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Lorley Von L.


BSIT 401

1. Based on the types or categories of consumers, what type of consumer are you and why?

Based on the types or categories of consumers, what type of consumer are you and why? For me, I am
at the lane of convenience consumers because it is much easier to buy something in online thus it is
safer now a day due to pandemic. Many people use online to order, to pay bills, and, to buy foods that is
essential for us. The good thing in online shopping is you can find quality product at a low price point,
same as that you can get in the mall, but it is more hassle if you go in the store. Another good in using
online shop is they protect your data and the parcel that you buy is in good condition at all times so that
you will give them good rating. They will assure that they customers will meet their satisfaction to
protect their image.

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