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Cognitive Development Theory by Piaget DIFFERENCES
-Jean Piaget’s stage theory describes the Concept of Intelligence by Binet
Cognitive Development of a children  -Alfred Binet is often called as the “Father of Contemporary

Intelligence Testing”.
 -He developed the Binet - Simon Scale, the first practical
test for intelligence. This test is related to the measurement
of reasoning.

Cognitive Development Theories

The Four Stages of Cognitive Development Theory The Four Stages of Cognitive Development Theory General Intelligence by Spearman
Cognitive Development Theory by Vygotsky 1.Sensorimotor (birth to 2 years old) - a child’s entire -Charles Spearman first described the existence of general
The Two Principles of Sociocultural Theory experience occurs through basic reflexes, senses and motor intelligence / G factor in 1904.
Piaget’s Theory and Vyotsky’s Theory Piaget responses. -He believed that general intelligence is a factor of specific
Intelligence and Individual Differences 2.Preoperational (2 to 7 years old) - a child start engaging mental abilities
with words and learn to manipulate symbols.
General Intelligence by Spearman
3.Concrete Operational (7 to 11 years old) - a child become
Primary Mental Abilities by Thurstone Spearman and General Intelligence
more logical and sophisticated in their thinking.
Multiple Intelligences by Gardner 4.Formal Operational (12 years old and up) - a child can use
1. Visual-Spatial Processing - skills like copying complex shapes.
Triarchic Theory of Intelligences by Sternberg 2. Quantitative Reasoning - ability to solve numerical problems.
their logic to come up with solutions to a problem.
3. Knowledge - wide critical thinking skills.
Cognitive Information Processing Theory by Atkinson and
Cognitive Development Theory by Vygotsky 4. Fluid Reasoning - flexible thinking and problem-solving skills.
Shiffrin 5. Working Memory - use of short-term memory.
-Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory focuses the social
Factors Influencing Language Development of a Child
contributions to the process
of development of a child. Primary Mental Abilities by Thurstone
-Louis Thurstone focused on seven different Primary Mental
Abilities about intelligence

1. Verbal Comprehension - a skill to understand words.

2. Word Fluency - ability to produce words quickly.
The Two Principles of Sociocultural Theory 3. Number - a skill to solve mathematics problems.
1. Cognitive development is limited to a certain range at any 4. Space - a skill to visualize a relationship.
5. Memory - a skill to familiarize and memorize.
given age.
6. Perception - the ability to express an opinion.
2. Full cognitive development requires social interactions.
7. Reasoning - a skill to find rules.

Piaget’s Theory and Vyotsky’s Theory Piaget

Piaget emphasized the stages of child’s life are thought by
being dependent on child’s sensory while Vygotsky focuses
the importance of social interaction of a child.
The Three Stages of Atkinson-Shiffrin Model. #4. Environment - orphans adopted in foster homes have a
1. Sensory Memory (Buffer Memory) - it process the information better language development compared to the orphans staying
Multiple Intelligences by Gardner
through different senses of the channels. in orphanage.
-Howard Gardener’s Multiple Intelligence defines that people are
born with their different intelligence.  Example of Senses:
Iconic Memory – vision
Echoic Memory – hearing 
Haptic Memory - touch #5. Sex -boys and girls shows similarities and differences in
2. Short-term Memory (Working Memory) - it relates to what we language skills.
are thinking at any given time.
3 Long-term Memory - it is a permanent memory store that we
Gardner Proposed the Eight Intelligences
still hold even it is not longer attending it.
1. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence - people who are good in
performing actions and body movements.
2. Interpersonal Intelligence - people who are good in socialising
FACTORS INFLUENCING #6. Relationship with Family Members - the relationship of a
child with his family is lasting. However, it will lead to emotional
with others.
3. Intrapersonal Intelligence - people who are good at being LANGUAGE problems when there is careless handling and lack of proper
aware of their feelings.
4. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence - people who are good at DEVELOPMENT OF A
reasoning and analyzing problems.
5. Musical Intelligence - people who are good in CHILD
patterns and sounds. Language Development - includes all forms of communication
6. Naturalistic Intelligence - people who are good in categorizing such auditory language and written language.
animals and plants. #7. Number of Family Members - there is more conflict in
7. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence - people who are able to use language development on a family with large number of children.
words well. Factors That Might Influence Language Development
8. Visual-Spatial Intelligence - people who are good at visualizing
#1. General Health and Physical Status - children who are ill
Triarchic Theory of Intelligences by Sternberg can affect their hearing that will lead a problem on
-Robert Sternberg proposed a theory, in order to understand the understanding the language.
human intelligence in terms of distinct components. #8. Bilingualism - it creates confusion when there is a native
language and another foreign language.

#2. Intelligence and Cognitive Development - a delay in some

months of a child because of illness has an effect on his I.Q.

Three Aspects of Triarchic Theory (Note) Children between the ages of 2-5 are vulnerable to
these influences, so it's important for parents and caregivers
1. Analytical Intelligence - ability to analyze an evaluate. to be aware of them.
2. Creative Intelligence - ability to write and create an art.
Child are the
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Children the
#3.Learning and Maturation - a child language development
3. Practical Intelligence - ability adjust on the surroundings. mostt valu
mos able
depends o learning and maturation. It’s also crucial in
determining it. reso and its
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resource its
best hope
best for the
hope for the

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