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“A Wee Pastel Proletariat of Technology”

By: Coleen Mae Contreras Camarista
Nosedive is one of the episode on Netflix’s anthology series Black Mirror. The episode has bestowed
us a dreamy trailblazing vicinity of bizarre pastel proletariat which folks are vivacious through rating
each other to live.

The story goes with a regular girl Lacie Pound (Bryce Dallas Howard) who lives in a bizarre utopia. In
order to astir life, folks must rate each other but one must get to post an alluring and fascinating photo
to get escalating and applauding rate. Lacie Pound is a 4.2 who admires to notch the rate of 4.5 to live
more classy and gallantly just like her friend Naomi (Alice Eve) whose rate exceeds to 4.8 that lives
luxuriously and is about to marry whereas Lacie is beckoned to be her made of honor . Each and
everyday Lacie used to share photos of her daily life with the things around her to be rated and
withholds a perfect harmony in the community in order to be loved and cherished by her fellow folks.
Lacie is beckoned to be Naomi’s made of honor on her wedding and must get to reach the rate of 4.5 in
order to coerce in the wedding day. Since Lacie is a 4.2 and cannot subsidize the things she must endow
to get to the wedding, herself turned to be so recherché and not understood by most people on account
of unduly self-seeking traits and forcing folks to like her. Lacie’s jaundiced trait turned herself to
become mediocrity and prisoned. Though Lacie is prisoned because of her negative traits, she freely
chimed everything inside the hoosegow together with the other captive.

Andy Warhol once said “ In the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes”. The story of
Nosedive utterly empathizes the world nowadays. People live because of popularity and because of it
they’ve horse-traded themselves just to be famous without any apologia and those who are in the
sunken mislay opportunity fathoming that they’re unworthy. Writers Michael Schur and Rashida Jones’
notion in this story utterly wakens the mind of every people on how to control things in social media and
bestowing us ideas of consequences when prone to habitué exploitations. The story also tantamount to
Blue Jasmine (2013), whereas Jasmine played by Cate Blanchett and Lacie which is played by Bryce
Dallas Howard are both sort of glyphs that are too self-seeking that turns out to become mentally broke
and recherché. The issue in this story utmost likely similar to Instagram dramas, it tells something that
utmost people are thirst of having likes and followers without any reasons. In the case Lacie Pound
which is played by Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World, The Help, Pete’s Dragon), the character is
utterly druggie when in comes to social media. Of course, the proletariat in this generation are obsessive
to trailblazing activities especially uploading best photos on social media. People assume that it would
be fun and utterly healthy to be involved in social media but they do not comprehend the consequences
that may bear of unduly riveting to public. The story also tattles popularity for living, the vicinity in the
story mayhap a mistake. It doesn’t mean that a person is a low-class, he or she cannot endow things in
order to exist yet it’s just a fiction alike to Hunger Games, they must survive the starvation of popularity
and popularity plumped them to exist. And the last part is utterly odious despite that Lacie is prisoned
together with the other captive, they fathom that they are freed on account that they shout to each
other realizing that its more prodigal without their iphone-wannabe rate operator.
When it comes to visual effects, it utterly grabs the attention of every audiences, pastel color
combined with highly technological vicinity is a ten star to this show. Audiences would never thought
that it would look like Dr. Seuss: Cat In the Hat and a wee bit Divergent social predicament comes to
life. It thought to be magical and comedy type of show on account of its effects at the first one minute of
the show yet it turns out to be a mind-blowing sci-fi and drama show that contains real life predicament
of nowadays which lessons can be ascertain. On the credits, the director was thought to be Tim Burton
or Steven Spielberg on account of its effects and panache but when it turns out to be Joe Wright, its
utterly reanimating and refreshing since his previous films such as Atonement (2006), Pride & Prejudice
(2004), Hanna (2011) and Pan (2015) are drama films whereas it is based on books and fantasy yet
Nosedrive can be a tool to get some notions on how to exist even in just bourgeoisie level in nowadays
and it seems that his upcoming films would be up to something on account of egregious chronicle of

Black Mirror so far is the best anthology series. Every stories on this series can basically be an aid tool
to get some notions of what to do and what not to do if you’re bearing any burdens. The series also
foretell the limitation of your intelligence in manipulated predicament. It presume that this show is
recommended to all sci-fi fanatics and every millennial youths to discover and realize the pros and cons
of being unduly surrounded by highly advanced technology that may affect yourself.

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