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• 2x 2-hours Group Mentoring Sessions live Online/Virtual

• 6x 1-hour One-on-One Mentor Sessions live Online/Virtual
• 1x 1-hour Oral Assessment live Online/Virtual

The ICF requires that all graduates from an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) complete 10 hours of
Mentor Coaching at the PCC level. These Mentor Coaching hours must occur over a 3-month period or longer.
The Coaching Mastery Program includes these 10 hours of Mentoring as outlined above, with the addition of
the Oral Assessment.

The Group Mentoring component is comprised of a total of four (4) hours of Mentoring conducted in groups
of 10 participants or less. These sessions are conducted in two-hour segments, (2 sessions at 2 hour each).
Each are facilitated by an Erickson Approved Mentor Coach. If your Module I started before January 13, 2021,
then the first of these community oriented webinar-based sessions are typically scheduled to take place
between Module II and III and the second will occur after completing Module IV. If your Module I started on
or after January 13, 2021, both Group Mentor sessions will occur after Module IV, spaced one week apart.
During these two live webinars, you will review the ICF Core Competencies, observe live demonstrations of
the coaching skills in action, and you will engage in learning and practice to increase your integration and
demonstration of the ICF Core Competencies at the PCC level.

With the Coaching Mastery Program you will also receive six (6) One-on-One Mentor Sessions, also with an
Erickson Approved Mentor Coach. This individualize and customized sessions can be scheduled upon your
successful completion of Module IV of the Art and Science of Coaching and the Group Mentoring sessions.
They are designed to support you to further develop and deepen your coaching skills with the 11 ICF Core
Competencies at PCC level of proficiency. You will be supported by your Mentors to improve your coaching
skills by highlighting what is working well with your current coaching and by providing suggestions for
improvement. Our Mentors are dedicated to ensure your progress and assist you in fine tuning your
demonstrable coaching skills.

It is highly recommended that you begin your One-on-One Mentor sessions after you have completed Module
IV and your second Group Mentoring session. This is important as it will allow you to establish a baseline for
yourself and support you to integrate the ICF Core Competencies at the PCC level. It is a requirement that
you work with at least three (3) different Erickson Approved Mentor Coaches. You may do two (2) sessions
with each Mentor or you may choose to work with more Mentors. Your One-on-One Mentor Coaching sessions
can either be live or recorded. We do recommend that you participate in at least one (1) live session, so as

The Art &

to best prepare for your Oral Assessment as this will be live as well.
With the permission of your client, (please see Client Permission for Mentor Coaching below) a Mentor will
listen to a recorded or live 30-minute coaching session conducted by you as the Coach. You and your Mentor
will spend an additional 30 minutes together to debrief the Coaching session. Your Mentor will begin by
inviting you to share your own observations on the session and then he or she will provide developmental
feedback and answer any questions that you might have.

Your Mentor will help you to distinguish your coaching style, support you to become more aware of any
unconscious habits or practices to modify, and provide specific feedback on your demonstration of the ICF
Core Competencies. Your Mentor is also available as a resource for brainstorming, so please feel free to “pick
their brain” about any aspect of coaching during your Mentor Coaching sessions. Within 48 hours of this
discussion, the Mentor will then follow up by providing a detailed written feedback for your reference and to
support your continued learning.

Please note that the ICF requires duration of the Mentoring process to take place over a minimum of three (3)
months as to ensure a thorough integration of the given feedback.

If you are intending to integrate coaching skills into another discipline or profession, such as consulting: it is
important to focus on demonstrating coaching during your Mentor Coaching sessions so that your Mentor can
observe and identify coaching-related performance and skills.

You are permitted to arrange and participate in a maximum of three (3) of your One-on-One Mentor Coaching
sessions with an Erickson colleague. The remaining three (3) sessions must be arranged with a client who is
not a coach nor a graduate of a coach training program. The clients you choose can be one of your regular
paying clients, or a pro bono client. You are permitted to organize a maximum of two (2) sessions with the
same client.

Before the One-on-One Mentor Coaching session begins, you must first obtain verbal permission from your
client. If you are providing a recorded coaching session for your Mentor call, you are required to ask the
client’s permission to record the session for training purposes only. Explain to the client that you and your
Mentor will listen to the recording for feedback and subsequently the recording will be deleted.
This permission should be included in the recording, preferably at the very beginning. It is suggested that as
the Coach you start the call stating, “Today is (state the date). This call is being taped for training purposes
only. (Client’s name) do I have your permission to record this call?”
For a live session: the requirement is to ask your client’s permission to have a Mentor present during the call
for training purposes. In either case, the client should be assured that the conversation will be held in the
strictest confidence.

The Art &

There are a variety of ways that you can record your coaching sessions. Most learners use either Zoom,
Webex or Skype. Skype has a recording feature as of late 2018. You can set up your own private Zoom or
Webex account for free by visiting their respective websites. Their basic plans are is free. Zoom and Webex
also have their own built in recording features. You can send the link of the recording to your Mentor or if the
recording is a file you wish to share, you may need to use a service such as Google, Dropbox or Hightail.

Some coaches may use their cell phone and to conduct and record their coaching sessions. If you choose this
option, again you may need to download an app that will convert the recording to an mp3 or mp4 file, which
the Mentor will then be able to open. Often, mp3’s can be sent to the Mentor through regular email.

It is important to allow a few weeks between sessions so that you can continue to practice and integrate the
learning from each of your One-on-One Mentoring. You must work with at least three (3) different Erickson
Approved Mentor Coaches. You can arrange for a live or work with a recorded Coaching session in the
following ways:

• If you prefer to work with a particular Mentor you may contact the Mentor directly to set up your live
Coaching session or work with a recorded Coaching session. You and your Mentor can then set up a
mutually agreeable meeting time.
• If you have a live Coaching session booked and you would like to have a Mentor present for feedback,
you can send out a broadcast email message to all or some of the Mentors to see who might be
available for this call. There is, however, the possibility that all our Approved Mentors are booked at
that time, but you can always record the call for a Mentor Coaching session to occur at a later date.
• You can contact a specific Mentor (or several) directly by email to find out what time slots they have
available and then schedule with your client for one of those available times.
• You can record a Coaching session and send the recording to the Mentor you wish to work with. A
mutually agreeable time can be set up through email.

An additional option that is available is what is known as a “double Mentor session”. In this Mentor Coaching
session, you, your Mentor, and a fellow Learning Partner arrange to all work together on the same call. As
with a standard Mentor Coaching session, you coach your Erickson colleague and the Mentor provides you
with feedback and then these roles are reversed and your colleague coaches you who then receives feedback.
These sessions have proven to be highly regarded as they create an opportunity for ‘double the learning’.

The Art &

Your Oral Assessment is one (1) hour long split into two segments. The first segment is a live 30-minute
Coaching session conducted by you as the Coach with a client of your choosing. This is followed by the second
30-minute segment where you are given feedback by an Erickson Approved Mentor and an Erickson
Approved Assessor. They are both live on the same call from the beginning. It is your responsibility to
arrange a client. The ICF stipulates that you should bring an actual client. However, the ICF recognizes that
coaches in training may not have a client list and, in these cases, you may bring a coaching colleague as your
client to your Oral Assessment.

The Oral Assessment is a ‘Pass’ or ‘No Pass’ process. Coaches who demonstrate all the ICF Core
Competencies at the PCC level that are deemed as a ‘Pass’ will receive the Erickson Solution-Focused Coach
Diploma certificate. With this you can apply for an ICF credential (ACC or PCC) when you have accumulated
the necessary client coaching hours and you have passed the ICF Coaching Knowledge Assessment (CKA).

In case you receive a ‘No Pass’, you are invited back to take the Oral Assessment again. Please note that in
your tuition there is one (1) Oral Assessment included. Further Oral Assessments must be purchased at an
additional cost. Regardless of whether you receive a “Pass’ or 'No Pass", you will receive feedback from the
Erickson Approved Mentor and Assessor on your application and demonstration of the ICF’s Core

After you have completed all your Group and One-on-One Mentoring, you can schedule your Oral
• Arrange your client and identify at least three (3) dates and time frames that will work for you both
to be available for 1 hour.
• Send this information including the time zone, along with the client’s full name and email address to
the Director of Training.
• The Director of Training will then organize the second Assessor / Erickson Approved Mentor and
confirm with everyone.

Director of Training:
• Jo-Ann Harris, Canada, EST or

Erickson Approved Mentor Coaches are trained in both, the principles and philosophy of Erickson
Solution-Focused Coaching and the ICF Core Competencies. In addition, all Erickson Approved Mentor
Coaches hold either a PCC or MCC credential by the ICF. As your champion and partner for success, each
Mentor Coach is dedicated to your development as a PCC level coach using a Solution-Focused framework.

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The Art &

Canada, EST or

Jo-Ann Harris has been a coach since 1998. She began her coaching career as an
internal business coach in a large organization working primarily with their
professional management group and with individual teams. In addition to her
roles at Erickson Coaching International, Jo-Ann is the Managing Consultant for
her business “Leading Relationships” in which she offers corporate training and
coaching. She also delivers corporate training through the Corporate Training
Department at Algonquin College. More recently, Jo-Ann offers mentor coaching
and coaching for coaches preparing for the ICF accreditation. Jo-Ann has been a
facilitator and mentor coach for Erickson since 2009.

• Master’s Degree in Adult Education and Counseling

• Master’s Degree in Leadership
• B.A. Psychology
• Bachelor of Science in Nursing
• Certified Mentor Coach (Invite Change)
• Certified Mentor Coach (Advanced Coach Mentoring)
• Certified Training and Development Professional with the Canadian Society of Training and Development
• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International
• Certified Executive Coach
• Certified MBIT Coach and Facilitator
• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International
• Master Certified Coach, International Coach Federation
• Diploma in Coaching Supervision, Coaching Supervision, Coaching Supervision Academy
• Certificate in Conversational Intelligence


The Art &

Canada, PST

After a first career as a senior internal/external translator for world-renowned

companies such as SAP and Nestlé, Sophie Bizeul transitioned to coaching.

Following her graduation from Erickson International in 2006, she took a

Master’s in Coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Today, in addition to being a trainer and mentor coach for Erickson Coaching
International, Sophie specializes in coach supervision and in accompanying
midlife professionals in their career transitions.

• Master’s in Coaching and NLP, Kingston University

• Master Certified Coach, International Coach Federation
• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International
• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International
• NLP Master Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International
• Advanced Skill Training, Anthony Robbins
• Mentor Coach Certification, Goldvarg Consulting
• Registered Mentor Coach, International Coach Federation
• Diploma in Coaching Supervision, Coaching Supervision Academy
• PCC Marker Training, International Coach Federation

French, English and Spanish

The Art &


Ami Davis Brunner is a Professional Certified Coach, ICF Mentor, and facilitator;
of the Art and Science of Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, and Erickson
Coaching for Healthcare both internationally and online. She has been a member
of the Erickson Coaching training team since 2012. Amy is most often requested
as a mentor, coach and trainer for her modeling and support of others to further
develop their coaching presence, deep listening and powerful questioning. In
addition to her roles at Erickson Coaching International Amy continues to
develop and deliver advanced courses in coaching presence, deep listening,
energy management, and mindfulness through her business Living Portfolio

Amy ’ s credentials include a M.Ed. in Adult Education with a specialty in

multi-generational education and development and a Bachelors in
Neuro-Cognitive Science, with a specialization in Attention and Communication

• M.ED. – Postsecondary and Continuing Adult Education

• B.S. in Neuro-Cognitive Science (1996)

• ICF Professional Certified Coach (2013)

• Erickson Certified Professional Coach (2013)

• Erickson Professional Coach (2013)


The Art &

Canada, PST

Barry Switnicki has been coaching professionally since 1996 as well as teaching
and mentoring with Erickson Coaching International since 2007. He coaches,
consults and teaches internationally. Barry started his mentoring career in the
early 1980’s for the Provincial government and started mentoring coaching
skills in 1998. He has personally mentored over 800 coaches to become more
masterful and effective. Barry also mentors coaches trained in other coaching
models to obtain or renew their ICF credential.

Barry has worked with “C” level executives, high risk youth and families, social
service providers, educational institutions, governments, parents, military
personnel and other exceptional people wanting transformational results.

His passions include integrating a solution-focused coach approach into educational course design and
delivery, kayaking, rock climbing and being a member of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue.

• Masters of Education in Educational Leadership, Vancouver Island University

• Post-graduate Diploma in Online Learning and Teaching, Vancouver Island University
• Master Certified Coach, International Coach Federation
• Board Certified Coach, Center for Credentialing & Education
• Master Certified Life and Business Coach, PRC
• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• NLP Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified Mediator and Negotiator, Justice Institute of British Columbia

• Certificate in Advanced Clinical Supervision in Psychology, University of Calgary
• Restorative Justice Facilitator and Trainer, Mt Arrowsmith Restorative Justice Society
• Children Who Witness Violence Facilitator, BC Yukon Society of Transition Houses)
• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International

The Art &

Canada, EST

Gaby Da Silva is a Professional Certified Coach, an ICF Mentor, as well as a

certified trainer in the field of leadership, team development, coaching in the
workforce, as well as health and post-traumatic stress. Gaby is proud to be
Erickson’s business partner and head of Erickson Quebec. She is also a Senior
Facilitator for the Arts and Science of Coaching program since 2012.
She previously worked as an international coach for the Anthony Robbins
Company; her coaching focused on state management for personal and
professional development. Previous to coaching she worked as a manager for
Public Works and Services Canada, as well as for the Canadian Dairy
Commission. She obtained a honors Baccalaureate in the field of Human

• Bachelor Degree in Human Relations with distinction

• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified Mentor, International Coach Federation

• Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

French, English

The Art &

Canada, PST

Heather Parks has been part of the Erickson Coaching International training
team since 2003 and active in a range of roles with Erickson over the years.
She trains on-site and extensively online facilitating Erickson’s NLP Practitioner
and Master level programs. Prior to coaching, Heather spent close to 20 years
in consulting, strategic planning, business development and marketing. Coach
mentoring and skill development have been long-standing passions. Heather’s
depth of knowledge and specialized mentor training techniques have led to
these being a key areas of focus in her work today. Her company ARIS
Communications Group Inc., offers coaching support, mentoring, ICF
credential preparation, and skill development for coaches. ARIS also provides
individual and business coaching, and corporate training in leadership and

• Bachelors Degree in Business Management

• B.A. in Psychology (completing)

• BC Provincial Instructor Diploma (PID)

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

• Certified Mentor Coach (CMC)

• Board Certified Coach (Founding)

• Certified Facilitator & NLP Trainer, Erickson Coaching International

• NLP Master Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International


The Art &

Canada, PST

Kim Leischner lives in Vancouver, British Columbia and has been a Facilitator
with Erickson Coaching International since 2009. She trains Module I-IV of The
Art & Science of Coaching, Coaching High Performance Teams, Expanding
Emotional Intelligence, and other specialty programs.
Her mission is to support and further empower coaches, facilitators, leaders and
change-makers who are “holding space” for the development of others. She
owns and operates her own company which specializes in tailor-made training,
coaching and facilitation programs and services.
Kim has been coaching since 2007, more than 20 years of international
experience working in the field of leadership, human development and
experiential learning. She is known for her inspiring energy, engaging clarity and
grounded approach as a trainer, facilitator, mentor and coach.

• Bachelor of Human Kinetics, University of British Columbia

• Certified Professional Facilitator, International Association of Facilitators

• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International

• Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified Systemic Constellation Facilitator

• Master NLP Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International


The Art &

Canada, PST

Linda Hamilton launched her coaching practice in 1998; she is a pioneer in the
coaching community. Linda specializes in working with entrepreneurs,
executives, companies & individuals who want to make a difference in the
world, have fulfilling personal lives and be financially successful.
Linda has been a mentor coach with Erickson since 2006 and is the first
certified graduate of The Art & Science of Coaching in 2000. She has a thriving
private coaching practice using Erickson Coaching methodologies and brings
that experience to every mentor session.

On a personal note, Linda is a wife and mother of two who has found a way to
successfully balance being a dedicated and loving wife/mother and an
impassioned entrepreneur and coach.

• Master Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• NLP Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified DISC Assessment Consultant

• Business Degree in Entrepreneurial Development


The Art &

France, CET

Moera Saule is a Professional Coach, Trainer and Mentor Coach living in

Southern France, in the “Pink City” of Toulouse.
Moera is working in the field of international careers and professional
development, mainly in international groups. Her clients are Senior
Managers, Executives and people working in the personal development
area (coaches, therapists). Moera has been a jury member to evaluate
external coaches and create the current pool of external coaches for Airbus
Group. As a trainer, Moera works with experienced coaches on enlarging
their practice spectrum. Her approach concentrates on Leadership
development through spiritual growth.
Moera has an experience of several years of expatriation when she was a
Philosophy Teacher and Careers adviser in the French school of London
(UK) and in International Baccalaureate Schools of Beijing (China).

• ABD in Philosophy (specialized in comparative philosophy between Indian Buddhism and German Idealism)

• Master Certified Coach and Mentor Coach, International Coach Federation

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International

• Master Soul Coaching® practitioner and Soul Coaching® Practitioners Trainer, International Institute of
Soul Coaching®

French, English

The Art &

Bulgaria, EEST

Nadezhda Mihaylova works professionally as a coach since 2010. Nadezhda

also mentors coaches to assists them walk the path to professionalism and
mastery in coaching. She has over 18 years of experience in human capital
development as individual and team coach, leadership and soft skills trainer,
human resources consultant and recruiter and nearly 10 years as a leader of
high-performing teams. She has been working with corporate clients as SAP,
Nestle, Hewlett Packard, Danone, Coca-Cola, TATA Steel, leading local
telecom and IT companies.
Nadezhda is also supporting the social development sector and is participating
in the iOwn initiative that connects social sector change makers with coaches
for achieving sustainable impact at grass-root level. Nadezhda is devoted to
support people through coaching and mentoring to use their highest creative
potential to build their meaningful future in all areas of life.

• Bachelor Degree in Business Administration

• Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified DISC Assessment Consultant

• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified Time-Management Trainer

• ADHD Coach, ADDCA Academy

• Artistic Psycho-Social Practices Training

Bulgarian, English, Russian, German

The Art &

Portgual, WET

Silvia Viola is a mentor and coach. She trained and mentored young lawyers
helping them develop their capabilities and build their businesses and
professional practice. Drawing on her background and experience combined with
her line of work in training, mentoring, and entrepreneurship, she became an
advocate for the development of creativity and innovation in Business and
Talent. She is an international Erickson Facilitator and coaches and facilitates
groups and teams of entrepreneurs and business executives.

Professionally linked to companies for over 20 years, she founded her own
branded company BBMGlobal - “Beyond Bright Minds” with the mission of
bringing more creativity and innovation to education and lifelong learning, talent
management, business, environment and to society for global contribution to
progress, prosperity and well-being.

• Degree in Law

• Post Graduate in Intellectual Property

• Post Graduate in Environmental Studies

• Post Graduate in European Studies

• Certified Facilitator, Erickson Coaching International

• Certified Professional Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• Professional Certified Coach, International Coach Federation

• NLP Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International

English, Portuguese

The Art &

Canada, PST

Tania Walter Gardiner is a facilitator of the Art & Science of Coaching program,
Coaching Competencies for Leaders and the Experience Coaching webinar. She
trains both online and on-site. Tania also coaches entrepreneurial business
leaders to expedite values-based, progressive and sustainable results. She
works in partnership with leaders to leverage resources and expertise to tap into
the power of the team so they can make the difference and impact they want to
make with their business. Entrepreneurial leaders begin to control the demands
on their time, feel increased energy and implement ideas with inspired,
committed action.
Tania has a vibrant passion for leadership, coaching, and learning. She is
dedicated to empowering individuals she works with to live in alignment with
their core values to gain personal and professional success. In providing that
service, she values and demonstrates a high degree of integrity, respect and

• Expertise: Leadership Coaching

• Team: Alignment, Building, Facilitation, Communication

• Entrepreneurial Coaching

• Spiral Dynamics: Culture Scanning and Facilitative Coaching

• Masters in Leadership, Royal Roads University

• Professional Certified Coach, Erickson Coaching International

• Master Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, Erickson Coaching International

• Bachelor of Arts in Management, Eastern Washington University

• Standing in Contribution: Trainer’s Training

• Deep Coaching, Light of the Enneagram, Expanding Emotional Intelligence, Erickson Coaching

• Culture Scanning, Solonics – 5 Deep



English, Portuguese

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