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Pre-Reading Survey for Anthem by Ayn Rand

Before we read Anthem, assert your opinion on each of the following statements by clicking in the Agree, Somewhat Agree, or
Disagree box. Then, choose 5 of the statements and explain your opinion on those in the “WHY?” column in 2-3 sentences. There are
no right or wrong answers for the statements; this assignment is solely based on your opinion.


1) It is okay—even good—to be selfish. AGREE ☐ I believe that a person must be selfish
within the limits since I cannot be
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☒ completely closed and treat others badly.
but I must also worry about myself as
DISAGREE☐ well as I worry about others

2) All individuals are equal and should be AGREE ☒ For equality, Equality means that all
treated the same. human beings have the same value and
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ should be treated equally, regardless of
for example their ethnic origin, sexual
DISAGREE☐ orientation or disability

3) I have the right to pursue my own AGREE ☐ In my opinion is important to be happy

happiness, even if it breaks the law. but if it goes against the law, I don’t
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ think is okay because of the fact you can
affect others

4) The individual is more important than AGREE ☐ Sometimes you need to think more about
the group. your self than in a group because at the
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☒ end if something happens everyone will
be by their own

5) It is better to conform than to be AGREE ☐ I think it is important to love and accept

different. yourself as you are, since we are all
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ unique. also, that we should not follow
the stereotypes of others, but that we
DISAGREE☒ must do and be the ones that make
Pre-Reading Survey for Anthem by Ayn Rand

ourselves happy. Not other people.

6) Laws should be obeyed, no exceptions. AGREE ☒ Many times, even if we do not agree
with the laws, we must obey them, since
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ they have serious repercussions on
people's lives and they are supposed to
DISAGREE☐ seek the best for society. but it should
also be seen that many times the law is
not enough fair.

7) Structure and discipline are essential AGREE ☐ These can help you a lot in your life and
for a fulfilling life. can be very useful since being
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☒ disciplined and organized, these helps
many people to go far. But also, that you
DISAGREE☐ are not a disciplined and organized
person does not mean that you cannot
succeed in life.

8) Some information should be kept from AGREE ☐ I think it is important for people to know
the general public for the good of things because not telling them can
society as a whole. SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ create social ignorance and many people
can take advantage of it through
DISAGREE☒ misinformation manipulation.

9) Some emotions are better not felt. AGREE ☐ I believe that all emotions are necessary
for life since not everything can be
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ happiness since it would be monotonous;
and to feel what it is to be happy we
DISAGREE☒ need sadness and other emotions such as
fear that can be really useful in life.

10) We exist to benefit and serve society. AGREE ☐ “Society exists for the benefit of its
members, not the members for the
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☐ benefit of society.” (Herbert Spencer)
I think that we have a lot of
DISAGREE☒ responsibilities in society but our
Pre-Reading Survey for Anthem by Ayn Rand

existence is not for society

11) Sometimes technological advancement AGREE ☐ like everything there is a good part and a
can be bad. bad part. technological advances can
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☒ help us to be better and evolve. But these
can also be used for their own well-
DISAGREE☐ being, for example, to harm someone or
a group of people
12) Eugenics would serve to benefit AGREE ☐ I thing that they would be really useful
society. somehow and can bring a lot of benefits
SOMEWHAT AGREE ☒ but also there a lot of risks with it. That
i8s why I think is not completely correct

13) Guilt is your internal warning system; if AGREE ☐ Normally when you feel guilty about
you feel guilty about something, that something it is because it is something
means it is wrong and you shouldn’t do SOMEWHAT AGREE ☒ bad and you should try not to repeat the
it. same mistake. but many other times,
DISAGREE☐ people make you feel guilty about
something even though you are not
guilty of anything

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