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Cal Mechanical Dept (GIA)) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Experiment No-2
Introduction to Creativity and Its Process
Objective: - To know about Creativity and its benefits
To know use of Creativity and its process
When you hear the word “creative,” what comes to mind? Do you immediately think
of something creative such as painting or dancing? Do you think of medical
revolutions or scientific discoveries? Do you think of world front-runners or
community activists? Do you think of specific individuals? Do you consider yourself
a creative person? Creativity can mean different things to different people and the
way one evaluates their own creativity is often effected by the opportunities and
experiences they had early in their lives. Some people are encouraged to try new
things and others are criticized for doing so. Some people are exposed to a variety
of interesting experiences and others are not. Some people think of themselves as
creative and others do not.
As a Mechanical engineer, it’s your responsibility to demonstrate that creativity is
something everyone possesses regardless of age or ability. We are born curious, and
with the right support, that curiosity leads to new ways of thinking and doing. As
you have learned in previous courses, people take cues from you. When you
acknowledge your staff for developing learning experiences that support creativity,
applaud children and youth for their creative efforts, and provide opportunities for
staff and families to participate in creative endeavors, you are igniting creativity.
Creativity is promoted when you show people how to be creative, not when you tell
them to do so.

Cal Mechanical Dept (GIA)) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

What Is Creativity?
Creativity cannot be defined simply. Creativity can be expressed intellectually,
artistically, socially, and physically. According to school technology consultant
Doug Johnson, creativity can be demonstrated in a number of different ways:
• As writers, presenters, and storytellers
• As numeric problem-solvers
• As graphic artists through drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, and
• As athletes and dancers kinesthetically
• As musicians creating new works, performing, and conducting
• As humorists in all media
• As team-builders and collaborators
• As problem-solvers
• As inventors and systems innovators
• As leaders who organize, motivate, and inspire
• As excuse-makers
Regardless of the creative endeavor, all share common attributes. Creativity must
represent something different, new, innovative, useful, and relevant (Kaufman,
2009). Creativity can be expressed in a process, product, or both. In fact, all creative
products are the result of engaging in a creative process. When there are peace talks
between countries and a resolution is reached, a creative process is used. When a
team of medical researchers develop a new drug for diabetes, the product is creative.
When a group of junior high students create a website for their school, which is both
a creative process and product.
Creativity is the result of having a curious mind that is propelled to explore and
experiment, a mind that is disciplined to think critically and divergently. "Creativity
is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought." -

Cal Mechanical Dept (GIA)) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Creative Process

Cal Mechanical Dept (GIA)) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Develop creativity in mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the most diverse engineering fields. Mechanical
engineers work to develop new tools, systems and plans to optimize performance for
a company or client. After all, they start by evaluating the current system and
building on an understanding of what works and what does not. However, after the
education phase, they identify problems and find out tools and techniques for
optimized solutions.
What can you expect from a mechanical engineer job?
Responsibilities of Mechanical engineer
The mechanical engineer job description requires a variety of everyday tasks. It
completely depends on the project. The mechanical engineer will spend a lot of time
on one aspect of the creation process, which covers the way to making the other parts
easier. They may manage multiple projects at once and change tasks throughout the
day. Mechanical engineer responsibilities include:
1. Designing equipment modifications and system changes
2. Evaluating current systems for weakness and opportunities for improvement
3. Creating, building, and testing multiple designs and process
4. Calculating the cost of the improvement versus the benefits to the corporation or
5. Presenting budget proposals for the creation of additional tools to improve


Cal Mechanical Dept (GIA)) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

Experiment:-2 Part B
Creative Use of Bic Pen (one type of ball
point pen)
Find out for and mechanical feature based product
other and list its other used. Think out of box.

Here we have listed creative use of ball pen

1. for writing any article

2. Use as a straw to drink
3. Use as a toy "telescope" for kids
4. Use to unlock a bike or any lock
5. Use to make a crossbow
6. Use as a paper punch
7. Use to store & pass secret messages (pop out the tube of ink, insert a small
paper scroll, put ink back)
8. to make a chandelier ( Zummer in Gujarati)
9. use the sharper end of the pen top to scrape away excess glue an improvised stabbing weapon a source of plastic to melt down
12. Use as a wire guide
13.Use the ink to ruin a perfectly good white shirt
14.Use the pen top to enhance your key chain flashlight
15.Create a blow gun / spitball delivery device
16.Use as a ruler

Cal Mechanical Dept (GIA)) Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship Development(3351906) 2020

17.remove the guts and use to carry toothpicks or other small objects
18.As a building material kids projects (think Lincoln Logs, but using pens)
19.It can be used to make it syringe
20.For make a tattoo gun (Link)
21.As finger splint perform an Age Test
23.For making an antique radio alignment tool
24.For making a homemade resistor
25.For making a Gambit screwdriver
26.For making a Smart Phone Stylus
27.Use as a paint stirrer
28.for making a whistle
29.Use as to prepare rocket Model
30.Use to make a fishing pole

Reference: -

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