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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the group.
Question 1: A. honest B. home C. vehicles D. heiress
Question 2: A. energy B. gain C. gesture D. village
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position
of the main stress in each of the following word.
Question 3: A. company B. atmosphere C. customer D. employment
Question 4: A. institution B. university C. preferential D. indicative
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 5: Scientists warn of the impending extinction of many species of plants and animals.
A. irrefutable B. imminent C. formidable D. absolute
Question 6: Don’t forget to drop me a line when you’re away
A. telephone me B. call me C. write to me D. send me a telegram
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the italic part
in each of the following questions.
Question 7: I could only propose a/an partial solution to the crisis in the company. I need to think more about
A. effective B. whole C. half D. halfway
Question 8: To be honest, I go to the museums once in a blue moon, only when someone asks me to.
A. very often B. once in a while C. seldom D. from time to time
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of
the following exchanges.
Question 9: Susan goes to a food stall to have dinner. It's very crowded there and she can hardly find a seat.
There is a table with one diner sitting beside an empty chair. She comes over and asks.
Susan: “Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?” – Diner: “ ”
A. Sorry, the seat is taken. B. Yes, I am so glad.
C. No, thanks . D. Yes, yes. You can't sit here.
Question 10: Jane phones to Mrs. Smith‟s office and her secretary answers the phone.
Jane: “Hello, I'd like to speak with Mrs. Smith.” – Secretary: “ ”
A. Hang on, please. I‟ll put you through. B. Who are you?
C. Sure. D. Of course you can
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 11: When friends insist on____________ expensive gifts, it makes most people uncomfortable.
A. them to accept B. they accepting C. their accepting D. they accept
Question 12: John lost the____________ bicycle he bought last week and his parents were very angry with him
because of his carelessness.
A. beautiful Japanese blue new B. beautiful new blue Japanese
C. new beautiful blue Japanese D. Japanese beautiful new blue
Question 13: When she died, she gave all her money to a charity for cats.
A. off B. on C. away D. out
Question 14: Thanks for the sandwich, but you it. I had lunch in town.
A. mightn’t have made B. needn’t have made C. shouldn’t have made D. ought to have made
C. It's nice of you to say so. D. Do you?
Question 15: , the woman was visibly happy after the birth of her child.
A. Tired although she was B. She was tired
C. Despite tired D. Though tired
Question 16: He came a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.
A. out of B. in for C. off D. over
Question 17: Those smart phones are selling like__________. It you want one, you d’better buy one now
before they’re all gone.
A. shooting stars B. fresh bread C. hot cakes D. wild oats
Question 18: They asked me a lot of questions, __________ I couldn't answer.
A. much of which B. both of them C. neither of which D. most of which
Question 19: I walked away as calmly as I could. ____________ , they would have thought I was a thief.
A. In case B. If so C. Or else D. Owing to
Question 20: _______ how much money she spends on her clothes, she never looks well-dressed.
A. Despite B. Without C. Regardless D. No matter
Question 21: The passport she carried was___________
   A. false   B. imitation   C. artificial   D. untrue
Question 22: Stop fighting you two- shake hands and _ your peace with each other!
A. do B. set C. bring D. make
Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be corrected
Question 23. John announced that he could not longer tolerate the conditions of the contract under which he
was working.
Question 24. Question 30: The twins have the same identical birthmarks on their backs
Question 25. : Prediction of earthquakes remains inexactly, but general predictions can be made after
monitoring magnetic changes.

Choose the answer -a, b, c, or d- that is nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before.
Question 26: Because Sandra had informed us, we found the contract quite normal.
A. The contract was quite normal because of Sandra informed us.
B. Being informed by Sandra, the contract was quite normal.
C. But for Sandra's information, we couldn't find the contract quite normal.
D. We could find the contract quite normal thanks to Sandra's informing us.
Question 27: Its possible that she didnt hear what I said
A. She may not hear what I said    B. She might not hear what I said
C. She might have not heard what I said    D. She may not have heard what I said
Question 28: Had the advertisement for our product been better, more people would have bought it.
A. Not many people bought our product because it was so bad.
B. Our product was of better quality so that more people would buy it.
C. Fewer people bought our product due to its bad quality.
D. Since our advertisement for our product was so bad, fewer people bought it.
Question 29: Jenny is so creative that we all can rely on her for original ideas.
A. .Being creative, we can all rely on Jenny for original ideas.
B. Creative as Jenny is, we can rely on her for original ideas.
C. Jenny is such creative girl that we all can rely on her for original ideas.
D..So creative is Jenny that we all can rely on her for original ideas.
Question 30: The leader of the group came up with the best solution to the problem. 
A. The leader of the group could solved the problem easily.
B. Noone could solve the problem except the leader of the group.
C. The best solution to the problem was thought of by the leader of the group.
D. The best solution to the problem was carried out by the leader of the group.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions, from question 31 to question 35
There are three valid arguments to support the preservation of endangered species. An aesthetic
justification contends that biodiversity contributes to the quality of life because many of the endangered plants
and animals are particularly appreciated for their unique physical beauty. The aesthetic role of nature in all its
diverse forms is reflected in the art and literature of every culture, attaining symbolic status in the spiritual life
of many groups. According to the proponents of the aesthetic argument, people need nature in all its diverse and
beautiful forms as part of the experience of the world.
Another argument that has been put forward, especially by groups in the medical and pharmacological
fields, is that of ecological self-interest. By preserving all species, we retain a balance of nature that is
ultimately beneficial to humankind. Recent research on global ecosystems has been cited as evidence that every
species contributes important or even essential functions that may be necessary to the survival of our own
species. Some advocates of the ecological argument contend that important chemical compounds derived from
rare plants may contain the key to a cure for one of the diseases currently threatening human beings. If we do
not protect other species, then they cannot protect us.
Apart from human advantage in both the aesthetic and ecological arguments, the proponents of a moral
justification contend that all species have the right to exist, a viewpoint stated in the United Nations World
Charter for Nature, created in 1982. Furthermore, if humankind views itself as the stewards of all the creatures
on Earth, then it is incumbent upon human beings to protect them, and to ensure the continued existence of all
species. Moral justification has been extended by a movement called "deep ecology", the members of which
rank the biosphere higher than people because the continuation of life depends on this larger perspective. To
carry their argument to its logical conclusion, all choices must be made for the biosphere, not for people.
(Source: Adapted from Reading Practice for the TOEFL)
Question 31. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. The quality of life B. The preservation of species
C. The beauty of the world D. The balance of nature
Question 32. The word "perspective" in the third paragraph could best be replaced by
A. Event B. View C. Ideal D. Truth
Question 33. Which of the arguments supports animal rights?
A. Self-interest argument B. Aesthetic justification
C. Moral justification D. Ecological argument
Question 34. The author mentions all the following as justifications for the protection of endangered species
A. The right to life implied by their existence B. The intrinsic value of the beauty of nature
C. The control of pollution in the biosphere D. The natural compounds needed for medicines
Question 35. It can be inferred from the passage that the author
A. is a member of the "deep ecology" movement
B. does not agree with ecological self-interest
C. supports all of the arguments to protect species
D. participated in drafting the Chapter for Nature
Question 36. The word “advocates” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. proponents B. advantages C. viewpoints D. opponents
Question 37. What does the author mean by the statement in the first paragraph?
"According to the proponents of the aesthetic argument, people need nature in all its diverse and
beautiful forms as part of the experience of the world"?
A. The world is experienced by nature in various forms that are equally beautiful.
B. People are naturally attracted to beautiful forms father than to different ones.
C. An appreciation of the Earth requires that people have an opportunity to enjoy the diversity and beauty of
D. Nature is beautiful because it provides varied experiences for people.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions, from question 38 to question 45
The term “art deco” has come to encompass three distinct but related design trends of the 1920’s and
1930’s. The first was what is frequently referred to as “zigzag moderne” –the exotically ornamental style of
such skyscrapers as the Chrysler Building in New York City and related structures such as the Paramount
Theater in Oakland, California. The word “zigzag” alludes to the geometric and stylized ornamentation of
zigzags, angular patterns, abstracted plant and animal motifs, sunbursts, astrological imagery, formalized
fountains, and related themes that were applied in mosaic relief and mural form to the exterior and interior of
the buildings. Many of these buildings were shaped in the ziggurat form, a design resembling an ancient
Mesopotamian temple tower that recedes in progressively smaller stages to the summit, creating a staircase-
like effect.
The second manifestation of art deco was the 1930’s “streamlined moderne” style - a Futuristic-looking
aerodynamic style of rounded corners and horizontal bands known as “speed stripes.” In architecture, these
elements were frequently accompanied by round windows, extensive use of glass block, and flat rooftops.
The third style, referred to as “international stripped classicism” also came to the forefront during the
Depression, a period of severe economic difficult in the 1930’s. This was a more conservative style, blending
a simplified modernistic style with a more austere form of geometric and stylized relief sculpture and other
ornament, including interior murals. May buildings in this style were erected nationwide through government
programs during the Depression.
Although art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as thoroughly modern, it was strongly
influenced by the decorative arts movements that immediately preceded it. For example, like “art nouveau”
(1890-1910), art deco also used plant motifs, but regularized the forms into abstracted repetitive patterns
rather than presenting them as flowing, asymmetrical foliage, Like the Viennese craftspeople of the Wiener
Werkstatte, art deco designers worked with exotic materials, geometricized shapes, and colorfully ornate
patterns. Furthermore, like the artisans of the Arts and Crafts Movement in England and the United States, art
deep practitioners considered it their mission to transform the domestic environment through well-designed
furniture and household accessories.
Question 38: What aspect of art deco does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The influence of art deco on the design of furniture and household accessories
B. Ways in which government programs encouraged the development of art deco
C. Reasons for the popularity of art deco in New York and California
D. Architectural manifestations of art deco during the 1920’s and 1930’s
Question 39: The word “encompass” in line 1 is closest in meaning to .
A. include B. Enhance C. separate D. replace
Question 40: In line 8, the author mentions “an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower ” in order to
A. emphasize the extent of architectural advances
B. explain the differences between ancient and modern architectural steles
C. describe the exterior shape of certain “art deco” buildings
D. argue for a return to more traditional architectural design
Question 41: The streamlined moderne style is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
A. animal motifs B. “speed stripes” C. round windows D. flat roofs
Question 42: The phrase “came to the forefront” in line 15 is closest in meaning to .
A. went through a process B. grew in complexity
C. changed its approach D. became important
Question 43: According to the passage, which of the following statements most accurately describes the
relationship between art deco and art nouveau?
A. Art deco became important in the United States while art nouveau became popular in England.
B. Art nouveau preceded art deco and influenced it.
C. They were art forms that competed with each other for government support during the
depression era.
D. They were essentially the same art form.
Question 44: According to the passage, a building having an especially ornate appearance would most
probably have been designed in the style of .
A. classical moderne B. zigzag moderne
C. streamlined moderne D. the Arts and Crafts Movement
Question 45: The passage is primarily developed as .
A. an analysis of various trends within an artistic movement
B. the historical chronology of a movement
C. an argument of the advantages of one artistic form over another
D. a description of specific buildings that became famous for their unusual beauty
Choose the correct words to fill in the following passage.
British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19 th century. The
invention of the railways made this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their
health and education. The seaside was a place to be (46)_____ of illness, and doctors recommended bathing
in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to increase their knowledge, families attended concerts and read
books from the library.
At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (47) ____ work. However, in 1871, the
government introduced four ‘Banking Holiday’ - national holiday days. This allowed people to have a day
or two out, which now and then gave them a taste for leisure and the seaside. At first, they went on day-trips,
taking advantage of special cheap tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, rising incomes (48)___ that many
ordinary workers and their families could have a week’s holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and
cheap hotels were built to (49) _____them. Holidaymakers enjoyed being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing
in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was (50) ___ offer and holidaymakers went to have

Question 46: A. recovered B. improved C. cured D. remedied

Question 47: A. from B. out C. off D. away
Question 48: A. meant B. resulted C. produced D. caused
Question 49: A. board B. accommodate C. lodge D. cater
Question 50: A. on B. to C. in D. for
Các loài đang gặp nguy hiểm Có 3 vấn đề đang tranh luận để ủng hộ việc bảo tồn các loài động thực vật đang
gặp nguy hiểm. Theo quan điểm mĩ học thì sự đa dạng sinh học đóng góp vào chất lượng cuộc sống bởi vì rất
nhiều các loài động thực vật đang bị đe dọa một phần nào đó làm tôn lên vẻ đẹp độc đáo của tự nhiên. Vai trò
thẩm mĩ của tự nhiên trong tất cả các loại hình đa dạng được phản ánh trong nghệ thuật và văn học của mọi nền
văn hóa, trở thành biểu tượng trong đời sống tinh thần của nhiều nhóm người. Theo như những người ủng hộ
quan điểm thẩm mĩ, con người cần thiên nhiên trong sự đa dạng và vẻ đẹp như là một phần của sự trải nghiệm
thế giới Một ý kiến tranh luận khác cái mà được ủng hộ đặc biệt bởi những nhóm người hoạt đông trong lĩnh
vực y học và dược học đó là vấn đề lợi ích sinh ra từ thiên nhiên. Bằng cách bảo tồn các loài động thực vật,
chúng ta giữ được sự cân bằng tự niên điều này có lợi ích rất lớn với loài người. Một nghiên cứu gần đây về hệ
thống sinh thái toàn cầu được ghi lại như là một bằng chứng chứng minh rằng mọi loài động thực vật đều đóng
góp những chức năng quan trọng cái mà có thể cần thiết cho chính sự tại của chúng ta. Những người ủng hộ ý
kiến này chỉ ra rằng thành phần hóa học quan trọng chiết xuât từ những loài thực vật quý hiếm có thể là chìa
khóa cho phương pháp chữa trị những căn bệnh nguy hiểm của con người. Nếu chúng ta không bảo vệ các loài
động thực vật khác thì chúng cũng không thể bảo vệ chúng ta Ngoài lợi ích của con người trong cả 2 ý kiến về
thẩm mĩ và sinh thái trên, một số người ủng hộ quan điểm đạo đức cho rằng tất cả các loài đều có quyền được
tồn tại, điều này được ghi lại trong Hiến chương của Liên Hợp Quốc về thiên nhiên được viết năm 1982. Hơn
nữa, nếu con người cho rằng bản thân họ là chủ của vạn vật trên trái đất thì con người cũng có phận sự phải bảo
vệ chúng, đảm bảo cho sự tồn tại của tất cả các sinh vật đó. Quan điểm đạo đức được mở rông bởi sự vận động
gọi là “ hệ sinh thái sâu”, các thành viên của nó xếp hạng sinh quyển cao hơn con người bởi vì sự tiếp tục sự
sống phụ thuộc vào quan điểm rộng hơn. Để đưa những ý kiến tranh luận này đến kết luận logic, tất cả các sự
lựa chọn phải được làm cho sinh quyển, không phải cho con người
Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems.
A. worry about B. get angry about C. get involved in D. look for
Question 34: Though many scientific breakthroughs have resulted from mishaps it has taken brilliant thinkers
to recognize their potential.
A. accidents B. misunderstandings C. incidentals D. misfortunes

It is relatively easy for computers to speak. A computer that says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in the right places
is (35) ___ miracle of science ,but recognizing the words that make (36) ___ normal , continuous human
speech is another.
Not until now have computer been programmed to (37) ___ to a range of spoken commands.Until recently it
was thought that computers would have tobe programmed to the accent and speech hahits of each user,and only
then would be able to respond(38) ___to their master’s or mistress’s voice.Now rapid progress is being made as
systems programmed to adapt easily (39) ______ each new speaker.
The IBM Tangora system,under development at the end of 1980s was claimed to (40) ______a spoken
vocabulary of 20,000 words with 95 percent accuracy. The system includes a processor that can make informed
guesses as to(41)______is a likely sentence.That system has been programmed not only with grammatical
rules,but also with an analyssis of a vast quantity of office correspondence.On the(42) ______
of this information ,the machine can calculate the probability of one particular word following another.
Statistical probability is necessary for computers to interpret not only speech but also (43) ______data.
Security systems can distinguish between faces they have been taught to recognize,but never has a computer
been able to match a human’s ability to make sense of a three-dimemsional scene(44) ______identifying all
objects in it.
(From ‘Heinle & Heinle TOEFL Test Assistant .Grammar’ by Milada Broukal)

Question 35: A. no B. not C. nothing D. none

Question 36: A. on B. up C. in D. for
Question 37: A. talk B. answer C. communicate D. react
Question 38: A. truly B. completely C. accurately D. right
Question 39: A. with B. for C. within D. to
Question 40: A. know B. recognize C. master D. realize
Question 41: A. which B. what C. how D. that
Question 42: A. foundation B. principle C. ground D. basis
Question 43: A. visual B. noticeable C. seen D. visible
Question 44: A. from B. by C. of D. without
Question 7: Today’s scientists have overcome many of the challenges of the depth by using more
sophisticated tools.
A. complicated B. worldly C. experienced D. aware

Choosing a career may be one of the hardest jobs you ever have, and it must be done with care. View a
career as an opportunity to do something you love, not simply as a way to earn a living. Investing the time and
effort to thoroughly explore your options can mean the difference between finding a stimulating and rewarding
career and move from job to unsatisfying job in an attempt to find the right one. Work influences virtually
every aspect of your life, from your choice of friends to where you live. Here are just a few of the factors to
Deciding what matters most to you is essential to making the right decision. You may want to begin by
assessing your likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. Think about the classes, hobbies, and surroundings
that you find most appealing. Ask yourself questions, such as “Would you like to travel? Do you want to work
with children? Are you more suited to solitary or cooperative work?” There are no right or wrong answers;
only you know what is important to you. Determine which job features you require, which ones you would
prefer, and which ones you cannot accept. Then rank them in order of importance to you.
Question 31. The author states that “There are no right or wrong answers” in order to____________.
A. emphasize that each person’s answers will be different.
B. show that answering the questions is a long and difficult process.
C. indicate that the answers are not really important.
D. indicate that each person’s answers may change over time.
Question 32: The word “them” in paragraph 2 refers to____________.
A. questions B. answers C. features D. jobs
Question 33: The word “assessing” in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by____________.
A. discovering B. considering C. measuring D. disposing
Question 34: Those are all the factors you should take into account when choosing a job EXCEPT for
A. Your likes and your dislikes B. The atmosphere at work
C. Geographical location D. Your strengths and weaknesses
Question 35: According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A. Choose whatever job you like. B. Never care about the right or wrong answer.
C. Decide to choose job offered to you. D. Ask yourself about what you like.

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