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I. Title of the Activity: Pre-Valentines Celebration

II. Location and Date: PCCC St Filomena National High School’s

Shop Work Building on Feb. 12, 2019

III. Summary:
The SSG Officers with the initiative and
active leadership of Ms. Jennelyn Delima,
the organization’s president, prepared all
things needed for the planned activity to
come to a reality. In that she sent a letter
request seeking for permission from the
SSG adviser and noted by the School Head.
As agreed by the student’s body, the
activity highlighted students’ participation
that’s still relatable to anyone even with or
without a partner (esp. katong walay mga
uyab) that’s why a fashion show gala was
cooked up for everybody to join in and
enjoy. Also at the activity, there were dance
and song numbers presented by certain
group of talented students which helped
perk up the fun experience. The event
wounded up with Clyde Matugas came out
as the ultimate winner – this year’s PCCC’s
Top Model.
IV. Actual Result:
The one-day activity was pulled off
successfully for everybody, from students
up to the teachers, cooperated with the
V. Problems Encountered: None

VI. Lesson Learned:

The cooperation of both teachers and

students definitely summed up to a
resounding success no matter how much
difficulty or problems may be encountered
along the way.

VII. Sustainability and Replication:

The organization is always guided by its
adviser on every activity it would hold in the
school. The adviser makes it a point that a
support is well provided to student leaders
and one’s constituents for moral uplifting.

Prepared by: Noted by:

SSG President School Head

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