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Name: ___JAYSON P.

JALBUNA___ Section: _BSN - 1C_ Date:__AUGUST 24, 2021__

Schedule: ___3:30-5:30PM___ Score: _______________

Activity No. 1


GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Answer this Activity No. 1, you write your final answer as INDENTED, BOLD, underlined
or you may use another color like blue or green only. So that when I check your activity I will know right away what will be your
final answer.

I. True or False (2 pts each)

____FALSE____1. Contact lenses are permitted in the chemistry laboratory.

____TRUE____2. It is a good laboratory protocol to call the attention of other students when they are not practicing good
laboratory safety procedures.

____ FALSE ____3. An accident as simple as breaking a beaker containing distilled water in the sink does not need to be reported
to the laboratory instructor.

_____ TRUE ______4. A beaker containing an acidic solution has broken on the table top and spilled onto your clothes from waist
down and it burns! You should immediately proceed to the safety shower and flood the affected area.

______FALSE _____5. Your friend is a senior chemistry major and thoroughly understands the difficult experiments that you are
performing. Therefore, you can invite him/her into the laboratory for direct assistance.

_____ FALSE _____6. Prescription glasses can take place of safety goggles in the laboratory.

_____ TRUE _____7. Cell phones, iPads, and other electronic equipment should be turned off during laboratory period.

_____ TRUE ______8. You missed lunch but brought a sandwich to the laboratory. Since you cannot eat in the lab, it is alright to
leave the sandwich in the hallway and then go in and out to take bites while the experiment is ongoing.

_____ TRUE _____9. All chemicals must be properly disposed either according to the Experimental Procedure of the laboratory

_____ TRUE ______10. Glassware is clean when no water droplets cling to the inner wall of the vessel.

II. Write a brief answer for the following questions (5 pts each)
1. A chemical spill has occurred. What steps should be taken in treating chemical spill?
- Alert people in the area and call the instructor or laboratory In-charge. If someone has been splashed with
chemicals, flush the affected area with water for at least 15 minutes. Remove the chemical-covered clothing from
the person as soon as possible and flush their eyes with water for 15 minutes. When the chemical has been
neutralized, rinse it off with clean water and follow up by rinsing them off again. If that does not work and you are
still experiencing symptoms, call a Doctor because it could be a life-threatening situation.
2. Describe how you will be dressed when you are about to begin an experiment in the laboratory.
- My body including my face will be covered by the protective gears that needed inside the laboratory such
as long pants, shoes, laboratory gown, protective goggles, and gloves. These gears will protect me
towards possible accidents.

III. Look at the cartoons and answer the questions concerning lab safety. Write your answers below with the
corresponding numbers in the picture.

1. A. The girl didn’t follow the protocol for Girls with long hair. She should tie her hair or use some hairnets the next
time that she will conduct an experimentation inside the laboratory to avoid that dangerous event again.

B. The girl is not wearing a protective gear. The Girl should wear protective gear for laboratory before she will
enter in Laboratory and conduct experimentation. These are the specific protective gear that she should wear
Laboratory gown, Safety Goggles, and Gloves.

2. Rick should use one of the proper techniques to smell the odor of the chemical like Wafting Technique.

3. Clearly, these students are not behaving properly because they are performing procedures incorrectly, they should
use the proper techniques to perform their activity to avoid risking themselves. Also, they must call the attention of
their teacher if they don’t know what they’re doing so that he/she will educate them properly.

4. Evelyn’s technique is safe and proper, while Kwan’s technique is improper and dangerous.

5. Evelyn, because her technique is proper because she is using pipetting to transfer the chemicals between
containers with unknown content, while Kwan is using mouth pipetting to do it which is quite dangerous.

6. A. Food and Drinks.

B. Students are playing around.

7. The two guys are playing inside the Laboratory and they are not wearing any protective gear, also the girl is not
wearing a laboratory gown while dissecting the frog.

8. The students that’s doing the unsafe activity might cause some accidents inside the Laboratory.

9. Jarvis’ error is that he handpicked the broken glass and he’s disposing the broken glass directly to the trashcan.

10. In my opinion, Meredith is the one that’s performing the procedure properly. The correct procedure is to use
broom and dustpan first before disposing it in Glass disposing bin.

11. She didn’t help in disposing the broken glass. Instead, she was quite busy applying lipstick.
12. Ernie might cause damage to the equipment, it should not be taken from the laboratory since some materials are
quite hazardous that need to be proper disposed.

13. Because she is checking properly if her glassware doesn’t have crack or damage before she uses it in experiment.
This act prevents possible risky events.


Read through each scenario. Under the scenario, write which lab safety rule was being broken.

1. During the lab in class, Carlos realizes his group needs more chemicals. Without asking the teacher, he leaves the
room and enters the science prep room and storage areas to retrieve more chemicals for his lab.

- Students should not enter the laboratory unless the teacher/educator is present or they have permission from the
college dean.

2. Jane is participating in a lab in which she blows carbon dioxide into a beaker of chemicals. Some of the chemical
bubbles up and gets in her eye. Her lab partners tell her to use the eye wash fountains to rinse her eye out; however,
she does not know where the eyewash fountains are located.

- Inside the laboratory, students should become aware of the areas of safety and emergency devices such as first aid
treatment, firefighting equipment, fire exits, and washing facilities.

3. It’s the first lab in science class and Harry just cannot control his excitement. Without waiting for instructions, Harry
turns on the hot plate. His lab partner doesn’t know it’s on and reaches over to grab her pencil and gets burned.

- If using volatile or flammable chemicals in an activity, extreme caution is required. In the presence of flammable
fumes, open flames must be prohibited.

4. Brent is in 1st period and he skipped breakfast today. He decides to have a bagel in his backpack and he will eat it
during class when the teacher is not looking.

- Eating inside the laboratory is strictly prohibited.

5. In order to make sure the correct chemical is being used, Ben smells the chemical. Instead of using his hand to waft
the vapors toward his nose, he sticks his face as close as he can to the chemical and takes a big whiff of the tray. He
feels dizzy and his nose burns for the rest of the day.

- Directly sniffing chemicals is not a smart option. If you ever need to smell it, waft the air above the flask containing
the chemicals to your nose and sniff carefully.

6. Liz goes into the lab with her backpack on her back. She turns to talk to her friend and her backpack knocks a beaker
full of chemical onto the floor and it shatters.

- Silence must be observed. Violation like that will not be tolerated.

7. Rachel wants to look as pretty as possible all the time and so there is no way she will be caught wearing these nerdy
protective eye goggles. She continues through her lab without any problems until Joel accidentally knocks into her
table. He knocks over a beaker of boiling chemical and it splashes into Rachel’s eye.

- Eye protection such as safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemicals spilled on the floor and flying shattered
glass should be wear all the time when inside the laboratory.

8. Cindy broke a test tube. Carefully she picked up pieces with one had and placed them in her other hand. Then she
dumped the glass pieces into the wastebasket.

- Students should never handpick any broken glassware. Instead, put it in the stockroom's proper bins for it. Broken
glass should never be dumped directly into trash cans.

9. Mike and Colleen had a lot of a chemical left from their investigation. They dumped the chemical in the sink and left
the water running in the sink as they left class.

- Wastes should be disposed of in trash cans provided for that purpose. Never ever d ispose one of them directly in
sinks. instead, dispose them in inorganic garbage containers instead.

10. Diana and Mike were going to be late to their next class. After rushing to put away a few materials, they left the rest
of the materials on the lab table.

- The tables should be left clean at the after of each laboratory session, seats must be set, and waste must be
properly disposed.

11. The teacher was not in the room yet. Jake began weighing chemicals, touching them with his hands. His nose itched
so he rubbed it.

- Follow suitable laboratory procedures in accordance with the experiment. Experiments should not be conducted
around without the approval of the instructor.

12. Heather and Jennifer were absent the day before when the investigation was discussed. They gathered the
materials and watched their classmates to see what to do, not taking time to read the directions.

- Making laboratory lessons are absolutely prohibited unless the instructor is attending or the Dean/Program
Coordinator issues a letter of approval to do the activities.

13. Students are conducting an experiment to see what colors different salts turn when they are burned. Jack dares
Rebecca to taste the other salts to see if they taste like regular table salt.

- Never taste anything used for the experiment.

14. What is the consequence of not following the lab rules and procedures?

- Not following the lab rules and procedures might lead to injury or even death.

15. Why is it dangerous to not follow the lab rules and procedures?

- It is dangerous not to follow the lab rules and procedures because the chemicals inside the laboratory are
hazardous and dangerous.

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