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Email Swipes for Affiliate Marketers in the Make Money Online


These emails are created to get people to click. That click will take them to a web page that is
supposed to sell them on your offer (or pre-sell them on an offer you are promoting).
You should look to adjust these to your liking and your product/program. Treat these as a
framework and an inspiration. While you can use these verbatim, it may not be the most efficient
so make sure to add your personal touches and/or edits!
For example, you can put the first name of your subscribers in the email if you are gathering that
We also suggest you split test the headlines to see what works best with your audience and come
up with your own! Some may be more aggressive, controversial, intriguing, while others are
more general. Another great resource for email subjects is:
For more tips, make sure to watch the video course!
Subject: Quit your day job?
For me, it started with a dream.
See, I wanted to be my own boss. Make my own hours. Work when I wanted to work, and play
when I wanted to play.
I longed for the freedom, the sense of accomplishment, the financial rewards. 
But that was a big step.
Was I really ready to quit my day job? I guess I was emotionally “tethered” to my job.
It represented security, comfort, ease. 
But I also knew what was on the other side of that:
Unlimited income, countless opportunity, and a lifestyle I could only dream of. 
For me, it was the best decision I ever made. 
It afforded me a rock-star lifestyle, freedoms most people never experience, and all the benefits I
could ever want. I’ll never look back.
You shouldn’t either. Move forward.
No, in fact RACE to this extraordinary new lifestyle.
It’s so worth it.
This new video will put you in motion towards making money online. (optional link)
Best Regards,
Email 2
Subject Line: Building sandcastles = $6,719
It was probably my FOURTH vacation that year.
As usual, we went all out!
The hotel overlooking the beach and the water. 5-star restaurant serving lobster and rib.
It was paradise.
We just started building sandcastles when I heard my phone buzz... I knew it wasn’t my boss (I
am my own boss).
I checked my phone and was AMAZED when I saw that another $6,719 was added to my
account. Sales had been rolling in all week!
There I was… where I wanted to be.
With my family, yet I was making more money than I ever had sitting in a boardroom with 15
overstressed executives. How did I get here? 
How can you make the SWITCH and trade in a corporate life for a near-magical life of amazing
freedom and opportunity?
I’m ready to show you. Check out this video now
Best Regards,

P.S. By the way, our sandcastles turned out great! Why? Because I was 100% focused on them

and my kids – NOT serving a boss. You can do this too!
Email 3
Subject Line: My $268,400 advice
My mentor pulled me aside one day, and gave me this incredible advice. 
I listened. It sounded okay, but I didn’t really think anything would happen…
Until I tried it. WOW!
I tried it for just a day. Then a few days. Then a week. I was so impressed, I never stopped
doing it.
I had made $268,400 MORE than the last year. And I attribute MUCH of it to his advice.
Here’s my mentor’s life-changing advice:
“Surround yourself with only POSITIVE, UPLIFTING messages. Don’t hang
around  negative people. Don’t judge.” 
And if you feel a negative thought creeping in…
…see this to become more inspired, more focused, and more successful.
It’s absolutely amazing what happens as a result.
Best Regards,
Email 4
Subject Line: Nobody forces us to WORK.
Here’s how to create lasting change for you and your life.
Many feel they “must” get up and go to work each day.
That they have to keep up what they’re doing even if they’re not happy. Yet, nobody HAS to do
anything, right?
We can all choose to stay in bed if we want.
We can choose to not work, or to not do anything at all.
Yes, there are consequences to our choices. But they are OUR choices to make.
Are you interested in a strategy that helps many that aren’t currently happy and fulfilled in their
1) Get fed-up with your current
2) CHOOSE to raise your standards of
3) Decide things you’ll no longer accept
Now you’ve got a new set point. It’s how change for the better happens.
Your choice to make.
Nobody will show up and do it for you. That’s why most stay stuck in the rat race and others
raise their standards of living, and they never look back.
If you’re open to a proven plan to tack on an extra income, maybe a LOT of extra income?
Then check this plan out
Decide if it may be a great fit for you and yours.
All the best!
Best Regards,
Email 5
Subject line: Hey, is sales a “dirty word” to you?
If you fix this, your results may soar.
Because of a few sleazy salesmem, the word “sales” often carries a negative or bad tone to many
And, it’s holding them back. Badly.
Often, all we need to do is flip how we “think” about this. Because here’s the reality…
- if you truly believe in what you’re
- if you know it’s a superior method
- if you know it will make people better
- if you know it can bring people to a
place they may not otherwise get to
Then isn’t it our OBLIGATION to get our message out there?
And yet, we don’t have to be “salesy” to do that.
===>That’s why I often recommend this
I believe in it. I feel it’s my obligation. And for the right person (you!), I know it can be life-
Starting with that first commission today.
Speak to you soon,

P.S. This could even be the broke man’s plan to retirement

Email 6
Subject Line 1: Want a simple, lucrative business model?
Subject Line 2: Want a simple model?
Subject Line 3: Can’t get any simpler than THIS
99% will miss this (critical)
There are many half-baked, “push-button” systems out there being touted as the next big thing.
It can sure get confusing when choosing the best type of business to get into at times, can’t it?
Something you can get into part-time and bank an extra $500 to $10K per month?
Here’s the thing most do NOT consider:
If you want to build up to $10K per month with your own part-time, lifestyle friendly
business, you must look past the opportunity, and look at the “day-to-day” operations.
Many forget that it’s still a BUSINESS.
A business that takes employees and key staff, products and support, a sales team, and on and
Now, here’s what I’m getting at.
You don’t have to set all this up for yourself. There are solid companies out there that will let you
leverage their business.
===>Here’s the one I highly recommend
They run the day to day operations. In fact, most EVERYTHING is done for you.
This doesn’t mean a free ride, but it is the simplest business model I’ve yet to come across.
They’ll teach you ONE key skill to learn and do.
And you’ll need to set aside 30 to 60 minutes per day to do it.
And if this looks like a good fit for you…
===>You can get it here to start
In your corner,
Best Regards
Email 7
Subject Line 1: The difference between an AMATEUR and PRO (And the broke or rich)
Subject Line 2: AMATEUR vs PRO (and the broke vs rich)
A healthy dose of truth serum here.
Many people want to do this business, yet they never actually DO it…
Same thing happens often in writer’s circles.
People often “say” they are a writer, yet they never write. They never publish.
Stephen King says it well:
“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration.
The rest of us just get up and go to work.”
Same line of thought applies to this business. The best writers and business people have rituals.
They sit down, for example from 9 AM till noon, and they WORK. Or they work from 9 PM till
midnight. Results don’t care if we’re inspired or not.
If we just DO, inspired or not, we get RESULTS!

Not sure what to do?

===>Here’s a proven plan to stick to
It simply works.
Best Regards,
Email 8
Subject Line: How to 5-9 your 9-5..
Hello there,
How would you feel if you were working nothing but 4 hr days?
If you can work a 5-9 with a 9-5 mentality, you can EASILY get up to 10k months with your
own online business.
But what’s cool about even getting there at 4 hours a day is you can start at 5am, and be done for
the day by 9am! If you’re a night person, you can play all day and start “working” your biz at
9pm etc.
It’s 100% up to you.
Nice perk, right?
You may only be able to do this 1-2 hours a day, and that’s okay. Do whatever you can do!
The challenge is doing it DAILY.
Not letting up when the income starts coming in!
But make sure to respect your time or you’ll end up working at all hours of the day instead of just
a few. (Like so, so many)
The best writers on earth, NYT bestsellers, they do something similar. They all plant themselves
in their seats and write, with the same time and ritual, every day, no matter what.
If you can do that…
===>And you can stick with this plan…
Then there’s no way on earth you shouldn’t be able to get to 6-figures soon, maybe very soon?
And yes, part-time.
===>You can do this FAST
Best Regards,
Email 9:
Subject Line 1: Try this BEFORE you get fed-up or hit rock bottom
Subject Line 1: Try this BEFORE you get fed-up
Have you ever stopped and analyzed one common thing between every success story ever told…
Look at many people who’ve broken through and made big things happen in their lives, and
you’ll often hear things like:
“XZY person gave me the kick in my pants needed to get my butt into gear!”
“I’d hit rock bottom. Enough was enough. I’d never again get to this place, and so I just started
doing whatever it took…”
“I was so tired of my mundane, 9-5 life, that if I had to turn off my alarm and drive through
traffic to my dead-end job one more day, I’d prefer to just end it all now…!”
Think about this. Where did their results come from?
In EVERY case, it was in the ACTION.
That’s why I’m so focused on the action part, and not so on much what we’re feeling or whatever
“step” comes before that!
Making sense?
Action. Movement. It’s all that counts.
I find that very freeing.
You don’t need motivation. Or a kick in the pants. You don’t have to hit rock bottom.
Just. Do. It.
Crazy, I know.
Check out…
===>This Success Roadmap
Best Regards,

P.S.Remember, change always happens in the NOW and when a resolute decision is made. You
don’t have to wait till you’re miserable and fed-up to start experiencing the life you deserve!
When will you be ready?
===>You Could Take the First Step and Start Here
Email 10:
Subject Line: Tired of pinching pennies?
One of the things I firmly believe in is living live to the fullest.
Life is to be enjoyed today, not in 20 years.
There’s many people who stash away nearly “every penny” they earn, because they fear their life
will eventually outlive their nest egg. I don’t mean to judge here.
But, many seem to be building a nice savings up, but you’d think they were poor and penniless
by the way they live!
You ever seen guys like this too?
They’re not truly ENJOYING their life, now. Investing in the experiences they want to
experience while they still can.
That’s where we should start so we can live a fulfilling life.
What do we WANT, now?
What do YOU want?
Where would you like to go?
Who would you like to see?
Not in 10 or 20 years.
This year. Next month.
Now here’s what’s great… To get there, it just isn’t too hard these days.
It’s all about building CASH FLOW over NETWORTH…
If you’d like a solid plan that can help…
===>DFY, Step-By-Step Plan To Start Getting Cash Flow You Can Live From…
Best Regards,

PS At up to $5K per sale, it shouldn’t take too long to build up a nice monthly cash flow to live
from, right? Would one or two of those a month have you sitting pretty well?
How soon would you like to begin setting this up with us?
===>Heck Yes I’m ready to go
Email 11
Subject Line 1: Are you working over 40 hr workweeks? (Please read)
Subject Line 2: [Question] Are you working over 40 hr workweeks?
Crazy busy? Overstretched? Overbooked? About to snap?
Well that’s actually the title of a book!
And, it paints a picture of where many are right now in their lives.
Others? They’re often at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Bored. Unfulfilled. Unhappy. Ready for a change towards the better.
Where are you in this mix?
Step one is to reclaim your lifestyle.
===>Countless folks are doing it by using this proven formula…
It also may help to reexamine our priorities.
It’s all about taking a look at our decisions, where we’re at, and where we WANT to be.
And then making massive moves to get wherever it is we want, ASAP.
Change can happen in an instant!
===>Here’s a path I’ve decided to embark on…
Hope to see you alongside me.
Best Regards,
Email 12
Subject line: Don’t put off your happiness!
Could you be putting off your happiness and success?
There was a news article about a man who was saving for the future and was working every day
to build up a hefty nest egg to the point where he wasn’t spending time with his family.
He wasn’t present with them.
He was putting it all off until a “later” time.
He was overworked and disconnected with the life he really wanted to be living.
Until… he made a decision and whisked his family off to Italy for the summer.
And he realized, he didn’t need to put off success and happiness until a certain target was hit!
He realized he could create a “Living” Legacy.
Enjoying life RIGHT NOW with those he loves and cares for.
It’s better for our happiness to have $X per month coming in like clockwork than it is to have 1
million sitting in the bank in our retirement years.
===>This plan can get you there in as little as the next (X) days
With a little planning and effort, you can start living an amazing lifestyle.
Don’t put that off until later.
You deserve it. Your family deserves it.
==>Use this vehicle to drive home your own success
Best Regards,
Email 13
Subject line 1: Bigger paydays (and more impact)
Subject line 2: Big sales and bigger fulfilment
People these days are full up with information. Yet, they’re STARVING for an ounce of
AKA: actual results!
Another pdf, or a video module, or a live event does little to impact your life if it all stays at the
info level, right?
Instead, boost up your profits and impact others’ lives for the better.
Always focus on actually doing all you can to help people actually get real, tangible results.
There’s no better way in this biz to do that than to help them earn bigger commissions.
When the commissions staring back at us are at the X to $X level?
That changes the entire game.
Can you see that too?
Hone in your time on getting people results and transformation over info alone and prepare to
watch your profits and fulfillment soar.
===>Here’s a proven plan I recommend
Best Regards,
P.S.Our first goal will be to land your 1st commission of up to X. That will be just the start of
what’s to come…
==>{Your Link Here}
Email 14
Subject Line 1: Let’s NOT Get Coffee
Subject Line 2: No coffee for you
If I was your personal friend, I’d take you out for coffee.
If I was your therapist, you could stretch out on my couch.
But I’m not. So I won’t beat around the bush.
I believe that most problems have straightforward solutions.
Problem is, most people aren’t willing to do the work.
If you are, here’s where you should go:
==>{Your Link Here}
Best Regards,
Email 15
Subject Line 1: Like RESIDUAL income? W/O much risk or overhead?
Subject Line 2: [Reality check] Screw your millions!
Here’s the easiest path to residual income I personally know of.
Wanna make a million bucks?
Do you? Is that what you “really” want?
Sure, getting that would be OK by me.
- Having a security blanket of savings in
the bank
- And having a healthy, rolling “residual
…is much better than having a million bucks just sitting in the bank.
And, the NICE part to this? It doesn’t have to take you long to get there.
Not with the right system, plan and support in your hands.
That’s what you’re getting right here today…
===>The system, support, and plan to residual income of up to $10K, $20k, $30K or more
each and every month…
What monthly, RECURRING income would it take for you to change your life?
This system and the big-ticket commissions that it can bring your way, may help.
===> {Your Link Here}
Best Regards,
PS I make no promises… just watch the presentation, check out the testimonials and success
stories, and decide whether to give this a no-risk try for yourself or not. Deal?
Email 16
Subject Line 1: [Solution] Know the life you want but can’t seem to get there?
Subject Line 2: Time-travel with me TODAY
Imagine, it’s one year from today.
You’re sitting in a coffee shop. And you’re looking back at the past year of activity.
As you’re looking back…
What made THIS year different than all others?
What will have happened in your life, both personally and professionally, for you to be sitting
there, over the top happy with your past year, and with your future still yet ahead?
Some have sat in this same chair before you!
And many have felt it worthwhile that they were able to finally prove they can be a good
provider for their family.
That they can be a good spouse, mom, dad, and grandparent.
That they could now send their kids to the best schools in town.
Being able to give to their favorite charities.
Much more importantly, what would your coffee shop conversation look like?
What’s holding you back? Can I help?
If you need a good system.
And help along the way…
===>This may help today
Best Regards,
Email 17
Subject Line 1: How to make it as a solo musician.. or an entrepreneur
Subject Line 2: The loop pedal strategy
They call it the solo musician’s best friend: the loop pedal.
It’s a pretty simple concept:
You record one line of music, maybe some chords, and play them back ‘on loop.’
Then, you play another line and add to the first one.
Keep it up and you quickly sound like you’re playing 5 guitars at once!
It’s not deception. It’s not magic. It’s being resourceful.
===>You Can Find the Right resources You Need Here
Best Regards,
Email 18
Subject Line 1: Are you keeping your dreams in a Ziploc bag?
Subject Line 2: Ziploc bag dreams
Subject Line 3: Are you in the second category?
There are two kinds of people.
People who honestly pursue the things they want.
And people who zip their desires and dreams up in plastic bags and only remember them every
couple of weeks.
How many of us spend a good amount of time in the second category?
Don’t get me wrong, we started off pursuing what we wanted.
But then life happens…
The busyness of our twenties doesn’t end; it only got worse in our thirties, and by the time we hit
our forties, we’re not sure where the time went.
Some people think their problems are unique and want pity.
We know better, and so we formed a community of people dedicated to getting our dreams
If you tell me what you used to want and why you stopped chasing it, we’ll tell you story after
story about people like you who got back on their feet and started chasing again.
Learn more.
Best Regards,
Email 19
Subject Line: Do this one thing. Watch your income grow..
If you’re waking up every day with any other feeling than excitement for what lies ahead..
Check out this quote from Tim Ferris:
“Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should
strive to chase. It is the cure-all.”
Incredible advice from the 4-Hour Workweek advocate that’s changed the lives of countless
people around the globe.
Are you trying to make money in a way that is not EXCITING for you?
Then aim to step up the excitement factor.
Watch the effect it has on your income.
==>See what I call the excitement factor
Best Regards,
P.S. I found that getting $ 27 commission checks didn’t really light my soul on fire and motivate
me to do more…
==>>This is what did it for me though!
Email 20
Subject Line 1: Are you living life on your terms? Or comparing yourself with others?
Subject Line 1: Your terms
Subject Line 1: You or others?
Subject Line 4: [How-to] Live life on your own terms
When you’re researching a new opportunity, or are looking at the ads displayed across the
Internet you’re usually met with success.
The GOOD LIFE. The big commission checks they’re bringing in. Cars, homes, beach
All that’s great. It can help to motivate you and see what’s possible.
However, we don’t know much of what’s going on beneath the surface.
Are they a workaholic or in debt? Or truly happy, rich, free, and doing what they love?
The point is, it doesn’t help you much to judge, one way or the other. Because what they earn,
and how they live is of no consequence to you.
What you see on the surface can distract you from hitting YOUR GOALS.
And that’s the purpose of today’s email.
You can now focus on the YOU.
You know YOUR terms. Your wants. The life WE want to be living.
Start YOUR online success here.
And that’s all that should matter!
Best Regards,
Email 21
Subject Line 1: just how bad do you want it?
Subject Line 2: I’ll let you in on the secret..
Subject Line 3: FASTER
People always ask me for my “Secret Success Shortcut”.
I used to answer saying there is none aside from knowledge, hard work, and persistence, of
Until I realized…
A shortcut that makes your goals and your dreams a reality FASTER!
Passion. Sounds simple, right? But when you truly have a strong passion for something, you
chase it till the end.
Develop a passion for money… and you’ll earn more than you can ever spend.
Develop a passion for fitness… and you’ll be in the best shape of your life.
Develop a passion for people… and you’ll establish lifelong, rewarding relationships.
Want to be inspired to develop a diehard passion and create earnings online? Watch this
It drives you to excellence faster than you ever thought possible.
Best Regards,

P.S. If you still need to find your passion, stick with me. I will share with a path towards success.
Email 22
Subject line: The freedom to live
You only get one life.
You have less time than you think to live your life to the fullest.
That’s the main reason why I invested my time and energy to succeed in the online business
I wanted that freedom.
A freedom to live exactly how I wanted. Not tied to any boss, any colleagues, and someone else’s
Beach on a Wednesday? I said, “YES!” Amusement park before the weekend? No problem.
I want you to have the privilege and opportunity to live exactly how you want.
This video will help you to find that life.
It’s pretty quick — but life-changing — Watch Now!
Make Your Own Future,
Email 23
Subject line: 30-60 min per day for 10K months? Read on..
This is what it takes to make it.
Many mistakenly believe that in order to be successful in the make money only biz, or ANY
That they need to find a big win, a home-run hit.
Yet, the millionaires and pros in the game that are getting big results realize it’s all about:
Day in and day out.
If you can do that, you can get ANY sort of result you’re after.
===>Like with this simple plan
You can take one “swing” that takes less than 30 minutes or so a day.
And it can result in your first commission in as little as the next 30 days.
Multiples of that can be rolling in the next 90 days or less if you are a go-getter.
Would you be willing to take smart, simple, calculated “single” hits to get results like this part-
It won’t be too hard, but you WILL need to be willing to put in the 30-60 min to make this work.
Ready to do this?
===>OK, yes, I’m in!
Best regards,
Email 24
Subject line: #1 New Money Getting Method of 2018
This is your personal wake up call...
...and a sneak-peek behind the curtains of the #1 new money-getting vehicle of 2018, this decade,
and the forseeable future. ☺
Online income in 30 Days. (HERE'S HOW)
I’m going to show you exactly how you can become that "person behind the curtain” with an
automated process that works for you 24/7.
This is cutting edge information on an emerging market that you cannot afford to miss.
*Get more information here*
This will only be up for a limited time...
And this how new money getting vehicle is getting further along every single day.
Don't wait.
This is your wake up call,

Name and Surname

PS: I call this thing… The Automatic Profit Machine

Email 25
Subject line: How to solve your #1 problem
Here's how to solve the #1 problem facing business owners and those who want to start online..
The Lack Of Money!
If you've been held back from starting or growing your business because you don't have the
dough to get going..
Go See This Now
You'll finally see the answer and understand the steps that you need to take, one by one. Simple
to follow even for a beginner.
Take action and see you at the top,
Email 26
Subject line: I fired my wife
That's right.
After working hard for years I finally told my wife to stay home and be a mom.
(FYI: That's not my biggest announcement)
That really got me thinking, and I realized that I needed to strengthen the relationships with the
people that have always been there through thick and thin.
Because of that, for the last month and a 1/2 my kids have a now havea full-time mom and I have
a wife.
We both remember how painful it was at times and how getting through it successfully just
makes life sweeter now.
This powerful program was created just for you to be able to make a similar transition that
I went through.
And quite frankly, we want to encourage those in the beginning stages of building their online
success, their own online dream.
This is possible for you too <=
I hope you enjoy it!

Email 27
Subject line: I found YOU a new job..
Today is the day!
The program has launched its beginners guide along with everything you need to make it online
with no prior experience.
The early reviews are in and it's really changing everyone's opinion on how easy it is and possible
in a crazy short amount of time!
Check it out
There is a problem though, the entry may become limited to a set number of people or the price
may go up, so you must act now if you want your seat in the great newbie-friendly online system!
See more details here
I really can't stress enough about how everything is included, along with a safety net, so you have
nothing to lose and everything to gain.
If this wasn't really important I wouldn't be wasting your time, so stop wasting yours and get over
there and AT LEAST check it out before it's too late!
Have a look before it's too late

To Your Success,

Email 28
Subject line: I need to ask you for a favour
You've been on my mailing list for a little while now and hopefully you've gotten value from our
I know how much I've enjoyed it.
My goal is to give you the best information available to assist you in succeeding.
On that note, I need to ask you for a favour.
Go to this page and watch the whole video, it’s only XX minutes long.
Go and educate yourself about the Program NAME.
I'm not going to try and hype you up about how awesome the [PROGRAM NAME] is, I know
you're smart and I want you to make your own decisions.
All I know is that if you go to the page and watch the video you'll have all the information you
need to make a fully educated decision.
Make your decision after seeing this:*
I think you'll like it.
Best Regards,


P.S. I've looked at just about every product on the market, some are good, some are great and
some are... questionable. But I am truly blown away by what they've done with the PROGRAM
Email 29
Subject line 1: New Sale Reciept for [[email]] (personalized, can be replaced with “you”)
Subject line 2: Your first sale [[email]]
I don't know one single online business person who can't remember their first sale.
It's something that gets burned in your brain leaving an impression that will last forever.
I remember when my first sale came through. It was like Christmas. :)
Anyway - the first time you make a sale, it's like the first time you ride a bike or get kissed...
It's addictive as heck! But in a good way :)
Trouble is, if you haven't made one yet then you're not "hooked" – and that's a problem.
==> Solve this problem TODAY
If you've made a sale online and you know how good it feels, head over here and learn a
different way to bring in even MORE (sales, commissions, results etc. – choose whichever
If you've NEVER made a sale online, you're gonna be surprised how easy it can be with the right
offer and training.
==> Link link link

Best Regards,

P.S. It's a shame for you not to make good money online – when people all over the world and
from all walks of life do it regularly.
If you have never experienced the feeling of making your first sale online yet, then you really
need to get your hands on this.
Go below and see what I did and find out exactly how:
==> Link link link
Next 30 days sequence

Email 1 #
Subject Line: Exploit a Loophole in a $138 Billion Dollar Industry

Subject Lines: [New Video Inside] It’s the talking point online…


Think about how many different ways 

there are to make an online income these days.

The opportunities are endless! But there’s so much competition.

So when a loophole like this comes along in a $138 Billion Dollar Industry…

..It is difficult to ignore:

==> You’re Link Here

By the way, this is 100% LEGAL and ETHICAL…

It has nothing to do with any kind of 

crypto currency or financial trading.

It also has nothing to do with Facebook, 

Amazon, shopify or any of the usual suspects.

It’s totally Fresh and untapped.

Go to this private page right now or you will 

regret it later my friend.

==>Go check this out now

Best Regards,



Subject Line: Work from the comfort of your own home

Subject Line: You’re Retirement Package inside…

Subject Line: Supplement Your Income With This…


Are you looking to supplement your current income?

Maybe you’re stuck in the rat race and it doesn’t pay enough?

Maybe you’re retired and you need more income?

Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mom looking for a part-time or even 

full-time venture.

On the other hand, maybe you just want to make 

more money?

Well this opportunity could be perfect for you.

You do it from the comfort of your own home or

Anywhere with an internet connection.

==>[Your Link Here]

It’s up to you how much time you want to invest in it.

As long as you have 45 minutes a day, this could make you a 

consistent daily income.

I strongly recommend going to this exclusive page right now:

==>Click here to check this extraordinary video.

Best Regards,


Email 3 #

Subject: Sick and Tired of Your Measly Wage?

Subject Line: The 1k cash flow Video…


Are you are sick and tired of working your

finger to the bone for a measly wage?

If so then you really need to check this out

➔Click Here to Make Job Quitting Income

My friend Fred will show you how to add

AT LEAST an extra $1,000 a week to your

What you will NOT need for this:

-- Hard work
-- Money
-- Time and effort

it is ridiculously easy.

When Fred first told me about it,

I used it to make $800 in one week!

I introduced it to some of my private coaching students

and they are all averaging $500-$1000 a week right now
with this.

Now, Fred is going to reveal the secrets

of the game to you right now.

Are you ready?

➔Go Check It out Here


Subject Line: OMG… Is This For Real.

Subject Line: [New Video Reveal Everything Inside…]

Hi, [First Name],

I would like to share something brand new with…

You are one of the first people in the world to

hear about this right now.

There's no time to waste, you need tosee this for yourself and make

up your own mind on how this system is going to

change things for a LOT of people.

But hurry, this has only just gone online and maybe

taken down at any time...

==>>Go here, urgently check this system out.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

P.S.If the link has died then I'm sorry,I think you might be too late...

➔Go take a very quick look at this

Email 5 #

Subject Line: Copy & Paste Profits

Subject Line: quick question?
Subject Line: hey [FIRSTNAME] 
Subject Line: [FIRSTNAME], this made me think of you...


Got a quick question for you:

Can you copy and paste? 
If you answered yes, then you can profit with this new system:
➔Click here and see why you can.
The best thing is, this does NOT involve any of the usual stuff that

Holds back 99% of people.

*You don’t need a website. 
*You don’t need a product. 
*You don’t need an email list. 
*You don't need to spend a shit load of money.
* And you don't need super titanic experience.

That means you can do this...

I've been around long enough to know what works, and what doesn’t.

What I have here simply works if you’re willing to get up

and use 30-45 minutes of your day to take a few

income-generating actions that will bring you results.

It just needs a little bit of your non-productive time to make this work.

But don't take my word for it...  

==>>Go watch this video and see for yourself 

Good luck, 

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Email 6 #

Subject Line: Low on commissions? Could it be this?

Subject Line: Can You See This?

Email Subject: How to make passive income online in just days...

Hi, [ First Name]

Making passive income online is very possible...

But only if you have a proven automated system in place.

Normally, you need to spend a lot of time, money, and effort to achieve this.

Here's the good news, you can get this proven automated system today,

and make a passive income online right now.

Read the full details below

➔Click on this to see the full details

Best Regards


P.S. This is not a get-rich-quick system, but it certainly helps you to get

started and make your first $1000 plus online effortlessly.

It has helped more than 4000 ordinary people to make a passive income.

➔Click here now to see how this will work easily for you.

Email 7 #

Email Subject: Clone Super Affiliate's marketing system

Hi [First Name]

Stop wasting your time trying to figure out how to make

money online on your own.

I know how it feels -- buying shiny products repeatedly,

without making a single cent online.

Here is the fastest way for you to make your first

 $500-$1000 online...

Clone a proven internet marketing system:

➔See the link here for more details

Best Regards,


P.S. A revolutionary internet business-in-a-box program can generate a sustainable passive income for

Moreover, it’s created by a successful super affiliate that really cares about your results.

This is a very rare opportunity for you...

➔Go have a look at this excited money making method

Email 8 #

Subject Line: The simple math needed to quit you’re J-O-B…

Subject Line: Simple math to 6-figures

Subject line: The 10k plus offer inside...

Hey, [First Name]

Did you know that simple math could earn you millions in this business?

And it can most definitely help you replace your job income 

or a nice 6-figure salary.

For  example: it’s  easy  to  find  out  how  many  leads it  takes to acquire a customer.

Say  you’re running  an  FB  ad,  and  it  takes  100  leads and $200 to get 2 new customers.

At $49 for your intro offer.

A  2%  to  3%  conversion rate  is  fairly  common  for  cold traffic.

At this point, it doesn’t sound too great, does it?

Not unless you have, back end offers in place like this. 

However, this is where most miss out, big time.

Because they invest their precious time, marketing lower ticket offers. 

While I effortlessly, spend a little bit of my time marketing

High-ticket products. 

This is how you can tilt the scale over to make huge commissions online.

➔Go check this method out to see how it works easily

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Email 9 #

Subject Line: Backwards way to bigger paydays…

Subject Line: Bills Gates loves this!

Subject Line: Step-by-Step Method is Finally Revealed

Hi, [First Name],

I have just found an income generating method, which is now officially live.

This kickass method, will show you everything about promoting top notch products...
And how to effortlessly promote them without a sweat.

==> Look at the method here

This is a must see for online marketers or anyone who’s planning to try an online business.

Good for newbies and an add-on to experts!

Power strategies – no theory –just clear step-by-step actions, to make a consistent stream of income.

➔Go here to watch this Silky sweet explanatory video

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Email 10 #

Subject Line: Haven’t you heard?

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name] You Really Need To See This,

Subject Line: OMG: This works for anyone

Hey, [First Name]

Things are getting scary.

As it gets harder and harder to generate good income as an affiliate

some are resorting to bottom-feeding tactics...

You might have seen this disturbing new trend.

They pretend to review the product, but in fact it's just a blatant pitch fest for some offer.


But I can understand the reason why some affiliates feel they have to resort to these methods.

They are doing it because it's becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd.

The noise is deafening.

And you need to fight to be heard.

So what if there was a way you could differentiate yourself from all the other affiliates?

Well, there is.

I've discovered, tested, tweaked and perfected a slick commission-creating process.

It works for newbies.

It works for more advanced marketing Experts.

And it works even if you don't have a freakin’ list. It will give your Affiliate Income a quick, easy and
permanent boost right on time.

➔Get started making good commissions of the fly with this

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Email 11 #

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name], you believe this.

Subject Line: Stop Wasting your Time…

Subject Line: You Are Not Alone


Do you ever get the feeling you're being ignored?

Welcome to the world of an affiliate marketer.

I seriously had the same problem.

I noticed commissions were spiraling downward.

I desperately wanted a cure.

So I spent months picking the brains of the best out there,

super affiliates and other marketers on the planet.

Now after all that searching, and consulting

➔a provenmethod that worked fell into my lap.

Which I use quite effortlessly, from that day on to make

a nice monthly income, which you can recreate in 30 days or less.

No wonder people of all levels are clamoring to get their hands on this.

Making money online just got easy.

Start making money with this as soon as today;

➔Click here now to start making consistent commissions with this mehod

Best Regards


Email 12 #

Subject Line: Are you caught between a rock and a hard sell?

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name], let me tell you where to start.


In order to make a ton of money you need to adopt the hard sell.

You know - the hype, the pressure and all the sleazy cheesiness

that comes with it. And it's true - many affiliates end up resorting to this.
They fail.

➔There's a more elegant way to capture the attention (and wallets) of your market.

Once you have it, you can generate commissions on demand,

dominate, win prizes and finally achieve the esteemed status of;

The super affiliate.

Now you can lock yourself away from 10 years and try to learn this.

Or you can grab the step-by-step process and start cashing-in

on it in a few minutes from now.

➔Go Check this special link out and see how it works.

Best Regards

[Your Name]

Email 13 #

Subject Line:The #1 entrepreneur-killer

Subject Line: Is this a problem [First Name]

Subject Line: Is this bothering you [First Name]

It's not failed ideas.

It's not debt.

It's not doubters.

It's not frustration.

It's not overwhelm.

It's not bad decisions.



The deadly "distraction virus".

First this way, then that way.

If you don't remain focused on one thing you will quickly fail.

So my word of advice to you is to focus solely on applying this one method online.

Follow it to the letter and you will make it big.

Everything you need is inside.

So get laser-focused, get the method and make money fast;

➔Click on this blue link to see how you can generate more income

Best Regards,


Email 14 #

Subject Line: What REALLY makes an affiliate successful?

Subject Line: [Secret Revealed Inside]

Subject Line: Open this email

Subject Line: Got Good News For You [First Name]

I'll be honest with you.

I've had the privilege of meeting some of the world's top online earners in my time.

And I can tell you there are certain characteristics or traits they all share.

You ready. Let's do this...

#1. They are process-orientated

They don't hop from one promo to the next willy-nilly.

➔They have a process, a system and a series of steps they follow every time.

#2. They stand out from the crowd

They have a special way of resonating with their audience that gets their messages read, not deleted.

#3. They're always investing in learning new things

They realize commissions are created by using new, fresh

and innovative ideas to stay one-step ahead.

If you're ready for the credibility, kudos and commissions you

can command online following their footsteps…

➔Go Here Now to check out this exciting method

Best regards

[Your Name]

Email 15 #

Subject Line: FAQ about cash machine method

Subject Line: Quality FAQ

Subject Line: Let’s Get Familiar with these FAQs



This is the only word I can use to describe the reaction I've witnessed
using this method.

Practically, everyone I have told about this has made the smart move

to invest in it.

Now you might have a few questions before taking the plunge.

So I'll do my best to collate the most common Questions

I've had land in my inbox this week.

Q. Can I really do this as a total newbie?

Yes. You don't need a website, a list or any money for ads.

Q. Are there any upsells?


You can choose to get an upgrade to advance you’re learning…

Were you’ll get to witness live top-notch training from 6 and 7 Figure

Mentors to 10X your Business.

But you'll also receive the right resources to copy, paste and profit

so you can start making money as fast as humanly possible.

You can also choose to have a pack of these ready-to-earn

Commission Machines done for you.

Both upsells are advised.

Q. Should I invest in this?

Yes. You should.

➔Go here now and see why I’m genuinely recommending this

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Emails 16 #

Subject Line: Screw the hype

Subject Line: What are the facts on this?

It sucks.

You check your affiliate stats every day and there, staring you in the face

like a taunting wide-mouthed demon is the figure, we all dread: "$0.00".

Holy crap.

It doesn't take long until you start questioning the whole premise of online business;

Will this ever work?

Have I wasted all my time setting all this stuff up?

Why can't I make any money at this?

What am I missing?

I know a few burned people who actually believe the whole thing is a hoax.

Well I'm here to tell you that while it's not always easy - it is definitely not a hoax either.

The difficulty lies in trying to adopt outdated, "me-too" methods, which the market is immune to.

Your methods are like white noise to most prospects. The solution is to do something new, something
different and something, which will get you noticed, get you clicks and get you sales.

When you grab it through the special link below you sure as heck won’t be disappointed.

➔Click here to grab the method

Best Regards,

Email 17 #

Subject Line:Transactions speak louder than words

Subject Line: Did You Know how Exactly…

Hey, [First Name]

Look here;

$2500 in 1 day

$218.88 in 24 hours

$431.58 in 1 day

$674.95 in 48 hours

$180.68 in 9 hours

$4483 in four days

$983.47 in less than 72 hours

$171.47 in one day

These are the commissions of students who learned and applied

a simple method that needs no money for ads, no list and no experience.

Really? Yes really.

Most people don’t do Jack with the training they get.

Now you may asked, “am I capable of getting those same results?”

Most certainly.

If you want to start making money like the persons above then

go grab this method now from this special link below;

➔Click here now to start making money in as little as the next 4 hours.
Best Regards,


Email 18 #

Subject Line: Broke newbie bags $296.88 in 48 hours using this

Subject Line: Is this a one hit wonder?


Usually I'd shy away from "click-baity" headlines like this. This one isn’t.

It's the real deal.

I know this person personally, and saw this happen with my own eyes.

The best thing about it wasn't the fact he learned this cool new trick,

or the money he made - but the look on his face when it happened.

So what was the weird trick? Simple.

It's all revealed on the inside.

➔Click here to get all the income generating methods on the inside.

Best Regards,


EMAIL 19 #

Subject Line: If you absolutely, positively must make 500 bucks in the next 30 days...

Subject Line: This Converts Like Crazy

Subject Line: Use this to earn effortless commissions

There's 1001 ways to skin a commission-creating kitty to fill your bank.

You could throw a grand at ads.

You could employ someone to write articles for you.

You could spend the next 3 months creating YouTube videos.


You could just swipe and deploy a simple proven method, which is already

making many other marketers $50-$500 per day.

I know you would rather do that. This is a brand new strategy never before released.

The creator behind it, is so confident in it, he knows you're gonna make

$500 in the next 30 days when you use it.

Grab this now and start making money as quickly as today;

➔Click on this special link to get the full details

Best Regards,


Email 20 #

Subject Line: Marijuana served up at a kid’s party.

Subject Line: Are they smoking pot?

Hey, [First Name]

It was a teenage birthday party and some joker thought it would be a good idea to produce some candy
made with Mary J. Nice…
Some kids got hospitalized (fortunately none seriously) and the party has now gone down in folklore.

And this story got me thinking;

Just because you have an idea for a product (like Mary J candy), it doesn't mean you should actually
release it. Nope. You can simply sell other people’s products that are already proven and make a very
good profit.

If you know what you're doing.

As quite a few marketers are raking in a whopping $1000 a day, 365 days a year, with a under-used
system. Head over to the link below for a real profit party ☺

➔Click this link to gain a nice commission from the system

Best Regards,


Email 21 #

Subject Line: Five newbie mistakes you are making.

Subject Line: Are You Making These 5 mistakes?

Hey, [First Name]

Brace yourself, here we go...

#1. Thinking ideas are what you need

#2. Too easily distracted

#3. Scouring Facebook and forums for information

#4. Equating learning with earning

#5. Substituting knowledge for action

It's not (all) your fault.

There are many experts out there telling you how you need to have something, which works,

a case study, your own proof of concept etc.

However, the truth is far simpler;

You can just forget all of it and promote other people's products instead.

I'm talking making hundreds (and maybe even thousands) of dollars a day just

by piggybacking on the success of other people.

How? Simple...

Just swipe and deploy this simple $1000 a day method, which tons of affiliate

mafias are you using to make huge commissions.

You can do all of this without having to demonstrate credibility or be an "expert" of any kind.

This is something any newbie can do.

➔Get started here using this special link to get full access.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
Email 22 #

Subject Line: What your inbox says about..

Subject Line: Hey [First Name] what do you see when you..

Subject Line: Hey [First Name] are they doing things like..


I bet you've had emails from marketers pitching you stuff, right?

And yeah, yeah - I know I'm one of them.

But check this:

The chances are - if you're constantly on the hunt for the "next big thing"

then it just means you're feeling the pain of not making enough money.

When you have plenty commissions coming in, it relieves the pressure and you don't have to be
constantly worried about how to make ends meet or finding a solution to your problems.

But it can take months to be established, break the "chicken and egg" cycle

and start making consistent income.

Until now.

I'm here to tell you something very important now;

If you have struggled to make meaningful Money online and you, want

a proven blueprint to make $500 to $1000 in the next 30 days

then you should grab this;

➔Click here to grab this cash cow system

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Email 23 #

Subject Line: Fake it until you make it? None of that

Subject Line: Earning an extra buck up your alley

Hello there, [First Name]

It’s shocking...

There's a whole army of wannabe gurus out there. "Fake it till you make it."

Don't fake "it". Don't fake screenshots. Don't fake s**t.

I can understand how you might feel the pressure to do this sometimes;

Everyone else seems to be making serious money and here you are busting

a gut for next to nothing with constant pressure from your loved ones to "make it happen".

The temptation is huge.

And with the way you want to make easy commissions, it's not going get better for you any time soon.

Unless, that is, you can tap into a proven method which is already working

and is completely newbie-friendly...This method is battle-tested and

➔when you use it, you can make money in the next 30 days

even if you're just starting out.

Here's what you need to do;

➔Click here to earn consistent commission’s snowball system

Best Regards,


Email 24 #

Subject Line: No product, no website, and no traffic? No problem..

Subject Line: [Read this email]

Subject Line: Hey, check this email before you..

Looking at the responses I get to my emails it seems a whole bunch of my

subscribers are stuck at ground zero;

- No website

- No list

- No product

- No traffic

- No money

And it sucks.

Everything seems so hard because you don't know right from wrong,

you're faced with so many options but each one is an uphill technical struggle.

I'm here to tell you none of this matters for now.

You can make fistfuls of cashola every day online without having any of the above.

➔This is a NEW method.

And it doesn't need paid Traffic - you don't need to shell out a single bean.

An ingenious method, which is so easy even a cave dweller could do it.

Its creator makes $1000 a day (365) doing this without spending - here's how;

➔Use the Link to learn how you can make those same commissions

Best Regards,

Email 25 #

Subject Line: How to bring your dead commissions back to life (no voodoo required)

Subject Line: Are commissions evading you?

Subject Line: Are you struggling to get sales?

Subject Line: On the verge of giving up?

Hey, [First Name]

It sucks doesn't it?

You pour your heart and soul into affiliate marketing and all for what?

A couple of clicks and no freakin' sales. Yikes and dikes.

It's hardly a good return on the investment of your time is it?

So what can you do if your Commissions have died a death?


➔You can follow a proven, battle-tested blueprint that can make you $500 in the next 30 days.

It's newbie-friendly.

You don't need a list.

Or money for ads.

Or experience. And you get started right away here;

➔Click on this blue Link to get going

Best Regards,


Email 26 #

Subject Line: Have you lost that marketing' feeling'...

Subject Line: Are You Lying to yourself [First Name]

Subject Line: You really need to see this, [First Name]

Remember the feeling of getting you're first ever commission?

Maybe you haven't had it yet...

If you're like most guys trying to make money as an affiliate the early excitement

soon gives way to confusion, frustration and despair...

Why aren’t anyone seeing my promo?

Why aren’t they clicking on my links?

Why are they not buying what I'm promoting?

And before you know it you've lost that marketing' feeling'.

You get despondent and leave your affiliate business to die on the vine.

The good news is;

➔You can do it the right way to today, and turn a tiny amount of effort

into a lot of easy money.

And we're not talking theoretical stuff either here - this is real the world,

Battle-tested tactics, strategies and secrets directed at one of the best affiliates system on the planet.

➔So today, I’m going to hand you the entire blueprint to make $500-$1000 plus

in the next 30 days.

Because now is the time to start making some serious money from your marketing efforts.

While having a boatload of fun in the process, you can start by using the special link below.

➔Use this special link to get going today

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
Email 27 #

Subject Line:Newbies vs. Gurus - World War III

Subject Line: They are coming to get you [First Name]

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name] are you ready for the War?

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name] don’t let them crush you

Here there [First Name]

This time it's personal...

There's one thing, which all gurus have in common, and all newbies don't...

All gurus are making tons of money. Not all newbies are.

End result?

World War III...

Gurus saying "Yay look at our money".

And newbies saying "Screw you".

Now don't get me wrong; None of this is being done with bad intent.

It's just the way things are.

But there is a new method that has just come to light, which lets you piggyback

on the success of expert product owners.

➔That can help you make a lot of money without creating your own product.

You don't even need money for traffic with this thing.

You don't to be some kind of expert or guru either.

Your average Joe Schmoe can do this (and has done it).

I'm not even going try to do this thing call justification in an email.

Suffice to say;

You need to grab this for yourself.

Especially because it works super well.


The guy who discovered this is making $1000 Plus a day 365 days a year.
And you can make $500 or more in the next 30 days with this thing - even if you're new.

So yourself a piece of the money action and win the commissions war

with the only "weapon" you'll ever need;

➔Start winning the commission battle by using this link

Best Regards,


Email 28 #

Subject Line: Marketers are from mars and prospects are from Pluto

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name] be careful about how you do this…

Does this internal dialogue sound familiar to you?

"Why aren't they buying anything?

Stupid prospects.
I've told them about the benefits.

I've told them about the features.

I've told them about the deadline.

They must be tight, broke or stupid."

You're not making any sales because you are talking Martian’s

and they're from Pluto.

It's simple.

If you market like a marketer, using the same old swipes, the same old

scarcity ploys andthe same old tired subject lines, you turn prospects

off quicker than a mental image of trumping drag.

You need to be smart about this.

You need a different approach.

You need to speak Plutonian.

I know a guy who does.

➔And he can teach you right here;


It's super-lucrative too when you learn to do affiliate marketing

the right way like this.

You can make $500 -$1000 plus in the next 30 days with this without

spending one red cent on traffic.

So hop in your click-rocket and blast off over with thelink below;

➔Use this link to make super blast commissions

Best Regards,


Email 29 #

Subject Line: The case for bombing the Warrior Forum

Subject Line: Hey, [First Name] the Warrior Forum is under attack

Stand well back, this could get messy...

I don't Wanna harm anyone and I am talking figuratively here,

not literally, but there is definitely a case for bombing the Warrior Forum.

Granted - there are some tiny pockets of intelligent life on there.

And it's totally not WF's fault.

But, in my opinion, most people on the Warrior Forum typify

What’swrong with internet marketing.

Too much mental procrastination from "Entrepreneurs".

They want success but they're all mouth and no trousers.

They want it.

But not enough to actually do anything about it.

They want it.

But not enough to get up early and stay up late to get it.

They want it.

But not enough to invest serious money and actually build a business.

So they hop from one thing to the next, they rant, they critique, they

Talk a good game but ultimately they do, and achieve, very little.

I'm the opposite and I hope you are too.

I do a lot.

That's what entrepreneur means - a do-er.

This week I've been showing you an opportunity to get your

Hands on a simple newbie-friendly method to make

$500- $1000 plus in the next 30 days.

But it isn’t gonna fill your Bank account unless you do something first.


Get your entrepreneurial blood pumping and grab this easy $500

Plusmethod for yourself right now;

➔Go here to get started with this unique link

Best Regards,


Email 30 #

Subject Line: The easiest $500 you will ever make (without a shotgun or ski mask)

Subject Line: $500- $1000 good enough start for you [First Name]

Hey, [First Name]

Aside from holding up your local convenience store the method I'm
about to share with you is the easiest way to make $500 in the next 30 days.

What's that you say?

You've already seen the Commission cash flow system quite a

number of times before.

If yes! Great.

But have you been applying the method and making big moolah from it?

One thing is certain.

➔Everyone who does this makes money.

It's inevitable.

And you don't need a list, money or experience to do it.

➔The system will revealhow to generate commissions quickly

and more consistently

It could not be any easier unless a Mafia drove around your

House Tonight with a briefcase of greenbacks

(which he's not going to do, I can assure you.)

So make at least $500 plus in the next 30 days (even if you're just starting out)

➔Buckle up your shoes and get ready by clicking on this link

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

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