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J. Excuse me Gerardo, Francisco Zagasti is the name of our new

president, isn’t he?
G. Yes, he is. And about it, I’m a little worried.
J. What worries you, Gerardo?
G. I think he belongs to a left-wing political organization, and if
it is true, our freedom of expression can be in danger.
J. No, he doesn´t belong to a left-win political organization. He
is of right-wing, don’t worry about that, and the most
important thing now, in my opinión, is that He gets along with
the Congress.
G. I hope so, Our country has been in crisis, It´s moment to
change our situación.
And changing the subject Jhonatan, Did you know that Alianza
Lima lost the category in the Ligue One?
J. Yes, I did. I had to say that I´m not a Peruvian Football fan,
but I Watched the last game of Alianza, and they played really
G. I agree with you, maybe they deserved to lose the category.
Speaking of soccer; I had to see the Universitario game!, see
you later Jhonatan.
J. Ok Gerardo, no problem, take care.
1. I think in that case you should talk to him and ask him to let
you know when he wants to visit you.
2. I'm not sure what you should do in that case, but if I were in
your place I would talk to my co-workers and ask them if
they have a problem with me, if not, I would ask them to
have lunch together.
3. I suppose that you rest on Saturday and Sunday, if your boss
wants that you work in your free days, he has to pay you an
extra money.

1. Dear Michael, in my opinion it’s nice that your friend visits you, it’s good to
hang out in the company of your friend, but he can’t show up in your house
if he didn’t warn you, he has to respect your time. You should talk to him and
ask him to let you know when he wants to visit you.
2. Dear Susan, I had been in a similar situation, and if I were in your place, I
would take up to spend more time with the co-workers. You are new in the
company and they don’t know your personality. You have to make them
know that they count on you, not only to work, also to have a nice moment.
You can start telling them things about you and ask them that they tell you
how they are in their normal lives.
3. Dear John, it’s important to get along with your boss, but if he wants you to
work in your free days, he has to pay you extra money. Your free days are to
hang out with your family or with your friends, and there isn't a problem if
you don’t accept his work. You should talk with your boss and ask him about
the work that he wants you to do, be in your hours of work.

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