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Principles of High- Quality

of Assessment


At the end of lesson, the students are expected to:

• identify what constitutes high quality assessments;

• classify the various types of test;
• gain deep understanding of the various principles of high-quality assessment;
• differentiate the different learning targets and the appropriate assessment methods;
• explain the importance of test validity and reliability;
• determine the ways of establishing test validity and reliability;
• determine the positive consequences of assessment on students; and
• explain the importance of test practicality and efficiency.

Formulating Instructional objectives or learning targets is identified as the first step in conducting
both the process of teaching and evaluation. Once you have determined your objectives or learning targets,
or have answered the question “what to assess”, you will probably be concerned with answering the
question “how to assess? At this point, it is important to keep in mind several criteria that determine the
quality and credibility of the assessment methods that you choose. This lesson will focus on the different
principle or criteria and it will provide suggestions for practical steps you can take to keep the quality of
your assessment high.

High quality assessment

Before moving on the different criteria, let us first answer the question,
“what is high-quality assessment?
Until recently, test validity, reliability and efficiency describe quality of classroom assessment, and this
has put emphasis on highly technical, statistically sophisticated standards. In most classrooms however,
such technical qualities have little relevance because the purpose of assessment is different. This does not
mean underscoring the importance of validity and reliability of the assessment methods rather high-
quality assessment adds other criteria as well.

High quality assessment is not only concerned on the detailed inspection of thee test itself; rather focus on
the use and consequences of the results and what assessment get students to do. The criteria of high-


quality assessment which will be discussed in this lesson in detail are presented on a concept map in
Figure 1.

Figure 1. Criteria for ensuring high quality classroom assessments

Clear and

High quality
Reliability Faireness

Practicality Positive
and efficiency consequence


Sound assessment begins with clear and appropriate learning targets. Learning target is defined as
a statement of student performance that includes both a description of what students should know,
understand, and be able to do at the end of the unit of instruction and as much as possible about the criteria
for judging the level of performance.

Types and sources of learning targets

According to Stiggins and Conklin (1992), there are five types of learning targets. As summarized in table
1, these targets are not presented as a hierarchy or order. None of these is more important than any other,
rather each simply represents types of targets that can be identified and used for assessment.

Types of learning targets

 Knowledge and simple understanding

-Student mastery of substantive subject matter and procedure
 Deep understanding and reasoning
-Student ability to reason and solve problems
 Skills learning target
-Student ability to demonstrate achievement-related skill and performing psychomotor
 Products learning target
-Student ability to create achievement-related products such as written reports, oral
presentation and art products
 Affects learning target
-Student attainment of affective states such as attitudes, values, interest and self-efficacy


The types of learning targets presented provide a start to identifying the focus of instruction and
assessment, but you will find other sources that are more specific about learning targets such as the
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Objectives.


Names, lists, recalls, defines,
Knowledge Remember
Explains, rephrase, summarizes,
Comprehension Understand
converts, interprets
Demonstrates, modifies,
Application Apply
produces, solves, applies
Distinguishes, compares,
Analysis Analyze
differentiates, classifies
For synthesis: generates,
Synthesis Evaluate combines, constructs, formulates,
For evaluation: justifies,
Evaluation Create (synthesis) criticizes, concludes, supports,
defends, confirms

Each level of the taxonomy represents an increasingly complex type of cognition, with knowledge
level considered as the lowest level. However, the remaining five levels are referred to as “intellectual
abilities and skills. Though this categorization of cognitive tasks was created more than 50 years ago, and
other more contemporary frameworks were offered, the taxonomy is still valuable in providing a
comprehensive list of possible learning objectives with clear action verbs that operationalize the learning


Many different approaches or methods are used to assess students but your choice will greatly
depend on the match of the learning target and the method. The different methods of assessment are
categorized according to the nature and characteristics of each method. There are four major categories:
selected-response, constructed-response, teacher observation, and self-report
I. Selective response
1. Multiple choice
2. Binary choice (e.g., true/false)
3. Matching
II. Constructed response
1. Brief constructed response
• Short answer
• Completion
• Label a diagram
2. Performance-based tasks
• Products
▪ Paper
▪ Project
▪ Poem
▪ Portfolio
▪ Reflection
▪ Journal
▪ Graph/table


• Skills
▪ Speech
▪ Demonstration
▪ Debate
▪ Recital

3. Essay items
• Restricted-response
• Extended-response
4. Oral questioning
• Informal questioning
• Examinations
• Interviews
III. Teacher Observation
1) Informal
2) Formal
IV. Self-Report
1) Attitude survey
2) Questionnaires
3) Inventories


Validity is a familiar concept that is the heart of any type of high-quality assessment. It refers to the
characteristic that refers to the appropriateness of the inferences, uses and consequences that result from
the assessment. The more popular definition for this concept states that “it is the extent to which a test
measures what it is supposed to measure”. Although this notion is important, validity is more than that.
Validity is concerned with the soundness, trustworthiness, or legitimacy of the inferences that were made
on the basis of the obtained scores. In other words, is the interpretation made from the test result
reasonable? Is the information that I have gathered the right kind of evidence for the decision I need to
make or the intended use? How sound is the interpretation of the information.

How do we determine the validity of the assessment method or the test that we use?

Validity is always determined by professional judgment. This judgment is made by the user of the
information (i.e. the teacher for classroom assessment). Traditionally, validity comes from three evidences:
content-related, criterion-related and construct-related. How can teachers use these evidences, as well
consequences and uses, to make an overall judgment about the degree of validity of the assessment. The
contemporary idea of validity is unitary, with the view that there are different types of evidence to use in
determining validity, rather than the traditional view that there are different types of validity.

Content –related evidence. Suppose you wanted to test for everything sixth-grade students learn in a
four-week unit on insects. Can you imagine how long the test would be and how much time the students
would take to complete the test? What you do is to select a sample of what has been taught, and use this
student achievement as basis for judging that the students demonstrate knowledge about the unit.
Adequate sampling of course is determined by your professional judgment. This can be done by reviewing
the match between the intended interferences and what is on the test. This process begins with clear
learning targets and prepares a table of specification for these targets. The table of specification or the
test blueprint is a two-way grid that shows the content and types of learning targets. A blank table of
specification is presented in Figure 2.


Figure 2
A sample Table of Specification (TOS) of an achievement test in Science


Major Knowledge/ Deep Skills Products Affects Totals

content simple understanding understanding
areas and reasoning

1. (Topic) No./% No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%

2. (Topic) No./% No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%

3. (Topic) No./% No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%

4. 4/8% No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%


- - - - - - -

- - - - - - -

N (Topic) - - - - - -

Total no. No./% No./% No./% No./% 50/100%
of the test

The table is completed by simply indicating the number of items (No.) and the percentage of items
from each type of learning target. For example, if the topic were vertebrates, you might have mammals as
one topic. If there were four knowledge items for mammals, and this was 8 percent of the test (N= 50),
then 4/8% would be included in that table under knowledge. The rest of the table is completed by your
judgment as to whether which learning targets will be assessed, what area of the content will be sampled,
and how much of the assessment is measuring each target. In this process, evidence of content-related
validity is established.

Another consideration related to this type of evidence is the extent to which an assessment can be
said to have instructional validity or concerned with the match between what is taught and what is
assesses. One way to check this is to examine the table of specifications after teaching a unit to determine if
the emphasis in different areas is consistent with what was emphasized in class. For example, if you
emphasized knowledge in teaching a unit (e.g., facts, definition of terms, places, dates and names), it would
not be logical to test for reasoning and the make inferences about the knowledge students learned in the


Criterion-related evidence. This is established by relating an assessment to some other valued measure
(criterion) that either provides an estimate of current performance (concurrent criterion-related
evidence) or predicts future performance (predictive criterion-related evidence). Classroom teachers do
not conduct formal studies to obtain correlation coefficients that will provide evidence of validity, but the
principle is very important for teachers to employ. The principle is that when you have two or more
measures of the same thing, and these measures provide similar results, then you have established
criterion-related evidence. For example, if your assessment of a student’s skills in using a microscope
through observation coincides with the student’s score on a quiz that tests steps in using microscope, then
you have criterion-related evidence that your inference about the skill of this student is valid.
Similarly, if you are interested in the extent to which preparation by your students, as indicated by
scores on a final exam in mathematics, predicts how well they will do next year, then you can examine the
grades of previous students and determine informally if students who scored high on your final exam are
getting high grades and students who scored low on your final exam are obtaining low grades. If a
correlation is found, then an inference about predicting how your students will performed, based on their
final exam is valid, particularly, predictive criterion-related validity.

Construct-related evidence. A construct refers to an unobservable trait or characteristics that a person

possesses, such as intelligence, reading comprehension, honesty, self-concept, attitude, reasoning,
learning style and anxiety. These are not measured directly rather the characteristic is constructed to
account for behavior that can be observed. Three types of construct-related evidence are theoretical,
logical and statistical. Theoretical explanation is to define the characteristic in such a way that its
meaning is clear and not confused with any other constructs like “what is attitude or ‘how much
students enjoy reading”. Logical analyses on the other hand can be done by asking the students to
comment on what they were thinking when they answered the questions, or compare the scores of
groups who, as determined by other criteria, should respond differently. Finally, statistical procedures
can be used to correlate scores from measures of the construct from other measures of the same
construct and measures of similar, but different construct. For example, self-concept of academic
ability scores from one survey should be related to another measure of the same thing (convergent
construct-related evidence) but less related to measure s of self-concept of physical ability (divergent
construct-related evidence).

Like validity, term reliability has been used for so many years to describe an essential characteristic
of sound assessment. Reliability is concerned with the consistency, stability, and dependability of the
results. In other words, a reliable result is one that shows similar performance at different times or under
different conditions.
Suppose Mrs. Reyes is assessing her students’ addition and subtraction skills, she decided to give
the students a twenty-point quiz to determine their skills. She examines the results but wants to be sure
about the level of performance before designing appropriate instruction. So, she gives another quiz two
days later on the same addition and subtraction skills. The results are as follows:

CARLO 18 16 13 20
KATE 12 10 18 10
JANE 9 8 8 14
FELY 16 15 17 12


The scores for addition are fairly consistent. All four students scored within one or two points on
the quizzes; students who scored high on the first quiz also scored high on the second quiz, and students
scored low did so on both quizzes. Consequently, the results for addition are reliable. For subtraction, o
the other hand, there is considerable change in performance from the first to the second quiz. Students
scoring low on the first quiz score high on the second. For subtraction, then, the results are unreliable
because they are not consistent. The scores contradict one another.

The teacher’s goal is to use the quiz to accurately determine the defined skill. In the case of
addition, she can get a fairly accurate picture with an assessment that is reliable. For subtraction, on the
other hand, she cannot use these results alone to estimate the students’ real or actual skill. More
assessments are needed before she can be confident that scores are reliable and thus provide a dependable

But even the scores in addition are reliable; they are not without some degree of error. In fact, all
assessments have error; they are never perfect measure of the trait or skill. The concept of error in
assessment is critical to understanding reliability. Conceptually, whenever we see something, we get an
observed score or result. This observed score is a product of what the true or real ability or skill is plus
some degree of error:

Observed score = True score + error

Reliability is directly related to error. It is not a matter of all or none, as if some results are reliable
and others unreliable. Rather, for each assessment there is some degree of error. Thus we think in terms of
low, moderate, or high reliability. It is important to remember that error can be positive or negative. That
is, the observed score can be higher or lower that the true score depending on the nature of the error. For
example, if the student is sick, tired, in bad mood or distracted, the score may have negative error and
underestimate the true score.
So, what are the sources of error in assessment that may affect test reliability? Figure 3 summarizes the
different sources of assessment error.
Figure 3. Possible sources of assessment error
Methods of establishing reliability evidences

In the previous example given, what Mrs.

Reyes did is called a test-retest method of
establishing reliability. That is giving the same
test twice the same students at two different
points in time. Other methods include parallel-
forms method and alternate-forms reliability
estimates. Parallel forms of a test exist when,
for each form of the test, the means and the
variances of observed test scores are equal.
Alternate forms are simply different versions of
a test that have been constructed so as to be
parallel, in which the two forms of the tests are
typically designed to be equivalent with respect
to variables such as content and level of
difficulty. Other methods that require statistical
procedures are the Split-half reliability
estimates, the Spearman-Brown formula, the
Kuder-Richardson formulas, and Coefficient

To enhance reliability, the following suggestions are to be considered:

• Use sufficient number of items or tasks. (Other things being equal, longer tests are more reliable).
• Use independent raters or observers who provide similar score on the same performances.
• Construct items and tasks that clearly differentiate students on what is being assessed.
• Make sure the assessment procedures and scoring are as objective as possible.
• Continue assessment until results are consistent.
• Eliminate or reduce the influence of extraneous events or factors
• Use shorted assessments more frequently that fewer but long assessment


A fair assessment is one that provides all students an equal opportunity to demonstrate
achievement and yields scores that are comparably valid from one person or group to another. If some
students have an advantage over others because of factors unrelated to what is being taught, then the
assessment is not fair. Thus, neither the assessment task nor scoring is differentially affected by race,
gender, ethnic background, or other unrelated to what is being assessed. The following criteria represent
potential influences that determine whether or not an assessment is fair.

➢ Student knowledge of learning targets and assessment. A fair assessment is one in which it is clear
what will and will not be tested and your objective is not to fool or trick students or to outguess them
on assessment. Rather, you need to be very clear and specific about the learning target – what is to be
assessed and how it will be scored.
➢ Opportunity to learn. This means that students know what to learn and then are provided ample time
and appropriate instruction. It is usually not sufficient to simply tell students what will be assessed and
the test them. You must plan instruction that focuses specifically on helping students understand,
providing students with feedback on their progress, and giving students the time they need to learn.
➢ Prerequisite knowledge and skills. It is unfair to assess students on things that require prerequisite
knowledge or skills that they do not possess. For example, you want to test math reasoning skills.
Your questions are based on short paragraphs that provide needed information. In this situation, math
reasoning skills can be demonstrated only if students can read and understand the paragraphs. Thus,
reading skills are prerequisites. If students do poorly on the test, their performance may have more to
do with a lack of reading skills than with math reasoning
➢ Avoiding stereotypes. Stereotypes are judgments about how group of people will behave based on
characteristics such as gender, race, socioeconomic status and physical appearance. Though it is
impossible to avoid stereotypes completely because of our values, beliefs and preferences, we can
control the influence of these prejudices.
➢ Avoiding bias in assessment task and procedures. Bias is present if the assessment distorts
performance because of the students’ ethnicity, gender, race, religious background and so on. Bias
appears in two forms: offensiveness and unfair penalization.


Ask yourself these questions. How will assessment affect student motivation? Will students be more
or less likely to be meaningfully involved? Will their motivation be intrinsic or intrinsic? How will the
assessment affect my teaching? What will the parents think about my assessment? It is important to
remember that the nature of classroom assessment has important consequences for teaching and learning.


Positive consequences on students. The most direct consequence of assessment is that students
learn and study in a way consistent with your assessment task. If your assessment is multiple choice to
determine the students’ knowledge of specific facts, students will tend to memorize information. Assessment
also has clear consequences on students’ motivation. If the students know what will be assessed and how it
will be scored, and if they believe that the assessment will be fair, they are likely to be motivated to learn.
Finally, the student-teacher relationship is influenced by the nature of assessment such as when teachers
construct assessments carefully and provide feedback to students, the relationship is strengthened.


High quality assessments are practical and efficient. Because time is a limited commodity for
teachers, factor s like familiarity with the method, time required, complexity of administration, ease of
scoring, ease of interpretation and cost should be considered.
❖ Familiarity with the method. This includes knowing the strengths and limitations of the method,
how to administer, how to score and interpret responses. Otherwise, teachers risk time and resources
for questionable results.
❖ Time required. Gather only as much information as you need for the decision. The time required
should include how long it takes to construct the assessment, and how long it takes to score the
results. Thus, if you plan to use a test format (like multiple choice) over and over for different groups of
students, it is efficient to put in considerable time preparing the assessment as long as you can use
many of the same test items each year of the semester.
❖ Complexity of administration. The directions and procedures for administration should be clear and
that little time and efforts are needed. Assessments that require long and complicated instructions are
less efficient and because of probable students’ misunderstanding, reliability and validity are affected.
❖ Ease of scoring. It is obvious that objective tests are easier to score than other methods. In general
use the easiest method of scoring appropriate to the method and purpose of the assessment. Scoring
performance-based assessment, essays and papers are more difficult to score so it is more practical to
use rating scales and checklists rather than writing extended individualized evaluations.
❖ Ease of interpretation. Objective tests that report a single score are usually easiest to interpret, and
individualized written comments are more difficult to interpret. You can share to students key and
other materials that provide meaning to different scores or grades.
❖ Cost. Like other practical aspects, it is best to use the most economical assessment. However, it would
be certainly unwise to use a more unreliable or invalid instrument just because it costs less.

ACTIVITY 1: learning targets and methods of assessment
For each of the following situations or questions, indicate which assessment method provides the best
match. Then provide a brief explanation why you choose that method of assessment. Choices are selected
response, essay, performance-based, oral question, observation and self-report.

1. Mrs. Abad needs to check students to see if they are able to draw graphs correctly like the examples just
demonstrated in class

Method: ________________________

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2. Mr. Garcia wants to see if his students are comprehending the story before moving to the next set of
instructional activities.

Method: ________________________



3. Ms. Santos wants to find out how many spelling words her students know.

Method: ________________________


4. Ms. Cruz wants to see how well her students can compare and contrast the EDSA 1 and EDSA 2 people
power revolution

Method: ________________________


5. Mr. Magno’s objective is to enhance his students’ self-efficacy and attitude toward school.

Method: ________________________


6. Mr. Fuentes wants to know if his class can identify the different parts of a microscope.

Method: ________________________


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ACTIVITY 2 validity and reliability

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Should teachers be concerned about relatively technical features of assessment such as validity and
reliability? Why or why not?

2. Which of the following statements is correct, and why?

a. Validity is impossible without strong reliability.

b. A test can be reliable and without validity.
c. A valid test is reliable

3. Mr. Carlos asks the other math teachers in his high school to review his midterm to see if the test items
represent his learning targets. Which type of evidence of validity is being used, and why?

4. The students in the following lists are rank ordered, based on their performance on two tests on the
same content (highest score at the top). Do the results suggest a reliable assessment? Why or why not?

Test A Test B

George Ann

Tess Robert

Ann Carlo

Carlo George

Robert Tess

5. Reading activity. When do we use these methods of establishing reliability evidences?

a. Split-half reliability instruments
b. Spearman-Brown formula
c. Kuder-Richardson (KR 20 & KR 21) formulas
d. Coefficient alphas

B. Given the following information below, fill in the table of specification/blue print of an achievement
Miss Mayo decided to give a 100-item test on his Chemistry class that covered three chapters/units.
Thirty percent of the test will measure knowledge, forty percent will measure deep understanding, twenty
percent will assess skills and the remaining ten percent will assess affect. Since there were more lessons
discussed in chapter 1, fifty percent of the items will come from chapter 1, forty percent will come from
chapter 2 and the remaining ten percent will come from chapter 3.

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Learning targets

Major content areas Knowledge/ Deep Skills Affects Totals

simple and reasoning

Chapter 1 No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%

Chapter 2 No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%

Chapter 3 No./% No./% No./% No./%

Total no. of items/% No./% No./% No./% No./% No./%

of the test

ACTIVITY 3 fairness, practicality and positive consequences

1.Which aspect of fairness is illustrated in each of the following assessment situations?

a. Students complained because they were not told what to study for the test
b. Students studied the wrong way for the test (e.g., they memorized the content).
c. The teacher was unable to cover the last unit that was on the test.
d. The test was about a story about life in Baguio City and students who had been to Baguio
showed better comprehension scores than students who had not been there.

2. Is the following test item biased? Why or why not?

Carlo has decided to develop a family budget. He has P2,000 to work with and decides to put P1,000 into
house rental, P300 into food, P200 to transportation, P300 into entertainment, P150 into utilities, and P50
into savings. What percent or Ramon’s budget is being spent into each of the categories?
3. Why is it important for teachers to consider practicality and efficiency in selecting their assessments?
4. Based on your experience or observed practices, suggest at least two ways on how to enhance the
practicality and efficiency of the assessment in terms of:

a. Cost
b. Ease of scoring
c. Complexity of administration

5. On-site activity. Ask a group of high school or elementary students, depending on your interest about
what they see as fair assessment. Also, ask them how different kinds of assessments affect them; for
example,’ do they study differently for essay and multiple-choice tests?

ACTIVITY 4. Share insights that you gained in the lesson. would suggest that in each principle/criteria of
high-quality assessment, a paragraph or two is encouraged.

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