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TechnoGIMP workbook (pages 13 to 20)

Activity Prep
Easy Prep
Check if the GIMP software that will be used for the activity is working properly. Updated version or not yet
installed to the learning station.

Save the resource materials in one folder for easy access. E.g. pictures

Set up the learning station for the hands-on activity.

Present the Activity

 10 minutes

Your friend asked for your help in designing their presentation. You decided to help him by creating a geometric art
they can use for their presentation.

What comes to mind when you hear the word “geometric”?

Have you tried drawing geometric art before? 

Demonstrate Steps
 25 minutes

Activity Outline
Activity 1: Make that Shape
Activity 2: Creating Custom Shapes

Activity 1: Make That Shape

1. To create a new file in GIMP, go to the menu bar and click on File ▶ New… or simply press Ctrl + N.

2. In the Create a New Image dialog box, modify the following details: 

Width: 500 px

Height: 400 px

Then, click on OK

The canvas will now appear with the dimensions you inputted.


3.  To create a rectangle in GIMP, go to the Toolbox and select the Rectangle Select Tool or press the shortcut key, R.

4. Drag the cursor on the canvas to create a rectangle. If you want to create a square, hold the Shift key while
dragging the cursor.


5. After creating the outline for your shape, go to the Toolbox and click on the foreground color.

6. (1) Select a color for your shape in the Change Foreground Color dialog box that will appear. In this example, the
color dark blue was used. (2) Click on OK when done.

7. To fill the shape with your chosen foreground color, go to the menu bar and click on Edit ► Fill with FG Color.


The rectangle should now be filled with the foreground color.

8. To create a round shape in GIMP, go to the Toolbox and select the Ellipse Select Tool or press the shortcut key, E.

9. Drag the cursor on the canvas to create a round shape. If you want to create a perfect circle, hold the Shift key
while dragging the cursor.

10. After creating the outline for your shape, go to the Toolbox and click on the foreground color. (1) Select a color
for your shape in the Change Foreground Color dialog box that will appear. In this example, the color red was used.
(2) Click on OK when done.

11. Instead of filling the circle with the foreground color, use it to create a solid-colored outline. To do this, go to the
menu bar and click on Edit ► Stroke Selection… PRINT

12.  The Stroke Selection dialog box will then appear. (1) Adjust the Line width to your preferred value, then (2)
click on Stroke.

The circle should now have a red outline instead of a red fill.

Activity 2: Creating Custom Shapes

Now that you can create rectangles and circles in GIMP, you will next learn how to create custom shapes using the
Paths Tool. The Paths Tool is not only used to make shapes; it can also be used to create complex and precise

 1. Go to the Toolbox and select the Paths Tool or press the shortcut key, B.

2. In the Paths or Tool Options, you will see that there are three available modes for the Paths Tool: Design, Edit,
and Move. Make sure that the mode is set to Design if you want to create new paths. 


3. The Paths Tool allows you to create shapes by connecting points together; connecting two points creates a path.
Click on the canvas to create an origin point. 

4. To create a triangle, click on the canvas again to add a second point. Try to align it diagonally to the origin point.
Notice how a path was automatically created, connecting the two points.

5. Add a third point to create the second side of the triangle. Make sure to align it horizontally to the second point
and diagonally to the origin point. 


6. After creating the third point, hover the cursor to the origin point, then hold the Ctrl key. Two overlapping circles
should then appear, indicating that the two points can be connected. While holding the Ctrl key, click on the origin

The origin point and the last point should now be connected.

7. Next, put a color fill or outline to the created path. To do this, go to the Paths Dialog.


8. Right-click on the unnamed path, then click on Fill Path…

9. In the Fill Path dialog box, (1) tick Solid color, then (2) click on Fill.

The triangle should now be filled with the foreground color. In this example, the foreground color green was


10. If you want the path to have an outline instead of a solid fill, go back to the unnamed path and right-click on it.
Then, click on Stroke Path…

11. In the Stroke Path dialog box, (1) adjust the Line width to your preferred value, then (2) click on Stroke.

12. The triangle should now have a green outline instead of a green fill. PRINT

Ask Processing Questions

 5 minutes

Which among the tools did you have a hard time using? 

Why do you think you struggled using them?

What possible shapes can you do using the different tools in GIMP?

Check Your Understanding

 2 minutes

Everything we see around us has its own shape and size, that’s why we often get inspiration
from our surroundings when we try to draw or paint a masterpiece. Knowing how to draw
shapes in GIMP gives you the right skill in creating such artworks.


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