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MA: Ah, I’m exhausted, HA. I burnt the midnight oil to complete my project.

solution was so difficult that it took me 2 hours to finish it.

HA: Me too. I’m so worried about my studying. You know, we have to prepare
carefully for our high school exam. I had a nightmare yesterday and I wonder
whether I can do the entrance exam well.

MA: Do you think that students nowadays suffer from too much stress and
pressure? I have seen many students crying in class after getting low score. I feel
pity for them.

HA: Yes, nowadays students have to deal with a heavy workload. I used to be very
close to my mother, but now I don’t even have time to share with her my stories
and problems.

MA: As far as I know, having to manage a great deal of exercises may lead to
physical stress and mental disorder among teenagers as they are under a lot of

HA: That’s right. So can you recommend some ways to overcome it?

MA: I think we should improve our time management skill. If we are good
organizers, we can cope with homework easily. In particular, we should study
reasonably with suitable schedule.

HA: Moreover, we ought to rearrange our timetable as well. Relaxing is important,

we should rest and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. An appropriate diet is also vital,
the only way to overcome pressure is taking care of ourselves properly.

MA: I agree with you. In addition, teenagers also have to face up to peer pressure.
Many pupils are bullied and isolated, gradually they become shy and lonely, they
just lock themselves away.

HA: In that case, expressing their feelings with their best friends or family is the
best option for teenagers. They should love themselves and open their soul.

MA: I couldn’t agree more. Oh, it’s late, I have to go now. Bye.

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