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Topic : Great Athletes

Listening : Athletes and Sports Description

Speaking : Athletes and Sports Description

Reading : Athletes Description

Writing : Athlete and Sports Description

Learning Objective (Tujuan Pembelajaran) :

Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi

terperinci dari teks deskripsi lisan yang disajikan dalam
bentuk multimoda dengan topik atlet berprestasi.

Questions to Think About

1. Who do you think is a great athlete ?

2. Do you believe that sports shape your virtues?

Task 1
Look and Discuss

Guess Who!
Look at the pictures below! Do you know them?
Rio Haryanto

Motorsport Formula1
Lalu Muhammad Zohri Running Athletes
Trigger Questions :

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. Who are they?

3. What kind of sport do they play?

4. What makes them great at sports?

Why do you think so?

Let’s Play

We are going to play a game. Here are the steps :

1. Sit in small groups.
2. One student thinks of one famous athlete.
3. The other members of the group take turns asking
closed – ended questions.
4. Keep asking until someone guesses the name of the
athlete correctly.
5. Have another round with a different student thinking
of a different athlete.
Use these questions :

1. Is he/she a football player?

2. Is he/she tall?

3. Is he/she a good lifter?

4. Does he/she have curly hair?

5. Does he/she have a beard?

Let’s Write

As a group, write the traits of the athlete that were

mentioned in the game. Add those traits to the
Vocabulary Box.
Discuss and Share
Some people excel at playing certain sports so that they become
great athletes. What does it take to be a great athlete?
In small groups, rank the following list based on what you think
are the important qualities of someone who excel at sports.
Share your group’s opinion with the class.
perseverance and determination
body weight and height
enjoying the competition
good body coordination
good sportsmanship
Pre-Listening Activity

1. What do you see in the video?

2. What sport does the athlete play?

3. Where did she get the gold medal?

4. How long has she waited to be a world champion since

she wrote her dream on a small white board?

5. Do you know any other world champion athletes?

6. What makes them become world champion?
Task 2
Listen to an audio recording of a great
Listen and Check athlete. Decide whether these
statements are true or false.

No. Statements True False

1. It is a male athlete.

2. The athlete is from Brazil.

3. The sport played is football.

4. The athlete is stylish.

Listen and Discuss

Listen to the audio recording again and discuss the

following questions in small groups. Share your
answers with the class.

1. How did the speaker start the description?

2. What are the things the speaker described?

3. How did the speaker end the description?

4. What is the main idea of the text?

Strategi menemukan gagasan utama :
∞ Ide utama dalam teks merupakan pesan utama teks
secara keseluruhan
∞ Lihat judul teks atau gambar yang menyertainya,
termasuk heading
∞ Simak dengan lebih focus kalimat pertama dan
kalimat terakhir masing-masing paragraph dari
teks tersebut
∞ Perhatikan dan catat frasa atau kata yang paling
sering muncul dalam teks tersebut
∞ Ringkas teks tersebut dalam satu kalimat berdasarkan
catatan yang dibuat
∞ Konfirmasi dengan bertanya kepada guru tentang
tema dari teks tersebut
∞ Main idea biasanya mewakili teks secara keseluruhan,
bukan mewakili satu atau dua paragraph saja.
Listen and Circle

Circle the words you hear.

beardless playing brown live

sporty greatest famous pour

expense fame poor greet

olive wear bad wavy

Let’s Practice

Sit in pairs. Your teacher will give your partner a picture of

a person. Without looking at the picture, draw in the box
the person your classmate is describing. Show the result
to your classmate. How is it?
Use your words

Research about your favorite athlete. Write your description

about the athlete by completing the following sentences.
You can use the words from your Vocabulary Box in Task 1.
1. --------------- or as we usually call (him/her) as ----------- is
my favorite ------------------ .
2. He/She was born in --------- on ------------- .
3. -------- has a/an ---------- body with the height of ---------
centimeters and weight ------------ kilogram.
4. His/Her skin color is ---------- with a --------- face and
--------- smile.
5. He/She has ---------- eyes and the color is -------- .

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