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1.what the main purpose to made tenun pagatan?

2.what the different think cloth tenun pagatan with the other cloth long pagatan people made this cloth without the motif
4.if this a hereditary culture from bugis people.what make tenun pagatan now nativ
to Kalimantan? they make their own silk yarn from nature,or buy it
6. what is the selling price range of tenun pagatan
7.Is pagatan weaving only sold in the Kalimantan area?
8. what is your main goal to present this traditional cloth?
9. what is the basic materials of tenun Pagatan tools
10.why the best quality of tenun pagatan uses silk yarn?

Well thank you for your question, that’s really nice questions, and I’ll try my best to
answer your questions
1. Actually the main purpose of making tenun pagatan is only for the cloth of
pagatan society, as we know tenun pagatan has been exist since the mid 18 th
century ago. And thankfully this tenun pagatan still exist until now, with the
current development of time, so tenun pagatan has been known as a traditional
cloth from pagatan. Now tenun pagatan is a woven that can be made for
anything, and of course it has beautiful culture in it
2. The differences of tenun pagatan with the other cloth is very visible. How it not?
First that’s clearly different is the motifs, for example let’s we see beautiful east
sumba woven from NTT then we see tenun pagatan. East Sumba woven motif is
thicker with images of dynamic living creatures such as lions, deer, horses, birds,
and others. and of course behind its awesome motifs there are a meaning from
that. As well as tenun pagatan, the motifs of it more identical to natural
conditions in pagatan area, because pagatan is a costal area then the motifs is
like a boat, coconut, fish and so on. Second one is the process in the making of
that woven, tenun pagatan can be made by natural and synthetic dyes that take
shorter time to make it, but east sumba woven is only use natural dyes so it
need longer time to make it. And the last is the meaning of the use of that
woven itself. Tenun pagatan usually used for traditional event like mappanretasi
which is always held every year and tenun pagatan is a traditional cloth from
pagatan. And east sumba woven as a symbol of love and a sign of respect for the
husband and also used for welcoming births, wedding celebrations and for
funerals. regardless of it all, every woven has it own special things that make
beautiful diversity
3. Tenun pagatan already has it own motifs since it was made, because of that the
motifs of tenun pagatan more identical to conditions of pagatan area. Well then,
tenun pagatan always has it motifs from the first
4. Absolutely, tenun pagatan is a hereditary culture. Then what’s make this culture
native to kalimantan? The answer is, beacuse tenun pagatan was made in
pagatan, whis is pagatan is in south kalimantan. And also tenun pagatan was
made by Bugis tribe that has lived in Pagatan for a very long time. That’s why
tenun pagatan native to south kalimantan
5. Well, for many years ago the silk yarn was sent directly from south sulawesi
because the silk yarn doesn’t exist in south kalimantan. But by the time, the
weavers buy it from java island. Usually 5 kg silk yarn purchased at a price of Rp.
1.6 million, you can get 15 sheets of cloth or sarong are produced.Or, for every 1
kg of silk thread you get produced about 3 pieces of cloth.
6. Tenun pagatan is really affordable, the price range is from a million rupiah to
150.000 rupiah, but off course that higher price is for the best quality of tenun
pagatan usually made from silk yarn and for original songket type that woven
uses a yarn with a mix of gold. Then for the woven only with the ikat pakan and
ikat lusi motifs usually sold from 500.000 rupiah, next for clothes made from
tenun pagatan is sell from 500.000 rupiah and more, and last for tenun pagatan
with ordinary quality and with motifs that are commonly sold between IDR
150,000 up to IDR 250,000 per sheet
7. is tenun pagatan only sold in south kalimantan? Yes of course, because this is
the origin weaving from pagatan. But that’s nothing to worry about if you want
to buy or see the process in the making of tenun pagatan. Because we live in a
modern era, then we should to use technology for the positive things right? you
can go to our webstie and other online shopping platform if you want to have
this one beautiful tenun pagatan, and you can open youtube to see the process
of making tenun pagatan
8. what my main goals to present this traditional cloth? Well, Of course to
promote this traditional cloth, because not many people know about it yet, and
then I want to share to you all about the beauty of tenun pagatan, as the
proverbs say, if you don't know you don't love. And form my main goals I want
to make this tenun pagatan famous nationally and even internationally, if it
possible. But what can’t we do? Because I believe that we are great indonesians.
9. Tenun pagatan’s tool is a traditional tools that made form woods, and other tool
is a loom not machine. All the tools for making tenun pagatan still using hands,
so you can imagine that make one tenun pagatan is not an easy thing, right?
Because of that the weavers will make tenun pagatan carefully and of course
with good quality and beautiful motifs.
10. Well, actually this is a belief from old times. But also have a several prof, frirst as
we know silk yarn is so soft, and this is a natural yarn, most of the material from
nature never disappointed and always good for environment, second is silk yarn
absorbs water and sweat, this makes the silk feel cool to wear even in hot
weather, then silk yarn is very comfortable to wear and suitable for all skin
types, next, silk yarn have a natural sparkle from it silk fiber and it will make it
more elegant to wear. And last, silk yarn is durable and long lasting materials

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