compartment

 Brachioradialis
 Extensor carpi radialis longus
 Extensor carpi radialis brevis
 Extensor digitorum
 Extensor digiti minimi
 Extensor carpi ulnaris
 Anconeus
 Supinator
 Abductor pollicis longus
 Extensor pollicis brevis
 Extensor pollicis longus
 Extensor indicis

Module 6: Muscles of Hand

Fascia and Aponeurosis
 Palmar aponeurosis
 Digital (flexor) fibrous sheaths
 Extensor expansions (extensor hoods)
 Carpal tunnel
 Abductor pollicis brevis
 Flexor pollicis brevis
 Opponens pollicis
 Abductor digiti minimi
 Flexor digiti minimi
 Opponens digiti minimi
 Lumbrical muscles
 Adductor pollicis
 Dorsal interosseous muscles
 Palmar interosseous muscles

Module 7: Nervous system-none

Module 8: Innervation
Brachial Plexus:
 Dorsal root
 Ventral root
 Dorsal root ganglion
 Spinal nerve
 Dorsal primary ramus
 Ventral primary ramus
 Long thoracic
 Lateral cord
 Medial cord
 Posterior cord
 Lateral pectoral
 Medial pectoral
 Dorsal cutaneous (there are a number of these)
 Spinal accessory (CN XI)
 Dorsal scapular
 Suprascapular
 Musculocutaneous
 Lateral root of the median
 Medial root of the median
 Upper subscapular
 Thoracodorsal
 Lower Subscapular
 Intercostobrachial
 Axillary
 Radial
 Superficial branch of the radial
 Deep branch of the radial
 Lateral antebrachial cutaneous
 Median antebrachial cutaneous
 Ulnar
 Dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar
 Palmar cutaneous branch of the ulnar
 Superficial branch of the ulnar nerve
 Common palmar digital branches of the ulnar nerve
 Proper palmar digital branches of the ulnar nerve
 Median
 Anterior interosseous nerve (or deep branch of the median nerve)
 Palmar cutaneous branch of the median
 Recurrent branch of the median nerve
 Common palmar digital nerve branches of the median nerve
 Proper palmar digital nerve branches of the median nerve

Module 9: Blood Supply

 Subclavian
 Thyrocervical Trunk
 Transverse Cervical (superficial branch and deep branch)
 Suprascapular
 Axillary
 Thoracoacromial trunk
 Posterior Humeral circumflex
 Subscapular
 Scapular circumflex
 Thoracodorsal
 Anterior circumflex humeral
 Posterior circumflex humeral
 Brachial
 Deep (profunda) brachial
 Ulnar
 Common interosseous
 Anterior interosseous
 Posterior interosseous
 Superficial branch of ulnar
 Deep branch of ulnar
 Radial
 Radial recurrent
 Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
 Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery
 Princeps pollicis
 Radialis indicis
 Superficial palmar arterial arch
 Common palmar digital arteries
 Proper palmar digital arteries
 Deep palmar arterial arch
 Palmar metacarpal arteries

 Axillary
 Cephalic
 Basilic
 Median cubital
 Brachial (venae commitantes of the brachial artery)

Module 10: Joints

Sternoclavicular Joint:
 Sternal end of the clavicle
 Manubrium of the sternum
 First costal cartilage
 Sternoclavicular ligaments
 Articular disc

Acromioclavicular Joint
 Lateral (acromial end of the clavicle)
 Acromion
 Coracoclavicular ligaments

Shoulder (Glenohumeral) Joint:

 Glenoid cavity
 Head of the humerus
 Glenoid labrum
 Subscapular bursa
 Inserting fibers of the following muscles:
 Supraspinatus
 Infraspinatus
 Teres minor
 Subscapularis
 Coracoacromial ligament
 Transverse humeral ligament
 Tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle

Elbow Joint
 Capitulum of the humerus
 Head of the radius
 Trochlea of the humerus
 Trochlear notch of the ulna
 Radial (lateral) collateral ligament
 Ulnar (medial) collateral ligament
 Annular ligament
 Tendon of the biceps brachii muscle

Proximal Radioulnar Joint:

 Head of the radius
 Radial notch of the ulna

Distal Radioulnar Joint:

 Head of the ulna
 Ulnar notch of the radius
 Articular disc

Wrist (Radiocarpal) Joint:

 Distal end of the radius
 Scaphoid
 Lunate
 Triquetral

Intercarpal joints

Carpometacarpal joints

Joints of the Hand and Fingers:

 Metacarpophalangeal joints
 Proximal and Distal interphalangeal joints
 Interphalangeal joint of the thumb

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