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Name: Cañizares, Lanie Marie E.

Date: 11/05/22
Gr. & Section: BSN 2-I EDP Code: 86598

Direction: Answer the following questions below.
1. What makes Arnis different from other Combative Sports? Explain its unique
 Unlike other combatitive sports, arnis does not usually require any
body contact between each player besides the batons that they are
holding. Any assault involving bare hands or feet is forbidden or
considered a foul.
 Scores depend on the number of strikes each player could deliver.
Agility and quick thinking combined is required to have a high score
in this type of competition.
 Unlike other martial arts that teach the use of weapons only after
years of unarmed training, students of Arnis learn to use weaponry
 Arnis is safe to use unlike any other sports it uses bladed or sharp
 It also promotes an eco-friendly weapon because of its use of
bamboo or a baton like sugar cane.

2. It is important for us to learn self-defense like Arnis? Justify your answer .

As Filipinos frequently had to defend themselves against attackers

from other countries as well as from other villages. It was necessary for
them to hone their own effective and simple form of combat. Thus, Arnis
was developed as a way of defending one's life and the lives of one's family
members when attacked.  Now that we are in the modernize society, a
bunch of different societal issues are evolving which resulted to murder,
assault, rape, or even death. That is why it is important to learn self-
defense like Arnis in order for us to protect our ownself whenever possible.
Arnis help us develop the basics of fighting or defending. Arnis develops
quicker reflexes and reaction times which is important for self defense.
Being able to react quickly helps to detect, block, or evade an attack.
Hence, learning Arnis will not also contribute for your own sake but for the
community safety as well.

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