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“How do you do it?

A chapter of teaching materials

for grade IX junior high school


Teddy Fiktorius (


“How do you do it?” is a chapter of teaching materials carefully designed for you, young
learners in junior high school (SMP/MTs), especially the ninth graders. The necessity of
English as one of the foreign languages studied in Indonesian schools, brings this chapter of
teaching materials forward.

The writer has made an effort to develop your ability in English use through this chapter.
The content of the chapter is integrated in the four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking,
reading and writing in which each of the skill is completed with eight activities. It aims to
build your language, discourse, sociocultural and strategic competence. All the components
help you understand English and use it as the media of communication.

This chapter also presents theories as well as activities that are closely familiar to the
students. The activities will explore your creativity and encourage you to use your language
skills in English.

Last but not least, the writer is very grateful to all people who have helped and given their
input, support, and encouragement.

Hopefully, this chapter of teaching materials will help you learn English in a communicative

Pontianak, June 2013


Guide to read this chapter

1. Learning Essential
describes the primary subject of the chapter.
2. Chapter Title
displays the title theme of the chapter.
3. Materials you are going to learn in this chapter
mentions main subjects in the chapter.
4. Objectives
states the expected goals after learning.
5. Activity (1-8)
provides exercises in each skill.
6. Speech act
explains the useful expressions related to the discussion.
7. Important note
highlights important points of the related discussion.
8. Follow-up activity
gives you an activity to practice some materials that you have studied.
9. Log On
enriches your knowledge through the materials provided on the internet.
10. Summary
restates the major points of learning.
11. Learning Reflection
brings to you in the form of questions that remind you of some learning materials.
12. Fun Page Corner
allows you to practise through a fun way.
13. Funny Stories Corner
provides amusing stories for refreshing moments.
14. UN Challenge Corner
challenges you some problems to solve that are taken from Ujian Nasional.
15. Bibliography
shows you the resources for this chapter.
16. Image Credits
shows you the resources of pictures.
17. Glossary
consists of list of words or terms to enrich your vocabulary.
18. Listening Script
displays the scripts your teacher orally reads to you in the listening section.
19. Answer Key
consists of the answers of the exercises in the chapter.

Table of content

Preface ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Guide to read this chapter ...................................................................................................................... 3
Table of content ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Learning essential ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Materials you are going to learn in this chapter ............................................................................... 7
Listening skill ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Activity 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Speech act .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Activity 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Activity 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Activity 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Activity 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Important note ..................................................................................................................................... 12
Activity 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Activity 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Activity 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Speaking skill ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Activity 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Speech act .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Activity 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Follow-up activity ................................................................................................................................ 17
Activity 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Log On ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Activity 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Activity 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Activity 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Activity 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Activity 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Reading skill .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Activity 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Activity 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Activity 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Activity 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Activity 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Activity 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Activity 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Activity 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Writing skill .................................................................................................................................................... 29
Activity 1 .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Follow-up activity ................................................................................................................................ 29
Important note ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Activity 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Activity 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Follow-up activity ................................................................................................................................ 32
Activity 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Activity 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 33
Log On ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Activity 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Activity 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Activity 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 36
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Learning reflection ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Fun page corner .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Funny stories corner .................................................................................................................................... 38
UN challenge corner ................................................................................................................................... 39
Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................................................... 42
Bibliography.................................................................................................................................................. 43
Image credits ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
Listening script .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Answer key .................................................................................................................................................... 47

Learning Essential

Language Function Asking for certainty

- Are you certain?
- Are you sure?

Responses for certainty

- I am quite sure.
- I have no doubt about it.

Responses for uncertainty

- I am not sure.
- I doubt it.

Asking for repetition

- Sorry, I can't hear you!
- I'm sorry. I didn't catch what you said.

Genre of text: Social function:

Procedure To describe how something is acomplished through a
sequence of actions or steps

Generic structure:
- The goal
- The materials
- The steps

Grammar : For example:

Imperatives in procedural texts - Slice the watermelon.
- Heat the oil in the pan.

How do you do it?

Materials you are going to learn in this chapter:

• listen to the expressions of certainty in the form of procedural texts

• listen to the expressions of uncertainty in the form of procedural texts
• listen to a monologue in the form of procedure
• listen to a dialogue in the form of procedure

Skills • express correctly to spoken act of repetition;

Speaking • respond to a monologue discourse in the form of procedural text.
• respond to a dialogue discourse in the form of procedural text.

• identify a procedural text by looking through pictures;

Reading • read aloud a procedure correctly.
• comprehend a procedure correctly.

• write your own procedural text



MATERIALS In this section, students will learn how to:

• listen to the expressions of certainty in the form of procedural texts
• listen to the expressions of uncertainty in the form of procedural texts
• listen to a monologue in the form of procedure
• listen to a dialogue in the form of procedure

OBJECTIVES By the end of the learning, students are expected to be able to:
• listen to the expressions of certainty in the form of procedural texts
• listen to the expressions of uncertainty in the form of procedural texts
• listen to a monologue in the form of procedure
• listen to a dialogue in the form of procedure

Activity 1

Answer the questions orally in a class discussion as a brainstorming phase!

“Have you ever given helpful hints or tips of making or doing things to someone?”

“Could you give an example of hints or tips you have ever given to someone?”

“Have you ever received any useful hints or tips from another person?”

“What kind of hints or tips were they?”

“Do you always feel certain about the hints or tips that you hear or see?”


The expressions of certainty and uncertainty

Certainty is the state of being completely confident or having no doubt about something.
However, uncertainty is when nothing is ever decided or sure.

Expressing certainty
When you are sure that something will or will not happen in the future, use these

For example to the question: "Will Sumanto pass the final exam?"
You may respond as follows:
absolutely sure
quite sure
I'm he will.
Yes, positive
of course.
absolutely sure
quite sure
I'm he won‟t.
No, positive
Definitely not.
certainly not.
of course not.

Expressing uncertainty
When you are not sure whether something will or will not happen or someone will or will
not do, use the following expressions.

For example, to the question: "Will Maimunah become the class captain?"
You may respond as follows:
I wouldn't like to say for certain.
it's possible,
I'm not sure.
it's impossible,
I doubt it.
it might be, I suppose, but
I have my own doubts.
it might not be,
Well, it could happen, it's doubtful.
It's highly/very unlikely.
you never know, of course.
no one can know for certain.
I can't tell you for sure.

Activity 2

Listen to your teacher carefully and fill in the blanks!

1. Expression(s) of certainty in the dialogue : __________

2. Expression(s) of uncertainty in the dialogue : __________

Activity 3

Listen to your teacher attentively and write down the missing expressions.

1. Inem : I am losing my concentration in the class. I think I lack sleep.

Temon : Well, I suggest that you try these useful tips . First, don‟t think too much.
Then, drink a glass of hot milk before sleeping. You will sleep really well.
Inem : __________?
Temon : __________
2. Parto : Do you know how to get rid of a headache easily and quickly?
Iyem : When I get a headache, my mom always says that I should do these. First,
take medicine. Next, go to sleep. Finally, when I get up, I feel fresh again.
You may give it a try.
Parto : __________?
Iyem : __________

Activity 4

Role play: Practise the two dialogues in activity 3 with your partner!

Activity 5

Listen to your teacher about the way to cook rice.

Then, write down all the cooking steps. Discuss it with your partner.

How to cook rice:

1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________

Important note

What is a procedural text?

Basically, procedural texts are part of our daily life. They tell us how
something is done through steps or actions. We often use procedural texts,
even though we rarely realise it. The examples are when we follow the
instructions of a recipe on television, read a manual on, how to turn on a CD
player, do a simple scientif c experiment, etc.

Types of procedural texts

There are different procedural texts for different purposes:
 Texts that explain how something works or how to use
instruction/operation manuals.
For example, how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder,
the photocopier, the fax, etc.
 Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity.
For example, recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety
rules, etc.
 Texts that deal with human behavior.
For example, how to live happily, how to succeed, etc.

The structure of a procedural text:

• Goal/purpose
Example: Let‟s Make Your Own Aquarium Ecosystem
• Materials (precise information, how long, how many, what type).
Example: sand, water plants, a bucket, etc
• Steps: What to do
Example: Spread the sand over the tank base.
• The covering (where, action verbs).
Example: Place the tank in bright light

Activity 6

Listen to your teacher. Write down each ingredient to make tomato soap!

To make a bowl of tomato soup, you must prepare all ingredients below:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________
8. __________
9. __________
10. __________

Activity 7

Listen to your teacher carefully. Put a tick (√) next to the pictures of the
ingredients we need to make a sandwich!

“How to make a sandwich”

1. (____) 4. (____)

2. (____) 5. (____)

3. (____) 6. (____)

Activity 8

Now, your teacher will read a procedural text. Fill in the missing words!

How to make milkshake

The (1)__________ that you need to make milkshake are:

 4 cups of vanilla ice cream
 2 cups milk
 4 (2)__________ of chocolate sauce
 1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries

Now, follow these (3)__________ to make a milkshake.
1. Place milkshake glasses into the (4)__________. Using cold glasses will help the shake
stay cool to give you time to enjoy. Leave for up to an hour if (5)__________.
2. Soften ice cream. It is easier to make a shake when the ice cream is slightly soft.
Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before (6)__________ your
3. Place the ingredients into a blender. Mix the ice cream, milk and added flavours
into the (7)__________. Blend in high speed for one minute. Don‟t leave in the
blender for longer or the shake will melt quickly.
4. Pour shakes into frosty glasses. Take the glasses out of the freezer as soon as the
blending is (8)__________. Then, pour the shake (9)__________ in.
5. Drop a straw into the shake, then enjoy. You can sip a shake right from the glass but
somehow the straw adds to the flavour and the (10)__________.


MATERIALS In this section, students will learn how to:

• express correctly to spoken act of repetition;
• respond to a monologue discourse in the form of procedural text.
• respond to a dialogue discourse in the form of procedural text.

OBJECTIVES By the end of the learning, students are expected to be able to:
• show expressions for asking repetition;
• do a monologue discourse in the form of procedural text.
• do a dialogue discourse in the form of procedural text.

Activity 1

Answer the questions orally in a class discussion as a brainstorming phase!

“Have you ever asked someone to repeat what he/she says?”

“What will you say if you want someone to repeat what he/she says?”

Speech Act

Expressions of asking for repetition

The following are some expressions that you can use to ask someone to repeat what is said
but unclearly understood or heard by you:

I am sorry. Would you repeat what you just said?

I am sorry. Would you mind repeating what you just said?
What? Could you repeat what you just said?
Sorry, I can‟t hear you!
I'm sorry, I didn't get that...
I‟m sorry. I didn‟t catch what you said.
Would you be louder, please?
Sorry, what did you say?
Would you be louder, please?
Sorry, I was not paying attention.

Activity 2

Practise the following dialogue with your partner!

Minah : Pleased to see you again, Maimun. Look at my new handbag. It is nice, isn‟t it?
Maimun : Glad to meet you, too, Kesya. What a shining handbag it is. But, isn‟t that the
one that you got as your birthday present two years ago?
Minah : Yes, you are definitely right.
Maimun : How did you make it look so different and brandnew?
Minah : Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
Maimun : How did you make the handbag look so different and brandnew, Minah?
Minah : Oh, that is so easy. Check this out. First, I just added some golden buttons.
Then, some glittery beads were pasted. Finally, I put a silver chain round it.

Follow-up activity:
Identify the expression used to ask for repetition in the dialogue above!

Activity 3

Class Project.
Your teacher will read the procedure of how to make a kite.
Listen to her/him carefully and follow the instructions.

Preparation of how to make a kite.

Materials Needed:
1. A2 paper
2. String (thick)
3. Pipe cleaners/ sticks
4. Scissors
5. Coloured pencils (optional)
6. Tape (optional)

How to make a kite

Step 1: Get a piece of paper (any colour) and

cut a diamond shape from it.

Step 2: To cut a diamond shape on the paper,
cut the 4 corners off. It should be in the
shape of a square.

Step 3: Tie the two sticks or pipe cleaners

together. Make it as tight as possible.

Step 4: Pierce 2 holes in the diamond-shaped

paper. On the inside corner where the
two sticks cross, thread a thick string.

Step 5: Using the other end of the thick string,

do the same. Then tie the string when
both of the ends of the string are
threaded through.

Step 6: Tie a long and strong string onto the

sticks or pipe cleaners to form the tail.
You can add small strips of paper to the
end of this tail string for added
buoyancy and weighting. It also looks
more complete.

Modified from:

Don‟t forget to practise the expressions of asking for repetition while doing the experiment
following your teacher‟s verbal instruction.

Log On

Making papercraft is really fun. We can make many forms from a piece of
paper. To make a papercraft you can click on:
There you can download free papercraft models. Try these as well:

Activity 4

Now, make your own dialogue with the expressions for asking repetition.
Act it out in front of the class!

Activity 5

Practise the following dialogue with your partner!

Suprapto : I have no idea how to run this application on my computer.

Suminah : You can log in the blog. Just state your name and wait for the instruction.
Suprapto : Sorry, I was not paying attention. Which service again?
Suminah : The available blog is in the internet service.
Suprapto : Okay. Thanks, Minah.
Suminah : You‟re welcome. Let me know if I you need my help.

Activity 6

Retell only the procedure in activity 5 in your own words!

Activity 7

Take turn to tell the following first-aid instructions

What should you do to stop nose bleeding?

Here is some good information you should keep in mind:
First, loosen the clothing around your neck. Next, put a cotton pad in the bleeding nostril.
Then, sit down with your head leaning forward. After that, squeeze your nose until it stops
bleeding. Eventually, if your nose continues to bleed, call a doctor.

Activity 8

Work in pair to create your own advice or instruction as shown in activity 7

and share it with the class!


MATERIALS In this section, students will learn how to:

• identify a procedural text by looking through pictures;
• read aloud a procedure correctly.
• comprehend a procedure correctly.

OBJECTIVES By the end of the learning, students are expected to be able to:
• understand a procedural text in the form of pictures;
• read aloud a procedural text correctly
• identify both general and specific information in a procedure correctly.

Activity 1

Observe the following pictures carefully. Then, rearrange the instructions!

1. Step (___) Slice down from the top to

the rind in even slices.

2. Step (___) Try arranging them on top

of a fruit platter for a
refreshing and healthy

3. Step (___) Stand the melon on end
and slowly slice down
through the centre.

4. Step (___) Place each section into a


5. Step (_1_) Wash the rind of a

watermelon with regular
soap or with a fruit wash.

6. Step (___) Hold the section in one

hand while you slowly
remove the melon from its

7. Step (___) Use a sharp knife to

carefully slice off the top
and the bottom.

8. Step (___) Cut each half into sections.

Modified from:

Activity 2

Your teacher will read aloud the text in activity 1. Repeat after him/her!

Activity 3

Now, it is your turn to read it aloud before the class!

Activity 4

In pairs, match each word in column A with its meaning in column B!

No. A B
1. (___) to slice a. normal or usual
2. (___) platter b. something special or enjoyable that you pay for
3. (___) even c. to take somebody/something off or away
4. (___) treat d. the furthest or last part of sth
5. (___) end e. a deep round dish without a lid that is used for holding food
6. (___) bowl f. one of two equal parts of sth
7. (___) regular g. big plate
8. (___) to remove h. equal, with one side being as good as the other:
9. (___) sharp i. to cut into thin flat pieces
10. (___) half j. having a very thin but strong edge or point

Activity 5

Answer the following questions based on the text in activity 1!

1. What is needed to do the instruction?

2. Why do you think you need to wash the rind of the watermelon with regular soap?
3. What is the next step after you slowly slice down through the centre of the watermelon?
4. What should you do before slicing down the watermelon from the top to the rind in even
5. Where is the sliced watermelon put in the end?

Activity 6

Read the following procedure carefully and answer the questions that follow!

Golden Potato

4 red potatoes
1 onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt
3/4 teaspoon of paprika
1/4 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1/4 cup ofchopped fresh parsley
 Large skillet
 Plate
 Pot PREP TIME: 20 Min
Steps COOK TIME: 25 Min
1. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Add
potatoes and cook until tender but still firm about
15 minutes.
2. Drain the potatoes and cut them into 1/2 inch cubes
when they are already cool.
3. In a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil over
medium-high heat. Add onion and green pepper.
Cook about 5 minutes until soft. Transfer to a plate.
4. Pour remaining 2 tablespoons of oil into the skillet
and turn heat to medium-high.
5. Add potato cubes, salt, paprika and black pepper.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until potatoes are
browned about 10 minutes.
6. Stir in the onions, green peppers, and parsley and
cook for another minute. Serve hot.

1. The text above tells you about….

A. the potatoes and their use
B. how to make fried potatoes
C. boiling potatoes in good ways
D. someone‟s experience in cooking

2. The following sentence that is wrong according to the text above is….
A. it takes 25 minutes to cook the food well
B. you need 3 kinds of equipment to cook the meal
C. you are supposed to serve the meal when it is hot
D. the potatoes must be cut before they are getting cool

3. It takes you … minutes to try the recipe until it is ready to be served.

A. forty five
B. forty
C. twenty five
D. twenty

4. “Transfer to a plate and set aside.”
The word “transfer” in the sentence nearly means…
A. bring
B. move
C. drain
D. take

5. “Drain the potatoes and cut … when they are already cool.”
The word “they” in the sentence refers to….
A. the utensils
B. the cubes
C. the potatoes
D. the ingredients

Activity 7

Identify the structure of the text in activity 5!

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. Mention the things you will need as stated in the text?
3. What ingredientsare needed?
4. How many steps are there?
5. Write down eleven action words from the text?

Activity 8

Decide whether the following statement is true (T) or false (F) based on the
text in activity 5. Correct the false one!

1. (___) You need to spend more time preparing the cooking.

2. (___) It is suggested that you cut the potatoes into 1/2 inch cubes when they are hot.
3. (___) Medium-high heat is recommended for the cooking process.
4. (___) Potatoes will turn brown after 25 minutes of cooking in the skillet.
5. (___) You might find this text in a health magazine.


MATERIALS In this section, students will learn how to:

• write a procedural text.

OBJECTIVES By the end of the learning, students are expected to be able to:
• write a procedural text correctly

Activity 1

Read the following explanation carefully.

When you want to tell someone how to do something in a written form, what is so-called
procedural writing, a very important thing you need to do is write down the steps of the
process. Then, you should arrange the steps according to time order. When you write your
paragraph, you should use signal words to guide your reader from one step to the next.

Follow-up activity
When you want to tell someone how to cook something, you cannot miss important
information in a procedural text. Tick (√) from the following list of the things that you
have to mention when you tell someone how to cook something.
1. ( ) The ingredients
2. ( ) The prices of the ingredients
3. ( ) The utensils
4. ( ) The benefits of cooking
5. ( ) The steps of cooking
6. ( ) The taste of the food
7. ( ) The ways to serve the food
8. ( ) The trademark of the utensils
9. ( ) The nutrition fact
10. ( ) The place to buy the ingredients


Success criteria for procedural writing

I will state my goal in the beginning.
(What the procedure is for making or doing something.)
I will include materials (how much or how many) needed.
I will include step by step instructions.
I will make sure my step by step instructions follow a sequence.
I will use the present tense.
I will use time-order/signal words (if needed).

Time-order (signal words):

First, second, third, first of all, next, then, after that,
before that, now, finally, lastly, eventually

Activity 2

Read the following procedure carefully.

Making coloured and scented candles is really quick and simple. What's more, you'll save
so much money. If making candle is easy, why do you ever buy one from a shop? What
you need in making candle are wax, moulds, wick, dye discs, essential oils, and a double
boiler. All these materials are available from craft shops. Or, if you do not want to buy
them, you can improvise with an old saucepan, Pyrex jug, or even a sturdy can, in a pot of
water. After providing the materials, follow this procedure or instruction in making

First of all, melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to prevent it bursting into flames;
you must melt it in a double boiler, with water in the bottom of the pan.

Then, prepare the mould with the wick. Thread the wick through the mould and make
sure that you leave a good few centimeters sticking out of the hole in the bottom.

After that, add the scent. If you want a scented candle, add a few drops of essential oil to
the melted wax. You can use any essential oil you like, as long as it doesn't contain water.

Next, pour the wax into the mould. Try and tip the wax into the mould quickly, all in one
go, to minimize spillage and air bubbles.

Then, release the bubbles and top it up. Releasing the air bubbles will eventually make
the candle sink, so you will need to top it up with more melted wax.

Finally, remove it from the mould. After four or five hours, the candle can be taken out of
its mould.

Your candle is now ready for display. Remember, you must always leave it for a day
before lighting it.

Activity 3

Identify the time order (signal words) in activity 2!

Time order (signal words):

1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________

Follow-up activity
Find a simple recipe from the internet, a magazine, or a recipe book. Make dishes from it.
Then, surprise a family member. Ask them to taste it. They will be happy because of your

Activity 4

Rewrite the steps in the following recipe using the correct time signal words

Crisp Roast Duck

1 long island duck
2 cups of boiling-hot water
1 tablespoon of salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper

 Put oven rack in the middle position and preheat oven to 200° C.
 Rinse the duck inside and out. Prick skin all over with a sharp
 Pour boiling-hot water over the duck (to tighten skin). Cool the
 Rub the duck inside and out with salt and pepper.
 Roast the duck, breast side up, until the skin is brown and crispy,
and remove it from the oven.

Activity 5

Work in pairs. Write down the procedure for each picture below!

Makes 2 servings.
 90ml vanilla vodka
 60ml chocolate syrup
 236ml whole milk
 226g vanilla ice cream
 8 Oreo cookies (minus the cream filling)
Things You'll Need
 2 cold glasses
 Blender
 Measuring cup
 Jigger
 Rolling pin

Preparing the Oreo Cookies

1. Step 1

______________________________ .

2. Step 2

______________________________ .

3. Step 3

______________________________ .

Preparing the shake

4. Step 1

______________________________ .

5. Step 2

______________________________ .

Serving the shake


__________________________________________ .

Log On

To have a good guidance in writing a good procedural writing, you can click on:

Activity 6

Look at the sequence of pictures below and write a procedural text!

Activity 7

In groups of three, make a procedural text!

You can choose one of the following topics.

1. How to operate a computer.
2. How to design a mindmap.
3. How to make orange juice.
4. How to bake a pancake.

Activity 8

In your exercise book draw a form like the example below. Then, write your
own procedural text. You are free to have your own topic.

(names of your procedural text)

Materials/ingredients : __________

Things needed : __________

Steps : __________


You have learnt in this unit how to tell about steps or procedures of making things. There
are things to remember:
1. Generally text of procedure has the following parts:
a. The title
b. List of materials needed
c. Sequence of steps, in order, to complete the procedure
d. Numbers showing the order to do the steps (optional).
2. The structure above is usually found in recipes or manuals.
3. You mostly use imperative sentences (verb + noun/noun phrase + ………. ) when you tell
about steps or procedures of doing something.
4. The verbs that are used in telling about steps or procedures of doing things are action
verbs, those that express actions.
5. To clearly show the order or sequence of the steps, you use adverbs of sequence, such as
first, second, after that, finally, etc.

Learning Reflection

After completing all materials in this chapter, answer the following questions.
1. What have you learnt in this chapter?
2. What should be written in a well-designed procedural text?
3. What do you say to ask for certainty?
4. What do you say if you cannot hear what someone says to you?

If you find some difficulties answering the questions above, you can learn the subjects once
more or consult your English teacher.

Fun Page Corner

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread

Spread it quick, say it quick

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread

Spread it quick, say it quick

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread

Now repeat it while you eat it

Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread

Don‛t talk with your mouth full!

(Mary Ann Hoberman)

Funny Stories Corner

Enjoy the following short stories!

(Act 1)
Paijo to a long-distance telephone operator:
Paijo : “Could you please tell me the time difference between Indonesia and Perth?
Operator : “Just a minute…”
Paijo : “Thank you” and puts down the phone.

(Act 2)
At a bar in Bali, the man to Paijo‟s left tells the bartender, „Johnnie Walker, single”. And his
companion says “Jack Daniels, single”. The bartender approaches Paijo and asks,”And you,
sir?” Paijo replies ”Paijo Maimin, married”.

(Act 3)
After completing a jigsaw puzzle he‟d been working on for quite sometime, Paijo proudly
shows off the finished puzzle to a friend. “It took me only 5 months to do it,” Paijo brags.
“Five months? That‟s too long.” The friend exclaims. “You are a fool”, Paijo replies,”See this
box, it is written for 4-7 years.”

(Act 4)
Paijo had just bought a new computer and was using it when he encountered some
problems. He decided to use the „HELP‟ command after some tries. Soon after, he became
very irritated and called the computer retailer for support.
Paijo : “I pressed the „F1‟ key for help… But it has been over half an hour & still nobody
has come to help me…

UN Challenge Corner

Text for questions 1-2

How to paint a wall
Initially, remove dust, dirt, and any old paint on the wall surface.
Next, wash any mildew from the wall using detergent water and a wire brush.
After that, prepare the paint mix and a dry painting spatula.
Later, apply the first coat of paint thoroughly using the spatula.
Eventually, cover the base paint with additional coats and let them dry completely.

1. After mixing the paint thoroughly, we should ....

a. wash the brush or roller
b. clean any dust on the wall
c. apply the base paint
d. let the base paint dry

2. The suitable sentence connector that can be used to replace “initially” is ….

a. firstly
b. lastly
c. in the end
d. the next step

Text for questions 3-4

Suprapto : I have no idea how to run this application on my computer.
Suminah : You can log in the blog. Just state your name and wait for the instruction.
Suprapto : Sorry, I was not paying attention. Which service again?
Suminah : The available blog is in the internet service.
Suprapto : Okay. Thanks, Minah.
Suminah : You‟re welcome. Let me know if I you need my help.

3. The conversation above is about how to ….

a. run a computer application
b. log in an internet blog
c. follow the instruction service
d. apply the internet service

4. “...wait for the instruction.” (line 2)

The synonym of the underlined word is ....
a. service
b. command
c. application
d. satisfaction

Text for questions 5-6

Easy to fry, quickly expand and save the oil usage. Easy to serve, sun-drying is not needed.
Fried crackers can be stored in a jar. Can be served as a snack and topping of various

Fresh garlic, selected tapioca flour, fresh vegetables, sugar, egg, and salt.
First, pour enough frying oil into a pan and wait until the oil is sufficiently hot. Then, drop
the crackers in, after a while turn them over until they fully expand. Finally, take them
out from the pan and lay them on absorbent paper.

5. The text above is about ....

a. frying oil
b. fresh garlic
c. fried crackers
d. various dishes

6. ”... after a while turn them over until they fully expand.”
The word ”them” refers to ....
a. oil
b. pans
c. crackers
d. paper

Text for questions 7-9

Paper Plate Butterfly Puppet Craft
Supplies needed:
 two paper plates
 scissors
 tape (coloured tape looks really nice but is not necessary)
 paint, markers or crayons
 pipe cleaner
 hole punch
 (optional) googly eyes
 glue

How to make:
- Fold a paper plate in half (fold it so that the back side of the plate is touching itself).
- Using another paper plate, cut out a strip of the plate from the middle (discard the
middle strip).

- Tape each of the half-round pieces you just cut onto the folded plate (or you can
staple them together). Position them so that the eating surfaces of the plates are
facing each other-tape along the round edges only.
- This will form two pockets where you will later put your fingers and control the
- Draw a butterfly on your puppet. Punch two holes towards the top for the
antennae, and loop a pipe cleaner through the holes (to be the antennae).
- Optional: Glue on googly eyes.
- You now have a great butterfly puppet that flaps its wings (with a little help from
your hand)

7. Before the sixth step, we should ....

a. fold a paper plate in half
b. tape each of the half-round piece
c. draw a butterfly on the puppet
d. glue on googly eyes

8. The purpose of the text is to ....

a. show how to make something orderly
b. describe a particular person, thing, and place
c. tell past experience in making something
d. amuse or entertain the readers

9. ” fold it so that the back side of the plate is touching itself.” (Step 1)
The underlined word refers to ....
a. a paper plate
b. butterflies
c. half-round pieces
d. googly eyes

10. Arrange the following sentences to make a good paragraph!

1. Nature‟s recycling programme for water is called the water cycle.
2. Rain or snow eventually finds their way back to the ocean.
3. Water falls from the air as rain or snow.
4. Water goes from the ocean, lakes, and rivers into the air.
5. One of the things nature recycles is water.
6. Did you know that nature recycles, too?
7. Maybe you recycle cans, glass, and paper.

a. 7–6–5–4–3–2–1
b. 1–2–3–4–5–6–7
c. 5–6–3–4–7–1–2
d. 2–1–4–3–6–7–5


It would not have been possible to complete this teaching material without the support of
many people. To acknowledge some runs the risk of omitting others. The writer‟s apologies
are in advance to those he has left out. His first acknowledgment must go to Dr.
Ikhsanudin, a lecturer of Postgraduate Study of English Language Education Teacher
Training and Education Faculty University of Tanjungpura Pontianak, Indonesia, for his
continued support and challenge throughout the process. Indeed, the courage of the
Postgraduate Study of English Language Education Teacher Training and Education
Faculty University of Tanjungpura to embark on this whole programme must be

The writer has also had the ongoing support of Marnangkok Pakpahan, S. Pd. who has
acted as a critical friend throughout various stages of the chapter writing. School teachers,
Windy, S. Pd. and Erwi Eka Asmara, S. Pd. have also provided extensive and helpful
comments throughout the process.


Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan. (2006). Standar Isi. Jakarta: Departemen

Pendidikan Nasional.

Hornby, A.S. (2002). Oxford advanced learner‟s dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Huddleston, R. & Pullum, G. K. (2005). A student's introduction to English grammar.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Leech, G. (2006). A glossary of English grammar. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Luama, S. (2004). Assessing speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rozakis, L. (2003). English grammar for the utterly confused. USA: The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.

Peter, W. J. (2001). Vocabulary 1: Games and Activities (New Edition). London: Pearson
Education Limited.

Image Credits

All the images used in this chapter are taken form


dialogue : a conversation, a communicative event involving two or more


discourse : the use of language in speech and writing in order to produce

meaning; language that is studied, usually in order to see how the
different parts of a text are connected

grammar : the rules of a language, for example for forming words or joining
words together in sentences

hint : a piece of advice or information

monologue : a speech by one person

procedure : a text that functions to tell the reader how to do or make something.
The information is presented in a logical sequence of events which is
broken up into small sequenced steps. These texts are usually written
in the present tense. The most common example of a procedural text
is a recipe. There are different procedural texts for different purposes:
Texts that explain how something works or how to use
instruction/operation manuals eg: how to use the video, the
computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax; Texts that
instruct how to do a particular activity eg: recipes, rules for games,
science experiments, road safety rules; Texts that deal with human
behaviour eg: how to live happily, how to succeed, etc.

Listening Script

Activity 2

Tejo : It is not my lucky day today. My white towel is stained. I think it‟s better to use
it for a cloth or something.
Surti : No! Don‟t do that. Try my hints. First, put a paper towel under the stain. Then,
spray the stain with hair spray. After that, rub the stain gently with a clean
cloth. Continue rubbing until the stain is completely gone.
Tejo : Are you sure?
Surti : Yes, definitely! My friends and I have already tried these helpful tips several
times and it does work for us.
Tejo : OK, I‟ll try it. Thanks a bunch, Surti.

Activity 3

1. Inem : I am losing my concentration in the class. I think I lack sleep.

Temon : Well, I suggest that you try these useful tips. First, don‟t think too much.
Then, drink a glass of hot milk before sleeping. You will sleep really well.
Inem : Are you certain about it?
Temon : Yes, I am positive.

2. Parto : Do you know how to get rid of a headache easily and quickly?
Iyem : When I get a headache, my mom always says that I should do these. First,
take medicine. Next, go to sleep. Finally, when I get up, I feel fresh again.
You may give it a try.
Parto : Are you sure?
Iyem : Yes, absolutely.

Activity 5

You will need two cups of water, a cup of rice, salt and a pan with a lid. First, wash the rice
in cold water. Then, put the rice in the pan and add the water. Next, you heat the pan
without the lid on until the water boils. When it has boiled, turn down the heat. Finally, put
the lid on and cook it for about fifteen minutes.

Activity 6

Here are the steps to make a bowl of tomato soup:

Initially, cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces. Next, fry them in a pan with
butter for five minutes. Then, add water, spices, sugar, ketchup, salt and pepper. After that,
heat until the water boils. Finally, turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for
one hour.

Activity 7

These are the steps to make a sandwich:

First, place a slice of bread on the plate.
Second, put the tomato sauce.
Third, add sliced tomatoes, cheddar cheese, and mayonnaise.
Then, put another slice of bread on the top.
Finally, serve it!

Activity 8

How to make milkshake

The ingredients that you need to make milkshake are:

 4 cups of vanilla ice cream
 2 cups milk
 4 teaspoons of chocolate sauce
 1 cup of fresh or frozen strawberries

Now, follow these steps to make a milkshake.
1. Place milkshake glasses into the freezer. Using cold glasses will help the shake stay
cool to give you time to enjoy. Leave for up to an hour if possible.
2. Soften ice cream. It is easier to make a shake when the ice cream is slightly soft.
Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few minutes before making your shake.
3. Place the ingredients into a blender. Mix the ice cream, milk and added flavours
into the blender. Blend in high speed for one minute. Don‟t leave in the blender for
longer or the shake will melt quickly.
4. Pour shakes into frosty glasses. Take the glasses out of the freezer as soon as the
blending is complete. Then, pour the shake mixture in.
5. Drop a straw into the shake, then enjoy. You can sip a shake right from the glass but
somehow the straw adds to the flavour and the experience.

Answer Key


Activity 2

1. Yes, definitely!
2. -

Activity 3

1. Are you certain about it?

Yes, I am positive.
2. Are you sure?
Yes, absolutely.
NB: There are some possible answers. Consult your teacher.

Activity 5

1. First, wash the rice in cold water.

2. Then, put the rice in the pan and add the water.
3. Next, you heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils.
4. When it has boiled, turn down the heat.
5. Finally, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen minutes.

Activity 6

1. tomatoes
2. onions
3. garlic
4. butter
5. water
6. spices
7. sugar
8. ketchup
9. salt
10. pepper

Activity 7

1. (√)
2. (√)
3. (√)
4. (√)
5. (__)
6. (√)

Activity 8

1. ingredients
2. teaspoons
3. steps
4. freezer
5. possible
6. making
7. blender
8. complete
9. mixture
10. experience


Activity 1

1. Step 6
2. Step 8
3. Step 3
4. Step 7
5. Step 1
6. Step 5
7. Step 2
8. Step 4

Activity 4

1. i
2. g
3. f
4. b
5. d
6. e
7. a
8. c
9. j
10. h

Activity 5

1. A knife.
2. In order not to let the dirt on the rind get into the watermelon flesh.
3. Cut each half into sections.
4. Hold the section in one hand while slowly removing the melon from its rind.
5. A fruit platter.

Activity 6

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. C

Activity 7

1. To show the readers how to make fried potatoes.

2. A large skillet, a plate, and a pot.
3. Red potatoes, olive oil, onion, green bell pepper, salt, paprika, black pepper, and
4. Six steps.
5. Bring, add, cook, drain, cut, heat, transfer, pour, turn, stir, and serve.

Activity 8

1. (_F_) You need to spend less time preparing the cooking.

2. (_T_)
3. (_T_)
4. (_F_) Potatoes will turn brown after 10 minutes of cooking in the skillet.
5. (_T_)


Activity 1

Follow-up activity
1. ( √ ) The ingredients
2. ( ) The prices of the ingredients
3. ( √ ) The utensils
4. ( ) The benefits of cooking
5. ( √ ) The steps of cooking
6. ( ) The taste of the food
7. ( √ ) The ways to serve the food
8. ( ) The trademark of the utensils
9. ( ) The nutrition fact
10. ( ) The place to buy the ingredients

Activity 3

1. First of all
2. After that
3. Then
4. Next
5. Finally

Activity 5

Possible answer: (answer may vary; consult your teacher)

1. Place the cookies in a large zipped bag and use a rolling pin or your hands to crush the
cookies into good sized chunks.
2. Add the ice cream to a blender.
3. Add the crushed cookies to the blender.
4. Measure and pour the rest of the ingredients.
5. Blend the ingredients. Pulse the blender a few times on high until all ingredients are
thoroughly mixed well.
6. Serve the shake. Top two cold glasses with the mixture and add an extra Oreo cookie
on top for a garnish.


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