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Luminus Education - Assignment Brief (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in Business

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Unit Number and Title 12 Organizational Behaviour

Unit Assessor Name Rawan Rwabdah Academic Year semester 2020-

Assignment number & Title 1 Organizational Cultures and Workforce Motivation

Issue Date (1st Submission) 10.08.2021 Completion Date (1st Submission) 25.08.2021

Issue Date (2nd Submission) Completion Date (2nd Submission)

Internal Verifier Name Mohammad Okour

Approval Date 05.08.2021
Internal Verifier signture Mohammad Okour

Submission Format:

A document that provides the required information on the organisation or as per the given scenario. The
recommended word limit is 2,000–7,000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total
word limit.
Use the font of Times new Roman, font size 12. Please stick to the given format of the answers (paragraph
or tables).

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Analyse the influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in an
organisational context.

LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams to achieve a goal.

LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to co-operate effectively with others.

LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour to a given business situation.

Assignment Brief and Guidance: Assignment Brief and Guidance:

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Scenario Lo1 & Lo2: Scenario Lo1 & Lo2:

You are a student at LTUC College and you taking ‫أنت طالب في كلية لومينوس وتلتحق بمادة "السلوك التنظيمي" كجزء‬
the “Organizational Behaviour” course as a part of ‫ طلب منك معلمك اختيار أي نوع من‬، ‫من متطلبات التخرج الخاصة بك‬

your graduated requirements, your teacher asked you ‫ والقيام بإعداد مهمة تحليل تأثير الثقافة‬.‫األعمال التي تهمك‬
‫ القوة والدافع على السلوكيات واألداء داخل مكان‬, y‫السياسات‬, ‫التنظيمية‬
to select any kind of business that interests you. You
will prepare an assignment which analyse the
influence that organisational culture, politics, power 1 ‫المهمة‬

and motivation has upon behaviours and 1) ‫مقدمة موجزة توضح المنظمة التي اخترتها‬.
performances within the workplace.
2) ‫ سياستها وسلطتها على‬, ‫تحليل نقدي لكيفية تأثير ثقافة المنظمة‬
‫السلوك في مكان العمل‬.
Task 1
, ‫ أنت بحاجة إلى شرح مفصل عن كيفية تأثير الثقافة‬:‫االرشادات‬
1) A brief introduction identifying your chosen
organization. ‫ وكيف تؤثر على‬، ‫السياسة والقوة على سلوك وأداء األفراد في المنظمة‬
)‫سلوك وأداء الفرق (المنظمة‬.
2) Critically analyse how the organization’s culture,
politics and power have influenced behaviour in ‫ استخدم الجداول‬,‫تأكد من تقديم رأيك وامثلة ذات صلة لكل نقطة تكتبها‬
the workplace. ‫المرفقة‬.
Guidelines: You need to explain in details how culture, 2 ‫المهمة‬
politics, power influence the behavior and performance of
individuals in the organization, and how they affect the 1) ‫التقييم بشكل ناقد كيفية تطبيق نظريات التحفيز واالساليب المختلفة‬
behavior and performance of teams) organization ( ‫في شركتك مرفقا بأمثلة داعمة للموضوع‬.
‫ تحدث عن ايجابيات وسلبيات اساليب التحفيز الداخلية‬: ‫اإلرشادات‬
Make sure that your opinion and relevant examples are
)‫ عمليات‬, ‫ اختيار نظريتان من نظريات التحفيز (محتوى‬,‫والخارجية‬
provided for each point you write. Use provided tables.
‫ وكيفية تأثيرها على االفراد‬،‫تحدث عن ايجابيات وسلبيات كل نظرية‬
‫ ادعم اجابتك بأمثلة اعط رأيك بكل نظرية‬.‫وعلى عملية تحقيق االهداف‬.

Task 2
1) A critical evaluation of how motivational theories
and techniques have been applied in your
organisation, supported by relevant examples.
2) ‫اخر موضوع عليك كتابته هو ان تصف وتقيم بشكل نقدي العالقة بين‬
‫ ونظريات التحفيز من‬،‫ المجموعات السياسية والنفوذ من جهة‬،‫الثقافة‬
Guideline: talk about the pros and cons of the
‫ تحدث ايضا عن تأثير كل هذه العوامل على نجاح الشركة‬.‫جهة اخرى‬.
motivational techniques (intrinsic and extrinsic), Choose
two theories (One content and one process theory), talk ،‫ اعط رأيك الشخصي وتحدث عن العالقة الثقافة‬:‫اإلرشادات‬
about the pros and cons of each theory and their effect on ‫ ونظريات التحفيز من‬،‫المجموعات السياسية والنفوذ من جهة‬
individual behaviour and goals achievement. Support your ‫جهة اخرى وكيفيه تأثير هذه العوامل على التحفيز وقم باقتراح‬
‫على االقل ثالثة توصيات وارشادات للشركة عن كيفية تحسين‬
answer with examples provide your opinion for each
‫وتطوير كل هذه العوامل لتحسين أداء الشركة في الوصول‬
theory. ‫الى االهداف‬.

2) The last thing you need to do is describe and

critically evaluate the relationship between
culture, politics, power and motivation and their
effect on organizations success.

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Guideline: Provide your own opinion and talk about the
relationship between culture, politics, power and how they
affect motivation and Give at least three recommendations
to your organization on how to improve all these elements
to help the organization achieve its goals.

Scenario LO3 + LO4: Scenario LO3 + LO4:

Later on after you presented an Assignment about ‫ يمنحك هذا‬، ‫الح ًقا بعد تقديمك واجبا حول الثقافة التنظيمية والدوافع‬
organisational culture and motivation , This part of the
‫الجزء من المهام فرصة إلظهار فهمك لفكرة العمل مع‬
Assignment gives you the opportunity to show your
‫ وما هي الخصائص‬، ‫النظريات والمفاهيم التي تؤثر على ذلك‬, ‫اآلخرين‬
understanding of the idea of working with others, the
‫التي يجب أن تكون متواجدة في فرق لتمكينهم من تحقيق أهدافهم‬
theories and concepts that affect that, and what are the
characteristics that should be present in teams to enable ‫بفعالية‬.
them to effectively achieve their goals. ‫يجب أن تتضمن ورقة العمل الخاصة بك ما يلي‬:
your work sheet should include following: 3 ‫المهمة‬
Task 3
1) ‫شرح للخصائص التي تجعل الفرق فعالة في تحقيق أهدافهم مقارنة‬
1) An Explanation of the characteristics that makes )‫بالفرق غير الفعالة (اربع نقاط عاالقل‬
teams effective in achieving their goals as
2) ‫ اللتان وصفتا كيفية تشكل‬،‫حلل واشرح بالتفصيل على االقل نظريتان‬
opposed to an ineffective team. (At least four ‫وتطور فرق العمل لدعم التعاون ضمن فرق فعال‬
)Belbin’s theory of team roles, Tuckman’s group
2) Analyse at least two theories while developing a development model)
team to support the development of cooperation 4 ‫المهمة‬
within effective teams (you can use Belbin’s
‫ انت‬, ‫بعد تخرجك من كلية لومينوس وقد انهيت مادة السلوك التنظيمي‬
theory of team roles, Tuckman’s group
‫االن موظف جديد في قسم المشاريع في الكلية واثناء عملك الحظت أن‬
development model).
‫السيد عمر يستخدم االتصاالت االجتماعية ويحفز المشاركة وقد ركز‬
‫ كما أنه يعتقد‬، ‫ بين األصدقاء‬y‫على العالقات بين األشخاص واالتفاقيات‬
Task 4
‫أن صدي ًقا لصديق قد يساعدك في الحصول على وظيفة من خالل وضع‬
After you graduated from LTUC College and you took the ‫ تستلزم السيدة لينا إرشاد‬، ‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.‫كلمة طيبة لك في شركتهم‬
“Organizational Behaviour” course. You are now a new ‫المتابعين حول المهام التي يتعين أداؤها وتوجيههم بطريقة منهجية‬
‫ بينما يحاول السيد خالد فهم متطلبات‬,‫لتحقيق الهدف لتجنب الغموض‬
employee at projects department at college and “While
‫ وتأخذ السيدة سارة وجهات نظر‬.‫الموظفين وخلق بيئة مرنة وداعمة‬
you working you observed that Mr. Omar use social ‫ وتحقيق‬y‫الموظفين في االعتبار إلبالغ الجوانب المختلفة لهيكلة المهام‬
connections and incentivise involvement, participation he ‫ ومع ذلك وضع السيد سليم أهدا ًفا صعبة‬.‫األهداف واتخاذ القرار‬
ً‫ وأخيرا‬، ‫ومعايير عالية في كل من مجاالت أداء العمل والتطوير الذاتي‬
focused on relationships between people and agreements
‫حاول السيد إبراهيم تقييم الوضع وتعقيداته وتصميم نهجهم وف ًقا لذلك‬."
between friends, also he believed a friend of a friend
1) ‫ قم بتطبيق مفاهيم وفلسفات‬، ‫بعد قراءة الحاالت المذكورة أعاله‬
might help you get a job by putting in a good word for you
‫السلوك التنظيمي واشرح كيف يؤدي كل قائد دور القائد مع أعضاء‬
at their company. In addition, Ms. Lena entails guiding ‫الفريق التابع له‬.
the followers about the tasks to be performed and
2) ‫ قم بالتقييم عن‬، ‫اعتمادًا على إجاباتك على السؤال األول‬
directing them in a systematic manner to achieve the goal ‫طريق إضافة نقطتي قوة ونقطتي ضعف لكل مفهوم مفاهيم‬
to avoid ambiguity while Mr. Khalid try to understanding ‫السلوك التنظيمي وكيفية التأثير عالسلوك باستخدام الحاالت‬
employees’ requirements and creating a flexible and ‫المذكورة‬.
supportive environment and Ms. Sara taking employees’ 3) ‫قم بتحليل وتقييم من وجهة نظرك العالقة بين نظريات تطوير الفريق‬
viewpoints into account to inform various aspects of task
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structuring, goal-attainment and decision-making. ‫والمفاهيم التي شرحتها بشكل نقدي وكيف تؤثر على السلوك لتحسين‬
However, Mr. Saleem set challenging goals and high ‫االداء واالنتاجية‬.
standards in both work performance and self-development
areas finally Mr. Ibrahim try to assess the situation and
its complexities at hand and tailor their approach

Question 1: After reading the cases above, apply concepts

and philosophies of organisational behaviour and explain
how each leader performs the role of a leader with their
team members.

Question 2: Depending on your answers of the first

question, Evaluate by adding two strengths and two
weaknesses for each concept of OB and how inform and
influence behaviour within a given cases.

Question 3: Critically analyse and evaluate from your own

opinion the relation between team development theories
and the concepts you have explained and how it influence
on behaviour to improve business performance and

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Analyse the influence of culture, politics and LO1 & 2

power on the behaviour of others in an organisational D1 Critically evaluate the
context relationship between
culture, politics, power
P1 Analyse how an M1 Critically analyse how
and motivation that
organisation’s culture, the culture, politics and
enables teams and
politics and power power of an organisation
organisations to succeed
influence individual and can influence individual
providing justified
team behaviour and and team behaviour and
performance. performance.

LO2 Evaluate how to motivate individuals and teams

to achieve a goal

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P2 Evaluate how content M2 Critically evaluate how
and process theories of to influence the behaviour
motivation and of others through the
motivational techniques effective application of
enable effective behavioural motivational
achievement of goals in theories, concepts and
an organisational context. models.

LO3 Demonstrate an understanding of how to co-operate LO3 & 4

effectively with others. D2 Critically analyse and
P3 Explain what makes an M3 Analyse relevant team evaluate the relevance of
effective team as opposed and group development team development theories,
concepts and philosophies
To an ineffective team. theories to support the
that influence behaviour in
development of cooperation the work place to improve
within effective teams.. business performance and
LO4 Apply concepts and philosophies of organisational productivity
behaviour to a given business situation.

P4 Apply concepts and M4 Evaluate how concepts

philosophies of organisational and philosophies of OB
behaviour within an
organisational context and a inform and influence
given business situation. behaviour within a given
business situation.

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Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules,
however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing
practices. As a university college level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep
carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material
downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit teacher if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration

Date Received 1st submission 28/8/2021 Date Received 2nd submission

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date: 16/9/2021

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Assessor Feedback: (Please provide holistic guidance to the students on how they have met the learning outcomes and
assessment criteria )

Grade: Assessor Signature: Rawan arawabdah Date:20/9/2021

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has
taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

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