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1. Food processing in India is concentrated in which sectQr, maximum ?

a) Organized Sector
b, Un0rgant7ed see or
c) Small Scale
d) Nona oi ihe mentioned

2 Which among these is a factor for processed food in India?

a) Changing lifestyles
b] Food habits
c) Organized food retall
d' All cf me rnentioned

3. Which of the following are NOT kay constraints of tha food processing indus\ry2

a) Inadequate guality conical

b) High packaging cost
c, Low demand
dj Poor inJraslructure as in no cold storage, warehouse elc

4. Industry lobbying, local to international rules, Qualify and food salary etc includes which
component of the iood industry?

aj R&D
b) Financial Services
c' Requlall0rl
d] Wholesale and distribution
5. Tha outbraaks traced to \ooda from food processing plants ara contributed dua to which
of tha following factor '?
a) Inadequate relrigeraâon
b) Preparing toad items too far in advance
c] Food i\eme ra-infected altar llnal heat processing
d, Ali of Iha riian\ioned

6. Which ol sha \oIIoMng techniques are used by the FDA Jn determining tha mannar In
which industry acoapts its responaJbillties ?
a) Es\ablishrnent inspection
b) sampla Co1laction and analysis of product in proceed
c] Survaillanca fntandad to idantiiy new problems
d, All cf the men(i0ned

7. Which of sha following is a ma|or rola Tar tha indus\ry7

a) GMP compliance
b) Product recall Gys\em
c) Cos\umei service
d{ All cf the mentioned

8 Which does the following task come undar‘7 - Maintaining inventory ol Toad processing
systems and their environmanls.

a] Product specifications
b! Physical systems hazards conliol
n) Purchasing requiramenla
d] All of the mentioned
9. Which ol the following is useful In trouble shoo\ing for physical systems hazaid?
a) DavelopJng and maintaining flow diagrams to cover all food processing arid physica|
systems and environment
b) Identifying all physical system hazards to safety and integrily ol products
c) Establishing systems of con\roI for all hazards and maintaining records oT the same
d AJJ cf the rr.entioned

10. 'A company must be on guard against vidations’ This is covered under
a) lnspemions and safe\y incidants
d) Auditing
c P uduci inIegi›ly
d) AII of \he mentionad

11. Which ol the following is an objective of 'Oualily assuranœ’?

a) To establish, issue and maintain standards and spewficat›ons Tar all raw materials and
finished goods
b) To assure all ingredients and all finished goods adhere \o ihe company's qualify
c) To be of service to the company in all areas related to producl quality
d' All cf cha mentioaed

12. Which of the following ls covered under 'Raw Matenal Quality Assurance'†

b) Suwey program
c) Selca
d, Ali ci the eritioned
13. The eifor\ ol OA to liltle day-la-day |obs Is ralatad \o ehich of tha following sector?

b) Vendors appraleal
c) Complain handling
d) All of the mentioned

14. Whicr› of the follownq 1s NOI covered urder'FInIshed Product Quatty Assurance‘8
a)Finished product monitoring
b) Special finished producl survey
C) F8CI0/ u6it9
di Non= of ihe men\ cncd

15, Which oT the following iS a step unde‹ process developmenj7

a] Establish tenta\ice process speciIlca\ions
b) Organize necessary pilot plant lacllrlies
c) Produce pilot planl products and submii la ‹aste panels
dl All of \he mentioned

16. Which oT the fellowing ca\agorles are presan\ in a company tar any produc1‘7
a) 'Comp›e ely new product'
b) 'New produol tor compeny-exietlng competitor product”
cj Completely new I»oduc1 & New pro0\lot lor cnmpariy-exiE\ing compejnor prGduci
d) Nallhai oi the men\icmad
17. Which o\ the following information is requiracl priQr la launching a naw product?
a) P oduc‹ and raw mate*a‹ speo//ca ions
b) Process developmanl
c) Pianl location and operation
d, Ail uf the menti0FiBd
18. Whal does Fss uand ior?
a) Food set and aound
b) Food Sacut6 and 5aIa
c, Fuo‹J Salei? ‹ztii4 Sec ml:y
d) Food sour and sign

19, The Food Safety and 6landards Authority a India (FSSAI) ha9 issued a set of
guidelines regardlng tha recall of from Ihe market?

a unsafe drinking water

c unsafe labelling
d unsafe packaging

20. Which ol the following is not a charac1eiis\ie of the immQbilized enzymes?

a, They annol n•• rQ-g$eg

b) It produces rnprodumble results
Cj Stability ex sts
d) Same catalytic amivily Is present lor number oT analysis

21. Which oT the following is the physlcochernical component?

a) Enzyme a
b) Anti-badi6s
c, Tiausd‹icui
dj Calls or \iasues
Z2. An example of biosensor, uraa electrode makes use oi which oT the following
a) Carbon dioxide eiect‹ode
b) Ammonia electrode
c)Fluoride electrode
rj Amir.r n«tm eiur!rrxJ‹t

23 In glucose efeorode, glucose oxidase has been coupled to an electrode by which of

ihe{gib;mng maien8l87

24. Biosenso+s measure glucose concanIza\ions between wh|ch of the followng ranges†

a] 1 0 -\ to 10"-2 M
b] 10^-2 to t0^-4 M
c) 10^-\ \o J0^-4 M

25. 1 ransduoers emp1oyed in the bu(L d enzyme eBcirodas use which ol the following

a; Amfic‹urrct‹ic
bJ Opiicai
c) Magnetic
d| ColQf‹metric
26. Whfch of thasa biosansors use the prlncipla of haa\ raleasad or absorbed by a
reaction ?
a) Potentiometric biosensor
b) Optical biosensors
c) PJezo-alac\ric biosensors
d} Calorimetric biusensurs

27. Which oi tha following biosansors use the movement oT electrons produced durlng
redox reactions?
a. Amnaromeiric Fiosenscr
b) Potenliometric biossnsors
c) Piazo-alactric biosenaors
d) Optical biosensors

28. Nanoscopic optcal biosensois have Ja< iasponsa lima bul the sensitlvily is reduced.
a) True

29. Given below is the diagram o\ bJosensor Idenlify the unmarked component.

a] Microprocessor
b) Filler
c. Transducor

d) A/D canvener
30. In glucose aansoi, a measura of changa In oxygan value fa a maasura of the g1ucose
ay True
b) False

31. For constructing tha glucose sensor, which of the following is used as a gal‘?
a] Urea
b) Uraase
c] Acrylamide
d, Polyacrylamide

32. Mast soila hava a particle density of about:

a› 2 6 g/cc
b) Z 9 glee
c] 2.5 glee
d) 2 7 g/cc

33. Soil axists in h0w many states†

a) 1
b] 2
^) *
dj 4

34. In nvan drying method for determination ol wale content, temperalura maintained is:
a) 100-105 C
b] J5Q-160 C
cl 105 T 10 C
d) 110-120 C
35. A soil generally conais\s ol comblna\ion rg aepsmes
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

36. Loose soi1 has a relative density vaithfn a range of

a) 60-BS
b] BS-100
cl 10-35
d) M-60

37, w›paratus is usad to lest liquid limit at a soil

a) Matir
b; Casagrande
c) Otto
dJ Terzacp›i

38. How many lests ‹n Ihe lab cau be perfo+med to get permeab‹J‹ty o4 soil7
a} 5
b} 4

c) 3
d' 2

3g. Soil with higher Is ( sistency index) is a be\ter Imndatiofi ma+eiial

a, True
b) False
40. How many types of poles are present in a soil mass?

b) 3
c) 5
dj 4

41, He many grades ¢d soil are there?

a) 5
4 cl

42. Wfial are \t›e Soil propenies, which are influenced by soil structure †
aT Pe‹w›eab lily
b) Compressibil‹ty
cj Sl›eai s‹ie«gth
di Aii cl ihe mentioned

43. The single grained s1rumure is a charactaris\ie ol

a, Ccatse giained soil
b) Fine-trained soil
c) None oT the mentioned
d) AII ol the menilonad
44. Soil structure ueuelly defines
a; Arrangement of soil panicles ano Stage of asg e sa t on ol soil particle in soil
b) Composition ol The soil mass
c] Nona oT the man\ionad
d) All oi the mentioned
45. An arrangement composed of'hoes” of soil parLcle is known as

a) D spersed structure
b) Coheewe maltrx sHucture
c) Honey csmb structure
d. Flucsulen{ *tt uctute

46. An arrangement composed of soil partcle having a parallel orientation is

b) Coarse greined skeleton

cJ Honey comb
dl Single grained

4t. The skele\on and matnx Slruoute /epresenl

al Caarse-grained soil
b) Fine-grained soil
r ; Co rr f:u si e scil
ą Lposa-grained soil

48. The soil s\ruc\ure, having comparatn'e oose siaale strumure is

a, k!aney comb
b) Cohefive matrix
c) Flocculant
d) Single drained
4s The honey comb. Ilocculent aud dispersed sltucture are found in
a) Fine-trained soil
D' Cc aFs+ Swum e0 sc il

cj Composfie soil
d) All of the mentioned
50. Coarsa-grain sIseIa\on structure, consist ef acranqemen\ of
a) Soil forming honay comb sltucture
b. Coa se rjrain fc:ming a skelelr n
c) Soil onen\ed ’edge-lo-edge' with one anolre
d) None of lhe mentioned

51, The particle eJ coarse-giained are compo$od oT

a’ Primaw mm+raIs
b) Non-clay minarala
c, Clay minerals
d) Crys\alline minerals

S2. The fine grained soil are composed of

a Ciys\a!iine n›:neiaIs and A oiphous malet acs
b) Primary minerals
c] All ol the mentioned
d) None oi Iha mentioned

53. The behaviour oJ bulky panicles in coa se grained soi1 s governed 0y

a. Goa oil liun*I lurcc and Mass enerqy
b) Cclloidal force
c! All of Ake ment onea
dJ None oJ \fie mentioned
54. The crystalline minerals whose surlaca activity is such tha1, they develop cohesion
and plasacrly are called
ay Non-clay minerais
b C ay m:n°.rats
c) Bulky partines
dJ Primary minerals
55. Clay particles bahave IIke
a) Colloide
b) Amorphous aolidg
c) Ciye e llne paijicles
d) Non•CoIloids

56, WhiCh e\ jfie following gqll pH Iev6lg irtdiCdte0 an alkaline goll?

a pH - 5 6
b pH = 6 5
c pH = 7 5
d nona oi the above indica\as an alkeline soil

S7. A soil pH ol 3.0 would be typical ol whlch oi the following†

a. a calcareous soii
b a humid f6giori ior89\ 6Oll
c. a humid region croplend ¥oil

e an acid suIfa\e soil

58. One pl-I In aoll9 Can DB ‹6iged t›y adding:

bl lima
c] Mulphut
d) nnrogan
59. Which ferlillzer produce acidiy io soil
fAj Arnmcirii m s\lIfoiu

(B) Sodium nilrate

IC) Ca1cium ammonlum ni\ra\e
(D) CalC ulY nitrate

60. Glemrical conduc ivily (EC) of a soil-water paste is measured to estimate the _
Of th6 SQll

a cation exchange capacity

b sodicity
c acidity
d alkalinity

81. The salinity of soil is measured by

A E Ic,ciricaI Condu t›viiy M‹*l0r

B Hygroma\er
C. Psychrometer
D. Sceler

62. MO S‹u 6 content ri ‹he 60l| the earth soil resistance

A increase
B de croat a

C. does not affect

D. none oJ tha above
63. soil quality is ganeially anhancad by greater
a. organic matier content
b stability oT sail structure
c. diversity ol soil mloobes
d. watar-holding capacity
e all o\ the above

64. Which ol lhe following indicators of soil quality would be useful changes due io soil
management ovai pariods of |u6t a few years?
a. soil mineral comen\s
b organic maller conlenl

d climate characteristics
e. soil dapth

65. A soil with a high CEC and pH buffering capacity wovld likely exhibit a Ijigh degree of
wilh regard to the eI!ects oi acid precipitation.
a. rasllienca
b. soil qualily
c. sensitivi\y
d resistance
e. biodiversity
66. Food production, caibon sequestration, watar supply, disease mitigation, and habhal
ior ‹fwerse organisms are all examples oT
a ecological services provided by soils
b. soil qualily indicators
a soil quality scoring iunaions
d. all of tha above
e. none ol the above
67. li Ihe Iemp6raturM ol 6 SOiI w6f6 to 0Cf6aS6 from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius, you would
expect the rale ol microblal activi\ x tsuch as orgeni0 matter decomposition) to
a increase by about 10•4
b increase by 2d°6
c if›cri*a,s by 1U‹T.":

d decrease by 20°a
e decrease by 10%

68. Most of the soft organism is

(A) Psychrophiles
Bl klcuupriilc s
(C) Thermaghiles
(D) All of tha abova

69. pH meter measures

(A) H icr .ici•v‹iy

(B) H ions concentration
{C) AI ions

70. Which zone ‹s the most imporIen\ from an irrlgation point ol view?

a; Sml 7'nrr
b) In\e‹med‹ate Zona
cj Capillary Zone
d) saturation 2one
71. What is tha nama of wa\ar which flows undar gravity?
a) Mygroscopic Water
b, Gravity Water
c) Capillary Wader
d] Rasidua Waler

72. Field capacity is different fram gravity water

a' True
b) Falsa

73. How many days ara generally taken \o obtain lield capacity aT\ar frae gravity drainage?
a] 3 \o 7 days
b] 4 la 8 days
c] 5 \o 9 days
d, 2 to 5 dcys

74. By what rypa of lorces the soil grains ietain wa\e‹ on their surfaces?
a] Capillary Forcaa
b) Cohesive Forces
c! Molecular A\lraclion and by Loose Chemical Bonos
d) Compressive Forces

75. Basad on surface tension, what is \f›e nama oi tka part oT field capacity watar?

a] Hygroscopic Water
b] Gravi\y Watar
c, Capillary Water
d) Residue Water
76. Based on loosa chemical bonds, what is the name of sha part oi iield capañty natal 7
a, Hyoroscop c \‘Jaief
b) Gravity Water
c) Capillary Watar
dj Rasidua Water

77. Capillary water is available Jo plants and hygroscopiC v¥a\er is not

a; True
b) Falsa

78. Up \o which point plants can axlracl water?

a) Saturation Point
b; Permuneni Willing Po‹nt
c) Hydration Palm
d) Dissolution Point

79. What is tha nama of actual available water to the plants?

a' Ava labIc Moisture

bj Mois\ufe
c) Capillary Watar
d) Hy9°° *^P'^ 8!e °

8d. By what parcentaga of available mois\ure is aashy ex\ractad by plants ?


c) 7Q \o 809a
d) 65 to 70%
81. Which lype of moisture is slightly less or mast equal In fiald capacity?
a, Equivalent kJoisture
b] Soil Moisture Deficiency
c) Available Moisture
d) Readily Available Moisture

82. Whlch type of mois ture acts as a bridge between soul mouture œntent and field

a) Equivalent Moisture
b: Su4 Mois\ure Detic ency
c] Available Moisture
d) Readily Available Moisture

83. Which of the iollowing me‹hods is moss accura\e ion tha detarmination oi the water
œntent af soit†

a owen cry Clg method

b sand dath method
c. œlcium carbide method
d. pycnometer method

84. 7he maximum dry density up to which any soil can be compacted depends upon

a. moisture content only

b amount oJ compaction energy only
c bsth rroisTure contonl and amount cf compaction energy
d none of The above
85. Tnughnacs Index is daTinad as the radio of
a. plasicily index to consistency indax

b plaSlic:ty index to Ilow index

c liquidity index to flow index

d. consistency indax to liqufdify Index

86. The value of compression index for a remoulded sample whose liquid limit is 50% is
a. 0 0Z8
b 0 28
c 036
d. 0.Q36

87. For better strength arid stability. the fine trained soils and coarse grained soils are
compacted respeclivaly as
a. dry of OMC and was ol OMC
b wet Of OMC an0 dry of OMC
c. wet of OMC and wet oJ OMC
d. dry of ONIC and dry o\ DMC whare OMC: is optimum moisture canten\

88. 11 ite permeability of a soil is 0.8 rrrn/sec, the typa ot soil is

b. send

c sill

d clay
89. Which oT tha following methods is best suited Jar dalerminalion ol parmeabiIi\y of

a. constant freak rretnod

b. falling heacl malhod

c. bolh ihe above

d. none of the adove

9g. Cryopreservation is a technlque used fo‹

b) Food packing

dj Prasarvation at axcass prQduclion of vegatablas

91. In most spedes of plants, fQod is adored in

a. radicle
b. plumule
c. cotytcdon
d. zygo\e

91. The miniature pIen\s contain ona or rna seed leavas called

a. radlcle
b. plumula
c. cofyte‹1nn
d. zygole
93. The firsl pait which comaa out ol a seed is

b plumule
c stem
d cotyledon

94. When seed i$ sown inlo soil, the iirst thing which happens it
a la kr' s u p w nter

b takes up oxygan

c bursts apa i
d splits into lwo parts

95. Atter the root has giown downwards. a small shooi grows upward. towards light. ThiS
shoot is kno\yn as
a radicle
h [›IumuIe
c. stem
d cotytedon

96.................................................Sugar Industry is a orlenled induslry

b footloose
c market
d none
97. Trartsp0n of SugafS and amino aCidS in pldnls iS knowrt aS
A transportation
B. \ranapira\ion
C. trans motior›
98. Simple and complex sugars may be called aa
A reducing sugars
B. non-reducing sugars
C.Inorganic nulrient
D. Polysaocharides

99. The Batch culture Is a/an

a) Open
h, Ctosod
C) l80l6l8d
d) Seml closest

100 A period during whig:h the groMf late o‹ cess gradually increases is known as
a) Lag phase
b, Log phasu
c) Stationary phase
d] Decaleiation phase

101 Durin9 batch cul vre/\eimenja ion, nutri8nl9 in the f6rmenier are u\iIited a a ‹as‹
a) Trua
b} False

1d2. The exponen\ial phasa may ba described by the aquation

a, dXYoT = px
b) dl/dx = y
c) dx/d\ = p\
103 During batch fermentation. In which phase the m c‹obes in the lermenler ate
adapting \o the new envir0nment*
*i: L f l›n:J s0

b) Log of axpnnenlipl phase

c) 5ta‹ onary phase
d) Death phasa

104 The size of Iermen\er9 is usually larga in batch ferman\ation.

a, T ruc
b) False

105 The Yleld factor (Y) is the measure of the elliciency oi

1) ñr, ver Or›ol wny†nt iD: au,nl, >rrnesx
b) Comers on a ar the substrates into biomass
c) The AflinJ\y of an enzyme to tha substrate
d) Number of miciobBB which produced sha biomass

106 The Yield Faclor (Y) does nof vary upon which oT tha following ?
a) pH
b) Gfowth rala
c) Tempere\ure
‹1. Amounl of enz yinc

107 The batch cuI\uie or lermenlafion can be used to produce

a) Organic acids
by Am no acids
c) Single Cell Protein
a) To sterilise the
medium by To feœvar the
c! Tu pro ide cglimum groMh cönditions \o organisms and ubtäin The desired product
d) To purily the produk

b) Temperature œntrol system

d) 80 on

113. Which of The malai la used to maka stainless ateet?

b) Pb
c) Mn
d) Fe

1 J4 Which of The tollowing is not The property ol Chromium film†

a] Non-porous
b} Soluble
c] 5elT-healing
d) Continuous

115 Which of The following e1amenl does not enhances lhe property of stainless stael?
a] Nickal
b) Mcilybd6num

d| Manganese

116. The AISI grade 316 contains amount of chromium

e) 15 9â
b) 18 %
c) 20 9â
d) 18.5 'K
117 The All I grade 317 contains amount of molybdenum.
a) 5 - 10 %
bj 3 - 5 •4
c] 1 - 2 9t

d) 1t — 14 %
118 The iarmenler vessel should be reliable for tha long-term.
a, Tiu+
b) false

119 The fermented vessel must be provided with all tha facilities for \emperalure, pH.
o, T uo

120 The Gana\ically anginearad ocganlams ara classlliad as and

aJ Harmless ‹Group II) and Po‹en‹lelly Harmful (Group lj
bi Harmless lGroHp I) and Poteniially H.arinluJ (Group Ill
c) Potentially Harmless {Group I| and Harmful (Group II)
d) Harrriless {Group II) and Harmful (Group I)

121 Collins hazard group cr›tar1a did nca Include

a) The easa oi prophylaxis and lreatmanl

b) The rou\ea oi in!amion
c)The pathogenimty oi a mlcioorganism
d! The reptoduciive uy;1e ot a rr»crouiganism

112 The purpose a ae‹Btion Is to provide

a) The madium \o organisms

b) be carbon dio<de o organisms
cl The oxygen lu ofganisn s
d) The watar \o organisms
123. The Aerallon is mainly provided to organisms present in
a} Submaiged culture
b) Solid Skate culture
c) surface culture
dj Baich culture

1 24 The non agitated fermentB\ions are carried out in vessels at a heighVdiametar rario

a) 1:2
hj 5. T
c] 3:2
d) 4:1

1 25 The agitator is required to

a) PrAda air
b; Mixlng objectives
c) Puny the product
d] l$terlllza tha medla

1 26 Which of the following is not the component OI aeration and BgitBtiOn syst6m?

a) Impeller
b) Baftles
c) st'nar gland and baarlng
d, Thermometer
127. Which oT the iolJowing agita\or consists oi vanes in a vertical plane around the

a) vaned discs
b. d›sc iurgines
c) variable pi\ch turbines
d) marine própeller

128. Which of the following agi\a\of CODsists oJ vanes attached vanically inside?
a, vaned discs
b) disc turbines
c) variable pitch turbines
d) brine.pfopeller

129. Which ol the following agitator consists of blades diraclly a\\ached to a boss on
agitator shah?

aj vaned discs
b, disc iurbines
c) rectangular \urbines
d) marine propeller

130. Which of the foll0wing is not the type oT modern agitator?

b) Prochem KtaxJle
c) Lightning A315
dj New Brurswick Sc.enlif E
131 Which of the following seal assembly has not baen usad in s\irrer glands and
a) Stalling box
b) Bush seal
c! E lecjric drlva
d) kfechanical saal

132 Which of the following is not the usa ol ballles†

a) Increase the effact of agi\etion
b) Improve aeration efficiency
c) Improve cooling capacity
d, Improve jhe futmen\er capacity

133 Which of the folDwlng sparger is made ol ceramic or mefals†

aJ Poruus Spargei
b Oilf›ce spaigei
c) Nozzle sparger
d] Combined sparger-agitator

134 Who developed Ihe combined•agiielor sparger?

a' Herbon
b] Rive\t
c) Johnson
d) Petafson

135 The nozzle sparger doas not get blocked

b] False
136. The use ol flat dac In tha turbine i9 la an9Uf6 lhe bulkd enofgy consumption occure
a\ bladee.
a) True
b) Felse

137 The operating volume ol Weldhol•\ype farmentar la Koi brmh and alr.
a) 252,000 dm^0
bj 225,000 dm^3
c) 215,000 drn^3
d) 232,000 dm"3

138 What led lo the development o\ Waldhof•lype fermen\er?

aJ Yeasl growth

c] Vital growth
d) Fungi gFowth

136 The diameter of Waldhot•type fermen\er wae

e) 8.Q m
b] 7 8
mc m
d) 8.1 m

1¥0 Which manufacturer developed vinega\or?

a) Chemap AG
b) l0lid0 Bl¢i\6Ch
c) LanzaTech
141. WhQ de(ined Towar Fefman\ar?
a] Cohee
b) Steflan
c] Ebner
dl Greensh:elds

142 The Towel Termenter was first described for

a) Amylase production
bJ Citric acid production
c) CheeSe production
d) Beer produc Ion

143 The tower beer fermenTer was patented by

a, Sbore
b] Ulenberg
c] Owen
d) Victeraro

144 Who proposed the use ol cylindio-conical vessels†

a} Nalhan
b) Boukon
c] Maule
d) Smith
145. Which of the following is the disadvantage of cylindfo-conical vessels in brewing‘?
,a T imG- COf1S Uting

b) Ferman\ation and conditioning can be carried out in tha same vessel

c] Reduction in maturing tima
d) Yeast separation is good
146. Which of the following is not the typa oT airlift fermented ?
a) Concentric Drah loop
b) Tower loop
c) ICI deep shaft
d. High p'e*suie

147 Wh0 developed multiple air-Jift Termen\ers?

a! Bakkef
b) Hamar
c) Reuse
d] Bayar

148 Which of the t0|IoHing scientist developed the cydone column*

a] Meyralh
b Dawson
c) Wu
dj Hamer

149 ‘Dowpac’ is derivative of

a; Polystyrene
b) Polyethene
c) Polyethylene GIycs1
d) Teflon

150 RotaTing-dísc Termenlers are us6d in effluent trealment

a, Tiue
b) False
151. The farmenler vassel has \o pass \hraugh severa1 \es\s batora entaring tha
markat. ay True
b) False

152.Which of the following sansor penetrates Info the farmantar?

a) Exhaust-gas analyzats
D* pH E'lectrodes
d) Load calls

153.Which of the iollowing censor is usad \o measure the acid/alkali addlt›on?

a' pH
b) Redox
c) Tampera\ure
d) Osygen

154. Which of the following sansor is used \o measure the change in flow late?
a) Tempaiatura
b;' \^/eighl
c) Madium analysis
d) Exil-gas analysis

155. The heat control

at Iarge-scaJa in the Tarmenter is carried out by
a) Inter hearing coils
b) Heating jad‹et
c) Con\rollecl balh
d, Cold-water circula0on
156. Which of the following \emparatura sensors is not used for a tamparatura
a) Non-electrical fype
b) Electrical tyge
c› Magnetic type
d] Radiation lypa

157 The rasis\anca wi\h Increase In temperature.

a} Increases
b) Decreases
c] Becomes constant
d) Becomes zero

158. Which a! the following is mBde up of mixtures oT pure oxides ol iron and nickel?
aj The rmislors
b) Mercury thermometers
c) Radiation thermometers
d) NlatallJc Ihermnmelers

159. Which of the following devices is not used Tar prassure measurement1
a] Diaphragm gauge
b) Pressure bellows
c) sua n gauge
d, Dynamometer
160 Which ef the fo|lowing sensoi is not a part of the fermenter2
ay On-iine
b] in line
c! Off-line
d) Out-llne
161 Which ol the following parametars is not usa\ul in the ans\ruction oi pressura
a] Hysleresis
b] Sensi\ive to changing pressures
c) Corrosion
d, pH

162. Ion-spec4ic sensors are the types ol on-line sensors.

al Trua
b) False

163. Antiloam proba is a typa oT all-line sensor

a) True
b. Falee

164 If the Mo metals have different temperature coefficient then, they are useiul in
a) Manometric \hermometar
b) Gas thermometer
c, Bimetallic thermomeler
d) Digital \heimoma\er

165 Which of the following is vsed in agitation measurement?

a, Torsion dynamometer
b) Bourdon tube
c) Diaphragm gauga
d) Strain gauge
186. Which of the following ie ueed a control Ihe agitation speeds
a) Dynamometor
ay Tachomate‹
C) \ttBIFI gKUg6
d) Boufdon tube

1B?. wf›e gave trie ‹reernenl of girain geuge mgagurementgt

a) Brodgesell
by Aiba
c)Bou don

168. I n which ol the lolkiwing velve e glldlng diec lg mqved In or out of flow pg\h?
a) Cake valve
b) Globe valve
c)Neadle valve
d)Pislon valve

168. Which of the followlDg WfVe An@ga €i\ 8 ‹apered plug?

a)P sion valve
b) Globa vaha
c| Naedle valva

170. Which ol the lollowlng valve consials ol a diec which rotatee about a ahafl in a
a) Bunetfly valve6
by Pia\on vatye

d] Pinch valves
171 Which of the following valv8 is uead for ptessura control‘?

a) Gate valves
bj Globe valves
c| Naedla valves
d! Safeiy valves

172 What is the function of check valves 2

a; Tu prevent \hc reversal ol llov. ol liqu:d
b) To raduce the prassur«
c)To reduce Ihe flow rate
d) To increase the how rata

173 Which of the following valves is tha mosl suitable for asep\ic operation?
a) Butterfly valves
b' Bali valves
c) Naedle valves
d) Globa valvas

174 Which of the following valve is the most widely used in the design ol the fermented ?
a' Diaphragm valve
bj Neadla valva
c) ButterlJy valve
dj Plug valva
175 Which of the following valve consists ol a horizental plug or disc is raised or lowered
to control flow rate*
a) PIU9 •^›•••
b. Globe valves
c) But\erliy valva
d) Naadla valves
176. Which of the following is not an antñaam device?
a) Discs
b) Propellers
c) Brushes
d, Lead c+II

177 Which of the following is used for measuring gas flow?

a.. Rol3meter
b) Spectrophotome\er
c) UV hans illuminator
d) Chromatography

178 The pinch valve consists of a sleeve dosed by pinch bar

a, T ue
b) False

179 Load cells are used for the measurement o\ pressure

a) True
b False

180 The probe signal of O2 is determined by the equation

a] P(02) = C(02) • TP
bj P(02) = CIO? I ” P T
c) P(02) = C(O2| / PT
d) P(02) = C(02) + PT
181 Which of the following acts as the anode in tha galvanic alect‹ode?

b) Magnesium
cj Lead
d) Platinum

182 Which of the following is used as an elaorolyte in the galvanic electrode†

a) NaCl
by KCJ
c] SnCI2
d) MgCl2

183 Which of The following is not usad in DO maasuremsnf7

a) Polarogrephlc elaclroda
b) Tubin9 malhod
c, T achome\ers
d) Galvanic alemrode

184 Which of the following method is uses Iluorescenca Tar oxygen measurement?
a] Tubing method
bJ FluarEimRtrtc method

c) Polarographic method
d) Galvanic maihod
185 Which of the following iS not the type oT paramegn6tiC gas gnglyzers‘?
a) Magnetodynamic
b] Therrr<imagna\fc
c) Magnetopneumatic
d/ Load cells
191. Thermomagnellc Is a ’wind type' analyzer.
af True

b) False

192 Nitric oxlde exhibits the paremagnetic property.

a True
b) False

193 \Nhich of the foIlou+ing is a fetrornagnetic substance?

a, C0bul
b) Nitrogen
c) Nitric oxide
d) Helium

194. Who discovered th6 computer appliGalions in fermanlation technoiogy?

a Yamashila and Murao

b) Grayson
cj Bushell
d) Nylri

195 The initial use ol computers in Jermen\B\ion technology was used in sha production

a) Gfulamine and lysine

b, G!uiamic acid andf penicillin
c) Penicillin and cystaina
d) Cystaine and bulyric acid
196. Who recognlzed the distin¢\ erea9 ol computer lunoion?
oj Nyir›
b] Buahall
d) Morgan

197 When do you mean by logging of process data?

a; The inierface beiweuri sensors anu computers
b) Priming oi analyzed data

c) Transferring o\ signals tg awi1ch

d) Entering ihe valves In compUiei

168. What is the full lorm gl DDC†

a' DiracÏ Dtgllal C:D0Ï£OT

b) Digilal Direct Conkol

cj Digit6l ÖgtB DTFOT
d) Deta Dlgt\el Donuol

186 Who disOB9Bd the marits Of DDC and SSC?

a) Wh›t6sIde and Morgan
b) Karim
c) Rivere
d) Ramlrez and Sni
2g0 Who recognized the three levels of process control?
ni Arminger and Moran
b) RamJre2 and Sri
c) Karim and Rivera
d) Whitesidg and Morgan
201 SSC |s control when Ihe fermented is under lhe direcl con\roI ol camputer software.

a) True

202 Which oT the Io|I0wing metetials is used as a bio-plastics

a Polystyrene
b Polypropylene
c PuIyliy‹Jfux¿buiyraIi*

d Dexlran

203 A Ttickllng filler is usad o‹!

a Antibiotic production
b Bear production
c Ci«ic acid manufacturlng
‹’J W as tr waInr 1re.i I morat

204 A double spnal head-exchanges is a.

a. Direcl heat ex0hcnger

b Ir›oirect h ›a\ exe:I\an qtr

d Thermos\a\

205 The I ntxiitanC6 O‹ Y8as Exliact in If\e |nduS‹fiaI t8rmerite‹ iS!

,n Act a v«.Amin a i‹; ni ci 0nri1iicrii hourr n

b Acts 0itfQg80 SdUt CB

0. ACt9 6s Cdrb00 9ourc8

d. Acts as carbon and vitamin source

2£I6. A fed-batch ptOWG9 is a:
a. Closed syctam

b Continuous sysiem
c Iniermiitenliy !ed system
d Biphasic system

207 An air-tilt lemwnter uses’.

b Aii bubbles lor mixing tho contents

c Oitlcrential density lot m‹x ng gurPcse
d A spaigei lor stag ‹he ‹x›nie«s

208 Balch slefdtzaoon cycfa wne consists

of: a Two phases
b ThrEa phases

c Four phasas
d Fiva phdses

209 A spray dryer works on the principle o4

b SAlima£on

c Lyophiliza\ion

d Ad1abe\Ie drying

210 Proteoad fermenta\ions uses

a Sterilizad madia
b. Pasteurfzed media
c Pasteurizad rcedia 'w rh low pH
d Uns\erilizad media
211. Why is it necessary la study how behav+oui in dairy†
a) To design load processing plant
b) To praven\ spoilage
ci To ‹4esign food Grocess'ng fiJan and pre enl sFoi!ase
dj For nu1ii\ion

cj Tapping

a] True

2f 5. Tho time iaqwred to teduce stiass in ‹ha material by IIaw is callad

216 Pesfeurization eid in which ol the following?
al killing uUerclc bacillus
b) kiiling sporea
c) Increasing iei content
d) lowering iempeiaivra

217 Which of the iollgwing is the Lima-\empeiatura comblna\ion ior HTST pesleurwtion†
a' /2•C \n 74”C fur US \o 20 se‹:unos
b) 135•C to 140•C for 2 \o 4 seconds
c) 83’C for ZO minutes
dj 5y•C to 6s•C lo 15 min

218 Whlch of the following is tha lime-lemparature combination toi LTST pasIeuriza\ion?
a) 72'C la 7a•C lor 15 to 20 seconds
b) 136•C to 140°C lor 2 fa 4 seconds
c) 61•C for 20 minutes
d) 57°C to 68°C lot 15 min

219. Which at the tolDwing is the tlme-tampe‹atura combination for UHT pas\eurization?
a) 72•C ‹a 74°C lor 15 o 20 seconds
bl 13fi°C to 140"C for 2 Io 'I seconds
c] 63•C for 30 minutas
d) 57°C la 6s•C lo 1s min
220 Which of the foliowing is the time temperalure combination lor Thermization7
a] 77’C io y4•C lOf 15 to 20 eeconde
b) 135•C to 140•C for 2 to 4 seconds
c) 83°C ior 30 minutes
J, S7•C to 68•C for 15 min
221 Which of the following is lh8 lime-\amper6tura combina\ion for Sis iiizajion†
a) 72°C to 74°C ior 15 to 20 seconds
b) 135°C to 1 40•C for 3 to 4 seconds
c) 63•C lor 30 minutes
d, J15 - 1 2O°C fui some 20 - 30 mnlulss

222 ”Heat transferred Forij the bowl of the spoon a the handle ” :s an axempie of which
oi tha following way ol haa\ tiansfar?

al Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) F\I\ration

223. Which nf the following is the application of direct haa\ing in the dairy indu8lty2

al Naming curd in \l\e manufacture ol cheese

b) Solar heating
c) Haa\ing with gQ«1mB rays
d) Oxldation

224 He BI B¥chB0gBF W0€ks on which of the following principle?

a] Diract heating
b) Inclirect hearing
cj slow heating
d] Fast heating
225. Heat exchanger is needed for craam lhan For milk. it capacities and
tamparalura progiams are idami&l
a} La:per
bj Smaller

d) s‹agnam

Z2B. Which of The following matefiat ›s ‹eaad fts heal kanstec in the dairy ilxlustry?

aj Iron
b] Platinum

) CDpP^+
dj Stainlc ss steei

227 Tlui rata of build-up of fouling does not depend on which of One foIIowing‘2

a} Mlk qualay and Air conant of the prodi+a

b) Temperatiaa difference baMeen pnxtuct arid heating medium
c) Pressure conditio+‹s in the heating sediori
d' Thickness oT la nles• steel

228 V¥haI is the mefhod of using the heat ol a hot lipuid, such as pasteurized milk, to
piehaat old incoming milk?

b) Cooling
cj Regeneration
d) Standardization
220 Zigzag tube in heal trealmant is used for which purpose?
a) Fouling
be 6tandafdization
cJ H0lding for a long holding IIme
d) Discard

230 Which heat exchanger uaed for heating and cooling vsco•a. s\icty and lumpv
produos 7
a) Plaza heal exchanger
b) Tubular haat exchanger
cl Scraped surface heal exchanger
dj Bpray dryer

231 PHE (PIa e Heal Exchange‹j is mole enlcieni n ie‹me oi heat lrant\ei ‹han THE
{tubular Heat Exchenger).
aJ True

232 Which oT the following Is/ere the category o\ Tubular Head axchenger7
a) Multi/mono channel
b) Mul\i/mono lube
c) Cubicel channel
‹1l Multi/mono channel and Mu|ti.’monu iub‹-

233 I•Iaa\ exchanger charanaiized sy pad‹ of s‹ainlass s\ee1 in a itame is

ay Plate heat axchanger
b) Tubular heat exchanger
c) Scraped au‹face heal excher›gei
d) Gpray dryer
234 S¢raped Heat eschanger has a dealgn.

b] Verlûal
c) Planer
dj Horizontal

235 ”R" in Ihe below eque lan ‹else to whel'/

{er — r‹) x 100

e) Rgcycle
bl Regenefalion ellie er
c) Rsgreælon
d) Rause

236 The unwan\ed build-up oi meterial on a surface ie called7

b) Pla\ing

d) Layering

237Whej Js lhe application al any elleoiva method or substance jo a clean evrlaœ tor
d6e(iucll0n O( pe hogeri l9 Called7
a PasteurÏzation
b High Terrpgralure Tregiment
c Sanitizatlon
d. Cleaning
138. Afiar œnaavjp0oe uf›an e‹M¥nue asiœs, dan gquîd

289 Ahai a‹&tkn

^T îE
by au e‹ded ha 5q‹ad
cj wftiee at œoom
dj ‹ panda upon pH ofa‹AlImate

240. WNch at tfa lolbw¥›g b an etfac «o wey ‹X pur¥ying liquide œmalnlng

a) ‹>ysœBœtion

242. Proæm quktæ ¥ian fllt‹atr but not eo eflœllæ Ie

d) J‹aobnal dtsti8a0oi
243. Di\ferentiel can\rifugation relies on the dlfferences In of biological partfclea
of dilfeient

b) Sedimentation rate, sizas and density

c) Size, structure
d)Mass, size

244. Which o\ the !oliowing s\a\ements about the baaic principie ol sedimentation is

a) The dansar a alological atiuctnre is. Ihe faster i\ sadimen\a in a centrifugal field
b) The more massive a biological particle is, the slower it movos in a canlnfugal f›eld
c) The denser the duff6f syst6fYl IS, the Slow6f Ihe panlcle will mov8 in a centflfugal field
dj The greater the centrifugal force is, lhe feslar the particle sedlmanls

245. Which of The following is/are The applies\ion of analytical cen‹r4ugation†

I. Th6 d6lerminaliori Of \h6 pUñJy of m8CromoleCul6S.

II. The detefmina\ion ol Cha ralailve molecular masses of coluies in thelr native stats.
Ill. Tha examine\ion of dlangae In the molecular mass ol supiamolBcuTar complexes.
IV. 7fie detection of conTo ‹»aiional c»anges.

b)I and II only

c)I, II and III only
d) l. II, III and \V
246 Which of the following is/are appropriate cate and maintenance of can\rifuges ?
I. Proper balancing al centrifuge tubes.
Il Avoid long time exposure of tête rotors to alkaline solution and aci0ic bu\fers
III. Clearing cen\nfuges and rolors wnh coafse brushss and than wash lhem with
dis\iIIed or da-ionizad wOI8f âItB£ BV8/ £00.
IV. For overnight slorage. tha rolors ara left upside dawn and than positionad in a
saie and dry place.

a)I, Il, III only

b)Il. III and ›V only

d) ll only

247 Altar centr4ugation ol milk. the supernatan\ ls?

a) Fat

dj Waler

248 What is the mama al tha machine that spins in ördar lo separale oiJ1 composants
mabng up a mimore?

aj Centrifuge

b) Blood plasma
Gj C6nIrJlugaI'uTJ
d) Can\ritugation lube
249. Ha\y does centrifuge\ion wort?
a) Through dripping parlicles
be Through spinning
ci By keeping lurge particle in the ceii er ancl smailer on Ihe uulsirfe
dj By separa Ing pafjiCle$ info difIefent \ubet

250 It you were centrifuging whole mllk, which would ygu expect tg get flung turther out
horn he centei ol the cer›irI vge7

a] The craam/fat
b) Both would be equally tung
ci The nkim milk
d) Nalthai would ba flung

251 Which of the following 8cIen\ist invenled !h8 Ce0 filugal separa oܠ
al Guslaf de Laval
b) D0nald conhglm

C) LulB g89lu6l'
d) Rutherford

252 The sNmming efficiency oT a sepate\or coneequen\ly decreases with lncfe86ed

aJ True
b) False

253 Stendardization gf milk involved which o\ tha following?

aJ Ad|ustmant ol fal content
b) Breakdown oi protein
c] Whitish appaarence gl milk
d) lnCr6as6 In nu‹f (iona! ccnt6nt 0‹ mllk
254 Which of the following me\had is usod In a slandardizsflon oJ miik‘7
o) Pearson seuare mo ho‹I
bj Donald mefhod
c] Jeke method
d) Pearson cube me\had

2fi5 The precauie in the sl‹lm milk outlet must be l‹ep\ in ordar to enable
6CCUra 6 s‹6nd8idlz6tion.
8) H!9h
b) Low

d) Steap

256 which of ne tecio‹ doae r›o atlect ‹rte precieion In aiar›dard‹za ion proœes?
a] FIuc1ua\igns in the lai œn\ent ai the inœming milk
b) Fluctuations in throughput
c] Fluctuations in prahoafing \emperetura
dj F1Uctua\lon in prolelft c0nlenl

257 The Cream let œntent is

aj lnvorsely progoritonal
b) Directly proportional
c] Neither inverealy proportional nor diiec ly propo tionel
d) Increased
258 What ia the objective of Baclotugation?

b) Separate lai from skim milt

c) tandafdize milk

d) Sepera‹e lel globules

259. Which of the following davtce is used éi Bactofugalion?
a, Decanler

c) Bamofuge
dj FJher

260 Major Application of Badoluga\ion is in which of lhe Thawing processing†

a] Wine processa+g
bl Juic8 processing
ci ñnccsc pr‹:ces sin
d) Ice cteam process›ru}

261 The amount of bactdugate horn flu two-phasa Ba¢toluge as compared to

8 B @gu 9

c) Cons\am
d| Vanable

262 A decanter centñfuge is a machine for Sinuous sedimentalion ol suspended

solids from a Iiqu<I by the action of in an elongated. horizontal roasting bow

a] CentriflJgal fo!ce
b) Gravitation To+ce
c) Friction force
d) Force of resislanca
2e3. HOW tiU0h WhOI6 ‹»lIl‹ Wiih 3.9s la aftd Skirnlti0d faIIx Mih O.0496 fai 00n 6nt will
you need No produce 2000 kg oT standardized milk with 2.5% Tal’7
a) 725.‹I kg
b) B25.4 kg
c) 925.4 xg
dj US.4 g

264. 500 kg oi milk feeling 6.5% Ta to be standardized to 3. \ % fat using skim milk
containing 0.05% lai. Theiefofa, The quantlty oi skim milk tequiracl to be addad to 500 kg
whole milk will be?
al 5S 7.38 kg
b) 440 kg
cj 850 kg

2g5 Which of tho tollowing standardization is more. desirable in lerge-acale oparatlon7

a› Continuous
b) Batch
c)No standardization
d) Cen‹ii‹ugeiion

288. How rnsny parts by weighl oT 4Q9L craam and 396 mllk must be mixed to masa milk
‹es ing 5' fell
ay 2 .and 3*
b) 4 bnd 46
c) 5 and 10
.dj 6 and \2
267. Fat ie added back Io. skim milk In the proceaa of étandafdizaflon.
ay True
b) False
268 Disruption ol fat globules into much smaller lat globules is defined as†
a) Standardization
b) Cen\rikigation
cl Homogenizat‹on
dj Chilling

269 Disin\agrat›on ol fat globules in homogerazation is echñvad by which of the

eJ Turbulence
b] Cawtation
cJ Turbulence and cavnai Ans
d| Pas\euriza

270 Cteam wijh higher lat content lhan cannot normally be hornogenl2ed a Ihe

27a Hornogariizauon oi cold milk is inel1eclive.

a, True
b) False

272 Nornogenizat›on \emperatura applied noimelly are

c; 60- 70 f
d) OSI-100°C
273 Preferrad Homogenization pressute is
a) 5- 15 MPa
b} T O-25 MPa

c) 25- 50 MPa
d) 60-70 MPa

274 Tha dispe›sion of the lioid phase incieases with iemperatures ol

hornogenisation and is commansurate wilh Ihe viscosify of milk al higher
a) Increase. decrease
U;! Increase inchase
c) Dacrease, increasa
dj Decrease, decrease

275. Name tha theory of homoganization According to which homoganizalinn lakes place
when the liquid is leaving Cha gap, so the back pressure which is important to Cavitation
is imponant to homogenization.
a) Cav\ation theory
0' Edóies theor'/
c) Current theory
d) Voltaga theory

276 Which homogenizalion thaory predicts how the homogenisinneflecl varias with lhe
homogenizing pressufe?

a) Cav‹lation theory
bj Eddies thEcir\’
c) Current thoory
d) Vol\aga theory
277. Application ol Single-s aga homoganization is in’?
. ; Prouucif. n 'mar ‹jin‹} ,- hijii u in«OS t y frJ‹.rI‹tir, r:Iu!‹l r lUi rim:\t‹u›1I
b) Produm with low viscosny
C) &fOdhci wllri no viscosity
d) Pr0duc1 without lai

278 Two-slag a homoganization may not ba appliad to which oT jhe fQlloWfng2

a) Products with a higf\ lat content
b) Products where high hom0geniZelion efficiency is desired.

2Y6. Two-slage method ie usually chosen to achieve optimal homogenization e\\Iciency.

a. Tr\ie
b) False

280. Ma n lun¢ti00 Ol fif$l slage of homogenizalion Is2

a' F.ii !IIuhulo i‹:r,Ju lion
b) Separation ol cluslara of jal into individual lat molecules
c) Oxldallon
dj OIL flavour dovelopmer4

281. Main function ef Second stage of homogenizdtlon ls2

ay Fax globule teducliQn

b' Separal‹uo oI cluslof s II let ifJfo individual I:al mcilcculas

c) Oxidation
d) OU flavour devalopmant
282. Lack of homogenizacon leads to which oT Iha following davalopments?
a; Cream layar development
b) Protein development
c) Astringancy development
dj Increased far contan\

283. Which of the following factors does not conjribute fo enhanced stability of
hornogenizad mllk?
a) Dacraase in the mean diamatar ol the \a\ globules
b) Decrease in the size distribution ol the far globules
c) Increase in dansily of the globulas
d, Decrease ‹n donsiiy of Ihe globules

284 Which of the following qualities do not da\ermine the parcant racovary in membrane

a) Nlambrane filtration ie\'el selected

b] Chaianerlatlc of mambrana itseli
c) Quality ol leed Qatar
d. Nuli‹l‹unal coillenl ol feed

285 Which ol the following mechanisms is used by a membrane filler to remove

parliculate material from the water?

a) Adsorption
b) settling
c, Straining
d) Crystallization
286. The mambrane iiliralion leval ve\h cha smallest pota siza (0 0001 - 0.0D1 #m) is
a) Micro filtration
Li. Reverse usn›csis
c] Nano fiItra\Jon
d) Ultra filtration

287 The flow rate through the membrane iilter ilsall expressed as a gallon par square
fooi psi day 1s called?

by Nead loss

dj Overhead

288 Which on6 ol sha ToIlo1ng is the name of the process of ravarsing tha direction
of water flow through the filter using fihered water2

aj back pulse
r›! r‹ verse flow
c) air pfessure
d) front prassura

289 The filtered water that has bean treated by a membrane lilter is callad

o, Perms ate
bj Concan\rata
c) Ra¡ect
d) Pulp
290 Which o/ the lolloveng remains the prénary usa of membrane filtration in watar

a, Desal naiion of salt walei to uf0duce c-clable water

bj A pra-trea\menl slap in wa\ar traatmanl
c] Filtration oi surfa‹m af gr0und wajai undar tha dlract irdluence af surface waler

dj Pre leading

291 Whi¢h oi the lolloemg are ddferont la+ms of membrane fiMer construction‘7
I} Ho¥ow filter

I I› sp aiwou»d
IVj Ceramic
vj C‹oss \›ow

a, I , lii j IVJ an4 '/tl

b) I). li). lit) a•d IVI

292 Which of the tolkiwing is a valid name far a test Koi tasting membrane integrity?

ay Flux membiana IeS\

b) Reversal of tlow test
c! An pressure hold lest
d] Sedirr+am last
293 Is a modification oT ultra-filtralidn in which water is added ‹o the lead a6
liltralion pio0eods in order to wash out IR6d componenls which will pass through the
membranes. basically lactose and minerals.
a) Permeate
b) Ratanta\a
c) Concentralion famor
r1} Difillltf ati0r.

294. Whlch ol the following membrane separation technique would be most suitable lor
dehydration pl whey in doiry industry?
a.' RH voI Bt rTs ftT0II

b) Nano filtration
c) Uitre filtration
d) Membrane filtration

295 Which ot the following membrane separat on ta0hnique would be most sui}a0|e I0r
parlial desalination oJ whey in dairy industry†
a) Ravarse osmosis
h Nano fiIIraI.ori
c) Ultra liltratlon
dj Membrane iiltraHon

296 Wh|ch oT the following membrane separation \echniqua would be most suitable for
the concantrallon of milk protalns in dairy Jndustry?

a)Ravarse osmosis
b) Nano filtration
c, UI I r n I iil r nt ‹ on

d) Membrane filtration
297 Which of the following membrane separation technique would ba mosl sunabla for
the reduction oT bacteria in skim miIk’7
a)Reverse osmosis
b) Nano filtration
c] Ultra fil\ration
d'! Mc°mb:am= filiraTion

298 What is the Processing \emperatuie in membrane filtration applications?

a) 1S•£
b) 25°C
c) 65°C
d. so :

299. The saparation limit for a membrane is determined by the Iowa at thai
can ba saparalad.

a] Fractional waight
h'' k1o]ecQIar y,Qight

c) Ion waight
d) Mass

3d0 Which of the following factors do not aflacl the rate ol evapora‹lon?

a) Temperature of liquid
b) Humldi\y oT surrounding air
c) Depih of I‹Quid
d) Surface of liquid
3d1 Evaporation occura only
a) afsaf boiling
bj afIe‹ extreme cooling

d) If boiling occurs a\ atmospheric piessura

302 Compounds evaporai\ng easily an0 gwlns off a smell ete‘7

a) lonlc campounds
u, covalent burids
c) rr›etallic bonds
d) dallve bonds

303. when healing degins in miscible solutions. vapours lorrr›ed 'will bey
a) of llguld lower in boiling point
b) of Ilquld highar in boiling point
ci vapuu« w ill ho ol holh Iiqu‹rJs wnh a higher Conceriti a Tluiy \Jf |lcluiO having luw la‹›iIing

d) co1lected in a gas syringe

304 Evaporation ol solution of CuSO4 helps in?

a) making ii cancan\ratad
b) crystallization of CuSO4
c) evaporation oi said CuSO4
d, cu n re nti oIion .Ind crys\ aIlizaIion

305 Crys‹all‹za <n, evaporation and dis‹iIIa\ion aha a mean9 d†

a' separating soluble suUutancus in sulutiuri
b] caparating ‹nsolublo eubslances in aolutione
c) separating liltrale from solution
d) concentration
3g8 Concentration is ddferent lhan drying
:a' T rtf*.:

bl Falsa

307 Which of the \oIIcwing is non the reason lor the concentration al food liquids ?
aj reduœ the cœt oT drying
dj induce cryslallizatfon

c] reduce œs\s for slorage and transporIa\ion

d, ir crease were' eur.’ ty in order te ›ncrease rr. c' ob'oisciic a' »nz c*em:'îa.

30B Evaporalion in dairy industry is a preliminary step ‹a which of the fdlowing process ?
a¿ Drying

»; n»
cj Watering
d) Pasteurization

300 E vapora\ion in dairy industry ts done under

a' Vacuum
b) Header
c} Dryet
dj Pastaurizer

31D Which evagaratois can be used when a low degree of concentration is required'7
a] Falling film evaporator
U . ? r ular ! /pe e may o fatr r

c] Tubular lype Evaporator

dj Plate type evaporator
311 Tha evaporador in which nha material to ba avaporalad boils outside lhe horizontal
tube and sleaJzi condenses insldR lhe tubes is called
aJ Horizontal ruba evaporaicr
b) Vertical tube avaporator
c] Vacuum pan avaporator
dj Forced circulatinn evaporator

312 E vapora\or which promotes natural clrculation is?

a) Horizontal tuba evaporator
dJ Venical wide evaporator
c) Vacuum pan evaporator
d) Forced circulation avapoiator

313 Evapora\ors in which pnmps ara used to horca the avaporating liquid Ihrough \he

a) Horizontal Cuba avapora\or

b, Verlical tube evaporates
c) Vacuum pan evaporator
d) Forced circuJation avapaia\or

314 Name of the evapora\or which consists of one pass vertica1 shell and tube heal
exchanger discharging Iha product \o be evaporated into a ralatively small vapor head?

a) Horizon\at tube evapora\oi

by Long tube veflial evapuialui
C) VaC\JMm pan 8VBpOratQr
d) Forced circulation evaporator
3\ 5 The detlector used in lQng tube vertical evapoialat can ba used as?
aj Vapor separator
b) Foam breaker
c) Pasteurizer
3: vapcr separate: and lcar• b!eaker

316 Which at the following is the disadvantage of climbing tilm evaporator?

b) Ovgr healing
c) Small œncen\ration
d) Low pressure

3t 7 As the IiIm rises further evaporation occurs until they raach the top of the tubes. The
midure oJ vapor and milk then passes into a separate chamber from which the vapor
passas to a condenser Name the evaporator.

o. C'irnbing ! lm e vapcratc r
bj Fallîrig film evaporator
c) Plate avapofa\or
d) Forcad fimulation evapoiator

318 Which of the following is nay the advantage of falling film evaporator?

a) Sho0 residence time al liquid

b) Good performance with small temperature difTerenœ across hea\mg surfaœs
c) Operates a\ lower temperature differance than rising film evapotator
o' Lu rg rüs"den rime cf "9u‹d
310. Greal economies of operalion may be large installations wnh
uj Mu1l'f›I ullc?' evt r ‹:i zi l‹H

bl Caniri tharm evaporator

c| Failing film evaporator
dj Rising him evaporator

320. Device us ea to improve thermal efliciency of an evaporator is cdlled?

b) Daareatat

C) D£yeI

d) Pasteurizer

aj Whgla and skimmed milk
b) Whoy
c) Condensed milk
‹1.! Cures •

332. Ratio ol .capacity to economy is known as

a) Water consumption per houi
n2 Sin rr ror tfmr'Iio‹J pe I ho ›

cl Se0imen\ consumpt|on p6r hour

d) Milk consumption per hour
323. is tho total mass of water vaporized por unit mass a! steam inpul to the
a) Elficiency el evaporator

c) Rate a evapoia‹o‹
d) Capacity ol evaporator
324 Rule is often used o puie liquid and a solulon BI a given
al Duhrlng s rule

C) Friction rule
dj Doppler rule

325 Wf›iCh Of ‹a6 o6a6 afar ri8v6 app1lCdI|on in the d8lry Ir›oUst‹y7
a) Tf6y fype
h; Vacuum type
cj SpraY type
d) Bubbla fype

326. Components oT vacuum daaera or ale?

Ij Deaerator
II) Vacuum pump
III] Pump unit
a) I) only
b) II) only
C) III) only
d} l)ll ano lH)

317 Which of the following cenlfitugel pumps hes higher spec Ilc epeed than the others7

aj Axial fJ‹›w
b) Rad aI IIow
c)Mixad flow
d) All centr4ugaI pumps have same speci\Ic speed
328. Pump transfers sha mechanical energy oT a motoi or of an engina Into of
a fluid
a) Pressure energy
b) Kinetic energy
c) Either pressure energy oi kinelic enargy
dJ Pros sure =nergy, Linelic energy or froth

329 Which of the following is NOT a type oi posi\ive displacement pumps?

a) Raciproca\ing pump
b) Rotary displacement pump
c, Cenlriluual Curr l

dj Nona oi sha mentioned

330 Rotary displacement pumps are suitable ior hand1ing

o. Oils
b) Gritty liquids
c) Both oils as wall as gri\\y liquids
d) Granules

331 Which of the following is/are not example/s of rotary dlsplacement pumps?
a) Gea› pump
b) Vane pump
c) Rotary piston pump
d, Centrifuoat pump

332 pump is also called as veJocJy pump.

a) Reciproca\ing
b) Rotary displacement
c, Cenlrifugul
d] Screw
333. Discharga capacity of the reciprocating pump is that of tha centrifugal

a) Higher than
b. Lower lhafl
c) Same as
d) Unpiedictabla

334. Which pump is more suitable for an application where very high pressure is required
to be developed at modarate discharge?
a' Rec!procatinc pump
b) Centrifugal pump
c) Turbina
d) None of the menti0ned

335. The processd filllng tha liquid into sha suction pipe and pump casing up to the leval
ol delivery valve is called as

a) Fiillng
b) Pumping

c} Priming

dj Levelling

336 The volule pumps and vorlex volume pumps are pumps with _ shaft

a) Multislag6, horizontal
b) Mul\istage, vert@l
c. Single stage, horizontal
d) Elingle stage, vertical
337 Most widely used sanitary pumps in the dairy industry are1
a, Centrifugal pure:p
b) Liquid ring pump
c) Positiva displacamant pump
d] Suction pump

338 Main application of centrifugal pump is in which of the ToIlo1ng†

a; Lo\v viscusily pruouuis
b) Haavily aarated liquids
c) Gentle \rea\ment witb high vscosity
d) Watar \rea\ment

339 Main application ot liquid ring pump is in which of the following†

a) Low viscosity products
bJ Heavily aera\ed liquids
c) Gentle \faalment with high viscosity
d) Watar treatment

340 Main application of positive displacement pump is in which oi lhe fol1owing?

aj Low vlscosily products
bj Heavily aerated liquids
,c G Eill Ie i re a i rFi e n| •nh hi all vi* ‹:0 siI \•

d) \Natar treatment
341 Which of the following pump suitable for handling AMF in the dairy industry‘7
a) Can\rifugal pump
b) Liquid iing pump
c) Diaphragm pump
d ' Pef if T8I T iC Q u fTi S
342. What is the arm of pipes system in the dairy industry?

bj Pasteuriza\›on
c) Fouling
d) Serage

343 Which malariaI is used for pipes which are in contam wnh milk or product ?
a, St •nleis lc*el
b) Copper
cj Ceramic
d) Plastic

344 Which ma1eñaI is used ior pipes which c0nduct water and air?
al Stainless s\eel
’ fi Qj1°!

c) Ceramic
d] Plastic

34S Which material is used Jar pipes which condud waste*

ay S‹a mess sises
b) Copper
r, Ccrannc
d) Plastic
346 Which of the following are ins\aIIed in ordei \o colleci ptoducl samples hyqienically
for quality analysis2

b) Reducars
c'. Serr p!'ns oev:ce

d) Tees
347 Whi0h gmong the foikiwing is not a pemanan\ wielding core›aciion?
a) Bends
b) RedUC0f8
c' u vice
dj Tees

348 What are tha reasons causing piessura drop in hydraulic sys\ems’7
‹ Long ie•gth oi y ps

‹ii type of iluid

w. Losses in valvas and bends
al i and rv

c) ii and Mi
0 ! ‹, :‹, :ii grd i•.'

349 Wh›ch among the following is shut iff an change over valve†

b} B‹d‹e‹fiy value
c. Sca veiveand bu«ed|yvave

35O To prevent the product I low in fhe wrong direction whl¢h ol the following valva is

a) Sea valve
b) Butterfly valve
cv Seat valva and butterfly valve
d;› Check valve
351 Which of the following valves is used to maintaln preseura in the systam?
a, Pressure relief valve
b) Check valve
c) Manual control valve wl\h variabla flow plug
d) Pneumatic control valve with variable-flow plug

352 Valves Cth constan1outlet pressure are used after which of the following machines?
a) Separator
b) Pasteutizer
c) Homogenizer
d, FiJling maci1ir›e

353 The maximum size ol silo used in dairy is?

a) 150000 lures
b) 1Q000d litras
c] 10000 litres
d) 1Q0 litfes

354 The minimum size of silo used in dairy is?

a) 15000d litres
b) 1Qd000 litres
c] 10000 litfes
d} \00 litres
355. Main category ol silos is‘?'
a] Storage lank
b) Procacs tank
cJ Storage and process
d) Steel tank
356 Tank used for "collecJlon and reception of milk” is called
a' Stofage lank
b) Process tank
c) Mixing tank
d) Balance Bank

357 Storage tank inner shell is made of which oT the following material?
a) Copper
b) Steal
c/ Sta1nies st€EI
dj Aluminium

358 Storage tank are double shelled.

aj True
b) Falsa

359 Which of the following lank are used to create buflar storage?
a) Procass Bank
b, In-ermcciate stcrage lanh
c) Mixing tank
d) Balance Bank

360. Solvent extraction is more eTleclwe when the ax\faction is repaatad nich:
a) Extra soJvenl

d) No solvent
361 Whan tha component has a small valua Ql K, il is supposed to have an aifini‹y for:
aJ Mobile phase
bJ f4o phase
ci Star:Friar t y : .ñs†
d) Whole solution

3C2 Vvhal TS thG UEA Of ether Ian.

a. Tc Eela* are clear •c iapunt-es
b) To separate iroigauic impurities
cl To separate fires
d) TO separate eolvenl

363 A mobile pie cannot be a’

bj So!!d
c) Liqud
d] Sottd of gas

364 what ‹s the rGpresemauon of disIribu\ion coetIic›enT†

by H
c} G
d' K
3G5. The dispersed phase is also calied as:
a; Non-conljnuoUs phase
b) Continuous phase
c; D.s-continuous phase
d) Gas phase
366 What is true about mixer settlers?
n: Two Iiqu.d pIJiseE mixed with mpelIr'rs and =eparotcd by gia vily inciuced sepur ntion
b) Two liquid phaces unmixed, and magnetic separation carried out
c) Two 1Iquid phases are mixad by impellers, and separated using magnat‹c saparation
dj Two liquid phases are haalad io mlx, and gravity induced separation la carried out

367 The dispersed phase is!

a) Continuous
b) Haavier
c) LighTar
d Mid fTt• f\ 0â v in I O \ IIg fyT t'£

368 What is the major problem in settlers ?

a) Colour ol the two phasas may be same
b) The two phasas may nat ba visible
c, E inuIs‹f›caiiun in lhe ‹nix:nq wheel
d) The size oi dispensed paniclas can ba larga

369. Juice clarification extraction is facili\a‹ed by using

a amylasa
h callulases
c lactase
d inulinase
370 Which of the following is untrue about Solvent extradion ol Oil?
a) The mosl common solvent usad is Hexane
b) This procass is dlfliculVcomplex ior small scala opara\ors
c] This suitab1e for materials containing low percentage of oil
d, None of file rrenl‹one‹i
371 Which of the following is NOT a step ‹o Pie p‹ees Solvent Extmction?
a) Sea-d Cooking

b) PreSsing the flake

cj Solvent
Extraction d, Sees
;‘v r.ip I ^o

372 An Oil Press is cameo

a) Expressed
b) Boiler

dl Noned the mentioned

373 whJcti of the following ›s true abou\ Seed Flaking in Pre piess Solvent Extraction?
a) The Tlalses have \o be very thin
b] Th ftakes have to be very thicit

ñ T he fIni‹+s P!a‘z6 !C b.• a , mourn size- riEit Our 'c ih!ck Fi0r \oC lr'in

d] Mona at the mefiticned

374 In the Sead Cooling step of Pre-press Solvent E xtracfén of oil

a} Reducing oil viscosity promotes oil collection
b/ Temperatuie is increased to inactive/denatura the enzyrr+'s
cj Sometirr›ee, very high temperature affects meal protein
ct. Ai’ I ! I1e n' en I iC r1I cl

375. n Solvent Extraction. the oil and miscella are movad in a

a) Co- current fashion
b' Ccunle' curfef ii ft siten
c) Cross- current fashion
dj None of lhe mentioned
276. Stripping Solvanl oil a meal is called
a; Toasting
b] Bu0ering

d) Milling

377 After boasting and bafore Refining. Oil is

a) Used
b/ Mnde into pellals Ey hammer mill and stored
c] Washed
d) All of the mentionad

378 Oil Ralining is a step

ai Altar Oil Extraction
b] Befora Oi1 Extraction
c) Beiween Oil cooking and flaking in Pra- Press Solvent Ex\radion
d) None of the mentioned

379 In Oi1 refining, oil is

aj De-odorized
b) Bleached

cl Demdorized & Bleached

d) Nona of the mantlonad
360. Oil is extracted by
a) Mechanical Extraction
b) Pre- Praas Solvent Extraction
c] None of the mentioned
d) Meehan cai Ext‹acHon & Pie- Press Solvent E xtracl on
08J I rt Oil defining. oil Is
a)Fillered / Cen\riiuged
b) Da-acidified / $lteam blown \hiough OJI In vacuom
c' Filiared .’ Cenli fugad. De ac difiecJ Steam bIo' n through Oil in vacuum
d) None oi the mentioned

382 BuMgr made from hydrogenated gile Is llakier than naturelly salura\ed oilg
a' Ti‹ie
b) False

38S WI\ICh Of h6 lOllOHlrig d066 NOT rel6f TO 6pafglng Of Oil?

a) Oil is kept in vacuum end heated la emoke point. Waqar ia Introduced Through the

b) Watar gete convened to steam

c, The s\uam bubble flJrcugl4 who cil nn J aogor:jtes walpr insoluble Impuf ties

d) None ol jhe mentioned

384. What is lhe iull iorm ol SCADA†

e) Gup8rviaory Control and Document Acqusilon
h) 3jJp0ivisuf y Coriti ol aiid Daí a AcquiSmori

c) Supewieory Column and Data Acaaasment

dj Superviso‹y Column and Date Assessmeni

386 DCS la a
4l Distributed Ccnirol Syslem
by Daia Control Bye em
c) Deta Column System

d) D eii buted Celumn System»

386 What is SCADA?
a) Sloftware
0' Prov E

c] System
d) Har‹fivafe

387 The control in SCADA is

a) Online control
b) Direct control

388 When dv Ifte SCADA slan†

al 1980s
bJ 1ggos

c) 1970s
d; 1 *' 0a

389 Which of the lollowing is an example oT the SCAOA system1

ay Emerson Delta V
b) Honeywell Plant Scape
cj Yokogawa CENTUM
d,. Pa tel S'uciu Deluxe
390 How many levels are present in a c‹xnpIex SCADA system 7
al 3 - Rvels
b] 5 - levels

dl 6 - ievois
39J Which ot the following is not The component ol a SCADA systam?
a) Database servef
b) I/O system
c] PLC con\roller
d' Sparger conTrnller

392 Which of the folDwing is lhe hean of a SCADA sya\em†

b) HMI
cj Alarm last
d' mo iasx

393 ie a sell-propelled machine whlch is used mainly o exen a powerful

tracfiva force for pulling oiher machines.

ai Tractor
b) Bulldozer
c) Angle dozer
d) Screper

294 A _ ie vary useful aquipmen\ and i\ can be uaed Jar construction work lika
io cleai ihe site of wo‹k, lo make the l8nd layel, elC.

ay Scraper
b) Giadei
c) Excavator
¢1, Bulldoz er
395 The size of the bulldozer is indicated by Cha dimension ol ils
b) Tyra
c] Engine
d, Bladas

396 A can be used on wet ground and in all condilfona of weather

a) Grader
b] Gc apes
c) Escalator
d, Bulldozer

397 A is used to level Cha ground and spreads the loosa malaria
a) Excavator
b) Scrapat
c) Grades
d) Tramor

398. A Grader which is hold by a tractor is known as

a) TfDCtO£ gradar
b] Motor grader
c) caper
dj Eleval‹ng grad6f
399 consists of a Urge bucket which is attached \o a trador
a) Bulldozer
b) Sctaper
c] Grader
d) Escalator
4d0. ara usually moun\ed an two or fQut pneumatic tyred wheeis.
a{ Scraper


401. type ot scraper consists of a Jour wheeled scrapper bowl towed behind
crazier Power unit

a) Three axle
b)Two axle
cJ Crazier drawn
d) Four axle

4d2 An 1s an oldest typa of machire which rarnovas aarth.

a) Escalator
bl Excavator
c] Elevator
d) Bulldozer

403. type oT excavator used for digging the toundation frenches below operating

a) Clamshell
b) Backactor
c] Power shnval
d) Skimmer
4d4 fyge of excavator is used for digging below, at or above opeia\ing leve
in a vertical tanga.

aj Skimmer
b) Dragline
c, C!arnsre I
d) Back trench

4G5 type of excavator carñas Shovat at us lawei end.

a; Pos ef s hcve.

bl Dragiine
c) Clamshall
d) Backacior

4d6 typ a of axcavato‹ is used for digging at or below the operating leve

aj Skimmer
I›; Draglire

dl Dredger

40T typa of excava\o‹ marries tha skimmer at ils lower end.

c] Escalator
d) Eleva\cr
408 In the history of packaging of the food lndusHy. which among thase was a ma\eiiaI
of packaging†
a) Bakelite

bj Pottery an0 vases

c) Iron and min pla\ad s\eel
d; hd cl above

409 Wbich of the glven reasons, is a valid reason for packaging of lood items*
a) Securily and portion control
b) Ma‹keiing and Convenlence
cj Profeclion and information Iransmlssion

410 Sla\ement 1: Secondary packaging Is outside the primary packaging, so as to group

tho primarily packad objects.
Slatemen\ 2: Pack• 9›^s ran be arbitrarily classified into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
a) True. False
b¿ True, TruF'

c) False, False
d) False, True

411 Which ol the lollowing is correct?

a) Packagas designed lor Uniform shipping cannot be loaded into mtxad shipping
b) Waste prevenlion is the mosl sought after option and disposal, Ihe leasf sought a\\ei
c] Shrink wraps is one o\ ihe iorms oi packing usad
rl} API ol ahove
412. Which a! The !o|lowing is a must in food 1abelling?
a) Nama
b) Standard spacificetion
c] Placa oi Oi gln
d! Alt ol \he mer li0nerl

413. st»temeni : Use by’ data Is mentioned for pa‹akaole itemg and ’Best setore” date
is used to lndlca e when 1he J em stans decaying/gening spolli.
S\aIemen\ 2: Instruction of use naed not be necessary unless it is no\ obvious how lo be
a) True, False
Ut T Ir, Truo
c)Falca, Falsa
d)False, True

414. Which of the following naed not be in the sama vision ol field†

aj Product name
b] Ouantity

415. Food Authenjicliy meane

:nj tl›c Ioud should maÏch thu d0BCNpiion

b) The lood should tasje good
c) It should ba cheap
d) None ol lha meniionad
416 Which ol the following ie a form ol mls-description?
a) Incoiract Origin
b) Incorrect Quan\itatiye Description
c] Extendlng the load
dl All uf \he mer›fioned

4J 7 Rof›ols ar6 spe¢i\Ied by

a] pay load
b) dimension of work envalopo
c) degree oT Ire8dom
d) alt of Ihn m0nliun0d

418 Hydraulic drives are used for a roboi when

a) high torque is required
b) high power is required
c) rap d moiion ol ‹obot arm
dl all 0f Ihe n urilicned

419 The ioliow ng ‹ype of robot is mosi sv»able lor pid‹ and place operations
a' rEctarig\ lar
b) cylindrical
C) Spa\8tiCdl

d) jointed arm tyge

420 A computer program that contains axpenise in a panicular domain ia called en
a) av omaiic processor
b) InIelfigen\ planner
ci oxport syslem processor
d) opefal›oris syr«bolizer
421 The knowledge base oi an espert systam includes both lacts and
a) theories
b. heuristic s
c) algorithms
d) analyses

422. A robot's arm ›s also kno m as its

a) acIua\or
bl end efledor

d) sarvomechanism

423 Which type af actuator genera\es a good deal of power but sends to be messy?

al elaanc
b. h ’ 4 'as Iic

c} pneumatic
d] none at Iñe mentioned

424 If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response to eternal conditions, it is
consdered to be

a. inie l..ger.t

b) mobile
cj non sama
d) open loop
tollow la caMd

b) ooiiiintiovs path eotami

42B. Ransa›i‹›gf‹an a gant stan amaids œ i hal s‹aa a œaad

a) bac¥znatd dlsinatg

a) ki9ic
b) l'a tape pro mY›g

449. Œiœw #æ ‹œot œmpone‹a from la fo4owtng

cj arm
430. A configuration Tar a rodal is
aj o‹dagonal
bj ob1oug
cj square
d: spherical

43 J In hydrau1ic systems.

b the electrical energy is transterred to the oil and when convened into mechanical energy
c. tha mechanical energy is \rans\erred \o \he oil and converted into electrical energy
d. nona of tha above

432 Which of the following is used as a component in hydraulic power unit?

a. pressure gauge

b filler gauge

d reservoir

433. Rotary motion in a hydraulic power unit is achieved by using

a. hydraulic cylinder
b pneumatic cylinder
c. both hydraulic and pneuma\Ic cylinder
d none cf the above

434. Accessories used in a hydraullc power unit adiust prass ura and are used to general a
how and direction of tha lluid.
a True
b False
435. Whi¢h of the fo|l0wing S\atsments ale true?
1 Bell housing connects molar and pump
2 Cenliitugal pvmp is a non-poaJive diapIacamen\ pump
3 Cer›‹rHugaI pUmp6 allow Ihe beCk flow Ol Iluld ‹iom del v6iy Sid6 O h6 SLiC l0rI 9lde OI
the pump

4 The IunciJon ol ven! p1ug used in a rese‹vo ‹ is to flush out oil

a 1, 2 and 4
b 2. J and 4
c 2and3
d e|theabove

436 Which oT the following ie uaad as an accseory in hydraulic powar unit†

a. pUmp8
b valves
c motor
d reservoir

437 Whlch type ol pump is uaad Tar lifllng watef horn the ground surface to the top o\ the
a centrifugal pump
b turbine pump
c eubme‹sibla pump
d all lh0 above

438 Pumps used in hydraulic epplicalions are

a positive dispiacemeni pumps

b variable displacamen\ pumps
c. fixed diaplacemant pumps
d all the above
439 What is a positive displacement pump?
a oil from suction sida oi sha pump Tlowe completely to tha delivery eide
b. voluma oi fluid discharged cannot rejurn back jo jhe suction side of tha pump
c discharges fixed voluma ol fluid eveiy cycle
d nil \l e aLove

440 While Operating a posilive di9plaC6mant pump,

a tha shut-oP valve should be closad on dellvery side
b. the shut-aft valve should ba closad on suction side
r lh$ shu|oW vglve shouid Oe opened Onoeflveryside
d none ol lhe above

a. flow contiol valve changes lhe dirac1ion of all flow
b flow cnnlrol valvu can arljus\ two flow rata of hydraulic oil
c both a and b
d none of lhe above

442 What does the numbers in 4J2 valve mean‘7

a 4 positions and 2 ways
b 4 ways and 2 positions
c none of the above

443 Which type oi solenoid has more chances nT coil tailuta?

a AC solenoid
b. DC solenoid
c both AC and DC solenoids
d. none of the above
444. Which stage in two stage direclion cont of valve is solenoid operated?
a. main stage direoion cantTo\ valve
b piloi slage aire .lion commI valve
c both slages in two stage direc\ion control are solenoid operated
d none oi the above

445 Check valve is a type oT

a. precsuie reducing value
b. pressure relief valve
c dsreotional control valve
d none of the asove

446 A pressure relief valve can be

a. direcl operated
b. pilot operated
c solenoid operated
d all the abuse

447 Which of the fo|lowing s\a\ements are trua for throttle valve†
1 Reverse flow of fluid is not posslbla
2. Input pressura for a thrott1e valve is more than output pressure
3 The actuator speed can be reduced by a throttle valve
4 Correct flow con‹rQl valve for a panicu1ar appIlca\ion can be selactad on the basis o/
pressure drop specified

a 1, 2 and 3
b. 1. 3 and 4
c 2 3 ard ^
d all the above
448. How Is reverse flow posalble in pilol operated check valve?
a. spring loice Ilfls lie ball due To which reverse flow is possible
h. fluio prnsnuro title ihe haIJ d«u io Munich ievorse flow ie Pc:tisibl‹!
c. both a and b

d. none of fhe a0ove

4a8. what is tha difference between pressure reJlaT valve and pcessura reducing valve†
a. pressure ‹educlng value is connected between pump and tend llne while pressuia label
vslve is connacfed between DCV arid tiranoh eifculf
b. pregauce iellet valve:is always normally opened
c p\eSsuie educ‹nq valve is connected oetwear› DCV and biailch circuit while p/eSBuit
relief valva is cO0f\6ctod between pump and lank

d none oi the above

450.. Why ete blast ofJ circuits used7

a. bl80‹l Oil C rCUii iS u60d la reslF Ct (h6 fl0e Ol fluld l‹Ilo the rly¢lf8UllC Cyllridef
b. bleed all circuit ie ueed la restrict the flow oT fluld ovt of )he hydraulic cylinder
c bleed Qfl ciF0Uit6 Dfe Used to ierluce Ihe sPEerl cf a/nclainr
d. all the sbove

451. Which of the following is applicable for bleed ofl circuits?

a. bleed all ci evils develop heat in the systam

b bleed utl 0irc\/il9 tie userl for reGi8live loads

c. bleed a» ci cui‹s are used ‹oi runaway loads

d. ell tl+a ebove
452. What is the function of sequence valve used in hydraulic circuits?
a sequence Tal ’es are used \o pgrlorm number of operalsons cne after the alher after
‹he set pressure .* eachcd
b sequence valves are ueed \o perform number of operations continu0us1y before the set
pressure is reached
a sequence valves alter reaching set pressure oil is ilown to the tank
d all tho above

453. When is a prassure raduong valve usad?

a i\ is used when higher pressure than syslem pressure is required

b i\ .s used vrhE r‹ Io et pressure ihar sjsiem pressure is rcpuired
c when absolutely zero p essure is required
d all the above

454 Which of the following notations is used \o epresent a regulator unit?

a. 3.Q

d nnne al lhe above

455. Which of the following logic valve is known as shuttle valve?

a OF ga'a
b AND gate
c NOR ga\a
456. I n pneumatic systems, AND gate is also known as
a. 0heCk valve
b. shutlle valve
c. dual pressure valve
d. nona oi the above

457. What is a pressure sequenoe valve†

a. ii is a combina\ior› oJ adjustable pies*uiE relief valve and d rec\ional contiul valve
b. it is a combination of nonadjusfable pressure reliat valve and directional control valve
c. i\ is a combination of adjustable pressure reducing valve and check valve
d. it is a combination of ad¡ustabla pressure reducing valve and flow control valve

458. What is the difference between signal air and control air‘?

a. signal air aciuates liraI coniroI valvo and control aii flows \o the cylinder through lhR
final conirol valve for forward an¢i backward movement of piston rod
b. conHol air ac\ua\es final control valve and signal air flows to the cylinder through the
iinal contro1 valve ior forward and backward movement of piston rod
c. both a and b
d. nona of the above

459. Which of the following is used to sense Ihe initial and final positions of a piston rod?

a. laver opera\ad diractton contro1 valve

b. limit switch
c. roller lever valve
d. all lhe above
480 Which valve gats aoivaied only In one dlraclJon lhet Js folvzard Of backward
movamant of the pialon rod‘7

b idle ro|Ier lever valve

c. both a and b
d nona oi the above

461 Whieh numbers are usad la denote reTracl‹on of a plslon iod‘7

a even numbers
b odd numbers
c. both ebb Bnd odd numbers
d none gi the above

482. Which of sha followlng ie an aIemen\ d time daiay valve†

a llow coni‹ol valve

b dlracllon control valva
c bclh a and b
d none ol the above

463 When Is PLC†

c Programmable logic corn/oller

d Programmable logic convarlar
464. When PLC conneclions. are usad instead oJ electrical connections, the older of
operalione to be parformed can be intarchangad by
a, changing hardwired connections.
I›. ‹:i i r ging seq /erir:e c/ f*^ut|r arm
c. bo\h a and b
d. nona of the above

465. The comdlne harvester is a madhine designed for:

A. harvesting crop
B. Threshing of hanrest0d crop
C. Sepa alion and cleaning of harves\ed crop
D. 4 II af i?• fiUftfifiT

466. The size of cuI\ar bar of sail propelled combine varles frem:
A. \ 2 m
B. 1.5-2.5 rn

D. None of \hesa

467. Self-propelled combine hBFVas\er is provided wllh:

A. Powering engina
B. Patrol engina
C. Oiesñl enq•N•!
D. Karosena. ongine
468. The opeiaiing speed •t combine harvester varias within a ranga of:

B. 000 1000 rpm

C. ñt)U- 1 4flt) r[›m
D. Above 1500 rpm
469 The size oJ cutter bar of tractor PTO operated combine is:

A. 1.1 m

B 1.5-2 .h m

C. 2-4 m

D. 4-g m

470 The blade assembly oT combine is opeialed at a speed ol:

A 1 Z- 1 5 m/dec
B. 1 2-1.5 m/mln
C. 1 .5-3 m/sec
O. 1 5-3 m/min

471 When do greenhouse gaEes cause global warming?

a, Y 'hen iheir conceMaricn in er t\aiicad

b) Whan \heif concentration iS deceased

c) When lhe‹e are no greenhouse gases
d) \Nhan greenhouse gas released in balance way

472 How much percent o\ enargy is absorbing Tram tha Sun fo Earth?
aj 25%
h. 50",

d] 1009»
473 What is called for the phenomenon when the radiation absorbed by the atmosphere
is re-radiated \ovraids the surface of the Earth?
ay Smog
bj Newton affecl
c) Darwin effect
d; Gieei iI\uusc ellecl
474. Whlch of lhe IoIIaeir›g ‹aa‹A othain dna lamzttIr›g does ol beach

b)Piaaong mole purea‹a›er

c)Causa gFeanljouga effect
d] Causa I¥iczease in II+a ran

470. Which Is ifa rr<›st atxxxtmity four•d peedio‹iw gast

e) Cafbon dia›tide
b] Waler vapor
ct Me4one.

a Ti

d} Ethane

'g7a. Why tha tafl'Ipa‹alute klufd0 If\o eat lb much WatlYlaf If\Bn tt›M Out8Jd0 l6ITIp8Ia!uIB
wfmn the car his Isa ban left parI‹ad In tha sun for a aoupl0 ol haura3
a) Dve. po3u›fon

o) Due la euddan dlmate dvnga

4lBForqmanhouaae gee gaaam#u*mcs *woheadas! ng

dj Pocat‹s›\n aha ała›‹apła‹a

aj Wałar vapor

4g2 0isad›a‹aa attaa oca«a to bodłas osat e›an Earth.

b) Falaa

4Bs. By ław haa amosptart› ca›txri óloxide o‹rica‹ctatłon ir›craacad evai elncs
484 When doas the phrese "anthropogenlc COy emissions" mean†
a, I-luman mede CO2 am ssior›s
b) Industrial CO2 emtseiona
c) Natural COy emieeiona
d) All oi the mentlonsd

485 Which at the lollowing is the harga at eink Koi carbon dioxide gaa?
a) Forests
hj Oceans
c) Ice ahaats
d) Giass\ands

486 Clouds help in cooling do¥m the plgnal and do no\ oon\cibute to greenhouse ettacl.
a) True
b) False

487 Wha dO69 OWP |n th6 Coni8x! ol gr6enhou68 g86e9 irtdiC0ie'z

a) Globa1 Warming Parameters
b] Gradual Warming Pa\fern
c) Global warming Patterns
dj Global Warming Potomiat

488 Whal is we GWP o\ methane over a time penod ol 20 yearsf

al 86

c) 43
d) 87
489 Which of the following iS ngt a source used in Mid lnlrafed Speorophotornatei?
a) Nemst glower
b) H gh pressure rretcwy a‹c Jump
cj Glober
dj Nichrome wire

490 Which oi the following is the wave number of neai in4raied speclroma1ar7

a| 4000 - 200 cm^-1

b] 2D0 - 10 cm^-1
c) 125 O- 4OflC m.*l
dl 50 - 100C crn^-1

491 Wh ch ol }tie idlowng op0ons are comm in harms of wawlengfh for the dilierent
typesd \R spectiometei?

a] Neaf IR 0 8 - 2 5 mm

b} Mid IR: g.8 - 2.5 mm

ct £a‹ IR 2 5 - 50 mm
d) Mid IR: 50 - t00 mm

492 wh›ch o‹ the io‹owinS is not a composition of Nein$l gI0Wf g£ Nemst iilament7

a) Oxides of 2ircon\um
fi: Ox ioes tjf B8 riurn
c) Oxldas o4 Yitrium
dj Oxides ol Tborium
493 What is Ihe compcsrlion of Global rod which is used as a source in Mid fR
a S i!icQ r' nr t: :de

d| Silver chIor<le
c) Silicon dioxxfe
d] S Beef &fbidg

4^.4 Bdome\er, a type oi detector, is also known as

a) Res stance temperature detector (RTDI

b' Onerm:*ist
c} Thermocouple
dj Golay cell

495. Which of the folio sing is nQt a technique lot preparing solid samples in IR

a) Solids run in solution

b) Mull technique
c} Solid films
d' Th!r lli g

496 Which of lhe following is not used as pyroelectric material uscd in pyroelecliic
transducers in Infrared spectroscopy?

a] TngJycme Sulphate
b} Dautiated Trigtycine Sulphate
cj Sama Polymers
rJ I eI‹r›n!y in u s ›Ipt’.;‹I*
497 Which of the !oIIowInq h tfie prindpla ol Golay cell whJch is used as a de\ecfor in IR

a) Expansion of gas upon healing

b) Increase Jf\ fesislanca due to an Increase in tempara ure and vice versa
c) Tampera\ure dlfterance gives ri9e to a potanltal difference In the ma\erleI
d) Dacraaae In raaialanca due \o an inccaasa in temparatura

498 Which instrument is used to measure tha relative humldlly in alr?

A. Hydioma\ai
B Hygromeler

C. Hygrogfaph
D. Barometer

499. Speed of The wlnd is measured by:

B. hygrometer
C. thermometer
O anamometer

Sg0. Trade winds are due to:

A Conduction
B Convection
C. Radia\ion
D. Sca\\ering
501 Where does most o! the •ea‹her phenomene teke plac07
A. lonosphere
B Ttopospfieto
C. Sara\ospheie
D. Thermosphere
SE2 Daily weather changes in the atmosphere are associated with.
A Trodcsyfiere
B Mesosphere
C. lonosphere
D. SHatasphefe

503 What does Heating and cooling of the atmosphere generates2

aJ Theme line circulation

b) Radiation cuiietas
c; Cen ’ecjicn currents
d) Conduction currenls

504 How much is the energy available In the ends over the earlh surface is eshmated
fo be?
a) 29 X 1Q2 MW
b: ) 6 X ' G7 L!\.'

c) 1 MW
d) 5kfiN

5d5 I-low much wind power does lndla hold*

a; 2* ñ0 f›J?’
b) 12.000 MW
c) 140,0d0 MW
d) 5000 MW
506 Whal is the main source for ‹he formañon ef wind7
a) Unevan land
b, Sun
c) Vegetation
dj Seasons
Sg7 Which country oaated wind mills?
a| Egypt

bl Mongolia

dl Japan

508 -Durmg the Oay. the air above The ia»d meals up m0re quickly than the air over water".
a True
b) t aJse

5d9 What happens when the land near the earth’s squalor ›s heated?
a) All the oceans get healed up
b) Small wind currents are formed
c) Rise in tides
d' Large almcspheric minds are created

510 What type oi arergy is wind energy?

a, Renewable ere!g\'
b) Non-renewable enerpr
cj Conventional energy
d) Commercial energy

511. Whal ale used \o turn wind energy inlo electrical energy?

b) Genera\a s
cl Yaw mo\oi
dj Blades
512 What is the diama\er of wind turbine biades?
a) 320 feat
D, 22t feet
c) 80 feet
d) TOO leaf

¿i13. At what range of speed is the electricity from the wind tu bine is generated†
a) 100 - 125 mph
b) 45Q — 65Q mph

514 When did the development of wind power in India began?

a) 1965
b) 1954
c, I ^-^-0
d) 1985

515 How much powar does the small scale wind machine generate†
a) 18 MW
bz 2 MW

c) 12 KW
d) 30 KW
516 Which type of wind machines are used at several residence or local use?

b) Ramo\e machines
c) Small size machines
t1' k4ecnmm size mach n+s
SI7 Which type ol wind turbines produce \ 00 kW or gieater7
o, Largo machines

b) small machines
C| MOV uITI M 8ChtD95

dj Remove Machines

518 Which part ol the wand will aos as a housing for the \urbina?
a| W nd Vane

r, \N ind mili Acad

d) Turbine

519 A io‹o‹ installed n a \ red o‹ie«ta‹›on with ‹be swept aiea perpendicular to the pie
dominale w«xl d›ied›on is called

h: Yaw fixec mach nrt

c} Blades
dl Anemoma\ei
MO How is the action oj yaw controlled ‹n small ‹urbines†
a To I vnne
b) Blades

dj Yaw rna\or
521 Which part ol the wind turbines senses wind spsad, wind diFactlon. 6 8Il B B8d BDd

a)Turbine blade
b) Sha\‹
d} Coritioller
522 Which type of wind turbine has low RPM?
a) Small wind turbine
a‘ Large mind liJrb ne

c) Medium wind turbine

dj Ramote wind turbine

5z3 way reoommendation oJ ‹i•ed ‹a\o gears done for top mod nted equipmer l7
a) Because they are easy install
b) Requires loss space
c) Due o us tow cost
d.: Because ‹ f thetf migf ElfirienG '

524 WhiCh type of generator are made use in mind turbines‘2

a) Recreational generators

cj AsynChronous g6nera\Or

d) AI\erna\or

525 I n which part do we find sensors and aoluators?

a)Fixed gears
b) Turbines
C . Ccmm I s’,”siems
d) Blades
526 How many ‹ypes of supporting tower for wind mill are generally used7
a) 2
527 On what does Cha selection oJ supporling structure dapends‘2
aj Length of blades

b) Rotating capacity
c| Capacity of ganera\or
d. Tranuiriiz• sion sysirrrs

528 At whaj type of location vibrations are more in the wind \urbine‘7
a) Downwind locatân
b* Up 'Finn location

c) Windward
d) Leeward

529. At what type of location vibrations are less in the wind turbines 2
a) Windward
b) Leeward
,c Do wr»irid Ie ca I ›on

d| Upwind Location

S30 Which oJ the following energy has the greatest potential among all the sources of
renawabJe energy 7
a, Solar eneroy
b) Wind Energy
c) Thermal enargy
d] Hydro electrJcal anergy
53 J What is the rate ol solar energy reaching The earth surface?
aj 101 GVY
b) B6M
cj 28S4W
d] 1912W
632. What \s to\aI amounl of soler enargy racalvad by earth and atmosphere†
ay 3.8 X 1024 J/year
b) 8.2 X 1024 J/yaei
C] 5.4 X 1034 J/year
d) 2.1 X T024 J/yeaf

533 Which is moat oommon aouice of energy from which eIacIrici\y is produced?

a) Hydioelec\ricity
b) Wind gnargy
C) C0aI
d) Bolar energy

534 OII IB 66tiItIaIed to las for mole.

a) 100 years
b) g'00 yeafs
c) A decada

535. Compla\e tho following reamion

FI2O * CO2

al CH2O + 02
q coz • oz
c)H 4 CO2 + 02
d) CH2O + H2O + 02
536. in what foim is solar energy is radiated horn the sun?
al Ufbaviolet Radiation

b) Infrared radiation
c. E'ect‹stnaqrietic waves
dt Transvewe waves

527 What doas MHD stands for in the onergy fiald†

a; Ma€,neln H v0•o D\ narr
c b] Me\al Hydrogen Dolox
c) M cro Hybrid 0 r•e
d| Metering Head D›fferemial

M8 Solar rado‹<r› wh cr› leaches the suñace without scattering or absorbed is called
0: Bees’ . . ’be i ”b\ i : T

b] Infrared fadia\‹on
c) Ulfraviol6\ radiation
dj Diffuse radia\ion

539 The scaflered solar radiation is called

a)Direcl Radla\›on
b) Beam Radia\›on
c' D'ffuse radia\ r›n
d In«ared Racta ‹on
540 Solar lad a\›on received at any point of eanh ›s called
fi : 1 fl.5 O' 3Fi fl

b) Beam Radiation
c) Diffuse Radiation
d) Infrared rays
541 How many basine does a aingle pool lfdal 8yslem hevg?
oj 1

c) 3

542 How much energy is estimated as Total fidal power that IB generated throughout the
a{ Z 4 X 1O^G MW
b) 8 3 X t0"d MW
c) 4.9 X t0^8 MW
d) 12 X 10^6 MW

543 Wha‹ Is Anne period lor one iide la o¢cur in a day7

.3) Eli, 1? ii min
b) 6h, 40 5 min

d) 8h, 25 8 ruin

544 How many high peakt occur in a slngle pool Iida1 system 7
a) 1
hi 2
c) 3
d) 4
545 When happana !J sha turbine generators ara smaller end aparsle much longar?
a, Nesu|lnlq turk ›s ietJuced
b) High power geneie\ion

d) Lass sound Is creafad

Sx8 On When i6 M'o•pOo1 iidal eys em İs l6S6 dependønit
a) Barrage
bj Tidal fluctualinn
cj Reaewoli
d) G avitationaI tone

547 How much mue be lhe tidal fanga oval barrage \o be łaaalble†
al 7 meters
b) 25 mstars
c) 1ó me\eæ
d) 20 melers

548 Any location wheie the lragh watar meats sahy wa\er is called

b) River

d} Es‹uary

549 What tida oT tide is i\ œlled when Two high \idea and lwo low tidas of approximately

a) Dismal łlde
b\ Spring tide
c) Neep Sde
d} 56ml-DiurnaJ tioe
SSO Difłarenca between wa\er I\eight al hlgh tide and water haigh\ at low \ida Is caìlad
a) Edu variation
b) Tidal volume
cl Tidal Range
d) Tìdal Cufren\
551 What is the movement oT water genaiated by of associated with the change in mean
sea leval caJled?
a) Tidal Variation
b) Tidal volume
c] Tidal Range
d- Tidal Current

552 Now Is OTEC causad ?

a) By wind anargy
b) By geothermal energy
c.' By Jul ar ene i ml y

d) By gravitational Dorca

553 What does OTEC stand for?

a] Ocean thermal enargy cultivation
b; Ocean thermal energv conversion
c) Ocean \schno energy conservation
d) Ocaan theiznal energy consumption

554 Which country has world's largesl tdal power plant†

a) Netherlands

b Souih Kcre a
c) Laos
d) Bolivia
555 Which type of turbine is commonly used in tidal energy7
a) Francis turbine
b, Kapian turbine
c) Pelton wheel
d) Gorlov turb ne
558 How Is waiar trapped Ifom coaatel waters ?
a) By building canals
b) By building dams
c) By digging wells
d) By storlng in tanks

5S7 Wat8r Io ihe turbine Is allowed ‹hrough lh8

a) Pipas
b! Sluico galas
cj Canels
d) Pumps

558 Tha ti0es a‹e rhyihmlc and consent,

b) False

559 For axaclly how much lime doaa il lake for ona \ldaI cycle?
a) 22h, 2gmln
by 24h, Tomin
C] 20h. 10min
d) Z2h, 50min

560 What type ol Side !s It li The dlliarenca between high and low tIde is greatest†
a) Diurnal llde
b) Neap tide

d] Ebb \lda
561. A tide whose diflarence between high and kiw tides IS lea9t is called as
a) Diurnal lide
b) tleap tide
c) Spring ride
d] Ebb side

562 Which of the turbine can be mount0d verlicaily and horizontaIly‘7

a) Pelton wheel
b) Kaplan turbine
c, Gorlov ‹orbine
dj Francis turbine

563 What lypes at tides occur when ther6 is so much interference with can\inents†
a' Diurnal tide
b) Neap tide
c] Spring lide
d) Ebb Old a

564 What is the role of Big data in smarl grid archi\eclure of IoT?
a! Stuia dala
b] Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
565 What is the role of Cloud in smart grid architecture of loT?
ay store data
b› Manage data
c) ColleQ data

d] Security
566 What is the role of Gateway in sman grid aichitecJure of IoT?
a) stofa da\a

b) Manage data
c Cutters rJ.aIa
d) Securily

567 What is the role of denser in smart grid arChite‹dure of IoT?

b) Manago data
c) Collect daia
dj Securily

568 oT gateway mu$t ptovida

aj Simple and last installallon
b) Security with hardware
cj Data sioiaee

569 Wh ch oT the lollowing is loT device manageability2

a] Protocol abslracllon
D'. Simple rind last instnllaticin
cj Securely with hardware
d) Dala storage
570 oT securily management includes

b) Simple and last inslal|eion

c, Securely wilh hard'va re

dj Data storage
57J IoT dala scalability includes
a) P‹olocoi abstraclJon
by Simple and last ins\aI1a\ion
C] Security with h6rdwera
dl Dala Siotage

572 What is the example lor emarT grld edge davice for u1lIify†
a' Smart Materi
b) Smarj Home
c) smart Car
d) Sman Collage

573 When is called for the collection oT ralnwatar for usa†

a) Rely colleclion
b) Rainwatrti ha‹vusling
c) Rain digging
dj Raln wa ei pumping

574 What is the nama ol tha process to claan water uaing filters?
a] Sublimation
b) Oxidation
c)Rainwater harvasting
0I Pure cahun
575 What is called ior the mefhod of removing dust and other particles from waTei using
ay FUma ion
b) Bublimaton
c) Rainwater harvesting
d) Evaporation
576 How many methods of ainwater harvesting are lhera?
a) One
b, Two

cj Three
d] Four

577 How can we increase the water eflicient irr gation system2
a) By pouring unnecessary waler \o the land
b) By not supplying adequate water
cf By applying drip irr igaii0n mEthod

dj By using more manures

578 What are the Java main types of drip irrigation*

aj Surl5a arc 5uLlsurface Jrlp irrigation
b] Undar and Subsurface drop irrigation
c) Top and Surface drip irrigation
d) Top and Under drip irritation

579 Why should people implement rainwater harvesting †

a) In order to play wl\h the water
b In crdei io tise during scarciiv of water

c) In order \o pour the rain water directly to the sewagG

dj In older \o finn-a pass
500 Which one of thB follov rng is the benefit ol rainwater harvesting?

b) Provide a lot of walar la play

c) Croale good aesthetic view
dj Decrease the ground water level
581 Which one ol the following is en afiec\ive way ol conserving water?
a) Increase load waste
nj Eat ioss meat
c)Aiwaya urn on ‹he teps
d)Boil tha welar when fhe›e ie no need

582. What Is celted for an gree 8uirounding a body of w8\er In which that boay at water
iS 9Ubj60l \07

a) Ralnwaiei harvesting
b) Watershed
c] Water pumping
d) Water cycle

583 Relnwalet hervegjifig IOCf8B80s the groundwater levels

a) Truo
b) Falge

584 The quantity ol water that csn be diverted from lhe rivar into the maln canal has no
dependency on which gl lhe Idlowlng famoc†
a) be wa ei available In lhe iivei
b) The capacity ol the main canal
cj Weber demend of the brench cenals
dl The Capaclly of the braf ch canal

585 In ceee o\ high demand but insutfiéan‹ supplies. all ‹he smellar channels a a meda

a] True
bj False
588 Which of the following charac\erisiics ie wrong ebout exlensive irrigation†
a] The irrigation e<enda lo a larga erea with the lowas\ available supply
b) Agricultural preductJon and protectlon against famine '•ilI be at op\|mum levels
c! The clap preducli0n wlII be minimal per uni( cl available wate
d] 1\ creates a perpetual scarcity oi walef

5g7 What are the categories ol the an\ire water conveyance syslem7
ay The primary distilbutlon system and secondary disirlbu Ion system
b) Tha primary distribution aystem, the aacondary distribution system, and Watar
ül The primary dislribulion sysleni, socondaf ÿ djSTf\butIuri system, ar ö terliaiy disliibutior›
d] The prirnery dletrEiulion sys\em, secondary disl*bvtion systam, \e‹tiary dis‹rib•tlon
sys\em, and Water allowance

5gB A dam resawolr which is not provided with gala contrats an ijs spiilwey end oihar

a] de\ention dam
b) atoraga raservoir
cJ reiarclino Oasin
d) blood œntrol æsewoif

589. A hyoel powei proiec‹ has been envisaged la serve tha water 9upply and ii‹iga‹ion
naeds of the erea at iis Jncep\ion stage Tha dam reservoir so constructed is known as
a) mrillipurposc ieservon
b) eir glB“pUrpoS6 a68rvoir
c) distribu\ion reselvoir
d) retarding resarvoir
sea. A ‹gem raaac¥oir ‹saziog to Ik¥›d ox¥‹ol, ñzqMI‹xs, bald watt auppy baaXa0y
designed for k {pséati al£¥¥e ?s a -

5s\. Which ieaen›oyb also k‹oan as keljgatan ‹aaeno/f?

a} Co‹aar«eNn ‹eeenok
b} Flood control resar¥olz

e) 6ai‹sga sewn ›a
b) Dster›tian ›eeer«olf
Mul u ‹ecen/dr
d) Oi6uibUtion reS6‹veir
504. In which of e›e suk›ws›g ›eaa‹voii ‹la hood aest aos»at‹aam can be betta
tonJrollad and ragulaBd properly?

SB6. pH sortc‹s muat rnznain ¥zir an one faa‹ ng.

5Bg. Has nwny ‹ zu+papas af procaas var‹sb4aa ara praaecltt

a) 2

dj 5
599. Which of the following are a mech‹snk>d maans ol signal ttansm ssion?
a) Datecloi
bj Tone

dl lndicalof

600 Which of the lollowir›g are a pneumatic means of signai tiansmicsion?

ay Ceb‹e
b) tndi tar
c} Amplilier
d) Cufrenl

601 Tone is an electronic means ed Cha signal transmiss<in da'ace

a; Ttue
b} False

002 Wh•‹:h ol the oll¢iwir›g ›5 »0t a redd owl devices

a¡ Float
b} Computer sciaens
C) lftdi6Blof 5
d) Recorders

a) 2

c] 4
d) S
604. What is modern data acquisition systems callad?
dj CAD

605. Natural sub irrigation couies undei Sub-surface irrigation.

a? True
b] Falsa

6d6 What is tfie other mm» u nood Irrigation?

a] Flow l‹iigation
b) Lift Irrigation
c) Surface Iiriga\ion
d' Uncontrolled irrigation

&0T ! n which of Iha folDwing fypes of irrigation water iE supplied \o the craps throughout
their crop pariod‘?
a) Perennial Irrigation
by nood Irrigation
c) Diract Irrigation
d) Storage Irrigation

60B. Which of the iollowing lypa ol irrigation system s pramised on small acale in lndia7
a) Natural sub-irrigation
b] Artificial sub-itrigalion
c) Flood Irrigation
d) Lily Irrigation
609 Whai is the oiher name of perennial irripaj›on srstem†
al Direct Irrigation
b) $iloraga 1tnqalion
c ' Cc n 'c›-e4 Irri3attcn
d) Flood I ngalion

610. 1 n India most irrigalicxi schemes fall under which categ0ry of irrigation2
a) River Canal Irrigation
b, Tank IrrigaI‹on
cl Combined System
d) Ldc Irrigation

611 What type al imgafion scheme vses pick-up weir*

a, CcmGmed u¥S!eni

c Rieci ltr ton

dJ Perennial irritation

6t2 Dwersion scherze, comes under which type oJ inigat›on system?

a; DirecI If iigatio i
b) Storage lrrigation
c) Flow I rrigation
d) lnundation lrr›ga\ion
613 I n what type r›f inigaßon system land prcperty gets submerged?
ai Combined System
U; Slo• age ! r‹'¿aIien
cl Poiennial Inigauon
4l Fk›w Irngation
614. I rfigatlon horn well5 i5 what type oi irrigaiior› 9yste ‹t›?
oj Ltfl Irrigall0n

b) Tank Irrigation
c] Direct lrrige\lon

d) FÏOw lIfi{}8TiO0

61S What lype of iirigatlon sys\em needs mechanical maane No eopply water for

a) Combined Bys\em
b) Storage Irrigation
c' Lili IfrlgalluiT

G) ÛtOtDgRlfFigDîOfl

c] Flood Irrigation

617 What type ai irrigation system is based merely on glaviialion?

al Flow Iirigal‹on
b)Direct›r‹iga ‹on
c) Lili liiiga\ien
d] Storage Irrigation

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