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Теорія перекладу

40.The definition, subject and tasks of translation theory as a science.

The science of translation studies and should study the translation

The purpose of studying the discipline is to study students the general
theoretical and methodological issues of translation, means of correct (adequate)
translation of various language units and phenomena of English into Ukrainian
and vice versa, lexical-grammatical, semantic and stylistic aspects of translation
Translation is the process whereby a text in one language is transferred
into a second language. Adequate and complete translation determines the
correct, accurate and complete transfer content of the original meaning and its
language form.
Profession of translator and interpreter requires a perfect knowledge of
two languages - source languageand target language in all aspects - lexical,
grammatical, stylistic, historical, cultural and many others.
A translator converts written material, such as newspaper and magazine
articles, books, manuals, documents,
interpreter, who converts spoken material, such as speeches, presentations,
depositions and the like, from one language into another.
Adequate and complete translation determines the correct, accurate and
complete transfer content of the original meaning and its language form.
In order to successfully translate English text , you need four
1. Knowledge of a certain minimum of the most commonly used words
2. Knowledge of the basics of English grammar
3. Basic knowledge about the techniques of translation
4. Familiarity of the translator with the area of knowledge to which this text
belongs( розуміти до якої сфери і типу належить текст)


41.Translation as a peculiar type of communication.

Communication is one of the most important proceses in our life. But what
to do if your interlocutor(співрозмовник) speaks another language?
Translation process and the translator come to the rescue! (На допомогу
приходить прекладач та процес перекладу)
Translation has existed for a long time.
For example, When people met who didn’t know language they speak,
they had find someone who could speak both languages. It was passible because
Some people grew up in bilingual environment, because they lived in a border
area or moved to another country or their parents spoke different languages.
Nowadays there are no field which would never face the need for
translation.Political relations, science,education,medicine,tourism,business area
and even entertainment sometimes need a qualified translation. Because with
the help of this type of communication the borders are
expanded(розширяються кордони) and many important decisions are made
over the world.

42.“Translation” and “interpretation”: the difference between the notions .

Translation is the process whereby a text in one language is transferred into a

second language.
Interpreting is the process of translating spoken material In oral way
consecutively or simultaniesly.
A translator converts written material, such as newspaper and magazine
articles, books, manuals, documents,
etc., from one language into another.
interpreter, who converts spoken material, such as speeches,
presentations, depositions and the like, from one language into another.
Moreover, the best translators are not good interpreters and likewise, truly
great interpreters are not much for translation. And while many professional
training programs require interpreters to develop some skill in translation,
professionally trained translators often have no exposure to the skills of
interpretation.Транскрипція це переклад так як читається слово

59.Translation transcription.

Transcription- is reproducing the sound form of a foreign word with the

help of phonemes into a target the language. Due to the differences in some
sounds in Ukrainian and English, there are usually several variants of
transcription. Usually remain(приживаються) in the language those words that
sound most natural for the language of translation (New ᅠ York ᅠ – ᅠ Нью-Йорк, ᅠ
Manchester ᅠ – ᅠ Манчестер.)

The Words may be transcribed:

names of persons,
geographical objects,

institutions, установ, ᅠ


seas, lakes, oceans,


hotels, restaurants,

newspapers, magazines.


Transliteration, means a way of transmitting words and letters of one

language by letters of another (literally) according with the table
correspondences symbols (перекладається ᅠ побуквенно ᅠ згідно ᅠ з ᅠ таблицею ᅠ
відповідностi символів буквена ᅠ імітація ᅠ форми ᅠ початкового ᅠ слова ᅠ)

Transliteration ᅠ differs from transcription in its

simplicity(простотою) ᅠ and ᅠ possibility ᅠ introduction ᅠ additional
sighns Транслітерація перекаладається так як пишеться а не
читається! (. ᅠ For ex. ᅠ Audi ᅠ – ᅠ «Ауді»; ᅠ Porsche ᅠ – ᅠ «Порше” Big ᅠ Ben ᅠ – ᅠ Біґ ᅠ
Бен; ᅠ Hotel ᅠ Ritz ᅠ – ᅠ Готель ᅠ «Рітц», ᅠ Aphrodite ᅠ – ᅠ Афродита

61.Calque translation.

Calque- (literal translation) (дослівний переклад)i s a method of

translating new words (terms), when the equivalent of a simple or (more
often) complex word (term) of the source language in the target language is
chosen, as a rule, the first equivalent in the dictionary,(коли при перекладі
перекладаєш слова за першим значенням яке пише в словнику и не

Calque can be applied only when formed in this way translational ᅠ

equivalent does not violate norms ᅠ of using words in Ukrainian
language.(або любої мови на яку перекладаєш)

43.Semiotic approach to translation.

Semiotics is an investigation into how meaning is created and how
meaning is communicated. Дослідження як створюється значення і як
передається значення.
Its origins lie in the academic study of how signs and symbols (visual and
linguistic) create meaning. Витоки науки полягають у тому як знаки і
символи ( візуальні і лінгвістичні) створюють значення наприклад ми
можем побачити візуально слово і дізнатись

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