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16/9/21 20:54 pref_6_Listening 1.

6: Revisión del intento


Comenzado el jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021, 20:45

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021, 20:52
Tiempo empleado 7 minutos 14 segundos
Puntos 82,76/100,00
Calificación 4,14 de 5,00 (83%)


Listen to the following conversation. 1/4
16/9/21 20:54 pref_6_Listening 1.6: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 82,76 sobre 100,00

I. Listen to the first 2 minutes in the audio. It is the story "The stolen car". Complete the story in passive voice . Use the following verbs:
steal x 2 - return -  repair  - smash - keep - buy - sell  - pull


0:00 / 0:00

Last month John’s car

not a noun

 in Toronto. The front window  

not a noun

 by the thief, and the car was driven out of the city. It
not a noun

 in an abandoned lot for a week. Finally the window  

not a noun

 and it
not a noun

 on the black market to a used car dealership. Soon, it  

was bought

 by a young man who drove it out west to visit his family. In Alberta the young man  
was pulled

 over for speeding. The car was seized by police because the license plate indicated it  
was stolen

 . Finally the car 

was returned

 to John. He couldn’t believe all the crazy things that had happened to his car.
II. Listen to the story again and select the best answer for the following questions.

1. When was John's car stolen?

It was stolen last month  2/4
16/9/21 20:54 pref_6_Listening 1.6: Revisión del intento
2. How was it stolen?

The front window   was smashed by the thief   

3. Where was the car kept for a week?

It was kept in   an abandoned lot  .

4. What was done to the car before it was sold on the black market?

The   window was repaired  .

5. How was recovered the car?

The car was   seized by the police 


III. Listen to the rest of the Audio (the other 2 minutes). It is a second story "The tornado" Select the best answer to complete the story.

0:00 / 0:00

Last month, the Johnson’s house was destroyed  by a tornado. The roof was ripped  off during the storm. The car was

picked up  by strong winds and dropped 2 miles from the house. Most of their possessions were lost  in the storm.

The Johnsons were housed  and fed during the ordeal by family and friends. Luckily the Johnson’s house was insured  .

Now the house is being renovated  . The walls are being repaired, the roof is being rebuilt, and all of the rooms

are being painted  . The entire house is being refurnished. A lot of money is being spent  to repair the house, but at least

the family wasn’t killed  by the storm.

IV. Listen to the story again and select the best answer for the following questions.

1. What happened to the Johnson's house?

It was destroyed by a tornado  .

2. Where was the car dropped by the wind?

It was dropped 2 miles from the house  .

3. Who were the Johnson's helped out by during their ordeal? 3/4
16/9/21 20:54 pref_6_Listening 1.6: Revisión del intento

Johnson was helped by family and friends  .

4. What kind of renovation is being done to the house?

All the rooms are being painted  .

5. What is the downside to this situation? 

A lot of money is being spent  .


◄ pref_6_Grammar 1.6

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pref_6_Reading 1.6 ► 4/4

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