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Unlocking the Power of Quantum Healing and Endless Energy

in Times of Tremendous Change
In this special report, Dr. Jean Houston shares how to tap into The Power of Quantum
Healing and Endless Energy to create a new reality, regardless of the chaos and upheaval,
or silence and isolation, that may seem to engulf you.

If you aren’t already familiar with Jean, she’s a scholar, philosopher, author, researcher in
human capacities, and one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement.
Jean has collaborated with some of the most influential leaders in the last century
including Buckminster Fuller, Margaret Mead, Jimmy Carter, Aldous Huxley, Joseph
Campbell, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Bill & Hillary Clinton.

Deepak Chopra called Jean “The most important person alive in the world today when it
comes to human and social potential.”

However, of all of Jean’s extraordinary gifts and abilities, her most potent superpower is
her ability to ignite greatness in others.

Last week, amidst today’s turbulence, Jean sat down to share how to begin tapping into
“The Power of Quantum Healing and Endless Energy” and why doing so can help you thrive
during times of tremendous change.

1. What are Quantum Powers?

JEAN: Quantum fields have been known about for some time now, but it’s only very recently that
a few of us – and I’m one of them – have been figuring out ways to bring these quantum powers
into daily life in ways that allow you to step into much, much larger possibilities for your life.

Quantum Powers are based on the recognition that we not only live in the universe, but
the universe lives in us. With a turning of the mind and the psyche, one can tap into this
great universal, loving, creative force and use it for the manifestation of healing and greater

2. What are the SHIFTS people can expect after tapping into “The Power of Quantum
Healing and Endless Energy?”
JEAN: By tapping into your Quantum Powers, you will experience increased bursts of inspiration
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and creativity, allowing you to accomplish more at optimum energy levels. You will develop
profound healing and energizing techniques to more clearly ‘feel’ into issues that arise in your
body, intuitively knowing how best to approach them. You will come to know and experience
yourself as deeply loved and cherished. You’re empowered, you’re affirmed, and the fullness of you
is ignited.
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3. How can people use this Quantum Power to address the health issues & energy drain
that they’re experiencing right now?
JEAN: Finding nourishment through the silence, isolation, and/or chaos is the key. Right now,
it seems that everyone wants to eat and bake bread, and I can understand why—they’re trying
to feel nourished and nurtured. ‘The Quantum Power of Healing and Endless Energy’ allows you
to find nourishment and nurturing, not just from the bread, but also through the silence and
isolation. It can help you tap into the things that are trying to rise up—the spiritual things.

4. What step can someone take to begin tapping into this power right now?
JEAN: You must begin by connecting with (what I’m calling) your ‘quantum partner.’ Write a letter
to this all-knowing, all-loving spiritual partner—whether you call it the entelechy, God, Aegis, or
just ‘spiritual partner:’
‘Dear spiritual partner, how can you help me now? I feel…’
And insert whatever you feel. Then, respond back as the spiritual partner, as a stream of
consciousness. Listen deeper, and if you get words, say them out loud. As you write with your
great, loving friend, know that so many potentials are being grown in you.

5. Why do you believe “The Power of Quantum Healing & Endless Energy” so important
right now?
JEAN: At this moment, it might feel like life is taking everything out of you, but it’s possible to tap
into a deep reservoir of energy that is provided by the universe. ‘The Power of Quantum Healing
& Endless Energy’ is about becoming profoundly identified with the universe’s endless energy. All
of its energy, potency, and renewal is waiting to refresh you and light you up again, no matter how
drained you are.

Join us at the upcoming online event to discover more about how

to unlock The Power of Quantum Healing and Endless Energy!
Over the past decade, Jean has been conducting exciting research on how we can propel
ourselves beyond many of the limitations we believe we have.

And in the upcoming online event, she will share her findings with you and show you how to
begin overcoming those imagined limitations to reach a higher state of empowerment.

And she’s discovered that everyone, including you, has access to dormant Quantum
Powers that you can begin using right away to have more control over the direction of your

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When you Unlock Your Quantum Powers, you can gain:
• The power to expand time so you can do more in less time than ever before without
adding stress to your life
• The power to experience “sustained fire” to keep you operating at your highest energy
level throughout even the longest, most challenging days
• The power to partner with the energy of the Universe to more easily accomplish your
goals and fulfill your dreams
• The power to expand and express your creativity without sacrificing your daily
• The power to almost magically attract the money, people and resources you need to
move your projects forward and achieve the level of success you’re striving for
Use this guidebook before and during Jean’s FREE online event, 3 Keys to Unlocking Your
Quantum Powers, to quickly and easily establish a lifeline of endless support, healing, and
creativity during this unimaginable time.

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers


“The 3 Keys To Unlocking Your

Quantum Powers”

4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out Of

This Seminar With Jean Houston:
1 | Print out this Guidebook before the event starts so you
can write down your notes and insights as you listen.

2 | Before the event, think of the key areas in your life that
you want to transform. What areas of your life would
be most positively affected if you lived a life
beyond limits?

3 | During the event write down your “aha”s, insights and

discoveries while you listen—that way you won’t lose
the information most relevant to you.

4 | Think about how you can implement the insights Jean

reveals during the presentation.

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers


Preparation Tips

3 Simple Tips To Help You Prepare For

This Seminar With Jean Houston:
1 | Make sure you are in a quiet space where
nothing can distract you.

2 | Prepare your environment to best

support your awakening. Perhaps light
some candles or sit in a favorite chair.

3 | Take a deep breath, and then allow your

body and mind to be alert and focused
on what opens up for you during
the presentation.

‘‘ Take a deep breath, and then

allow your body and mind
to be alert and focused...

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers


Fill In Your Insights and Discoveries

while listening to the seminar

What are some of the common problems and challenges you face
in your life right now?

What do you yearn to do? What areas of your life would you like
to be more fully self-expressed?

According to Jean, what is the REAL reason you’re facing these

challenges? What’s the root cause of your problems?

If you could live a life beyond limits, what specific areas in your
life would benefit the most? What would that look like?

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers


Fill In Your Insights and Discoveries

while listening to the seminar

What would be possible for you if you had a sustained

partnership with the Universe? (Instead of just a singular
peak experience.)

KEY # 1 is: Gain About The True Nature of


KEY # 2 is: Unlock a Beyond .

KEY # 3 is: Access Your .

If you could “expand time” and be more efficient, what specific

things could you accomplish?

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers


Fill In Your Insights and Discoveries

while listening to the seminar

If you could automatically attract the right people and resources to

you, what specific projects could you finally bring to fruition?

Which story that Jean shared during the event touched you the most?
How does that story relate to your life?

Look at the next 60 days. Imagine if you can easily and consistently
access the powers of the Universe to support you in evolving and
moving forward in your life. What would that look like for your health,
career, and/or relationships?

What would it cost you NOT to fully access and sustain these powers?

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The 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Quantum Powers


Add Your Other Personal Notes Below:

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