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16/9/21 20:15 pref_6_Grammar 1.

6: Revisión del intento


Comenzado el jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021, 20:11

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Finalizado en jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021, 20:14
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16/9/21 20:15 pref_6_Grammar 1.6: Revisión del intento

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Look at the following video to differentiate between active voice and passive voice.

Active vs Passive Voice

 Now that we remember the difference, let's see how do we form the passive voice:

1. YES 

Cómo entender la Voz pasiva en Inglés FÁCILMENTE / Alej…


I. Read the following sentences and select if it is passive voice or active voice.

1. The entire apartment was painted by Mike.                   passive voice 

2. The teacher always answers the student’s questions.    active voice 

3. The book has not been read by them.                               passive voice 

4. The test was designed by the teacher                               passive voice 

5. Caroline eats two cans of tune daily.                                 active voice 

6. This computer was not sold by you.                                 passive voice  2/3
16/9/21 20:15 pref_6_Grammar 1.6: Revisión del intento

7. Sophie read the book last week.                                       active voice 

8. The mouse was chased by the cat.                                   passive voice   

9. Cindy bought the cake for my father.                               active voice   

10. Paul drives to work every day.                                         active voice 

II. Write the following sentences into passive voice.

1. The boy asked a difficult question.

a difficult question was asked by the boy

 .
2. Mason will break the glass

the glass will be broken by mason

 .
3. The police caught the thieves.

the thieves were caught by the police

 .
4. My mother bought a gift.

a gift was bought by my mother

 .
5. Sophie cleans the bedroom.

the bedroom is cleaned by sophie

 .

◄ pref_6_Vocabulary 1.6

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