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Service Design

Karis Ann Tan Hui Si

Week 1
Ideas we produced after
going through all our
personal projects
Week 2
Week 3
Challenges that single mothers face
Service ideas

•Having a central space

•Mothers who work baby care
•Activities with kids
•Apps service (portable support group)

Miss Low is a single mother by choice. She holds a managerial position in a multinational corporation.
She has never been married and she decided to adopt a baby in 1996.

what made her decide to adopt a child?

- She was always work-oriented and didn't have any thoughts on getting married. As she saw her
friends having families, she thought of it but didn't want to be in a marriage. She talked about it with
her friends and family, until she got the support then she made her decision to adopt a baby.

Some difficulties she faced

- It was awkward for her at first because when she first decided, being a single mother was not talked
about and often faced judgement. When she went to take classes on being a new mom, most of her
peers were pregnant and married, she was the only one there because she adopted a child. When
she went to work, she would also be asked questions like "oh, why did you adopt a child" or like "if
you want a child, why didn't you get married"?

How do you feel about the whole experience?

•When she first brought her child home, he was only 6 months old. She was very nervous and scared
about how she would able to raise the child, she was scared about if she would always love the child
and whether she would be able to give the child a wholesome family. She is very thankful that she
had her parents and friends that helped and guided her.
Miss Toh


She is 19 years old, her baby is now 8 months old. She is not married but together with the father of the child.
She is currently working part-time at her uncle’s company.
How are you?
•Just started working for the past 2 months
•Since its part-time so she still gets to spend enough time with her baby
•Don’t really keep in touch with the baby’s father
•Her mother helps to take care of the baby

How were you before having a child?

•was very unexpected
•Thought that she might be able to study but then she had a baby so it’ll be a while before she’ll consider going
back to study
•She didn’t have a steady job
•Her relationship with her boyfriend was unstable and she didn’t have plans to start a family with him

How was telling news to anyone for you?

•She didn’t really tell directly, her family found out around the same time as her
•She was feeling sick at the start which made her parents suspect that she was pregnant and they went to the
doctor together
•When they first found out, the family was against her having the child but her parents were supportive
•Her uncle, grandma were all advising against keeping the child because she was still very young, she was not
married and she doesn’t have a stable job
•Her boyfriend didn’t have much reaction to the news but said he would stay around
What journey you had to go through before giving birth?

•she felt that luckily she’s not studying so she won’t have to go to school
•She initially thought that she would stay with the boyfriend and get married but things happen so she decided to
just stay single
•Because of covid and the restrictions, it made it less awkward for her when she went for checkups and classes

Any thoughts of abortion?

•initially yes
•Everyone except her parents all persuaded her to abort the child
•When she first found out she was still working also and her colleagues who knew about it were judgemental
about it
•She wanted to keep the child from the start
•Her parents were supportive which helped her make the decision to keep the child

How do you feel now that you have your child?

•just living as it is now
•Don’t have clear plan for the future
•Just want to raise the child as best as she can
•Helps a lot that her parents and grandma is helping her with the baby, especially when she first had the baby and
was unsure about a lot of things, also now that she’s working
•Feels that she can’t imagine not having the child

Do you know about any support groups for single mothers?

•not really
•Only heard of new mother groups and parents group
•Learned it from the hospital
•Also didn’t bother looking because everything she would ask her mum or grandma, if not the aunt for advice
Interview summary
First storyboard draft
Initial persona design
Our persona
Week 4
Initial storyboard and progress
Initial storyboard and progress
Initial storyboard for presentation
User experience draft
User experience
Initial service blueprint
Week 5
Research on ideas for activities that will help in
the emotional support for single mothers
•Find inspiration through quotes, verses, music, nature,
social connections, etc. We are surrounded by positive
examples of hope and inspiration.
•Shortness of breath can be a common physical
symptom of anxiety, along with a tightened chest and
muscle tension. In those moments we often forget to
breathe and take rapid, shallow breaths. Practicing how
to take slow abdominal breaths can help.
•Being open about your challenges can also allow other
people the space to share their struggles.
•A community of people who not only understand but
can offer tips and suggestions for helpful coping
strategies can be valuable.
Anxiety tends to rob us of joy and gets in the way of us
being able to have fun. Remember to nurture your
longing to have fun and laugh. You can find humor in
books, on television, or online sources. Taking a moment
to laugh and have fun can offer a gentle reminder that
the anxiety is not in charge.
•Soap-making workshop
•Candle-making workshop
•cooking/baking workshop
•Journaling workshop?
Writing down their feelings
•Painting? Can be an
activity for both mother and
•Movie screening?
•Therapy based, exploratory
•Social connection through
beauty activities?
• Finalizing the types
of activities, we want
to have at our space
• Brainstorming on the location
of our space, whether we will
have it in a fixed location or as a
pop-up. Also explored the type
of activities that we can include
in our space, for emotional
support and social support
Finalising on our service, the types of activities we are including, the type of
marketing, what we will include in our service blueprint.
Idea on how our community space will look like, with the different type of
activities, for relaxation, workshop and eating
Revising our service blueprint

Final service blueprint

Designing our logo
Final logo design
Storyboard for video
Week 6
Editing and planning for addition of
scenes to our video
Choosing baby bottle for our video
Sketch layout for our app design
Initial design of user
interface of our app
Mockup of our app user interface
Final design of user
interface of our app
Final mockup of our app user interface
Designing ads
- Instagram story format
Designing ads
- Instagram story format
Designing ads
- Instagram story format
Final advertisement/marketing mockup
Editing the storyboard, adding
more scenes, making sure that it
shows what our service blueprint
and video shows as well
Final storyboard

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