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Continuing Professional Development

LO4. Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning.

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."
- Albert Einstein.

 The Importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Continuing Professional Development is extensively acknowledged as essential to the Improvement
of requirements and capabilities for individuals and their industries. It is important to understand why

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CPD is important before you understand how to use most of the available CPD features. (CPD News

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 Why is CPD (Continuing Professional Development) important?
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It is a Continuous Professional Development that allows people to improve their skills and abilities as
soon as they officially meet their requirements. In general, academic qualifications are currently being
carried out, and people are currently working in the industry and performing certain functions at work.

Vocational training is important because it helps organize training in a systematic, practical and
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appropriate way to ensure the effectiveness of training. Thanks to Continuous Professional

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Development, people can focus on specific skills and knowledge in a short period of time, for
example, 12 months, so that their skills and abilities can be significantly improved. (CPD News
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 The Purpose of CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

The importance of Continuous Professional Development in an increasingly globalized and
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competitive world should not be overestimated. The global industry continues to grow, creating
attractive opportunities, but difficult. By developing sustainable expertise, people can regularly

monitor key areas of development and take appropriate steps to reduce the knowledge gap. CVET
(Continuing Vocational Education and Training) is also seen as an opportunity to compete with
colleagues and is viewed as an opportunity to distinguish, when necessary, for example, job
interviews or auctions for new jobs and auctions. Continuing Professional Development is becoming
increasingly important in removing packaging, since people with the same qualifications have
professional qualifications. (CPD News Team,2016).
Through a planned approach to professional development, people are responsible for developing their
careers and professional ambitions. Improving personal learning abilities leads to greater self-
confidence and developed skills, all of which are related to improving their professional skills. (CPD
News Team,2016).

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 Importance of CPD for Employers.
The task of professional development is exclusively personal in nature and is often carried out in the
context of membership and participation of industry experts, institutions or organizations. However,
an increasing number of employers are taking a proactive and assisting position with the CPD
required with the aid of their employees. Aside from industry institutions, the significance of CPD
inside the standard business enterprise is developing, as more employers see the benefits of more
incredibly skilled, encouraged and devoted workforce. There is a commonplace misunderstanding
with a few employers that CPD takes extensive time which may also bring about periods of "Out of
the enterprise." However, the supply of more bendy CPD appropriate for enterprise requirements has
accelerated appreciably in current years, with the creation of online studying, short guides and half of
day workshops, in addition to distance studying and academic exhibitions. These can offer CPD
learning seminars along new commercial enterprise re avenue and networking opportunities. (CPD
News Team,2016).

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 Compare and Contrast Motivational Theories

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Motivation is one among the foremost necessary studied fields of recent scientific discipline. Dawson

1986(cited in Thomas & McHugh,2009, p.307) states that "motivation" refers to most behaviors; This
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explains why folks try and make unique dreams come true. "Over psychologist over the years offered
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a number of theories to study motivations and motivations that really motivate us as humans. " Like
these theories, most theories can be headlines, content theory, and system theory. "This report
evaluates and evaluates the most influential motivational theories. "Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of

needs and "Bilateral Concepts" of Friedrich Herzberg. This report uses How are these theories, crew
commanders can use them to motivate group members.
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Abraham Maslow mentions one of the biggest motivational theories; "Hierarchy of needs". This
hierarchy protects 5 requests that determine most of our behavior. This states that when a character
enters a hierarchy and pursues a more advanced desire, he must achieve the first basic positive desire.
This desire begins with physiological desires. The main needs for food and shelter and the desire for
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self-realization are high in the list. The higher the requirements, the more we need to develop our
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skills. (Fincham & Rhodes,2005). Maslow said that we have inherent preferences to automatically rise
to the hierarchy after the need for lower orders is met. (Huczynski & Buchanan 2007). When you look
at how group leaders can use this idea to encourage people, you need to explore the psychological
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needs of men and women. Here everyone starts in the hierarchy. How does the process meet the basic
requirements for our survival? By giving someone a job and offering compensation or compensation,

you can fulfill that basic desire by providing a safe and warm home for yourself and others who
receive money for food (Wilson,2003). To complement this group, it is important that leaders focus on
this desire, effectively stimulate and fulfill their needs, and take the second step of the hierarchy is
Similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are many ways in which team leaders need to
effectively use that idea to make their groups popular. For example, when people have physiological
desires, they seek refuge. (Fincham & Rhodes,2005). The team leader handles these safety issues and
identifies how men and women can use them to stimulate those needs. Among other things, they can
create a safe environment. Various factors, including rules, make the work environment safer. Safety
requirements can be met when the team leader implements a project that provides personal security at
work. This is an effective motive.

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Although Maslow's work in the field of motivation is very influential, it can be criticized in many
places. First, this is not sponsored by the many empirical studies needed to provide profit ideas. In
addition, the idea for legal validity can be criticized, the idea is based on American elegance, white,
moderate, regardless of reality, that the idea appears as a normal term suggested. This cannot be
summarized for a wider population (Huczynski & Buchanan,2007). Instead, Herzberg's theory tried to
prove his claim again. Initially, his idea of population validity was criticized for interviewing 203 of
the best accountants and engineers in Pittsburgh. To prove that the principle has become simple and
this criticism has been removed, Herzberg continues to draw a sample of 1,685 other members who
are in their careers. (Wilson,2003). To reduce this criticism further and to show that the idea has truly
changed, he has studied in many different countries such as Hungary, Italy, Israel, Japan and South
Africa. (Huczynski & Buchanan,2007). Another idea that will be observed in this essay is "The Two-
Thought Idea" by Friedrich Herzberg. Like Maslow's theory, Herzberg's ideas about two elements, he
had a profound impact on business for years. When assessing Maslow's principles, it can be said that
each of them sets motivation on a scale. Maslow put his idea on a hierarchical scale, while Herzberg
used two factors: motivator and hygienic, because of the scale at which motivation was tested.
Herzberg has developed a "two-sided principle." This destroys two lists of factors that affect the
individual in the painting. They are "motivators" and "hygienic". Motivators can be found under this

title because they give pleasure to employees and, as the name suggests, are very motivated. (Fincham

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& Rhodes,2005). In contrast, Herzberg stated that "hygienic" elements should only function to inhibit

admiration through activity and no doubt exist for support and character (Doyle,2003). Motivators

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includes factors that includes; Performance, reputation and additional tasks. In addition, "hygienic"

elements include factors together with, Advantages, situation images, and relationships with
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colleagues. (Wilson,2003). When looking for ways in which a team leader can use this concept to
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advance their workforce, calculating motivation must help organize initiative that meet those needs.
For example, they can offer greater commitment to employees. Responsibility is one of the
"motivators" that people are proud of. If the group boss allows it, he can use it and encourage

employees to draw more efficiently. For example, they can give extra responsibility to individuals in
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certain fields of their work, people will enjoy it and it will be stimulated. One-way group leaders need
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to do this is to enrich their work. In the 1960s and 1970s, workplace enrichment was used more
efficiently through experiments. The AT&T US-American cellular radio organization proved this by
enriching the work. On the other hand, they observed "27% discount on deactivation costs and
$558,000 cost savings"(Wilson,2003).
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Another way in which group bosses must use this idea to inspire people grouped is to ensure that
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toiletries are a gift in the work environment. Hygienic factors are people who can be frustrated. Now
they don't motivate the person; They are only asked to promote characters through motivators. During
his research, Herzberg defined the politics and management of business companies. At least some
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blame 31% of the dissatisfaction stated (Wilson,2003), which shows the importance of the sanitation
element in an agency, and team leaders must use this idea and ensure that all sanitation products are in

the members' area. Crew members enforce all these elements, workers can experience happiness and
then be inspired by motivators who continue to be associated with Herzberg's concept.
By comparing the two theories, it can be said that there are differences between the theories of
Maslow and Herzberg. Maslow began that there was a hierarchy that must be respected, and to rise to
the hierarchy, he first needed a lower order. Requests are effective only when they are finished. If the
individual is not the whole stage, it cannot be the ultimate goal, self-realization. Maslow said that
some people fully achieve self-fulfillment (Huczynski & Buchanan,2007). Conversely, Herzberg's
concept no longer recognizes this. There is no level in the concept. Hygienists and motivators are not
placed in a structure where someone must be done in front of other people. This underlines the fact
that both theories have extraordinary forms and how they emphasize different things. Maslow's theory
seems to be a rigid structure, while Herzberg has no order to solve the elements, which implies
flexibility to some extent. In looking for these theories, other similarities are real; They are subject to

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criticism and the validity of each of these distinctive theories. For example, both theories do not
consider motivation significantly and observe differences between women and men. Research in this
field shows that women and men are challenged in other ways and now no longer as in these theories.
For example, Betz 1984 (mentioned in Fiona M Wilson,2003, p.113) shows that, unlike women who
work, hosts tend to score lower. This shows that even with girls, the way they inspire desire is
specific, so there are actually differences between women and men. Studies of Herzberg's principles
show that women and men are different in their work. Donnell & Hall 1980(quoted in Fiona M
Wilson,2003, p.116) explains that girls focus on growth, autonomy, and embezzlement. While men
look at the work environment and pay. This study shows how there are clear differences between
women and men in terms of motivational factors, and how each theory is usually curious about the
warning. It should be noted, however, that each of these theories is quite large in psychology and its
function is in time control.
In the end, when we look for these theories, there are clear similarities and differences. They are
comparing and contrast in one element at several points in the essay. One of the biggest similarities is
that both have clean standards to motivate people. At the same time, it is important to monitor change.
With regard to prominent changes, in fact, theories differ in the way individuals develop and fulfill

those needs. Maslow said characters must go through hierarchy, while Herzberg only explained that

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there were two elements of motivation that could be achieved at any time, rather than the need to

fulfill different desires. In addition, the essay continues to examine how a crew head can use these

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theories to encourage individual crew members. For example, the team leader must use Maslow's
principle by responding to the positive needs he can fulfill and safety requirements. In addition, group

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managers must use Herzberg's theory using the delivery method that uses " motivators" who enjoy
activities by turning around and encourage their team members. The theories of Maslow and Herzberg
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provide valuable insights about motivation and will always have meaning in organizational
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