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Committees of USA:

Under the USA constitutes following committees playing important role in

the legislation process.

1. Standing Committee:

Standing committees are most effective committee of both houses of legislation of . Their
function is to authorize the governmental tasks ad funding related issues even the bill related
issues also resolved under them committees deal with specific issues that related to specific
standing committee. It has member’s ranges from six to thirty five.

Number of committees reduced after the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 Until June 2020
sixteen standing committees in the senate and twenty in the house of representative was working.

2. Committee of whole House:

This committee has congressional committee. It includes all house members. Its functional role
is to look after the matter related the money bills. In senate the committee of whole house
examines the matters related to the treaties ad agreements. The committee produces the report
related to the money bills or the treaties the decision purely depend on the house and house
undertake this report. Speaker appoints the head of the committee that was mostly from the
majority party but must not be member of standing committee.

For the session least hundred required from the quorum as compare to majority of 218 members.
Only 25 members are required to force a recorded rather than voice vote.

3. Joint committee:

This is also the congressional committee has members from both senate and house of represented
this committee provides a form of discussion from both houses joint interest. This committee
looks after the mater related to the printing, libraries, atomic energy, taxation, war heads
economic reports and immigration related issues. This committee has no sub committees and no
number fixed member from both houses could be serving as a chairmen. The majority party gets
the majority seats in this committee. At present there are four joint committee that are Joint
Committee on Printing, Joint Committee on Taxation, Joint Committee on the Library and
Joint Economic Committee

4. Conference Committee:

This committee connected with joint committee because when the difference between the
members of both houses occur this committees was formed that have limited members from both
houses. After this the point on which both are agreed explored to form a patch-up. The speaker
or chairman of both houses selects the members for these committees it ranges from the 3 to 11.
This committee also includes mover of the bill on which differences occur.

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