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Building and Maintaining Relationships is important to work on communicating

our feelings in relationships. The concept of relationship is broad-ranging and
complex. Relationships are not static; they are continually evolving, and fully
enjoy and benefit from them we need skills, information, inspiration, practice, and
social support.

Whether it is relationships, interpersonal relations, communication, relationship

behavior, etc., I have become an expert in these throughout my life. Yet, I am still
learning. I first began learning about relationships in order to understand my own
family. I thought deeply about my family's behavior. I observed them carefully and
concluded many things about their communication patterns. Soon enough, I put my
observation and inquiry into practice with other people as well. Throughout it all, I
have learned so much about myself and I also understood myself a lot more. I was
finally having more normal relationships with people. The relationships were a lot
more genuine. They weren't all about my counseling and leading people through
difficult trials. Now others were also pouring into my life and supporting me.

Currently, I surround myself with positive people. I prefer the company of those
who support me with words of affirmation and encouragement. Because my life is
joyful and my relationships are good, I am a happy person. I see the value in
having good people around me. I feel strengthened by having kind, loving people
around me. I enjoy spending time with the people in my life. Every one of them
has something great to offer the world at large. I care deeply for them and tell them
often how much they mean to me. Though disagreements and misunderstandings
we always work through it in a productive manner. We tend to keep getting
better over time as differences are resolved and as positive experiences are shared
and accumulated.
Building healthy patterns early in your relationship can establish a solid
foundation for the long run. In maintaining a good and healthy relationship I
intend to build a foundation of appreciation and respect, explore each other's
interests so that we have a long list of things to enjoy together and trying new
things together to expand mutual interests. Also, I keep on establishing a
pattern of apologizing if I make a mistake or hurt someone's feelings.

At this point in my life, I have become more confident about how and why I relate
to people. These are some of the things I have learned and am still learning: Not
everyone likes me, and that's okay, it’s okay to shut down people who want to use
me, the solid people are firm and there will always be opportunities for really
awesome new people to walk into my life.

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