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First-aid for sprain A sprain results from

known as RICER
overstretching or SPRAIN FIRST AID
tearing aligament
(fibrous tissue that

R – Rest
connects bones), a
After injury, stop moving the tendon (tissue that
injured limb. Movement can attaches a muscle to a
increase bleeding and swelling Nisfi Laeli Auliana (180103069)
bone) or a muscle.
and slow healing. Nuraeni (180103071)

I – Ice
Use an ice pack wrapped in cloth to
English For Nursing 3B-B
reduce pain and swelling around the
injury. Apply ice for 15-20 minutes
every 2-4 hours for up to 72 hours
after injury.

C – Compression
Bandage the area firmly (but not
too tightly) around, above and
below the injury. Overlap each
layer by half.

E – Elevation
Keep the injured area elevated.
Keep legs above hips by putting
the leg on a chair, pillow or stool. Common causes for sprains and strains are falls,
Use a sling for arm injuries. twisting a limb, sports injuries and over-exertion.
R – Referral
Have the injury checked GP. sprains result in pain and swelling. The amount of
A doctor might ask for X- pain and swelling depends on the extent of damage
rays, ultrasounds or CT scans to
diagnose the injury and plan

In the first 48-72 hours after an injury,

don’t use treatments like heat or hot
rubs. Also avoid moderate or intense
activity and massage.

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