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Student Name: Date:

Unit 1- Short Story Major Writing Task

Grade 10- Online Supervised Assessment

Instructions: After completing the following task, make sure that you turn it in to your English teacher’s google
classroom page with answers as a PDF file.

1- Word Count: 400-600 words
2- Font: 12/ Times New Roman
3- Double Spaced
4- MLA Citation page for any online or other types of sources that you used directly or indirectly.
5- 2 Drafts (2nd draft must reflect the feedback given on the first draft)

Feedback Form on writing skills that need improvement

Studying the literary work before writing □
Organization of ideas/ Planning □
Using transitions □
Referencing/Quoting / creating a citation page □
Word choice/ range of vocabulary □
Grammar, and sentence structure □
Punctuation and capitalization □
Spelling □
0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
I. Provides minimal I. Provides adequate I. provides substantial I. Provides perceptive identification
The student does not reach

identification or identification and identification and and explanation of the content

explanation of the explanation of the explanation of the content
a standard described by
Criterion A: Analyzing

content content, context II. Provides perceptive identification

any of the descriptors

II. provides substantial and explanation of the effects of the

II. Provides minimal II. Provides adequate identification and creator’s choices on an audience
identification and identification and explanation of the effects
explanation of the explanation of the effects of the creator’s choices on
effects of the of the creator’s choices on an audience

creator’s choices on an audience

an audience

I. Makes minimal I. Makes adequate use of I. Makes competent use I. Makes sophisticated use of
The student does not reach a
standard described by any of

use of organizational structures of organizational organizational structures that serve

organizational that serve the context and structures that serve the the context and intention effectively
Criterion B: Organizing

structures though intention context and intention

the descriptors below.

these may not III. Makes excellent use of

always serve the III. Makes adequate use III. Makes competent use referencing
context and of referencing of referencing

III. Makes minimal

use of referencing

I. Uses a limited I. Uses an adequate I. Uses a varied range of I. Effectively uses a varied range of
range of appropriate range of appropriate appropriate vocabulary, appropriate vocabulary, sentence
The student does not reach a standard described

vocabulary and vocabulary, sentence sentence structures and structures and forms of expression
forms of expression structures and forms of forms of expression
expression competently
III. Uses grammar, syntax and
III. Uses grammar, III. Uses grammar, syntax punctuation with a high degree of
syntax and and punctuation with III. Uses grammar, syntax accuracy; errors are minor and
punctuation with some degree of accuracy; and punctuation with a communication is effective
by any of the descriptors below.
Criterion D: Using language

limited accuracy; errors sometimes hinder considerable degree of

errors often hinder communication accuracy; errors do not
communication hinder effective
IV. Spells/writes and communication IV. Spells/writes with a high degree
pronounces with some of accuracy; errors are minor and
degree of accuracy; errors communication is effective
IV. Spells/writes sometimes hinder IV. Spells/writes and
with limited communication pronounces with a
accuracy; errors considerable degree of
often hinder accuracy; errors do not
communication hinder effective
Essay Structure:

□ Introduction
a. Must have an interesting lead- Attention Grabber
b. Background information about the topic
c. Thesis statement:
1- it is the last sentence of the first paragraph
2- Controls the paper – tells the reader what the paper is about

□ Supporting Paragraph 1 □
□ Supporting Paragraph 2 □

□ Supporting Paragraph 3

Each paragraph has:

1- A topic sentence – containing idea related to the thesis

2- An example from the story – quoted
3- Commentary (analysis or response)- tells why the information or the
example you gave is important or supports your thesis.

□ Conclusion: Must have

1- Brief summary of supporting sentences
2- Restate thesis in different words
3- General impression or reflection on the topic
4- Recommendation to your readers or call to action
Draft #1
Draft # 2

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