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 After watching and understanding the rules and regulation of the sport Arnis. How can
you differentiate it to the other internationally known combative sports? (Elaborate you
 One of the qualifications in arnis competitions is that. Sex test may also be required in cases
there where doubts in real sex of the participants. Share your thoughts about tis qualification of
the sport. (Elaborate your answer)
 In Arnis scoring. A legitimate strike is given a point if it is delivered to a specific body
point in correct form. Under this is two (2) types of strikes which is equivalent to a point.
Simultaneous strike. How does these two (2) strikes differ? (Elaborate your answer).
 The sport “Arnis” which is the national sports of the Philippines is now being
acknowledge and appreciated in Asia and hopefully the world. Share your thoughts to
this statement. (Elaborate your answer)

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