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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

COURSE: ELE412 Automatic Control Systems

SPECIALIZATION: Control/power Engineering

Control System Stability … Continued

Prof. Eisa Bashier M.Tayeb

• Main Stability Criterion.
• Ruoth-Hurtwiz Stability Criteria.
– Routh Tabulation.
– Special Cases.
The concept of stability has been studied in depth, and various
criterion for testing the stability of a system have been
proposed. Among them are:
1- Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria [algebraic]
It gives information with regard to the position of the roots of
the characteristic polynomial in the left- or the right-half
complex plane.
This criterion is simple to apply and, for this reason, it becomes
most popular in studying the stability of linear systems.

2- Root locus Technique [Frequency domain]:

this method consists of determining the root loci of the
characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop system when one or
more parameters of the system vary (usually these parameters
are gain constants of the system).
Nyquist; Bode; Nichols criterion [Frequency domain]:

These are graphical methods based on Nyquist diagram , Bode

Diagram, and Nichols diagram of the open-loop transfer

5- Lyapunov stability criterion [time domain].

This criterion is based on the properties of Lyapunov functions

of a system and mainly applied to nonlinear systems, but it may
be applied to linear systems .
Routh-Hurwitz stability criteria
The main characteristic of these algebraic criteria is that they
determine whether or not a system is stable by using a very
simple numerical procedure, without the need for determining
the roots of the characteristic polynomial.

Consider the system transfer function as:

N (s)
G(s) 
P( s)

Then; the characteristic polynomial P(s) is:

P(s)= ansn + an-1sn -1+ an-2sn -2+ ….. + a2s2 + a1s + ao

The Routh criterion determines the number of the roots of the
characteristic polynomial p(s) which lie in the right-half complex
plane. This criterion is applied by using the Routh Tabulation
sn an an  2 a2 a0
s n 1 an 1 an  3 a1 0

s n 3 an 1an  2  an an 3 an 1a2  an a1 an 1a0  an 0

A B  a0 0
an 1 an 1 an 1
s3 Aa3  a5 B Aa1  an 1a0
C D 0 0
a5 A
s2 BC  AD Ca0  an 0
E  a0  a0 0
EC  Aa0
s 1 F 0 0 0
s 0
 a0 0 0 0
The polynomial p(s) has one or more roots in the right-half
complex plane if:
- at least one of its coefficients is zero
- and/or all coefficients do not have the same sign.
(definitely unstable)

The necessary and sufficient conditions for stable system is:

The first column of the Routh Table does not involve any sign

If it involves sign changes, then the system is unstable and the

number of roots of p(s) in the right of S-plane is equal to the
number of sign changes.
Example 9.1
Investigate the stability of a system with characteristic polynomial

P(s)= s3 + 10s2 + 11s + 5

3 A=(10x11-1x6)/10=104/10
s 1 11 0
s 2 10 6 0
s A B 0 C=(10.4x6-10x0)/10.4=6

s0 C D D=(6x0 -10x0)/6=0

s 1 11 0
Since the first column of the 2
Routh Table involves no sign
s 10 6 0
changes, the system is stable.
s1 10.4 0
s0 6 0
Investigate the stability of a systems with characteristic polynomial

P(s)= s4 + s3 + s2 + 2s + 1= 0

P( s)  2s 4  s 3  3s 2  5s  10  0

There are two cases in which the Routh criterion, cannot be

These two cases are:
A Zero Element in the First Column
A Zero Row in the Routh Tabulation
1- A Zero Element in the First Column of the Routh Tabulation:

Example 9.2:
Investigate the stability of a system with characteristic polynomial

P(s)= s4 + s3 + 2s2 + 2s + 3

s 4
1 2 3 A=(2-2)/1= 0

s3 1 2 0 Tabulation completed because:

s A B 0
C D 0 B=(3-0)/1=3
s0 E F 0 C=(0-3)/0=∞
To continue; multiply p(s) by the factor (s+1), we have

P^(s)= (s+1) P(s) =s5 + 2s4 + 3s3 + 4s2 + 5s + 3

The New Tabulation is to be completed:

s5 1 3 5 The polynomial has two roots in the

4 right-half complex plane, and therefore
s 2 4 3 the system with characteristic polynomial
s3 is unstable.
Another procedure is to replace the
s zero with є and continue as usual.
2- A Zero Row in the Routh Tabulation:

Routh array cannot be completed, To overcome this difficulty,

we proceed as follows:

1. Form the ‘‘auxiliary polynomial’’ q(s) of the row which over

the zero row.

2. Take the derivative of dq(s)/ds and replace the zero row

with the coefficients of dq(s)/ds .
3. Complete the construction of the Routh array in the usual
Example 9.3:
Investigate the stability of a system with characteristic polynomial

P( s)  s 5  s 4  2s 3  2s 2  3s  3  0

s5 1 2 3 Tabulation completed because of

s 1 2 3 Zero Row
s3 0 0 0 Form the auxiliary polynomial
2 q(s) = s4 + 2s2 +3
0 dq(s)/ds= 4s3 +4s
The New Tabulation is to be completed:

s 1 2 3
s 1 2 3
s 4 4 0
Example: 9.4
Determine the range the gain K such that the system is stable. The
system characteristic polynomial is:

P( s)  s 3  10s 2  11s  K  0

s3 1 11
s2 10 K
s 110  K 10 0
1 110-K>0; K<110

s0 K>0;
K 0

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