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Responses to reviewers’ comments

[Manuscript ID: WCMC-8865615]

On the Capacity of Full-Duplex AF/DF Relay System with Energy

Harvesting for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications

Ba Cao Nguyen, Xuan Hung Le, Van Duan Nguyen, Le The Dung

November 6, 2020

Dear Editors and Reviewers,

The authors would like to thank the editor for handling this manuscript and giving us the opportunity
to revise the manuscript. We would also like to express our appreciation to the reviewers for providing
us with valuable comments to improve the manuscript. Based on your comments, we have carefully
addressed all the editor and reviewers’ comments and provided point-to-point responses below.
The comments of editor and reviewers are typeset in italic font, our responses are given in black plain
font, and the revisions in the manuscript are highlighted in blue plain font. Other minor corrections
and rearrangements have not been highlighted. The page number, equation, column, line and reference
number may have been changed in the revised manuscript. We hope you find our new revision satisfactory.

Yours sincerely,

Ba Cao Nguyen,
Xuan Hung Le,
Van Duan Nguyen,
Le The Dung

1 Responses to the Reviewer 1’s comments
First of all, we would like to thank you for reading our manuscript and providing us with various con-
structive comments. Based on your comments, we have revised our manuscript accordingly and provided
our detailed responses to your comments as follows:

Reviewer’s comment: In this paper, the authors studied the ergodic capacity (EC) of full-duplex (FD)
amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relay system with energy harvesting (EH) for
vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, and considered the case that both relay and destination are
mobile vehicles while the source is a static base station. The proposed idea and scheme seem reasonable,
however, there are serious concerns related to the proposed scheme. Some of these are as follows.

Author’s response: We would like to thank you for the encouraging words. In the following parts, we
will address your concerns.

1. Reviewer’s comment: The algorithm complexity of the proposed scheme should be considered and
discussed in this paper. For vehicular networks, the delay is sensitive and cannot be ignored.

Author’s response: We sincerely thank you for your comment and suggestion. Let us address your
concern as follows.
In our considered relay system, two new techniques, i.e., energy harvesting (EH) and full-duplex (FD)
transmission mode are combined into a relay system used vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications.
Therefore, the algorithm complexity of this system may be higher than that of the traditional half-duplex
(HD) relay system without EH because in our considered system, besides the signal processing as the
traditional HD relay, the relay has to deal with EH and self-interference cancellation (SIC) processes. For-
tunately, with the fast developments of circuit design, analog and digital signal processing in recent years,
the relay can handle these processes in practice [6, 27, 28]. Therefore, although the considered FD-EH
relay system is more complex than the traditional HD relay without EH, we are highly confident that this
considered system can be successfully exploited in crucial vehicular communicating scenarios including
vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications and V2V interactions with focus on safety applications.
On the other hand, we agree with the reviewer that the delay is sensitive and cannot be ignored in
vehicular networks. Specifically, the transmission delay was characterized in several papers such as [29–
31]. Since the authors of [29–31] analyzed two-hop HD relay system, the data transmitted from source
to destination via relay needs two time slots, leading to a significant increase in the signal transmission
delay. In contrast, there is only one time slot for transmitting data from source to destination in our
work because of FD transmission mode. Thus, the delay is greatly reduced. Furthermore, we focus on
the mathematical analysis of the ergodic capacity (EC) of V2V relay system with two new techniques
(EH and FD) and both amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relaying protocols by
deriving the closed-form EC expressions. Then, we compare the ECs of the considered system with ECs
of traditional HD system or the system over Rayleigh fading to exhaustively investigate the impacts of
cascade Rayleigh fading channel, RSI, and the benefits of FD transmission mode. In the near future, we
will extend this work by analyzing the scenario where the delay is considered in FD-V2V relay systems.
Thank you very much for your understanding.

[6] A. H. Gazestani, S. A. Ghorashi, B. Mousavinasab, and M. Shikh-Bahaei, “A survey on implemen-

tation and applications of full duplex wireless communications,” Physical Communication, vol. 34, pp.
121–134, 2019.

[27] Q. N. Le, V. N. Q. Bao, and B. An, “Full-duplex distributed switch-and-stay energy harvesting
selection relaying networks with imperfect CSI: Design and outage analysis,” Journal of Communications
and Networks, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 29–46, 2018.
[28] C. Zhong, H. A. Suraweera, G. Zheng, I. Krikidis, and Z. Zhang, “Wireless information and power
transfer with full duplex relaying,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 3447–
3461, 2014.
[29] X. Lin, G. Sharma, R. R. Mazumdar, and N. B. Shroff, “Degenerate delay-capacity tradeoffs in
ad-hoc networks with brownian mobility,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 6, pp.
2777–2784, 2006.
[30] G. Sharma, R. Mazumdar, and N. Shroff, “Delay and capacity trade-offs in mobile ad hoc networks:
A global perspective,” IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 981–992, 2007.
[31] D. Tian and V. C. Leung, “Analysis of broadcasting delays in vehicular ad hoc networks,” Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1433–1445, 2011.

Author’s action: To address the reviewer’s comment and improve the clarity of our paper, we have
carefully revised the paper. Specifically, we have added some sentences on page 5, second paragraph to
detailedly explain about the complexity and the delay of the considered system.
“As can be seen from Fig. 1, besides the signal processing as traditional AF/DF relay, the relay in the
considered system has to deal with EH and SIC processes. In addition, various algorithms to suppress the
SI are also exploited at EH-FD relay. These operations lead to an increase in the architecture complexity
and signal processing delay at the relay. Therefore, the considered FD-EH-V2V relay system is more
complex than traditional HD relay system without EH [27], [28]. On the other hand, the transmission
delay was characterized in several papers such as [29]–[31]. Since the authors of [29]–[31] analyzed two-
hop HD relay system, the data transmitted from source to destination via relay needs two time slots,
leading to a significant increase in the signal transmission delay. In contrast, there is only one time slot
for transmitting data from source to destination in our work because of FD transmission mode. Thus,
the delay is greatly reduced. Furthermore, we focus on the mathematical analysis of the ergodic capacity
(EC) of V2V relay system with two new techniques (EH and FD) and both amplify-and-forward (AF)
and decode-and-forward (DF) relaying protocols by deriving the closed-form EC expressions. Then, we
compare the ECs of the considered system with ECs of traditional HD system or the system over Rayleigh
fading to exhaustively investigate the impacts of cascade Rayleigh fading channel, RSI, and the benefits
of FD transmission mode. In the near future, we will extend this work by analyzing the scenario where
the delay is considered in FD-V2V relay systems.”

2. Reviewer’s comment: In the proposed scenario, the movement of vehicular should also be consid-
ered, how can solve the problem of vehicles’ mobility when the data interact between two nodes?

Author’s response: We are sorry for the confusion. In wireless systems, due to the mobility of devices,
narrow-band channel is often modeled by a time-varying channel transfer function [42], i.e.,
H(t) = rm .GT (K̄T m )GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωdT m + ωdRm )t + φm ], ([42], Eq. (1))

where rm and φm are respectively the signal amplitude and phase of the mth propagation path; GT
and GR are the antenna radiation patterns with K̄T m and K̄Rm unit vectors in the direction of the mth

propagation path at the transmitter and receiver, respectively; ωdT m and ωdRm are the Doppler shifts
due to the movement of two mobiles in scattering environment [42].
When the transmitter is mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between transmitter and
receiver is expressed as [32, 33]
Htx (t) = An .GT (K̄T n ) exp[j(ωT n t + φn )], (1a)

where An and φn are respectively the independently distributed random amplitudes and phases of the
scatters around the transmitter.
When the receiver is also mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between transmitter and
receiver is given by [32, 33]
Hrx (t) = Bm .GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωRm t + φm )], (1b)

where Bm and φm are respectively the independently distributed random amplitudes and phases of the
scatters around the receiver.
When both the transmitter and receiver are mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between
transmitter and receiver becomes

HD (t) =Htx (t)Hrx (t)

! !
= An .GT (K̄T n ) exp[j(ωT n t + φn )] × Bm .GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωRm t + φm )] ,
n=1 m=1
([42], Eq. (2))

As can be seen from Eq. (2) of [42], the Doppler shifts due to the movement of the transmitter and the
receiver are represented by ωT n and ωRm , respectively. From this equation, the authors derived the PDF
(pz ) and CDF (Pz ) of two independent Rayleigh processes as
z  z 
pz (z) = 2 2 K0 , ((3), [42])
σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2

R  R 
Pz (r ≤ R) = 1 − K1 , ((4), [42])
σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2

where σ12 , σ22 are the mean powers of two independent Rayleigh processes, K0 (.) and K1 (.) are the modified
Bessel functions of the second kind of zero and first orders, respectively.
It is obvious that the mobility of vehicular nodes in Eq. (2) of [42] are incorporated in two functions,
i.e., the PDF and CDF in Eqs. (3) and (4) of [42]. It should be noted that in our paper, the PDF
and CDF of the instantaneous gain of the cascade Rayleigh fading channels are respectively derived in
Eq. (26) and Eq. (27). They are similar to Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) of [42] if we use the same notations.
Therefore, when we derive the closed-form expressions of the ECs of the considered system over cascade
Rayleigh fading channels, the effect of the mobility of vehicular nodes is taken into consideration. In
addition, the measurements in [32, 33, 42] demonstrated that, the cascade Rayleigh fading channels is a

realistic channel model for mobile-to-mobile communications, especially for low speed mobile terminals
(for example at the speed of 3.6 km/h [42]).
Various works on V2V systems such as [22, 32–35, 43] have also used the cascade Rayleigh fading
channels to characterize the communication between moving terminals in wireless communication systems
. However, our presentation was not very clear, leading to a misunderstanding. Thus, in the revised
manuscript, we have added some discussions and cited several relevant papers.
[22] Y. Ai, M. Cheffena, A. Mathur, and H. Lei, “On physical layer security of double Rayleigh fading
channels for vehicular communications,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 6, pp.
1038–1041, 2018.
[32] J. Salo, H. M. El-Sallabi, and P. Vainikainen, “Statistical analysis of the multiple scattering radio
channel,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3114–3124, 2006.
[33] I. Kovacs, “Radio channel characterisation for private mobile radio systems - mobile-to-mobile radio
link investigations: Mobile-to-mobile radio link investigations,” Ph.D. dissertation, 2002.
[34] B. C. Nguyen, X. N. Tran, T. M. Hoang et al., “Performance analysis of full-duplex vehicle-to-vehicle
relay system over double-Rayleigh fading channels,” Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 25, no. 1,
pp. 363–372, 2020.
[35] T. T. Duy, G. C. Alexandropoulos, V. T. Tung, V. N. Son, and T. Q. Duong, “Outage perfor-
mance of cognitive cooperative networks with relay selection over double-Rayleigh fading channels,” IET
Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 57–64, 2016.
[42] I. Z. Kovacs, P. C. F. Eggers, K. Olesen, and L. G. Petersen, “Investigations of outdoor-to-indoor
mobile-to-mobile radio communication channels,” in Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Con-
ference, vol, 1. IEEE, 2002, pp. 430–434.
[43] A. Pandey and S. Yadav, “Secrecy analysis of cooperative vehicular relaying networks over double-
rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 2733–2753, 2020.

Author’s action: To increase the clarity of the revised manuscript, we have added the following de-
scriptions and cited references [22, 33, 35, 42, 43] on page 10, second paragraph in the revised manuscript.

“It should be better to know that, the movements of both transmitter and receiver make the signal’s
amplitude and phase fluctuate and cause the Doppler shifts. As a result, the cascade Rayleigh fading
channels are widely used in V2V communication systems such as in [22], [35], [43] to best describe the
characteristics of V2V channels. Through mathematical analysis, previous works such as [22], [33], [35],
[42] take these characteristics into account when deriving the CDF and PDF of the V2V communication
channels. In other word, the CDF in (26) and the PDF in (27) implicitly reflect the movements of both
transmitter and receiver in V2V system.”

3. Reviewer’s comment: In the part of performance comparison, there should be details about the
toolchain used for simulation. Pointing out the parameters is not enough. It should be possible for other
researchers to redo the simulation in the same manner as the authors. Based on the provided information
this is not possible.

Author’s response: We are grateful for your helpful comment and suggestion. In fact, we use MAT-
LAB simulator to obtain the simulation results. A cascade Rayleigh fading channel was generated through
two steps: i) generating two independent Rayleigh fading channels, ii) multiplying these two independent

Rayleigh fading channels. On the other hand, the ECs of the HD-EH-V2V relay systems are also obtained
by two steps: i) setting RSI level k = 0 in the obtained expressions of FD-EH-V2V relay systems, ii)
dividing the results by two because of HD-EH-V2V relay systems need two time slots to transmit signals
from S to D via R. In the revised manuscript, we have summarized the parameter settings in Tab. 1, so
that other researchers can easily redo the simulations.

Author’s action: We have added on page 12, second paragraph from the bottom some descriptions of
the simulation tool and how to model cascade Rayleigh fading channel and HD system during simulation

“In particular, we use MATLAB simulator to obtain the simulation results. To generate a cascade
Rayleigh fading channel, we generate two independent Rayleigh fading channels and then multiply these
two channels. To realize the ECs of the HD-EH-V2V relay systems, we set the RSI level k = 0 in the
obtain EC expressions of the FD-EH-V2V relay systems and divide the results by two because HD-EH-
V2V relay systems need two time slots to transmit signal from S to D via R.”
and provided on page 12 a table summarizing necessary parameter settings.
“For the sake of redoing the simulation easily by other researchers, we summarize the parameter settings
for evaluating the system performance in Tab. 1.
Table 1: Parameter settings for evaluating the system performance.

Fixed Varying
Notation Description
value range
10, 20, 30, 50
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio 40 dB
dB; 0 ∼ 50 dB
Variance of Gaussian
σ2 1 none
Energy harvesting
η 0.85 none
α Time switching ratio 0.5 0.1 ∼ 0.9
-10, -30 dB;
k RSI level -20 dB
0 ∼ 0.2
M, N Trade-off parameters 20 none

4. Reviewer’s comment: In addition, more existing schemes should be introduced, compared and
discussed in the simulation results. In the current version, the advantages of the proposed scheme are not

Author’s response: Thank you very much for your helpful suggestions. In the literature, there have
been several works evaluating the FD-EH communication systems by using experimental measurements
[5, 12]. Although it reflects the realistic characteristics of the FD-EH communication systems, the biggest
drawback of this evaluating method was that it took much time and effort to obtain the results due to
the lack of mathematical expressions (or only upper bound or lower bound or approximate expressions),
making the evaluation of system performance for other parameter settings might not possible. To deal
with this issue, mathematical analysis of the FD-EH communication systems is vitally important.
In our paper, we focused on analyzing the impacts of the cascade Rayleigh fading channel, RSI, and
time switching ratio on the ECs of FD-EH-V2V relay system with AF/DF protocol by deriving the

exact closed-form expressions of these attributes and comparing with those in the case of Rayleigh fading
channel, perfect SIC, and HD system. We did not aim to propose algorithms or solutions to improve the
performance of FD-EH-V2V relay systems. Furthermore, the parameter settings in our paper may be
different from previous works. Thus, we did not include the comparison in our results.
So far, our work is the first work that derives the EC expressions of FD-EH-V2V relay system over
cascade Rayleigh fading channels. Therefore, successfully deriving the exact expressions of the ECs of
FD-EH-V2V relay system can be considered as the contribution of our paper. Thank you very much for
your understanding.

[5] H. H. M. Tam, H. D. Tuan, A. A. Nasir, T. Q. Duong, and H. V. Poor, “MIMO energy harvesting in
full-duplex multi-user networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 5, pp.
3282–3297, 2017.
[12] A. Koc, I. Altunbas, and E. Basar, “Two-way full-duplex spatial modulation systems with wireless
powered AF relaying,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 444–447, 2018.

Author’s action: To clearly explain the contributions and advantages of our paper compared with
previous works, we have added some discussions on page 4, first paragraph.
“In our paper, we focused on analyzing the impacts of the cascade Rayleigh fading channel, RSI, and
time switching ratio on the ECs of FD-EH-V2V relay system with AF/DF protocol by deriving the ex-
act closed-form expressions of these attributes and comparing with those in the case of Rayleigh fading
channel, perfect SIC, and HD system. So far, this is the first work that derives the EC expressions of
FD-EH-V2V relay system over cascade Rayleigh fading channels.”

5. Reviewer’s comment: The authors need correct the typos and make sure they define all variables
they use across the paper. Moreover, the full terms of some abbreviations should be provided when it is
firstly referred.

Author’s response: We are grateful for your detailed checks and giving us some advices to increase
the clarity of our paper.

Author’s action: We have corrected all typos and provided full terms of abbreviations when they are
firstly referred the revised manuscript.

We hope that the reviewer satisfies with our responses. Again, thank you very much for
your helpful comments.

2 Responses to the Reviewer 2’s comments
First of all, we would like to thank you for reading our manuscript and providing us with various con-
structive comments. Based on your comments, we have revised our manuscript accordingly and provided
our detailed responses to your comments as follows:

Reviewer’s comment: Intuitively, this paper is well written. Thus, only a few questions need to be

Author’s response: We would like to thank you for the encouraging words. In the following parts, we
will address your concerns.

1. Reviewer’s comment: Is energy harvesting necessary for vehicle scenario? In the reviewer’s opin-
ion, the energy constraint is not an important issue for vehicle, since the onboard unit can get energy
supply from the engine.

Author’s response: We are grateful for your interesting comment. As the reviewer stated, the onboard
unit can get energy supply from the engine in vehicles as proposed in [20] for full-duplex (FD) vehicular
communications. By implementing the onboard unit, the energy constraint of FD devices can be solved.
However, we would like to emphasize that, besides applying for V2V systems, our considered system can
be exploited in various scenarios in practice such as mobile users in walk models [30] and ad hoc networks
[29, 31]. In addition, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer provides the advantage of
controllable and efficient on-demand wireless information and energy concurrently. This technique seems
to be the least expensive when compared to methods involving solar or wind energy sources since radio
frequency (RF) energy transfer does not require the installation of any extra costly components such as
solar panels and wind turbines [23]. Thus, the usage of energy harvesting (EH) in V2V communication
systems allows distributed energy sources to cooperatively transmit RF energy simultaneously in the
same direction to an intended mobile user for better diversity gains.
On the other hand, since EH technique have many advantages, it can be applied in various systems.
Particularly, EH from RF signals has a great potential to provide stable energy to low-power energy-
constrained networks including wireless sensor networks (WSNs), IoTs, and extremely remote area com-
munication (eRAC) used in 5G and B5G networks [3, 4]. Moreover, it was demonstrated in [4] that
integrating of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) into typical 5G systems
including IoTs, D2D networks, HetNets, and cognitive radio networks (CRNs) can bring benefits in im-
proving energy and spectral efficiency. Especially, SWIPT provides a great solution for the eRAC where
mobile edge devices can be located outside the coverage of the electric grid due to deployment constraints,
reliability requirements, weather, disasters, and maintenance expenses.
To sum up, applying EH technique for improving the energy efficiency of wireless communication systems
not only use in V2V communication systems but also in IoTs, D2D networks, HetNets, CRNs, and eRAC.

[3] Q.-V. Pham, F. Fang, V. N. Ha, M. J. Piran, M. Le, L. B. Le, W.-J. Hwang, and Z. Ding, “A
survey of multi-access edge computing in 5G and beyond: Fundamentals, technology integration, and
state-of-the-art,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116 974–117 017, 2020.
[4] B. Clerckx, R. Zhang, R. Schober, D. W. K. Ng, D. I. Kim, and H. V. Poor, “Fundamentals of wireless
information and power transfer: From RF energy harvester models to signal and system designs,” IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 4–33, 2018.

[20] C. Campolo, A. Molinaro, A. O. Berthet, and A. Vinel, “Full-duplex radios for vehicular communi-
cations,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 182–189, 2017.
[23] R. Atallah, M. Khabbaz, and C. Assi, “Energy harvesting in vehicular networks: A contemporary
survey,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 70–77, 2016.
[29] X. Lin, G. Sharma, R. R. Mazumdar, and N. B. Shroff, “Degenerate delay-capacity tradeoffs in
ad-hoc networks with brownian mobility,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 52, no. 6, pp.
2777–2784, 2006.
[30] G. Sharma, R. Mazumdar, and N. Shroff, “Delay and capacity trade-offs in mobile ad hoc networks:
A global perspective,” IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 981–992, 2007.
[31] D. Tian and V. C. Leung, “Analysis of broadcasting delays in vehicular ad hoc networks,” Wireless
Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1433–1445, 2011.

Author’s action: To improve the clarity of the paper, we have added some discussions. In particular,
– On page 3, second paragraph: “Specifically, the onboard unit was proposed in [20] to supply the energy
for FD-V2V communications from the vehicle engine. Although this scheme could solve the energy issues,
applying EH for V2V communication systems still becomes an inevitable trend thanks to many advantages
of EH technique.”
– On page 4, first paragraph: “So far, this is the first work deriving the EC expressions of FD-EH-V2V
relay system over cascade Rayleigh fading channels. It is noted that, exploiting EH from RF signals pro-
vides stable energy supply for low-power consumption networks such as IoTs, wireless sensor networks,
extremely remote area communications used in 5G and B5G systems [4], [19], and vehicular networks [23].
Meanwhile, FD transmission mode can be exploited in various scenarios to support a set of safety applica-
tions in V2V systems because FD devices can transmit signal and sense the environment simultaneously;
thus, reducing the end-to-end delay of the systems [6]. Consequently, the combination of EH and FD
in a V2V system can achieve many advantages such as solving the battery and spectrum efficiency issues. ”

2. Reviewer’s comment: References [8], [10] have the same authors to this paper. Thus, the relation-
ships would be explained.

Author’s response: Thank you very much for your suggestion. In fact, our previous papers [8] and [10]
directly relate to this paper; thus, we cited them in this paper. In particular, these papers investigated the
FD-EH-V2V systems with amplify-and-forward (AF) [8] and decode-and-forward (DF) relaying protocols
[10]. However, [8] and [10] only provided the expressions of outage probability (OP) and symbol error rate
(SER). An other important factor of wireless communication systems, the ergodic capacity (EC) which
was not given in [8] and [10]. Meanwhile, EC is a crucial factor due to the requirements of high capacity
for wireless systems in recent years. Specifically, the main benefit of FD transmission mode compared
with traditional half-duplex (HD) transmission mode is the EC. Theoretically, FD mode can double the
EC compared with HD one. However, the impact of residual self-interference (RSI) significantly reduce
the EC of FD systems. Depending on the RSI value, the EC of FD systems can be higher, equal, or lower
than that of HD systems. Therefore, we have to investigate the EC of FD systems and compare with
that of HD systems to determine FD or HD mode whether using will achieve higher EC in each specific
case. In other word, the mathematical analysis of the EC of FD-EH-V2V relay system is very important,
helping us to evaluate whether or not its capability satisfy the capacity requirements in practice.

Author’s action: To address the reviewer’s concern and clearly explain the relationships between this

work and the works in [8] and [10], we have some explanations on page 3, second paragraph.
“In particular, papers [8] and [10] derived the OP and SER expressions of FD-EH-V2V relay systems
with AF and DF relaying protocols, respectively. However, the EC expressions of these FD-EH-V2V relay
systems were not obtained. Meanwhile, we always want to get the lowest OP/SER and the highest EC
for wireless communication systems. Therefore, investigating OP/SER and ignoring EC when analyzing
the performance of wireless communication systems may result in inaccurate conclusions on the system

3. Reviewer’s comment: The authors stated “Specifically, experiments and measurements indicate
that the cascade (double) Rayleigh fading distribution best describes the channels between vehicle nodes”,
in Section I. Can the authors explain the inherent reason of it?

Author’s response: We are sorry for the confusion. In wireless systems, due to the mobility of devices,
narrow-band channel is often modeled by a time-varying channel transfer function [42], i.e.,
H(t) = rm .GT (K̄T m )GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωdT m + ωdRm )t + φm ], ([42], Eq. (1))

where rm and φm are respectively the signal amplitude and phase of the mth propagation path; GT
and GR are the antenna radiation patterns with K̄T m and K̄Rm unit vectors in the direction of the mth
propagation path at the transmitter and receiver, respectively; ωdT m and ωdRm are the Doppler shifts
due to the movement of two mobiles in scattering environment [42].
When the transmitter is mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between transmitter and
receiver is expressed as [32, 33]
Htx (t) = An .GT (K̄T n ) exp[j(ωT n t + φn )], (1a)

where An and φn are respectively the independently distributed random amplitudes and phases of the
scatters around the transmitter.
When the receiver is also mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between transmitter and
receiver is given by [32, 33]
Hrx (t) = Bm .GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωRm t + φm )], (1b)

where Bm and φm are respectively the independently distributed random amplitudes and phases of the
scatters around the receiver.
When both the transmitter and receiver are mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between
transmitter and receiver becomes

HD (t) =Htx (t)Hrx (t)

! !
= An .GT (K̄T n ) exp[j(ωT n t + φn )] × Bm .GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωRm t + φm )] ,
n=1 m=1
([42], Eq. (2))

As can be seen from Eq. (2) of [42], the Doppler shifts due to the movement of the transmitter and the
receiver are represented by ωT n and ωRm , respectively. From this equation, the authors derived the PDF
(pz ) and CDF (Pz ) of two independent Rayleigh processes as
z  z 
pz (z) = 2 2 K0 , ((3), [42])
σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2

R  R 
Pz (r ≤ R) = 1 − K1 , ((4), [42])
σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2

where σ12 , σ22 are the mean powers of two independent Rayleigh processes, K0 (.) and K1 (.) are the modified
Bessel functions of the second kind of zero and first orders, respectively.
It is obvious that the mobility of vehicular nodes in Eq. (2) of [42] are incorporated in two functions,
i.e., the PDF and CDF in Eqs. (3) and (4) of [42]. It should be noted that in our paper, the PDF
and CDF of the instantaneous gain of the cascade Rayleigh fading channels are respectively derived in
Eq. (26) and Eq. (27). They are similar to Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) of [42] if we use the same notations.
Therefore, when we derive the closed-form expressions of the ECs of the considered system over cascade
Rayleigh fading channels, the effect of the mobility of vehicular nodes is taken into consideration. In
addition, the measurements in [32, 33, 42] demonstrated that, the cascade Rayleigh fading channels is a
realistic channel model for mobile-to-mobile communications, especially for low speed mobile terminals
(for example at the speed of 3.6 km/h [42]).
Various works on V2V systems such as [22, 32–35, 43] have also used the cascade Rayleigh fading
channels to characterize the communication between moving terminals in wireless communication systems
. However, our presentation was not very clear, leading to a misunderstanding. Thus, in the revised
manuscript, we have added some discussions and cited several relevant papers.
[22] Y. Ai, M. Cheffena, A. Mathur, and H. Lei, “On physical layer security of double Rayleigh fading
channels for vehicular communications,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 6, pp.
1038–1041, 2018.
[32] J. Salo, H. M. El-Sallabi, and P. Vainikainen, “Statistical analysis of the multiple scattering radio
channel,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3114–3124, 2006.
[33] I. Kovacs, “Radio channel characterisation for private mobile radio systems - mobile-to-mobile radio
link investigations: Mobile-to-mobile radio link investigations,” Ph.D. dissertation, 2002.
[34] B. C. Nguyen, X. N. Tran, T. M. Hoang et al., “Performance analysis of full-duplex vehicle-to-vehicle
relay system over double-Rayleigh fading channels,” Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 25, no. 1,
pp. 363–372, 2020.
[35] T. T. Duy, G. C. Alexandropoulos, V. T. Tung, V. N. Son, and T. Q. Duong, “Outage perfor-
mance of cognitive cooperative networks with relay selection over double-Rayleigh fading channels,” IET
Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 57–64, 2016.
[42] I. Z. Kovacs, P. C. F. Eggers, K. Olesen, and L. G. Petersen, “Investigations of outdoor-to-indoor
mobile-to-mobile radio communication channels,” in Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Con-
ference, vol, 1. IEEE, 2002, pp. 430–434.
[43] A. Pandey and S. Yadav, “Secrecy analysis of cooperative vehicular relaying networks over double-
rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 2733–2753, 2020.

Author’s action: To increase the clarity of the revised manuscript, we have added the following de-
scriptions and cited references [22, 33, 35, 42, 43] on page 10, second paragraph in the revised manuscript.

“It should be better to know that, the movements of both transmitter and receiver make the signal’s
amplitude andwireless,
fluctuate its longstanding use in radar systems. In Section III, we describe several opportunities
and cause the Doppler shifts. As a result, the cascade Rayleigh fading
for IBFD in current and future wireless communications systems. In Section IV, we detail a number of
channels are widely used
interference in V2Vtechniques
suppression communication systems
that enable IBFD, and insuch as V,inwe[22],
Section [35],
outline [43] to
important best describe the
of V2V topics in IBFD. Finally,
channels. Throughin Section VI, we conclude.
mathematical analysis, previous works such as [22], [33], [35],
[42] take these characteristics into account II. when deriving the CDF and PDF of the V2V communication
channels. In other word,
In-band the CDF
full-duplex in has
wireless (26) andhistory,
a long the PDF
and in in
fact(27) implicitly
the concept has beenreflect the movements
in use since at least of both
transmitter andthe receiver
1940s. In this section,system.”
in V2V we first discuss the history of IBFD in radar systems, and then we discuss
the history of IBFD in wireless communication systems. Due to lack of space, we focus on providing
an exhaustive (to the best of our knowledge) list of citations as a resource for researchers, rather than a
4. Reviewer’s comment:
detailed discussion of A separate
every citation. antenna is used in relay in Section II. And the authors state
that R is equipped with two antennas, one for receiving and another for transmitting signals. While, in
the reviewer’s A. Full-duplex
opinion, inRadars
full duplex, the same antenna, not two separate antennas, is used to transmit
Continuous Wave (CW) radar systems
and receive the signals simultaneously. Can use
theeither two separate
authors antennas
explain it? (bistatic, as in Figure 2a), or one
shared antenna (mono-static, as in Figure 2b), to transmit and receive simultaneously [62], in contrast to
pulsed radar systems, which switch off the transmitter while radar returns are collected. Self-interference,
often labeledThank
Author’s response: as “transmitter
you veryleakage” in thefor
much radar
thisliterature [43], [50],
interesting is oneLet
idea. of the
us key challenges
address your opinion as
follows. Since faced
a FD in the design of all CW radars. The conventional CW radars of the 1940s and 1950s achieved
device often generates a strong self-interference (SI) from
isolation between the transmitter and receiver through antenna-separation-based path-loss in separate-
its output to its input, all
self-interference cancellation
antenna (SIC) the
systems, or through techniques such inasshared-antenna
use of circulators antenna cancellation, analog
systems. (Circulators, and indigital domain
Figure 2bbe
suppressions should andapplied
discussedto further in Section
reduce the IV-A, exploit nonlinear
SI power. In antennapropagation in magnetic materials
cancellation, varioustosolutions such
isolate the incoming and outgoing signals [63].) Because only mild levels of isolation could be achieved
as isolation and spatial
using suppression
these techniques, areself-interference
keeping effectively applied.
to a manageable level required strongly limiting the
transmit power, which then strongly limited the detectable range of targets. This restriction of CW radar
In FD transmission
to nearbymode, there
targets (i.e., shortare twoturned
ranges) methods
out to beof using since
fortuitous, antennas
a FD wireless
targets terminal, they are
with a pulsed
would require on/off that was
switching illustrated
times in Fig. small.
that are impractically 2 of Thus,
[24].the operational range
of CW radars matched their need.

ns mit
Tx sign Tx Circulator
a l
Transmit signal
Nearby Nearby
Direct path th Scatterers Direct path Scatterers
e cted Reflected path
Rx Refl Rx Desired signal
Desired signal

(a) Separate-antenna full-duplex (b) Shared-antenna full-duplex

Fig. 2: Two methods of interfacing antennas to an IBFD wireless terminal.

Fig. 2. Two methods of using antennas in a FD wireless terminal [24].
In the 1960’s, the “feed-through nulling” approach, an analog-circuit-based form of self-interference
cancellation, was proposed to increase the dynamic range of CW radars [42]. Although a total isolation of
For separate set
60 dBof was
antennas, natural
reported, the cancelerisolation arises
required a 60+ fromofthe
kg block sheer
precisely physical
machined distance
ferrite between
rotators and was the trans-
very and
mission antennas expensive. In 1990, antennas,
reception an improved analog canceler was
and rational proposed in [11]
installation that allowed obstacles
guarantees adaptability to
in between the
non-constant channel conditions, and its performance was demonstrated in [64]. Many refinements of the
transmission antennas and reception
leakage canceler/isolator antennas
for monostatic to block
CW radar the been
have since line-of-sight [24, 26].
proposed [15]–[17], [45],Furthermore,
[46], [48], antenna
elements can be[50]. It is worth noting
directional that CW radar
and pointed technology directions
at opposite forms the basis of the
and now-ubiquitous
their polarizations Gen-2mayRFID be orthogonal
protocol [65]; see also the articles [47], [48] about ongoing research.
[24–26]. Thus, the usage of directional antennas so that the gain of the transmit antenna is low in the
direction of the receive and visa versa can significantly reduce the power of self-interference (SI). Also,
the implementation of separate antennas makes it easy to use of lossy materials to attenuate the SI [26].
However, if the shared-antennas are used for both receiving and transmitting, all natural isolation comes
solely from the duplexer connecting the input and output feeds to the same physical antenna element [24,
25]. In addition, isolation with shared-antennas offered even by the most high-end duplexers may not be
sufficient for ensuring a high-quality wireless communication [24].
On the other hand, separate set of antennas helps to easy deploy the spatial suppression. By using careful
antenna placement, spatial suppression can be effectively achieved by antenna subset selection, null-space
projection, i.e., receiving and transmitting in orthogonal subspaces, or joint transmit and receive beam

selection by choosing the minimum eigenmodes for overlapping subspaces to support more spatial streams
[24–26]. Meanwhile, when shared-antennas are deployed, the spatial suppression cannot be applied.
[24] A. Sabharwal, P. Schniter, D. Guo, D. W. Bliss, S. Rangarajan, and R. Wichman, “In-band full-
duplex wireless: Challenges and opportunities,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 32, no. 9, pp.
1637–1652, 2014.
[25] T. Riihonen, S. Werner, and R. Wichman, “Mitigation of loopback self-interference in full-duplex
MIMO relays,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 5983–5993, 2011.
[26] E. Everett, A. Sahai, and A. Sabharwal, “Passive self-interference suppression for full-duplex infras-
tructure nodes,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 680–694, 2014.

Author’s action: To clearly indicate the advantages of using separated antennas for transmitting and
receiving in our paper, we have added some explanations and cited relevant references on page 5, first
“Specifically, when shared antenna is exploited at R, the isolation between its output and input may not
be sufficient to satisfy the SIC requirements [24], [25]. Additionally, it is too difficult to apply the spatial
suppression at R with shared antenna. Meanwhile, various methods to suppress SI power with separate
antenna such as the usage of lossy materials, directional antennas, and spatial suppression can be easily
deployed [25], [26]. ”
We hope that the reviewer satisfies with our responses. Again, thank you very much for
your helpful comments.

3 Responses to the Reviewer 3’s comments
First of all, we would like to thank you for reading our manuscript and providing us with various con-
structive comments. Based on your comments, we have revised our manuscript accordingly and provided
our detailed responses to your comments as follows:

Reviewer’s comment: This paper discusses the ergodic capacity (EC) of full-duplex (FD) amplify-
and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF) relay system with energy harvesting (EH) for vehicle-
to-vehicle (V2V) communication. It derives the closed-form expression of the ECs of the considered
FD-EH-V2V system for both AF and DF protocols under the influence of RSI and cascade Rayleigh
fading, and evaluates the performance by simulation. The work is interesting. Since it is in the V2V
communication, how the moving speed impact on the derived EC? It is suggested to discuss it more clearly,
as well as present it in the simulation.

Author’s response: We are sorry for the confusion. In wireless systems, due to the mobility of devices,
narrow-band channel is often modeled by a time-varying channel transfer function [42], i.e.,
H(t) = rm .GT (K̄T m )GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωdT m + ωdRm )t + φm ], ([42], Eq. (1))

where rm and φm are respectively the signal amplitude and phase of the mth propagation path; GT
and GR are the antenna radiation patterns with K̄T m and K̄Rm unit vectors in the direction of the mth
propagation path at the transmitter and receiver, respectively; ωdT m and ωdRm are the Doppler shifts
due to the movement of two mobiles in scattering environment [42].
When the transmitter is mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between transmitter and
receiver is expressed as [32, 33]
Htx (t) = An .GT (K̄T n ) exp[j(ωT n t + φn )], (1a)

where An and φn are respectively the independently distributed random amplitudes and phases of the
scatters around the transmitter.
When the receiver is also mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between transmitter and
receiver is given by [32, 33]
Hrx (t) = Bm .GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωRm t + φm )], (1b)

where Bm and φm are respectively the independently distributed random amplitudes and phases of the
scatters around the receiver.
When both the transmitter and receiver are mobile, the transfer function of the fading channel between
transmitter and receiver becomes

HD (t) =Htx (t)Hrx (t)

! !
= An .GT (K̄T n ) exp[j(ωT n t + φn )] × Bm .GR (K̄Rm ) exp[j(ωRm t + φm )] ,
n=1 m=1
([42], Eq. (2))

As can be seen from Eq. (2) of [42], the Doppler shifts due to the movement of the transmitter and the
receiver are represented by ωT n and ωRm , respectively. From this equation, the authors derived the PDF
(pz ) and CDF (Pz ) of two independent Rayleigh processes as
z  z 
pz (z) = 2 2 K0 , ((3), [42])
σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2

R  R 
Pz (r ≤ R) = 1 − K1 , ((4), [42])
σ1 σ2 σ1 σ2

where σ12 , σ22 are the mean powers of two independent Rayleigh processes, K0 (.) and K1 (.) are the modified
Bessel functions of the second kind of zero and first orders, respectively.
It is obvious that the mobility of vehicular nodes in Eq. (2) of [42] are incorporated in two functions,
i.e., the PDF and CDF in Eqs. (3) and (4) of [42]. It should be noted that in our paper, the PDF
and CDF of the instantaneous gain of the cascade Rayleigh fading channels are respectively derived in
Eq. (26) and Eq. (27). They are similar to Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) of [42] if we use the same notations.
Therefore, when we derive the closed-form expressions of the ECs of the considered system over cascade
Rayleigh fading channels, the effect of the mobility of vehicular nodes is taken into consideration. In
addition, the measurements in [32, 33, 42] demonstrated that, the cascade Rayleigh fading channels is a
realistic channel model for mobile-to-mobile communications, especially for low speed mobile terminals
(for example at the speed of 3.6 km/h [42]).
Various works on V2V systems such as [22, 32–35, 43] have also used the cascade Rayleigh fading
channels to characterize the communication between moving terminals in wireless communication systems
. However, our presentation was not very clear, leading to a misunderstanding. Thus, in the revised
manuscript, we have added some discussions and cited several relevant papers.
[22] Y. Ai, M. Cheffena, A. Mathur, and H. Lei, “On physical layer security of double Rayleigh fading
channels for vehicular communications,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 7, no. 6, pp.
1038–1041, 2018.
[32] J. Salo, H. M. El-Sallabi, and P. Vainikainen, “Statistical analysis of the multiple scattering radio
channel,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3114–3124, 2006.
[33] I. Kovacs, “Radio channel characterisation for private mobile radio systems - mobile-to-mobile radio
link investigations: Mobile-to-mobile radio link investigations,” Ph.D. dissertation, 2002.
[34] B. C. Nguyen, X. N. Tran, T. M. Hoang et al., “Performance analysis of full-duplex vehicle-to-vehicle
relay system over double-Rayleigh fading channels,” Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 25, no. 1,
pp. 363–372, 2020.
[35] T. T. Duy, G. C. Alexandropoulos, V. T. Tung, V. N. Son, and T. Q. Duong, “Outage perfor-
mance of cognitive cooperative networks with relay selection over double-Rayleigh fading channels,” IET
Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 57–64, 2016.
[42] I. Z. Kovacs, P. C. F. Eggers, K. Olesen, and L. G. Petersen, “Investigations of outdoor-to-indoor
mobile-to-mobile radio communication channels,” in Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Con-
ference, vol, 1. IEEE, 2002, pp. 430–434.
[43] A. Pandey and S. Yadav, “Secrecy analysis of cooperative vehicular relaying networks over double-
rayleigh fading channels,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 114, no. 3, pp. 2733–2753, 2020.

Author’s action: To increase the clarity of the revised manuscript, we have added the following de-
scriptions and cited references [22, 33, 35, 42, 43] on page 10, second paragraph in the revised manuscript.

“It should be better to know that, the movements of both transmitter and receiver make the signal’s
amplitude and phase fluctuate and cause the Doppler shifts. As a result, the cascade Rayleigh fading
channels are widely used in V2V communication systems such as in [22], [35], [43] to best describe the
characteristics of V2V channels. Through mathematical analysis, previous works such as [22], [33], [35],
[42] take these characteristics into account when deriving the CDF and PDF of the V2V communication
channels. In other word, the CDF in (26) and the PDF in (27) implicitly reflect the movements of both
transmitter and receiver in V2V system.”

We hope that the reviewer satisfies with our responses. Again, thank you very much for
your helpful comments.


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