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Xayezi S.

Ablen III Course Syllabus

Grade 12- Joule Quarter 3-Week 1-2

Brainstorming for Research Topics


Activity 1: Graphic Organizer

Importance of Research in Daily Life

*The research uncovers previously undisclosed answers, filling information holes that require proper

*Research is the best and reliable way to understand and act on the complexities of various issues that
we as humans are facing.

* It's a way to better understand topics and raise public consciousness.

* It is both a source of nourishment and a form of mental exercise. Keeping the mind busy can also aid in
the prevention of psychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's. 

Activity 2: Graphic Organizer

Common Student's Problem

* Struggling with time management.

* Stress from schoolwork and family issues

* Financial Problems.

* Failing grades.
III: Reflection

In this series of topics, I learned that...

a) research

Research is an investigation aiming at the discovery and analysis of evidence, as well as the
modification of existing hypotheses or laws of new facts. It is the process of gathering knowledge on a
specific topic.

b) importance of research

Research is important because it provides the best solutions to some of the world's problems
while also expanding the researchers' knowledge. Research is the best and reliable way to understand
and act on the complexities of various issues that we as humans are facing. It also provides answers to
specific questions presented in the research problem.
Identifying the Problem and Asking the Questions


Activity 1: Proposed Research Problem

Topic Relative Problems or Issues

Social Media a. Effect of social media to the interpersonal skills of the students

b. Impact of social media to the academic performance.

c. Over reliance of teens in social media.

Gender Discrimination a. Women as victims of human trafficking

b. Forms of gender discrimination in a contemporary society

c. Gender inequality in work organizations

Bullying a. The impact of bullying in school on the adolescent’s sense of self

b. The Impact of Bullying on Academic Success for Students

c. Bullying increases chances of mental health issues and unemployment in

later life

Disaster response a. Poor telecommunications or surveillance

b. The lack of public and staff education about disaster risks

c. Non availability of micro level risk assessments

Activity 2: Drafting the Research Questions


Problem or Issue The impact of bullying in school on the

adolescent’s sense of self

People most affected by the issue Adolescent

Type of problem This type of Issue affects someone's feelings,

attitude, skills and perception of life.

Probable cause of the problem *Those who bully may have been bullied
themselves in their real lives. Being ill-treated
repeatedly, these individuals recognise violence as
a means of dictating authority instead of
productively helping others.

*Bullying occurs when one seeks for social

attention, recognition and acknowledgement.

*Bullying also happens if the person who bullies is

envious or upset with someone in particular.

Goal for improvement To effectively address this issue, I plan to organize

a bullying-related event. As a result, people,
particularly adolescents, will be more mindful of
what bullying is and how it affects individuals.

Proposed solution to the problem Evaluate Bullying Prevention Programs

Most schools have an anti-bullying policy in place

and participate in bullying prevention activities.
However, not all systems are successful. Proactive
and attentive systems are characteristics of high-
quality programs. In other words, they have
features that are intended to discourage bullying
from occurring, but they are also successful in
disciplining bullies and helping victims of bullying. 

The emphasis of this program is on character

education. Character education encourages
children to be diligent, respectful, and ethical in
their relationships with others and at school. As a
result, they understand how to properly interact
with their teachers and peers.

III: Reflection/s

In this series of topics, I learned that...

a) Research Problems
Is a specific issue, contradiction, or gap in knowledge that aims to address your research. It
provides direction and defines the purpose/s of any particular research study, typically posed in the
form of a question.

b) Research Questions

A research question is essential to guide a research paper, project or thesis. It defines exactly
what the researcher is trying to find out. It pinpoints exactly what you want to find out and gives work a
clear focus and purpose. These questions influence most of the rest of the steps taken to conduct the

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