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ATTENTION “Collect experiences, not things. Have something to tell, not to show.

SEEKER And a Greek philosopher once said “Happiness resides not in
possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.”
REVEAL TOPIC Ladies and gentlemen. Assalamualaikum and a very good day to my
friends and Dr Aida. Today, I would like to talk about why we should
buy experiences, not materials.
PROVIDE Experiences are a part of our identities, define our passions, and allow
BACKGROUND us to discover new worlds, therefore their power may provide a person
ON TOPIC (CITE so much more than the acquisition of material possessions. We can
SOURCE) also learn about other cultures and discover new places through our
experiences. The paradox of possessions is that we believe the
satisfaction we derive from purchasing an item will endure as long as
the item itself. However, the statement is incorrect. (Ramptom,2017),
CREDIBILITY & After doing extensive research on this issue, I believe that if we choose
GOODWILL materials over experiences, it will give us many bad effects. Why you
must listen to me is because we as student, most of us are currently
not thinking further and always make wrong decision in life. I hope with
my sharing today can help all of us to stop it.
PREVIEW Therefore, I will explain more on the effect of choose materials over
experiences, what we can you can do to help yourself and what will you
gain by stop it.
TRANSITION Now we will look into the effect of why we should buy experiences, not
NEED Firstly,

1. Happiness over material item quickly fades.

 We buy things to make us happy, and we succeed. But
only for a while. New things are exciting to us at first, but
then we adapt to them. Psychologists call this as
hedonic adaptation. (Rampton,2017)
 They go from on possession to the other and wonder
why these possessions never fully satisfy them. This is
what is known as the hedonic adaptation.
 Besides, depression, anxiety, lack of fulfillment with life
are all a result of this addiction to buying and acquiring
things. (K. Dahaj,2018)
 Experiences like travelling, attending an art exhibit or
trying a new restaurant become a part of our identity,
which bring us greater satisfaction.

2. Lack of social skills and knowledge of the current and
surrounding environment
 While there are certain things that may be learnt
by reading, there are other things that can only
be learned through personal experience.
 Besides, having poor social skills almost always
leads to feeling stressed out and isolated, which
can have a negative effect not just on mental
health but also on physical health.
 People who are lacking in social skills are more
likely to experience higher levels of stress and
loneliness, both of which are detrimental to one's
health. (Alexis Blue, 2017)
TRANSITION Now you know the effect of why we should buy experiences not
materials, the question is, what can you do to stop it?
SATISFACTION The simple way to stop it is
(SAMA MCM 1. Minimize your possessions and concentrate on experiences
SOLUTIONS)  When you spend money on an experience, it should be
one that you look forward to having and not just one that
conforms to the standards of society. (Ramptom,2018)
 Having a beautiful meal, going on a tour, going to a
performance, going on vacation, and attending sporting
events are just a few examples of things that come to
mind. It has the potential to offer you a wide variety of
different experiences in their many forms.
 So, having money also gives you the opportunity to learn
TRANSITION So, what will you get by stop it?
VISUALIZATION You will benefit a lot from being a person who cares more about
(BENEFITS) experiences than things.
BAGI BENEFITS 1. It will provide a new perspective.
IKUT a. If you change your focus from things to experiences, you
SATISFACTION will start to feel real joy that you may not have felt
before. In contrast to tangible possessions, experiences
provide you with fresh perspectives, valuable lessons in
life, and an appreciation for the importance of being
thankful. It is possible that you will start to understand
and appreciate the differences between cultures. You
have emerged on the other side of these events wiser,
more compassionate, humbler, and more appreciative.
2. Experiences create our identities.
 Our experiences are the things that we have directly
encountered and been a part of in our lives. We
make purchases with the goal of increasing our level
of happiness, and such purchases are successful.
However, this is simply the case for the time being.
When it comes to defining who we are, the things
that have happened to us are more significant than
the things that we own.

ACTION Investing in experiences will provide you with many happy moments as
well as positive memories to look back on. Spending money to get
more out of your hobbies and interests is worthwhile. So, you should
find out what makes you happy and what you really care about. Then,
you can start saving up for those things, seize opportunities, and make
memories. Despite the fact that possessions may last longer than
experiences, what matters most are the memories that endure.

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