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RECOMENDADAS Y VOLUNTARIAS (NO forman parte de la evaluación extraordinaria de septiembre)

B: Wow, that’s surprising. This is the best party
Grammar I've _____ been to!

Present perfect Vocabulary

1 Complete the table. Jobs

Present perfect
5 Match the pictures to the words.
Affirmative I have (1) ha__ a job.
1 radio DJ __ journalist
__ astronomer __ pilot
She (2) _____ (3) be__ to the
__ fire fighter __ vet
(5) eat__ lunch. 1 2 3
Negative They (4) _____

He hasn't (6) se__ that

Questions (7) _____ we Yes, you have.
and short helped you?
4 5 6
answers No, you
(8) _____.
Has it rained Yes, it
today? (9) _____.

No, it hasn't.
2 Choose the correct option.
6 Complete the verbs.
You have / Have you worked in a shop before?
1 Megan has worked / work with animals. be ill 4 g_ _ sunburnt
2 I haven't / hasn't flown a plane, but I want to! 1 l_ _e your suitcase 5 m_ _s a flight
3 Erin and Ben have / has been to Barcelona. 2 ex_l_re a new place 6 g_ abroad
4 John has selled / sold things on eBay. 3 f_ _get your passport 7 b_y souvenirs
5 Have / Has the firefighters saved all the people?
Talking about work experience
3 Write the verbs for the past participles.
1 find found 7 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.
2 _______ taught 6 _______ forgotten A I love talking to people, and I enjoy
3 _______ eaten 7 _______ seen working in a busy, friendly place. __
4 _______ flown 8 _______ written B Yes, I have. I had a job as a waiter last
5 _______ studied 9 _______ swum year. __
C What would you like most about this job? __
Present perfect with ever and never D So, have you ever worked in a café
before? 1
4 Complete the dialogues with ever or never. E No, I haven't. But I can cook and I love
A: Have you ever made a video? food. __
B: Yes, but I've never put one on the internet. F That’s good to hear. Have you got any
1 A: Ryan has _____ written a blog. experience of working in a kitchen? __
B: That’s true, he hasn't. Has he _____ made a
2 A: Did you know that Emily and Julia have
_____ organized a big party before?


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