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We already know participating in sports, physical and recreational activities provides many
benefits to our physical, mental and social well being, but it is very important to know our bodies
well so we can learn to care for them and use them correctly, because the risk of injury is inherent
during the practice of any physical activity.

If you follow only a few simple principles while being active, you can prevent many types of injuries.

1. Be in proper physical condition to play a sport.

2. Know and abide by the rules of the sport.

The rules are designed, in part, to keep things safe. This is
extremely important for anyone who participates in a contact
sport. Rules of conduct, including illegal blocks and tackles are
enforced to keep athletes healthy. “Know them. Follow them.”

3. Wear appropriate protective gear and equipment.

Protective equipment that fits you well can safe your knees,
hands, teeth, eyes, and head.

4. Rest. Athletes with high consecutive days of training, have

more injuries.

5. Always warm up before playing. Warm muscles are less

susceptible to injuries. The proper warm up is essential for
injury prevention. Make sure your warm up suits your sport.

There is another factor that increases the risk of suffering an injury:

Having a history of injury. Previous injuries to a muscle, or joint tend to
develop into chronic problem areas for many athletes if they don´t recover
properly. It is extremely important to warm up, and stretch previously
injured parts.


 Joint injuries
 Fractures
 Skin damage
 Cramp

You need to be able to identify particular injuries and learn about appropriate treatments for them.

Joint injuries occur in and around joints. The most common are:

Strain - this is an injury to a muscle or a tendon, usually caused

by overstretching, although it can also be caused by a twist or a
wrench. The area can be bandaged and the RICE treatment can
be used.

Sprain - this is an injury to a ligament at a joint, usually caused

by overstretching or tearing. Sprains are also caused by a twist
or wrench and are very common in the ankle. The RICE
treatment is again appropriate.

Dislocation - this occurs only at joints and is where one bone

comes out of its normal position against another. It is usually
caused by a hard blow to the area. The main sign that dislocation
has occurred is that the joint appears deformed and the person
will not be able to move it. This injury must be dealt with by an
expert: on no account should anyone try to put the joint back
into place.

A fracture is a break or crack in a bone. There are three main types of fractures:

Simple, or closed - this is where a bone is broken but it does

not pierce the skin.

Compound, or open - this is where the skin is broken so the

bone can be seen sticking out through a wound.

Complicated - this is where there is serious damage to a nerve

or blood vessel, which can cause bleeding.

You may well hear the sound of a snap when a bone fractures.
There will be a lot of pain, and it will probably not be possible
to move the part of the body around the break.

The main treatment is to support the area and, if possible, to

apply a splint so the damaged bone is kept straight. This injury
needs expert help quickly, so call an ambulance.

Skin injuries fall into the following categories:

Cuts - these are open wounds, which allow blood to escape from
the body. They should be gently cleaned and dressed. A plaster
will be enough for small cuts but larger ones may require a
bandage. Severe cuts require hospital treatment since it may be
necessary to stitch the wound to stop the bleeding.

Bruises - this is where the blood vessels have been damaged

but the skin has not been broken, so the bleeding occurs
beneath the skin. There will be swelling in the area plus
discoloration of the skin. Applying ice is the best treatment
as this reduces the swelling and lessens the pain.
Blisters - these are extremely common and are caused by
friction on the skin, which causes a break in the layers of the
skin. The small gap between the layers fills up with a liquid called
serum and the blister forms in a bubble shape. Blisters should
be left to disperse on their own. For comfort they may be
covered with plasters to reduce any rubbing.


Cramp is an involuntary contraction of

a muscle and, although quite painful,
it is easy to relieve. You have to
stretch the muscle as far as it will go.
Causes are thought to be lack of salt
and minerals in the diet. Cramp often
occurs in the calf muscle and to
relieve it, you can straighten the knee
and bend the foot back upwards at
the ankle.

A pain in the side of the abdomen or in the lower
chest, brought on by physical activity. It is best
describe as a form of cramp in the diaphragm and
restrict deep breathing.


General rules for treatment

 These general rules apply in all situations - more specific treatment may be required for
particular injuries:
 Do not move anyone who has an injury until you are sure what the problem is. If in any doubt, you
should phone for an ambulance.
 Look for cuts, wounds or misshapen joints. See if the person can move the affected area - never
try to move it for them!
 If they are able to move, see if they can sit and then stand and bear their own weight.
 If they are not able to go through these gradual stages, then you must get expert help

Soft tissue injury treatment

 Soft tissue injury treatment is needed when there is any injury to ligaments or muscles. It includes
sprains, strains and tears and slight muscle pulls.
 The treatment that should be given is the RICE treatment.

Rest - Stop Ice - apply ice immediately Compression with Elevation - raise the
immediately; to the injured area. Make either a bandage or injured part above
The player sure you do not apply the ice a tape, use pressure the level of the
must not directly to the area. It must to keep the ice pack heart, as this
carry on be wrapped in something or in position. This also decreases the
playing. it can cause skin damage. helps to prevent circulation and helps
swelling. drain away any fluid
at the injury point.

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