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Splinting and Bandaging

Kinds of Wounds/Bruises
Description: The medical term for a bruise is a contusion. Injuries to
bones, muscles, and the tissue just under the skin can cause bruises.
The eyes and mouth, as well as internal organs such as the lungs, can
also bruise. Bruises are a type of bleeding under the skin; a sharp blow,
such as from falling or colliding with a large object, can break tiny
blood vessels called capillaries. This causes bleeding in the area of the
injury. In order to alleviate the bruise, we must apply the RICE method
which stands for Rest, Ice mainly apply a cold compress, Compress,
Elevate or raise the affected area.

Description: An abrasion is a type of open wound that’s caused by

the skin rubbing against a rough surface. It may be called a scrape or
a graze. When an abrasion is caused by the skin sliding across hard
ground, it may be called road rash. To treat the abrasion, one must
wash your hand before doing the procedure. Next, is gently clean
the area with cool to lukewarm water and mild soap. For mild scrape
leave the wound uncovered; however, if it is bleeding use a clean
cloth and apply a gentle pressure. Then, cover the wound with a
topical antibiotic ointment. Gently clean the wound and change the
bandage once per day. And if there are any signs of infection one
must the doctor right away.
Description: is defined as the acute, complete disruption of the
Evisceration musculofascial layers, which results in herniation of the abdominal
contents, usually the small bowel and omentum. Emergency surgical
intervention is needed.

For the procedure, first we need to position the casualty. Second, cut
away the clothing from to wound in order to support the knees in a
flexed position. Third, place a premoistened dressing over the
wound and gently tape it in place. Note that we should not attempt
to replace the eviscerated contents back to the abdomen. And lastly,
apply an occlusive dressing and tape it loosely to keep the dressing

Muscle cramps

Description: A muscle cramp is a strong, painful contraction or tightening of a

muscle that comes on suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several
minutes. It often occurs in the legs. A muscle cramp is also called a charley

 In order to relieve the pain, we need to massage the cramped muscle

firmly and gently. Then, apply a cool application over affected muscle. And
lastly, if the cramps worsen get a medical help.
Muscle strain

Description: A muscle strain, or pulled muscle, occurs when your muscle is

overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or
improper use of a muscle. Strains can happen in any muscle, but they’re most
common in your lower back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring, which is the
muscle behind your thigh.

 For muscle sprain the type of bandaging procedure that we will use is the
spiral reverse or the ace bandage.


Description: A wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or

other joint) violently so as to cause pain and swelling but not
dislocation. For muscle sprain the type of bandaging procedure that
we will use is the spiral reverse or the ace bandage.

Description: Are wounds that are usually longer than they are deep.
They are caused by a sharp item cutting or slashing into the skin,
making a long laceration or cut. Often times these wounds are not
very deep, usually only damaging the skin. Dab the wet gauze gently
around sutures, staples, or Steri-Strips to clean and remove dried
blood or drainage from around the incision. Rinse the wound well and
carefully pat the wound dry with dry gauze or a clean towel.


Description: is a partial or complete tearing away of skin and the tissue

beneath. Avulsions usually occur during violent accidents, such as body-
crushing accidents, explosions, and gunshots. They bleed heavily and rapidly.

 Since this type of wound is open then the triangular cloth is folded in to
square shape in order to apply pressure over the wound.

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