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Pre-surgical hand preparation

The established guidelines for pre-surgical hand preparation are as follows, apply
Approx. 5 ml of alcohol-based hand rub in the left-hand palm. Dip the fingertips of right
hand in the hand rub under the nails to decontaminate for 5 sec. Then smear the hand
rub on the right forearm up to the elbow. Again, put around 5 ml of alcohol-based hand
rub in the right-hand palm. Then same like before, dip the fingertips of your left hand in
the hand rub under the nails to decontaminate for 5 sec. And smear the hand rub on the
left forearm up to the elbow. One more time put approx. 5ml of alcohol- based hand rub
in the left-hand palm. Now, spread the alcohol-based hand rub over the whole surface
of hands up to wrist and rub palm against palm with a circular movement gentle
massage the back of the left hand, including the wrist, moving the right palm back and
forth and vice versa then after rub palm against palm, back and forth with fingers
interlinked and finally rub the thumb of the left hand by turning round it in the clasped
palm of the right hand and vice versa. When the hands are moisture less, sterile
surgical clothing and gloves can be put on. We could help ourself and other to stay
healthy by washing our hands often, especially during an infectious outbreak when we
are likely to get and spread germs and two tasks has been outlined below when we
have to apply precautionary hand preparation, as follows:
 Before, during and after preparing and eating food
 Before and after caring for someone who has been infected.
We could help ourself and other to stay healthy by washing our hands often, especially
during an infectious outbreak when we are likely to get and spread germs and two tasks
has been outlined below when we have to apply precautionary hand preparation, as
follows: Hand must be washed before and after using disposable gloves and personal
protective equipment to prevent infection during infectious outbreak. It is essential that
all health care employees must perform proper hand washed before and after contact
with clients during outbreak.
The two non-clinical moments for hand hygiene hand care in the individual support
sector are as follows. Individual support sector employee should perform hand hygiene
whenever they touch a patient in any way like shaking hands, assisting a patient to
move etc. While handling any personal care activities like bathing, dressing etc.
employee should maintain hand hygiene.
The guidelines on maintaining intact skin have
 Take care of intact skin by using the correct hand hygiene method
 ABHR is recommended for routine hand hygiene, unless hands are visibly soiled.
 Use warm water instead of hot for hand washing.
 Ensure hands are dried thoroughly after washing.
 Regularly use of hand moisturizer to prevent drying and cracking of the skin
The guidelines on maintaining fingernails are as follows, Fingernails are to be neatly
clean, short and trim them often. The underside of nails should be scrub with soap and
water. Nail polish is permitted. Avoid biting or chewing nails.
And no wearing of jewelry or watches below the elbow is the important guideline that is
followed during handwash because it has been found that skin under jewelry and
watches may be more heavily colonized with microorganisms and also may prevent
proper washing of the skin and skin may not be dried properly.
The guidelines on maintaining intact skin, fingernails and jewelry or watches are as
follow to maintain intact skin, use warm water with pH neutral skin wash or skin cleanser
for hand washing then dry the skin gently and use hand moisturizer in order to prevent
dehydration. Fingernails should be free of nail polish and should be natural, neatly clean
and short, as uncut and polish nail may contain microorganisms. Skin under jewelry or
watches may be heavily colonized with microorganisms and prevent proper washing of
the skin, therefore health care workers are recommended not to wear watches or
jewelry below the elbow.

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