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Why is Education Important?

Reasons it Matters in Your Life
March 18, 2021

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In our free country where we pride ourselves on being able to make our own
choices, why is it required by law that children attend school between the
ages of six and 16?

There are a few arguments out there as to why receiving an

education shouldn’t be mandated by law:

Children could simply be taught their family’s trade from a young age and
earn a living wage through that knowledge, right? Is education is a form of
political control? By having the freedom of speech and thought, children
should also have the fundamental right to control what information enters their
minds. Schooling is really just a tool for assimilation so everyone is the same.

I think we all know that the world is facing challenges that are unique to our
times. The world continues to become increasingly complex, and having an
education helps ensure that people have the understanding that they need in
order to maneuver through this complexity using problem-solving and

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Back in the 1500s, these laws began to be put into place in order to make
sure that everyone could read the Bible, among other religious reasons
around the world. In 1852, compulsory education laws began to be enacted in
the United States and they still stand strong today. Although the reasons for
getting an education have evolved, people have always known that education
is important. The benefits of education are indisputable, both for each
individual student and our society’s future.

So why is it that we put this overarching sense of importance on education,

but in reality, people truly undervalue it?

One of the main ways that the undervaluing of education can be seen is
through teachers’ universally low salaries. Both the government and the
media seem to ignore the hard work and sacrifices that teachers make to
ensure children are given the best opportunity to succeed. While some focus
on the shorter hours of a school day and the summers off, we forget about all
of the time teachers spend lesson planning, grading papers, and completing
administrative forms. Nor do we recognize the personal money teachers end
up spending on educational materials the schools won’t provide.

However, we expect teachers to do the critical task of preparing our youth to

take over and manage the world one day. Dedicated and hard-working
teachers are undervalued and the importance of the outcome of their work is
often forgotten.

Furthermore, when considering what people will do in other countries in order

to receive an education, it is astounding that our truancy rates are so high. In
Tanzania, there are 8-year-olds walking 90 minutes both to and from school to
gain an education, and in Zimbabwe, children are so motivated to learn that
some leave their homes at 4:00 am to get to school by 7:00 am. Students in
China see their education as a privilege and respect their responsibility to
learn in order to be successful adults.

In this article, we will look at 11 reasons why education is critical on

both a personal level and as a society. Whether that means formal
education after high school or committing yourself to being a lifelong learner
through self-education, the value of knowledge is immeasurable, and, once
gained, is something that can never be taken away from you. Let’s take a look
at some of the reasons why education is so important.

(Side note: Another positive way to improve your life is to read and learn
something new every day. A great tool to do this is to join over 1 million
others and start your day with the latest FREE, informative news from
this website.)

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11 Reasons Why Education is Important

1. Increased Job Opportunities.

Yes, this is certainly a factor that perpetuates the cycle of poverty, as those
who do not have access to a quality education are therefore much less likely
to earn a living wage than those who do. But it is true that getting a diploma is
a requirement for obtaining certain jobs. The U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics shows us that the rate of unemployment drops with each higher rank
of education that a person earns.

Many jobs require applicants to have a minimum level of education in order to

get an interview, and if you already meet the educational requirements,
exceeding these by having advanced degrees or certifications in a related
subject will boost your likelihood of landing a job.

Once you've been offered a job, you will still benefit from your education.
Higher education is often required for promotions, and by continuing your
education even once you’re employed, you'll be eligible for those higher-
paying job opportunities.

2. Ability to Think Critically

In the past, education had a strong focus on the ability to retain and recite
information. Problem-solving was limited to math, and science classes were
the only place where experiments were performed. Over time, learning
progressed toward developing skills to prepare students to navigate the world
outside of school.

Your critical thinking skills embody your ability to think for yourself, problem-
solve, analyze information, integrate various sources of knowledge, and make
decisions. Studies have shown that writing is the most effective way to
improve critical thinking skills, and when equipped with these skills, people
are better prepared to problem-solve in life and be productive, engaged

Students today face a steady cascade of information, especially from the

internet, friends, and media, making it increasingly evident that they must
know how to evaluate what they hear in order to determine any ideas that are
false and look beyond the surface. Through brainstorming and discussions
that occur in educational settings, students are able to enhance their abilities
to think critically.

Check out this list of critical thinking questions to help you examine new

3. Increases a Passion for Learning

People are born with a passion to learn, as evidenced by babies’ relentless

attempts at walking and their curiosity about everything in their surroundings.
Teachers are attempting to keep this motivation alive by teaching using a
“passion-based” method while students are still at an age that the information
they’re learning is decided for them.

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