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Thank you for attending the one-on-one trade meetings arranged by TAITRA. To
help us better serve you in the future, please kindly complete the form below.
(All information provided is for internal reference only. It will be kept in the strictest confidence and will not
be revealed to any third party) :

Your company name Company

1. How many Taiwanese companies have you met at the trade meetings? 3

2. How many of them have potential to become your suppliers? 3

3. How do you rate the Taiwanese products/suppliers at today’s meetings?

□ Strongly satisfied  Satisfied □ Slightly satisfied
□ Slightly unsatisfied □ Unsatisfied

4. Which of the products presented at the trade meetings do you think would be competitive in your

5. Have you ever purchased from Taiwan before? If yes, please indicate the product purchased and
the name of the supplying Taiwanese company?
□ No  Yes, ______________________________________
What do you think about the quality of their product(s)?
□ Excellent  Good □ Average □ Unsatisfied

6. If doing business with a Taiwanese supplier is likely in the future, what type of business relationship
would you consider?
□ OEM  OBM □ ODM □ JDVM (Joint Development Manufacturing)
□ JDSM(Joint Design Manufacturing)□ Other ___________

7. How do you find Taiwan as a source of the products you are interested in?
8. Please give an estimate of the amount of business
US$ 100,000
transaction to be achieved between your company and the
(kindly don’t let be empty)
suppliers during the meetings?

9. Please give an estimate of the amount of procurement from US$ 200,000

these suppliers for the coming year (kindly don’t let be empty)

10. How do you find our (TAITRA) services?

□ Very satisfied  Satisfied □ Average □ Not satisfied

11. We also welcome your suggestions (Kindly be more specific when stating your ideas).

Signature _Mr. Nguyen Xuan Manh _______

Meeting Date_ Sep. 6, 2021_______

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