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Philippine Military History


Battle of Mactan: The Battle of Mactan on April 27, 1521, is celebrated as the earliest reported resistance of the natives in the
Philippines against western invaders. Lapu-Lapu, a Chieftain of Mactan Island, defeated Christian European explorers led by
the Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan.

On March 16, 1521, the island of Samar was sighted. The following morning, March 17, Magellan landed on the island of
Homonhon.[24][25] He parleyed with Rajah Calambu of Limasawa, who guided him to Cebu Island on April 7. With the aid of
Magellan's Malay interpreter, Enrique, Rajah Humabon of Cebu and his subjects converted to Christianity and became allies.
Suitably impressed by Spanish firearms and artillery, Rajah Humabon suggested that Magellan project power to cow Lapu-
Lapu, who was being belligerent against his authority.

Magellan deployed 49 armored men, less than half his crew, with crossbows and guns, but could not anchor near land
because the island is surrounded by shallow coral bottoms and thus unsuitable for the Spanish galleons to get close to shore.
His crew had to wade through the surf to make a landing and the ship was too far to support them with artillery. Antonio
Pigafetta, a supernumerary on the voyage who later returned to Seville, Spain, records that Lapu-Lapu had at least 1500
warriors in the battle. During the battle, Magellan was wounded in the leg, while still in the surf. As the crews were fleeing to the
boats, Pigafetta recorded that Magellan covered their retreat, turning at them on several occasions to make sure they were
getting away, and was finally surrounded by a multitude of warriors and killed. The total toll was of eight crewmen killed on
Magellan's side against an unknown number of casualties from the Mactan natives.


The Spanish ruled the Philippines for more than 300 tears that made the Filipino restless that soon clamored for
reforms and end the oppressive friar rule.

There were several revolts against the Spanish colonial government by indigenous Moro, Lumad, Indians, Chinese
(Sangleys) and Insulares (Filipinos of Full or near full Spanish descent), often with the goal of re-establishing the rights and
powers that had traditionally belonged to Lumad Timueys, Maginoo Rajah and Moro Datus. Some revolts stemmed from land
problem and this was largely the cause of the insurrections that transpired in the agricultural provinces of Batangas, Bulacan,
Cavite, and Laguna. Natives also rebelled over unjust taxation and forced labor.

In Mindanao and Sulu, a continuous fight for sovereignty was sustained by the Moro people and their allies for the
whole duration of Spanish conquest and rule.

(Notes: 1) The incidents discussed herein are not the only incidents of revolts against the Spanish Colonialism. Most incidents
that transpired in Mindanao have not been discussed due to lack of references.
2) For this discussion, focus on the significant revolts only)

DAGAMI REVOLT (1565–1567): A revolt led by the Dagami family who came from the island of Leyte in 1567. This involved
a group of 16 led by Dagami, who was the chieftain of Gabi (part of the present-day town of Palo). The insurrection was short-
lived and mainly involved the assassinations of Spanish soldiers. The first incident took place on May 23, 1565 in Cebu where
the group ambushed Pedro de Arana, who was an aide to Miguel López de Legazpi, the Spanish Governor of the Philippines.
Dagami led a series of attacks, which baffled authorities for a time. By December 1566, Legazpi finally summoned the local
datus and forced them to identify who the culprits were after two more Spaniards died of poisoning. Dagami was captured rigil.
LAKANDULA AND SULAYMAN REVOLT (1574): The Lakandula and Sulayman Revolt, also known as the Tagalog Revolt,
was an uprising in 1574 by Lakandula and Rajah Sulayman in Tondo, Manila. The revolt occurred in the same year as the
Chinese pirate Limahong attacked the palisaded yet poorly defended enclosure of Intramuros. Sulayman and Lakandula
revolted because Miguel Lopez de Legazpi reneged on his side of the deal. In exchange for accepting Spanish sovereignty,
Legazpi promised that Soliman and Lakandula (and their subjects) would retain some of their local authority, be exempted from
paying tribute, and be treated fairly. Legazpi did not fulfill his promises.

When Guido de Lavezaris replaced Legaspi as Governor General of the Philippines, he revoked their exemptions from
paying tribute and confiscated their lands. Father Martin convinced Lakandula and Sulayman to abort the revolt and promised to
grant their privileges. Soliman refused and continued his revolt. Soliman's revolt was finally and brutally crushed in 1574.

PAMPANGA REVOLT (1585): This was an uprising in 1585 by some native Kapampangan leaders who resented the
Spanish landowners, or encomenderos who had deprived them of their historical land inheritances as tribal chiefs or Datus. The
revolt included a plot to storm Intramuros, but the conspiracy was foiled before it could begin after a Filipino woman married to a
Spanish soldier reported the plot to the Spanish authorities. Spanish and Filipino colonial troops were sent by Governor-General
Santiago de Vera, and the leaders of the revolt were arrested and summarily executed by Christian Cruz-Herrera.

CONSPIRACY OF THE MAHARLIKAS (1587–1588): The Conspiracy of the Maharlikas, or the Tondo Conspiracy, of
1587–1588, was a plot by the kin-related noblemen, or datus, of Manila and some towns of Bulacan and Pampanga. It was led
by Agustin de Legazpi, nephew of Lakandula, and his first cousin, Martin Pangan. The datus swore to revolt. The uprising failed
when they were denounced to the Spanish authorities by Antonio Surabao (Susabau) of Calamianes, in Palawan.

REVOLTS AGAINST THE TRIBUTE (1589): The Cagayan and Dingras Revolts Against the Tribute occurred on Luzon
in the present-day provinces of Cagayan and Ilocos Norte in 1589. Ilocanos, Ibanags and other Filipinos revolted against
alleged abuses by the tax collectors, including the collection of high taxes. It began when six tax collectors who had arrived from
Vigan were killed by the natives. Governor-General Santiago de Vera sent Spanish and Filipino colonial troops to pacify the
rebels. The rebels were eventually pardoned and the Philippine tax system reformed.

MAGALAT REVOLT (1596): The Magalat Revolt was an uprising in 1596, led by Magalat, a rebel from Cagayan. He had
been arrested in Manila for inciting rebellion against the Spanish. He was later released after some urging by some Dominican
priests, and returned to Cagayan. Together with his brother, he urged the entire country to revolt. He was said to have
committed atrocities against his fellow natives for refusing to rise up against the Spaniards. He soon controlled the countryside,
and the Spanish eventually found themselves besieged. The Spanish Governor-General Francisco de Tello de Guzmán sent
Pedro de Chaves from Manila with Spanish and Filipino colonial troops. They fought successfully against the rebels, and
captured and executed several leaders under Magalat. Magalat himself was assassinated within his fortified headquarters by his
own men.

IGOROT REVOLT (1601): By order of the Governor-General Francisco de Tello de Guzmán an expedition was sent to
the Cordillera region for religious conversion purposes with the aid of Padre Esteban Marin. Marin, the curate of Ilocos at that
time, tried initially to convince the Igorots to convert peacefully to Catholicism. Marin allegedly even tried to create his own
dictionary in the Igorot language to advance this cause. The Igorots, however, killed Marin and the Governor-General sent
Captain Aranda with Spanish and Lumad foot soldiers. The revolt was short-lived as Aranda made use of extreme measures
and executed them quickly to dispel the revolt in the Cordillera region.

THE CHINESE REVOLT OF 1603: In 1603, at least 30,000 Chinese merchants were slaughtered and in Luzon
Chinese officials and civilians were killed without authority by what The Ming Shi-lu describes as the barbarian Spanish chieftain
of Luzon during that time. The surviving Chinese fled to Wawa, or what is now known as Guagua, this atrocity is known in
Chinese history as the Luzon Tragedy. The Chinese inhabitants of Manila set fire to Legarda and Binondo and for a time
threatened to capture the Moro stronghold in Intramuros.

CAQUENGA'S REVOLT (1607): In 1607, with the coming of the Dominicans into the Cagayan Valley, a priest began
proselyting to the Malaueg people of Nalfotan, now Rizal, Cagayan. An animist priestess named Caquenga rebelled against the
coming of the Catholic Church. She gathered people from her village and fled to the mountains to unite with another village and
prepared for war. A Dominican friar and loyal Malaueg men successfully quelled the forthcoming rebellion, and Caquenga was
given over to the other village as a slave. However, many of her followers rebelled, burned down a Catholic Church, and started
other rebellions throughout the Cagayan Valley. One rebel, who desecrated an image of the Virgin Mary, was executed for his

TAMBLOT REVOLT (1621–1622): The Tamblot Revolt or the Tamblot Uprising, was a religious uprising in the island
of Bohol, led by Tamblot in 1621. The Jesuits first came to Bohol in 1596 and eventually governed the island and converted the
Boholanos to the Catholic faith. Tamblot, a babaylan or native priest, urged his fellow Boholanos to return to the old belief of
their forefathers.[10] The revolt began on the day when the Jesuits were in Cebu, celebrating the feast day of St. Francis Xavier.
It was finally crushed on New Year's Day, in 1622. Tamblot was executed and his head was set on a pike and displayed to
serve as a warning to the populace.

BANKAW (BANCAO) REVOLT (1621–1622): The Bankaw Revolt was a religious uprising against Spanish colonial rule
led by Bancao, the datu of Carigara, in the present-day Carigara in Leyte. Bankaw had warmly received Miguel López de
Legazpi as his guest, when he first arrived in the Philippines in 1565. Although baptized as a Catholic in his youth, he
abandoned this faith in later years. With a babaylan, or religious leader named Pagali, he built a temple for a diwata or local
goddess, and pressed six towns to rise up in revolt. Similar to the Tamblot Uprising, Pagali used magic to attract followers, and
claimed that they could turn the Spaniards into clay by hurling bits of earth at them.

Governor-General Alonso Fajardo de Entenza sent the alcalde mayor of Cebu, Juan de Alcarazo, with Spanish and
foot soldier colonial troops, to suppress the rebellion. Bankaw's severed head was impaled on a bamboo stake and displayed to
the public as a stern warning. One of his sons was also beheaded, and one of the babaylans was burned at the stake. Three
other followers were executed by firing squad, the Spanish already possessed firearms at that time. Other historical
sources/accounts reports The Bankaw Revolt as the first recorded uprising against foreign colonization. The (1621–1622) dates
may be inaccurate. Carigara was known only a decade after Magellan landed in "Mazaua" (believed to be Limasawa) in 1521.
The uprising may well have taken place towards the end of the 16th century.

ITNEG REVOLT (1625–1627): The Itneg Revolt, or the Mandaya Revolt, was a religious uprising led by Miguel Lanab and
Alababan. The two were previously baptized as Catholics against their will and were from the Itneg or Mandaya tribe of
Capinatan, in northwestern Cagayan, in the Philippines. The region is now part of the landlocked province of Apayao. Miguel
Lanab and Alababan killed, beheaded and mutilated two Dominican missionaries, Father Alonzo Garcia and Brother Onofre
Palao, who were sent by the Spanish colonial government to convert the Itneg people to Christianity. After cutting Father
Garcia's body into pieces, they fed his flesh to a herd of pigs. Afterwards, they compelled their fellow Itnegs to loot, desecrate
Catholic images, set fire to the local churches, and escape with them to the mountains.

In 1626, Governor-General Fernándo de Silva sent Spanish and foot soldier colonial troops to suppress the rebellion. They
destroyed farms and other sources of food to starve the Itnegs, and forced them to surrender in 1627.

LADIA REVOLT (1643): Pedro Ladia was a Moro Bornean and a self-claimed descendant of Lakandula who came to Malolos
in 1643. At that time, his land was confiscated by the Spanish and he thought that it was about time that they stage an uprising
and put himself as King of the Tagalogs. This was despite the fact that a parish priest tried to convince him not to pursue his
plans. Upon his capture, he was brought to Manila where he was executed.

SUMUROY REVOLT (1649–50): In the town of Palapag today in Northern Samar, Agustin Sumuroy, a Waray, and some of
his followers rose in arms on June 1, 1649 over the polo y servicio or forced labor system being undertaken in Samar. This is
known as the Sumuroy Revolt, named after Agustin Sumuroy.

The government in Manila directed that all natives subject to the polo are not to be sent to places distant from their
hometowns to do their forced labor. However, under orders of the various town alcaldes, or mayors, The Waray were being sent
to the shipyards of Cavite to do their polo y servicio, which sparked the revolt. The local parish priest of Palapag was murdered
and the revolt eventually spread to Mindanao, Bicol and the rest of the Visayas, especially in places such as Cebu, Masbate,
Camiguin, Zamboanga, Albay, Camarines and parts of northern Mindanao, such as Surigao. A rebel government was
successfully established in the mountains of Samar.

The defeat, capture and execution of Sumuroy in June 1650 delivered a big setback to the revolt. His trusted co-
conspirator David Dula sustained the quest for freedom with greater vigor but in one of a fierce battles several years later, he
was wounded, captured and later executed in Palapag, Northern Samar by the Spaniards together with his seven key

MANIAGO/PAMPANGA REVOLT (1660–1661): The Maniago Revolt was an uprising in Pampanga during the 1660s
named after its leader, Francisco Maniago. During that time, Pampanga drew most of the attention from the Spanish religious
orders because of its relative wealth. They also bore the burden of more tribute, forced labor, and rice exploitation. They were
made to work for eight months under unfair conditions and were not paid for their labor and for the rice purchased from them.
Their patience was put to the limit and they signified their intention to revolt by setting their campsite on fire. The fight soon
began and because the Spaniards were busy fighting against the Dutch, they were badly depleted by the Kapampangans. The
Maniago revolt was the start of a much bigger and even bloodier revolt in Pangasinan. This battle was led by a man named
Andres Malong who had heeded the call of Maniago to revolt against the Spaniards. After hearing news of a Kapampangan
chief siding with the Spaniards, Maniago and his forces arranged for a meeting with Governor-General Sabiniano Manrique de
Lara in which they gave their conditions to end their rebellion. Appeased and satisfied with the conditions of the agreement, the
Governor-General accepted the demands after which Maniago and his forces gave up the rebellion.

MALONG REVOLT (1660–1661): Andres Malong was the maestro de campo of Binalatongan - now San Carlos City - in
Pangasinan in the 1660s. He assisted many Spaniards in governing different towns in Pangasinan, and as such, had learned
and was trained to use force and cruelty. He hoped of being the King of the province, however, set this plan aside when a war,
led by Francisco Maniago, broke out in Pampanga.

Malong started his campaign in a small barangay called Malunguey, but failed. Having the same condition as in
Pampanga, he led the people in Pangasinan to take up arms against the Spaniards. It spread like wild fire in Pangasinan.
Because of his success, he proclaimed himself King of Pangasinan.

ALMAZAN REVOLT (JANUARY 1661): A part of the chain to the Malong Revolt was the Ilocos Revolt led by Don Pedro
Almazan, illustrious and wealthy leader from San Nicolas, Laoag, Ilocos Norte. The letters sent by Don Andres Malong ("King of
Pangasinan") narrating the defeat of the Spaniards in his area and urging other provinces to rise in arms failed to obtain any
support among the natives. During the revolt, Don Pedro Almazan proclaimed himself "King of Ilocos", but was later captured
and executed. He also had a son which the Ilocanos proclaimed their prince

CHINESE REVOLT OF 1662: Fearing an invasion of Chinese led by the famous pirate Koxinga, the garrisons around
Manila were reinforced. An increasing anti-Chinese sentiment grew within much of the population. In the end, the invasion did
not materialize, but many locals massacred hundreds of Chinese in Manila.

PANAY REVOLT (1663): The Panay Revolt was a religious uprising in 1663 that involved Tapar, a native of the island
of Panay, who wanted to establish a religious cult in the town of Oton. He attracted some followers with his stories about his
frequent conversations with a demon. Tapar and his men were killed in a bloody skirmish against Spanish and colonial foot
soldier troops and their corpses were impaled on sticks.

ZAMBAL REVOLT (1681–1683): A group of chieftains from Zambales had refused to accept the authority of the Crown over
their realm and staged a revolt. The Spanish were very swift to respond and sent a colonial force of 6,000 foot soldiers to
suppress the uprising. After 2 years of conflict, the Spanish had pacified the entire area of Zambales and all of the chieftains
who participated in the revolt were executed.
AGRARIAN REVOLT OF 1745: The Agrarian Revolt was a revolt undertaken between the years 1745 and 1746 in much of
the present-day Calabarzon (specifically in Batangas, Laguna and Cavite) and in Bulacan, with its first sparks in the towns of
Lian and Nasugbu in Batangas. Indigenous landowners rose in arms over the land grabbing of Spanish friars or Catholic
religious orders, with native landowners demanding that Spanish priests return their lands on the basis of ancestral domain.

The refusal of the Spanish priests resulted in much rioting, resulting in massive looting of convents and arson of
churches and ranches. The case was eventually investigated by Spanish officials and was even heard in the court of Ferdinand
VI in which he ordered the priests to return the lands they seized. The priests were successfully able to appeal the return of
lands back to the natives, which resulted in no land being returned to native landowners.

DAGOHOY REBELLION (1744–1825): In 1744 in what is now the province of Bohol, what is known today as the Dagohoy
Revolt was undertaken by Francisco Dagohoy and his followers. This revolt is unique since it is the only revolt completely
related to matters of religious customs, although unlike the Tamblot Uprising before it, which was not a complete religious

After a duel in which Dagohoy's brother died, the local parish priest refused to give his brother a proper Catholic burial,
since dueling is a mortal sin. The refusal of the priest eventually led to the longest revolt ever held in Philippine history: 85
years. It also led to the establishment of a free Boholano government. Twenty governors-general, from Juan Arrechederra to
Mariano Ricafort Palacin y Abarca, failed to stop the revolt. Ricafort himself sent a force of 2,200 foot soldiers to Bohol, which
was defeated by Dagohoy's followers. Another attack, also sent by Ricafort in 1828 and 1829, failed as well. Dagohoy died two
years before the revolt ended, though, which led to the end of the revolt in 1829. Some 19,000 survivors were granted pardon
and were eventually allowed to live in new Boholano villages: namely, the present-day towns of Balilihan, Batuan, Bilar (Vilar),
Catigbian and Sevilla (Cabulao).

SILANG REVOLT (1762–1763): Arguably one of the most famous revolts in Philippine history is the Silang Revolt from 1762
to 1763, led by the couple Diego Silang and Gabriela Silang. Unlike the other revolts, this revolt took place during the British
invasion of Manila. On December 14, 1762, Diego Silang declared the independence of Ilocandia, naming the state "Free
Ilocos" and proclaimed Vigan the capital of this newly independent state. The British heard about this revolt in Manila and even
asked the help of Silang in fighting the Spanish.

However, Silang was killed on May 28, 1763 by Miguel Vicos, a friend of Silang. The Spanish authorities paid for his
murder, leading to his death in the arms of his wife, Gabriela. She continued her husband's struggle, earning the title "Joan of
Arc of the Ilocos" because of her many victories in battle. The battles of the Silang revolt are a prime example of the use of
divide et impera, since Spanish troops largely used Kapampangan soldiers to fight the Ilocanos.

Eventually, the revolt ended with the defeat of the Ilocanos. Gabriela Silang was executed by Spanish authorities in
Vigan on September 10, 1763.

PALARIS REVOLT (1762–1764): During the British Invasion of the Philippines during the Seven Years' War, the Spanish
colonial government, including Villacorta, had relocated to Bacolor in the province of Pampanga, which was then adjacent to
Pangasinan. It was at this time that the principalia of Binalatongan protested the abuses committed by the provincial governor.
The town leaders demanded that the governor be removed and that the colonial government stop collecting taxes since the
islands were already under the British at that time. But Governor-General Simon de Anda dismissed the demands and the revolt
broke out in November 1762. The name of de la Cruz, who began to be known as Palaris, emerged as one of the leaders of the
revolt, along with his brother Colet, Andrés López, and Juan de Vera Oncantin.

By December, all Spanish officials, except the Dominican friars who were in charge of the Catholic mission, had left
Pangasinan. The Spanish colonial government had to deal with the British invaders and the simultaneous Silang Revolt, led by
Diego Silang, in the neighboring province of Ilocos in the north. (The present-day province of La Union was still part of
Pangasinan and Ilocos.) At the battle of Agno, he faced on March 1, 1763 the Spanish forces under the command of Alfonso de
Arayat, who led a composite troop of Spanish soldiers and Indios loyal to Spain. Arayat withdrew after losing much of his Indio
loyalists. Pangasinenses took over all official functions and controlled the province up to the Agno River, the natural boundary
between Pangasinan and neighboring Pampanga in the south. (The present-day province of Tarlac was still part of Pampanga.)
At the height of the uprising, Palaris commanded 10,000 men. He was also in communication with Silang, with whom he was
coordinating a bigger offensive against the Spanish.

However, the Seven Years' War ended on February 10, 1763 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Also, Silang was
assassinated on May 28, 1763 by an Indio under the employ of the friars. The Spanish were then able to focus on the uprising
and mustered forces to surround Palaris. The Spanish friars, who were allowed to stay in the province, also started a campaign
to persuade Pangasinan residents of the futility of the Palaris Revolt.

By March 1764, most of the province had already fallen, leaving Palaris no escape route except through Lingayen Gulf
and the South China Sea in the west. He chose to stay in Pangasinan and hid among his supporters. But his presence terrified
his protectors and his own sister Simeona, who was apparently threatened by the Spanish clergy, betrayed him to Agustín
Matias, the gobernadorcillo (mayor) of the razed Binalatongan. Palaris was arrested on January 16, 1765 and brought to the
provincial capital of Lingayen for trial. While in detention, he confessed being the principal leader of the revolt. He was convicted
and hanged on February 26, 1765.

BASI REVOLT (1807): The Basi Revolt, also known as the Ambaristo Revolt, was a revolt undertaken from September 16 to
28, 1807. It was led by Pedro Mateo and Salarogo Ambaristo (though some sources refer to a single person named Pedro
Ambaristo), with its events occurring in the present-day town of Piddig in Ilocos Norte. This revolt is unique as it revolves around
the Ilocanos' love for basi, or sugarcane wine. In 1786, the Spanish colonial government expropriated the manufacture and sale
of basi, effectively banning private manufacture of the wine, which was done before expropriation. Ilocanos were forced to buy
from government stores. However, wine-loving Ilocanos in Piddig rose in revolt on September 16, 1807, with the revolt
spreading to nearby towns and with fighting lasting for weeks. Spanish-led troops eventually quelled the revolt on September
28, 1807, albeit with much force and loss of life on the losing side. A series of 14 paintings on the Basi Revolt by Esteban
Pichay Villanueva currently hangs at the Ilocos Sur National Museum in Vigan City. The event is immortalized and
commemorated in the Basi Revolt Monument located along the highway of Piddig.

NOVALES REVOLT (1823): Andrés Novales later grew discontented with the way Spanish authorities treated the Criollo
people. His discontentment climaxed when peninsulares were shipped to the Philippines to replace Criollo officers. He found the
sympathy of many Criollos, including Luis Rodriguez Varela, the Conde Filipino. As punishment to the rising sense of
discontentment, many military officers and public officials were exiled. One of them was Novales, who was exiled to Mindanao
to fight the Moro. However, Novales was not stopped to secretly return to Manila. On the night of June 1, 1823, Novales along
with a certain sub-lieutenant Ruiz and other subordinates in the King's Regiment, went out to start a revolt. Along with 800
Indigenous natives in which his sergeants recruited, they seized the royal palace (palacio del gobernador), the Manila
Cathedral, the city's cabildo (city hall) and other important government buildings in Intramuros. Failing to find governor general
Juan Antonio Martínez, they killed the lieutenant governor and former governor general, Mariano Fernandez de Folgueras.
Folgueras was the one that suggested Spain to replace Creole officers with peninsulars. The soldiers shouted, "Long live the
Emperor Novales!" (Viva el Emperador Novales). Surprisingly, the townsfolk followed Novales and his troops as they marched
into Manila. They eventually failed to seize Fort Santiago because Andrés' brother Mariano, who commanded the citadel,
refused to open its gates. Authorities rushed soldiers to the fort upon learning that it was still holding out against the rebels.
Novales himself was caught hiding under the Puerta Real by Spanish soldiers. At 5:00 pm of June 2, Novales, Ruiz, and 21
sergeants were executed by firing squad in a garden near Puerta del Postigo. In his last minutes, Novales declared that he and
his comrades shall set an example of fighting for freedom. Mariano was initially to be executed as well for being Andrés' brother,
but the crowd pleaded for his freedom with the argument that he had saved the government from being overthrown. Mariano
received a monthly pension of ₱14, but went mad after the execution.

PALMERO CONSPIRACY (1828): The Palmero Conspiracy in 1828 was a failed plot to overthrow the Spanish
colonial government in the Philippines. The Spanish government suppressed further information on this conspiracy. In 1823, an
order was from Spain declared that military officers commissioned in the Peninsula (Spain) should have precedence of all those
appointed in the Colonies. This was the reaction of Madrid to the series of wars against Spanish rule that was known as the
Spanish American wars of independence; Many Criollo military officers were outranked by their Peninsular counterparts.

In 1828, matters became worse when public officials, mainly provincial governors, were also being replaced by
Peninsulares. In the same year, two Palmero brothers, members of a prominent clan in the Philippines, along with other people
from both the military and the civil service, planned to seize the government. Such was the prominence of the Palmeros, one of
whose most famous descendants was Marcelo Azcárraga Palmero, that when the Spanish government discovered the plan,
they thought it would be wise not to report it to the public. The plot itself would embarrass the government since the conspirators
were Spaniards themselves and it would seem that Spaniards themselves would want to overthrow the power of Spain in the
country. The main conspirators were exiled.

PULE REVOLT (1840–1841): One of the most famous religious revolts is the Pule Revolt, more formally known as the
Religious Revolt of Hermano Pule. Undertaken between June 1840 and November 1841, this revolt was led by Apolinario de la
Cruz, otherwise known as "Hermano Pule". De la Cruz started his own religious order, the Confraternity of Saint Joseph
(Spanish: Confradia de San José) in Lucban, located in the present-day province of Quezon (then called Tayabas), in June
1840. However, there were two types of priests in the Philippines then: secular priests, or parish priests, which were usually
Indio, and religious priests, or convent priests, which were usually Spanish. Due to the concentration of Spanish religious power
and authority in the already-established religious orders (the Augustinians, Jesuits and Franciscans to name a few) and the
concept that Filipino priests should only stay in the church and not the convent and vice versa (although this was not always
followed), the Spanish government banned the new order, especially due to its deviation from original Catholic rituals and
teachings, such as prayers and rituals suited for Filipinos. However, thousands of people in Tayabas, Batangas, Laguna and
even Manila already joined.

Because of this, the Spanish government sent in troops to forcibly break up the order, forcing De la Cruz and his
followers to rise in armed revolt in self-defense. Many bloody battles were fought with the order's last stand in Mount San
Cristobal, near Mount Banahaw, in October 1841. The Spaniards eventually won, and Apolinario de la Cruz was executed on
November 4, 1841 in the then-provincial capital, Tayabas.

FLAG OF THE 1872 CAVITE MUTINY: The Cavite Mutiny of 1872 was an uprising of military personnel of Fort San Felipe,
the Spanish arsenal in Cavite, Philippines on January 20, 1872. Around 200 soldiers and laborers rose up in the belief that it
would elevate to a national uprising. The mutiny was unsuccessful, and government soldiers executed many of the participants
and began to crack down on a burgeoning nationalist movement.

Most of these revolts failed because the majority of the local population sided up with the well-armed colonial government and
fight with Spanish as foot soldiers to put down the revolting parties. Also, in the ABSENCE OF NATIONAL LEADER,
much on the failure of the revolts during Spanish era which categorized on Personal and Religious Cause, Resistance to
Spanish imposed economic and religious institutions and Land Disputes.

07 Jul 1892: Andres Bonifacio founded the Katipunan (KKK) to prepare freedom loving Filipinos for armed revolt. The
Katipunan formed the nucleus of the Revolutionary Philippine Army.

A year after the outbreak of hostilities between the Katipuneros and the Spanish troops, the Philippine Revolutionary
Government (PRG) and its Army were born on March 22, 1897 at Tejeros in Cavite. General Artemio Ricarte was named
Captain General of the revolutionary Philippine Army which marks the founding day of the modern day Philippine Army..

1894: Macario Sakay y de Leon joined KKK.

 Jailed for his seditious acts

 Released in 1902 due to amnesty
 Established Republika ng Katagalugan
 Issued a manifesto in 1904
 US anti-brigandage law

12 June 1898: Gen Emilio Aguinaldo declared Philippine Independence from Spain and sat as President of the First Philippine

 American forces came in and established rule by virtue of the Treaty of Paris.
 Spain co-signed with America on 10 December 1898.
 The treaty ceded the Philippines to the United States.

04 February 1899: Fil-American War erupted caused by the San Juan Bridge incident.

 American commanders decided to implement their plans.

 Malolos were been attacked by General McArthur.
 Gen Gregorio del Pilar tasked to defend the Tirad Pass to delay the Americans in capturing the main body of the
Revolutionary army. The young general affirm his love of country by offering the greatest sacrifice.

“The General has given me the pick of all the men that can be spared and ordered me to defend this pass. I realized
what terrible task is given me. And yet, I feel that this is the most glorious moment in my life. What I do is for my
beloved country. No sacrifice can be too great.”
Gen Gregorio Del Pilar

 Due to the superiority of American arms, the Filipinos lost the war.
 The Americans established government in 1901 but the Filipino revolutionaries continued their struggle for freedom.
 Between 1901 and 1935, the revolutionary army lost many of its cohorts in sporadic engagements BUT NEVER

Balangiga Massacre: General Lukban raided an American detachment stationed in Balangiga that killed 30 American soldiers
outright, 8 severely wounded and died later, 22 wounded and recovered, 4 missing, and 4 escaped unhurt.

The incident triggered Gen Smith to order the all persons 10 years old and older to be killed.

National Defense Act:

 The establishment of the Philippine Commonwealth on 15 November 1935.

 President Manuel Luis Quezon sought the services of General Douglas McArthur to evolve a national defense plan.
 Commonwealth Act No.1 was enacted into law.
 Paved the way to the birth of the new Philippine Army under the coat of the US Army.
 Trained new Filipino members in defending the nation and protecting its people.

Japanese Occupation and the Liberation Era:

The Philippines in WW II

 2 regular and 10 reserve divisions of the Philippine Army undertook the defense of the Philippines.
 Incorporated into the USAFFE
 Under the command of Gen McArthur
 Defense of Bataan
 Defense of Corregidor
 Japanese heavy bombing and artillery shelling overwhelmed the gallant defenders.
 Defenders fought gallantly although food supply and water was low and enduring sicknesses.
(Filipino-American lines held problems on food supply, sickness and malnutrition caused the collapse of defenses)
 Surrendered on May 6, 1942.
 The most intense phase of Imperial Japan’s invasion of the Philippines is the Battle of Bataan accomplished by their
imperial Army and Navy.
 Japanese forces landed at North Point aboard barges.
 Filipino and American forces fought the Japanese for three (3) months.
 Filipino and American prisoners of war was forced to march from Bataan to Capas, Tarlac.
 Many have escaped and formed guerilla units.
 Remaining forces in the Philippines resorted to guerilla methods of fighting until liberation.
 Gallant stand stalled the otherwise unhampered Japanese invasion of other countries.


The Hukbalahap (Hukbong Bayan Laban sa mga Hapon) was to be part of a broad united front resistance to the
Japanese occupation.

The Hukbalahap movement has deep roots in the Spanish encomienda.

Only after the comings of the Americans reforms were initiated to lessen tensions between tenants and landlords.

The reforms did not solve the problems.

American landings were initially set on November 15, 1944 at Sarangani Bay but due to the rapid success of the
American Halsey, the date was advanced to October 20, 1944 and the place of landing was relocated to Leyte.

Battle of Manila Bay took a big part on the liberation of Manila.

Post World War II Era

 Major Commands were created.

 July 01, 1947 - a small contingent of aircraft was flown by Filipino pilots.
 Hqs National Defense Forces was renamed GHQ, AFP.
 Executive Order No. 389, led to the creation of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

Philippine Army, Philippine Constabulary, Philippine Air Force, and the Philippine Navy were subsequently created as
the four (4) military branches of services.
Phil Army Expansion

 On the onset of the 60s ushered an expansion of the army's roles the includes participation in the socio-economic
programs of the country.
 1969 – NPA was organized
 Military operations supported by civic action blocked the escalation of insurgency.

Martial Law Era

 The birth of the New People’s Army in 1969 caused chaotic environment.
 Declaration of Martial Law on 21 September 1972
 Military operations supported by civic action blocked the escalation of insurgency.

The Presidents declaration of Martial Law:

“I assure you that I am utilizing this power vested in me by the Constitution for one purpose alone, and that is to save
the Republic and reform our society. I wish to emphasize these two objectives. We will eliminate the threat of a violent
overthrow of our Republic, but at the same time, we must now reform the social, economic and political institutions in our
Pres Ferdinand E Marcos

 The onset of the 80’s saw the birth of the SOT (Special Operations Team) strategy; aims to isolate and neutralize
insurgents from the civilian population; dismantle communist political organizations and deny them control of
Campaign Plan

Year Campaign Plan Description/ Dynamics of the Period

Marcos Administration

70’s Martial Law • Plaza Miranda Bombing 1971

21 Sept 1972 to • Two-front war: CPP/NPA and MNLF-BMA
17 Jan 1981 • PD 765 in Aug 1975 established the PC/INP
Early LOI Katatagan • Focused on a Strong State
80’s • End of Martial Law in 1981
• Continuing resistance
• Growing political movements
• Ninoy Aquino Assassination 1983
• Establishment of Regional Unified Commands (RUCs)

1986 LOI Mamamayan • Inspired by People Power Revolution

• Revolutionary Government under a
Freedom Constitution
• AFP Human Rights Reorientation
• Beginning of peace negotiations with
• Military resistance to peace policies of
new administration
• Series of coup attempts
1988 Lambat Bitag 1987 Philippine Constitution
series (I, II, III) Peace negotiations and series of coup
up to 1994 attempts
Special Operations Team (SOT);
Clear-Hold-Consolidate-Develop (CHCD)
Operational Methodology; Village Defense System
Venus Fly Trap; Silent War
Other Factors:
Collapse of Communism worldwide
Split within the CPP
Removal of the US Bases

1994 Unlad Bayan Centered on nation-building – “Philippines

2000” NIC-hood
Peace-building Program of the Ramos
Amnesty for “rightist” rebels
Peace Agreement with MNLF
Repeal of RA 1700 (Anti-Subversion Law)

1996 Pagkalinga • Off-shoot of RA 6975. Facilitated further

coordination of AFP-PNP efforts against
insurgency (transfer of ISO responsibility
of some areas to the PNP)
• Supposed AFP transition to external
defense (AFP Modernization Law)
1997 Kaisaganaan “One for Progress” AFP guide towards the
attainment of “Philippines 2000”
RA 8551 Return of ISO Responsibility to
the AFP

2000 Balangai Total approach strategy of the National

Peace and Development Plan (NPDP)
“All-out war” against the MILF


2002 Bantay-Laya I Under the framework of the National

Internal Security Plan (NISP).
Combination of two successful
Magsaysay’s Right Hand-Left Hand
Lambat-Bitag’s SOT Approach

Defeat the CPP/NPA/NDF
Contain the MILF
Destroy the ASG
2006 Bantay-Laya II Under the framework of the Enhanced
National Internal Security Plan (NISP)
Defeat the CPP/NPA/NDF
Contain the MILF
Destroy the ASG
Area Clearing: Red and White Areas
C-in-C Directive to “crush the insurgency
by June 2010.”

Verdicts and Resolutions: Roots of insurgency must be addressed properly, Insurgency is the extension of politics by
means of armed conflict, Inadequate politico-military training in the part of the gov’t and adopt a new approach, “PARADIGM

Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Mission

PEFTOK (1950 – 1953)

 Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK).
 Part of its commitment as member of the United Nations
 PEFTOK took part in decisive battles such as the Battle of Yultong Bridge and the Battle of Hill Eerie.

PhilCAGV (1964 – 1973)

o Philippine Civic Action Group to Vietnam (PhilCAGV).
o Helped build communities and provided medical services.

Persian Gulf War (1990 -1991)

 The Philippines sent 200 medical personnel to assist coalition forces in the liberation of Kuwait from the stranglehold of

Iraq War (2003 -2004)

 The Philippines sent 60 medics, engineers and other troops to assist in the invasion of Iraq.
 Withdrawn on the 14th of July 2004.

Coup Attempts

1986-1987 – Against Marcos Regime

1989 – Reform the Armed Forces Movement (RAM) (Honasan)
Oakwood Mutiny 2003 – Alleged corruption in the AFP (Trellanes)
Manila Peninsula Mutiny – In support to Oakwood Mutiny (Gen Lim)
Reforms and Programs

 Policy reforms to address alleged corruption.

 AFP modernization: personnel & equipment.
 Observance of human rights.
 Adherence to IHL and rule of law.

The Army in Nation Building

 PA plays an important role in nation building:

 Helps provide assistance in areas that are deficient and needed vital facilities and services like roads, bridges, schools,
health and sanitations.


 The AFP of the past is a record of bravery, sacrifice and undaunted persistent struggle for the country's freedom.

 The AFP today is the mirror and the fruit of the past. Thus, the soldiers are peace loving, partner in nation building,
competent and more self-reliant corps of men and women.

 The AFP of tomorrow is not only a protector of the state but an agent of peace and a partner in nation building for
better Philippines.

 Your Philippine Army continues to be of service to the country and people. It has evolved from its traditional role of war
fighting to agents of peace and catalysts for development.

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