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Principles of Management CIA I


Managerial Roles

A Report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Business Administration




Under the Guidance of

Dr Kerena Anand


JULY 2020
Article 1: (Pearson, 2003)
Background and Purpose: This article is about the Mintzberg’s 10 managerial roles and how it
had been changed for the past two decades due to various social, economic and technological
factors. Four of Asian countries were taken for study namely the Japan, Malaysia, Brunei, and

Method and procedure: Data collected from 609 individual managers were collected. A
questionnaire was sent to them by professors who were involved in post graduate educational
programs. Then these questionnaire was sent to the work colleagues of managers for further data
collection. These workers were from various fields such as private companies, government
employees, healthcare industry, science, arts and so on.

Seven point Likert scale of 66 items were considered, one scale of 33 items which assessed the
importance of the activity (1-extremely unimportant and 7 –extremely important), another scale of
33 items which assessed the frequency of use of activity (1 – very rarely and 7-very often)

Result: All manager roles expect the role of negotiator the managers of different countries
perceived the assessed managerial roles to have substantially different levels of importance, the
frequency of these employment role diverged substantially between countries, these country
differences were due to culture, government intervention policies and the personal value system
of individual managers. There were both convergence and divergence in the importance of these
Mintzberg managerial roles. There were competing levels of importance and frequency of
employment of the managerial roles across gender.

Article 2: (Edel Conway, 2011)

Background and Purpose: The article gives the interface between Top down approach and the
Bottom top Approach. It also says how the change in middle manager levels may lead to
dismantling of structures and systems that are important for successful change to take place. Also
the additional workload is created for the individual who are converted into managers.

Method and Procedure: The research was taken between February and November 2006 in health
service at Ireland. The interview were conducted with a range of managers. Participation for the
research was sought from three divisions a central administration division, a community car
section and a maternity hospital. All the level of managers were examined for this research. A total
of 23 middle level managers were conducted along with 5 senior level managers, eight front line
managers and 12 managers working in HR. The majority of managers were Female. The interview
adopted a “Snowball” approach in sourcing interviewees.

Findings: The findings are organized under two main headings the pressure of top down and the
pressure of bottom up change. It was found that the tension source in either of the methods is due
to was lack of communication with the middle managers and their less involvement. This tension
for these middle level managers decreased their commitment and motivation towards change. The
resistance to change for the middle level managers for the top down approach was many factors.
The negative attitude for change, their own ways to implement change all became a factors of
resistance. The middle managers were not directly implementing the wishes from top management
rather they deal with their own staff and departments. This confusion led to the unlearning which
is a hindrance to advancement.

Conclusion: The middle managers play an important role for various organizational changes. The
rapid changes may impose sudden workload, pressure to these managers. Thus proper
implementation with time under concern may lead to success of the organization.

Article 3: (Sewon kim, 2013)

Background and Purpose: The article’s main purpose is to find the implications on perceived
managerial coaching on employees and the corresponding work related outcomes.

Method and Procedure: The data were collected from 482 Korean Public organization. The
collected data were analyzed and the conclusion were drawn by structural equation modelling with
a twostep approach.

Findings: The model used to address this change was good and supported by adequate data. Three
hypothesis was finalized 1.There will be a significant positive relationship between perceived
managerial coaching behavior and employee role clarity. 2. There will be a positive relationship
between employee role clarity and satisfaction with work. 3. There will be a significant positive
relationship between perceived employee role clarity and job performance. And further many
hypothesis were formed based on various views.
Conclusion: The results revealed that managerial coaching behavior was an important predictor
to all the hypothesized variables taken into consideration. This managerial Coaching behavior
indirectly influences the employee satisfaction, career commitment, Job performance and
Organization commitment.

Article 4: (Lysonski, 1985)

Background and purpose: The article main purpose is to examine the role of product manager’s
role. Three of the main roles of him where understood relating it to some theories.

Method: Initially the boundary theory was analyzed relating it to the product manager as he is
responsible for bridging the boundary between the organization and the external world. Initially
the Pearson product moment correlation was used to test. It was followed by the path analysis.
Since the number of variables were larger and path analysis becoming over complicated it was
reduced and finally ANOVA examined the moderating variable.


Correlation Analysis: The correlation between environmental uncertainty and role pressures were
taken. It is seen that uncertainty is associated with role conflict and ambiguity with perceived

Path Analysis: The result indicates that environmental uncertainty links strongly to role conflict
and role ambiguity. Perceived environmental uncertainty is casually related to Job satisfaction.

ANOVA: Role autonomy was found to moderate only the role ambiguity- satisfaction relationship.

Further study: It would be useful to know instrumental Boundary planning is in developmental

process. Environmental factors influence can also be further studied.

Article 5: (R.Boatright, 1988)

Purpose and background: The results of business ethics and its usefulness in actual conduct of
business was studied. Formulation and examination of five models of the role of managers were
taken into account.
Description: The five models are the Engineering model, the economic model, the management
of values, the formal organization model and the political model. These were discussed and related
to the managerial implications.

Conclusion: All the theories had given different answers. These answers must be adequately
selected by the management theorists. One point which is clear from these attempts is that
philosophers in the field of business ethics have learned that they must pay closer attention to the
empirical aspects of their subject matter and in particular to the concrete conditions under which
business managers operate.
Article No. Interpretation Theories and Roles
1 The Mintzberg’s Different managerial roles
are different based upon different parts of
the world. The Role of negotiator is similar
even among different geographical
2 The article speaks about the Top down and The Top down theory of
Bottom up approach and how this decides management was utilized and
the success of new implementations in an experiment was carried.
Organization Middle level managers met with
the Decisional roles of
Mintzberg’s 10 roles.
3 Managerial coaching to employees had been
found promising for various variables such
as job satisfaction, role Clarity, organization
commitment etc.
4 Role of Product manager was analyzed using The main role of the Product
three methods. manager is Liaison.
Additionally Spokesperson role
also plays a major part.
The boundary theory, ANOVA
(Analysis of Variance) a
statistical tool were used to
analyze the data.
5 A theoretical study on the business ethics The Engineering Model.
and its practical implementation in conduct The Economic Model.
of the business was done. The Management of Values.
Five models of roles of managers were The Formal Organization Model.
discussed The political Model.
Edel Conway, K. M. (2011). Change from below: the role of middle managers in mediating paradoxical
Change. Human Resource Management, 21, 190-203.

Lysonski, S. (1985). A Boundary Theory Investigation of the Product Manager's Role. Journal of
Marketting, 49, 26-40.

Pearson, C. (2003). Managerial work roles in Asia. Jounal of Management Developement, 694-707.

R.Boatright, J. (1988). Ethics and Role of the Manager. Journal of Business ethics, 7, 303-312.

Sewon kim, T. M. (2013). The Impact of Managerial Coaching Behavior on Employee Work-Related
Reactions. Journal of Business and Physcology, 28, 315-330.

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