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Mr. Alfredo S. Oliva Jr.
is a system of exercise done with accompanying
it helps to improve cardio vascular fitness,
respiratory capacity and muscular endurance.
it also helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol
it enhance the ability of the body to move air into
and out of the lungs and boost the flow of blood to all
parts of the body.
Benefits of aerobics
Aerobics exercise promotes strong
and healthy bones
◦Various studies have shown that to
some extent, bone strength is
related to physical activity. The
bone, like muscle, tends to get
thicker the more it is used and
Aerobic exercise helps control
physical and emotional stress
◦It helps improve your outlook in
life and self-concept. It brings
about a feeling of well-being
and satisfaction. It helps reduce
anxiety and depression.
Aerobic exercise helps improve
intellectual capacity and
increase productivity
◦In general a fit individual
can think, understand,
remember and respond
more quickly.
Aerobic exercise is a realistic way
to lose weight and keep it off

◦It helps burn calories and

excess body fats and at the
same time helps maintain
your desired body weight.
Cardiovascular risk factors
◦Is a condition that is associated
with an increased risk of
developing cardiovascular
disease. The risk factors may be
classified as those that cannot
be changed and those that can
be change, controlled or treated.
Risk Factor that cannot be changed
Family history
◦If a first-degree blood relative has
had coronary heart disease or
stroke before the age of 55 years
(for a male relative) or 65 years (for
female relative), you might be at
risk of contracting the same
◦Through the years the heart
undergoes subtle physiologic changes
even in the absence of disease. The
muscle of the aged heart muscle may
relax less completely between beats,
and as a result, the pumping
chambers become stiffer and may
work less efficiently.
◦Men are greater risk of heart disease
then pre-menopausal women. Once
past the menopause, a women’s risk
a similar to a similar to a man’s. The
risk of stroke, however, is the same
for both men and women.
Risk Factors that
can be controlled,
changed, or
◦Drinking Alcohol
◦Illegal Drugs
◦High Cholesterol
◦Physical Inactivity
◦Stressful Living
Seat Work 
Give at least three
benefits of aerobic
exercises. describe in
your own words. 
performance: You will
be going to prepare a
(3-4mins) dance
aerobic accompanied
by music.
Rubrics for aerobic performance
◦Creativity (Development of various movements’
patterns, formations and timing. Use of proper
attire and props) – 20%
◦Movement Selection (Selection of movements
appropriate to music and using head to foot
movements) – 20%
◦Execution (The students aerobic dance in time
with music and group members) – 20%
◦Presentation (Interaction and connection
with the audience. Use of facial expression
and body language. Performing the
aerobic dance to the best of your ability. -
◦Attitude (Participation and effort shown
in the lesson. Cooperation with the group.)
– 20%
God Bless!!!
Thank you 

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