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Nama: Sandra Waworuntu

Kelas : XI AKL B

Q &A
1.when was pagatan woven fabric introduced in pagatan?
2.What are the features of pagatan woven fabric?
3.why does the process of making this woven cloth have to be done by hand, while
now technological tools have been updated and faster by using machine?
4.what dyes are used in weaving pagatan cloth?
5.what equipment is used to make woven cloth? many ways are there to make woven fabric?
7.what value is there in pagatan woven fabric?
8.In your opinion, is pagatan woven fabric the best quality product? do your introduce your local products to people who don't know about this
pagatan woven fabric?
10.does this pagatan woven fabric need to he developed and maintained among
today's young generation?

1. Actually the woven cloth came together with the Bugis people who came to
Pagatan and of course that was a long time ago, since the mid-18th century.

2.Like other fabrics, of course, Pagatan woven fabric has its own characteristics,
1. have a soft texture
2. has a variety of motives, motives are not just any motive but have meaning
3. made using equipment and materials made from nature
4. made by hand
5. use natural dyes
so, based on all that, it can be concluded that pagatan weaving is definitely
guaranteed to be used daily, or on certain days

3.because the pagatan community wants to maintain a hereditary culture, one of

which is to continue to use traditional equipment because if you use a machine then
it's not pagatan weaving, because from how to make it it has become a hallmark

4. Dyes are used to dye yarn that is ready to be used for weaving. There are two
kinds of dyes, namely traditional dyes and factory-made dyes.

1.Traditional coloring materials are kesumba or indigo and kabuau leaves for black.
Kabuau is a type of plant whose fruit is used as marbles in the marbles game in the
rural area of Kali
2. The factory-made dye used for dyeing woven yarn is wantek. The color of wantek
is varied, making it easier for weavers to create the weaving pattern they want. How
to use it is to dip the thread into wantek.former Selatan.

5.because this pagatan weaving is originally handmade, of course a lot of equipment

is used, of which there are

Roweng or stretching machine, namely equipment for stretching or unrolling threads

from the coil.

Ola. This tool is used to wind woven threads.

Unuseng or papali, used to slope the pasulu thread or weft thread, which is the
thread used to insert the sau thread during weaving.

View. This tool is used to tie the thread on the ikat before being dipped into the dye.

Saureng, which is a tool for arranging self-made threads.

Patekko. A tool to hold the two threads of self or sau at the time of mahani.

Free. Tool for separating the threads.

Rollers (awereng) and pucucukkare. A tool for making gaps or distances that
separate the threads (sau).

Are, which is a tool for arranging and inserting songket woven threads when making
ornaments on songket woven fabrics.

Comb (jakka). Tool for adjusting the threads (sau).

Pamalu, which is a tool to wind the threads (sau) that has not been woven.

Pessa. A tool for rolling cloth that has been woven or sau that has been woven with
the pasulu.

Simon. Tool for placing hammers.

Tamrajeng is a tool that can make a sound when tightening pasulu or weft threads.
Its function is to let people know that there are people weaving in that place.

Boko-boko is a tool to stretch the thread itself during weaving.

6.for how to make there are 2 ways to make this pagatan woven cloth, songket and
ikat, I will explain briefly, I will start with songket
in this way it starts by giving color to the woven yarn, then dipping into the cooked
rice pat, its function is to harden the yarn, and finally insert the woven yarn as

The second method is tying, starting with the mangola process, inserting a bundle of
threads into roweng then, then, Makajuneng transfers the thread from ola to
ajuneng, next to bebbe, namely tying the yarn and after being tied the yarn is dipped
in dye (Ikasumba), and after it is dried in the sun to dry then untied, and finally
winding the yarn on the equipment before the weaving activity is carried out

7. Pagatan weaving is very affordable, the price ranges from one million rupiah to
150,000 rupiah, Then for weaving only with weft and warp tie motifs are usually sold
starting from 500,000 rupiah, then for clothes made from pagatan woven clothes are
sold starting from 500,000 rupiah and above, and finally for weaving pagatan with
ordinary quality and with existing motifs. usually sold between Rp. 150,000 to Rp.
250,000 per share

8. I think pagatan weaving is one of the best quality products, because of course in
Indonesia it has a variety of traditional fabrics and of course with different
characteristics and qualities, amazing right?, but it all depends on your individual
tastes, but I can guarantee if you start wearing this cloth you won't regret it

9. These rights can be started with small things such as wearing this pagatan woven
cloth to travel to the invitation event, being able to use a pagatan woven shawl for
traveling, this must attract people's attraction, why? Of course, because of the
uniqueness of the motif of this pagatan weaving, it will certainly look different from
the others

10.OH of course? why? because for now, young people don't all know about pagatan
weaving, it can be said almost nothing, meanwhile if we look at today's young people
mostly like the style of dress, so if young people today participate in developing this
culture, of course weaving This pagatan will continue to be a culture from generation
to generation until our children and grandchildren later

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